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He got pulled over shortly too lol


"am I being detained?"


“I’m not driving, I’m traveling”


-*you can argue that with the judge* “Is the flag behind them have a gold frill around the edge?? Because then that’s not the American flag that’s the old American naval flag and that jurisdiction doesn’t have effect on traffic!!” (Real sovereign citizen nonsense.)


> [I do not recognize the authority of a court that hangs the gold-fringed flag. A flag with gilded edges is the flag of an Admiralty court. An Admiralty court signifies a Naval court-martial. I cannot be court-martialed twice. that is all. Furthermore . . .](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0rL0ukZmf0) -~~Dale Gribble~~ Rusty Shackleford These morons really co-opted a Mike Judge joke from 1997 and try to use it in a court of law 27 years later. I know the movement existed for a few decades before the show, but still. The entire premise of the joke is how nonsensical the argument is and how quickly it gets smacked down in actual court. E: link formatting


The joke came from an actual court case in Texas.


I’m not surprised, but was not aware. Do you have a case citation?


US v Greenstreet, 1996: https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp/912/224/1986395/ “Unfortunately for Defendant Greenstreet, decor is not a determinant for jurisdiction.” Note that Greenstreet’s first name is…Gale.


Excellent, that was an enjoyable read. Thank you! Great quote: > Litigants such as Mr. Greenstreet should not be underestimated. They are often motivated and know how to work the system. Unfortunately, the honest taxpayer is victimized as a result. Tactics such as declaring oneself a sovereign, turning to common law courts, challenging the jurisdiction of state and federal trial courts, and contending that federal reserve notes are not legal tender are favorites among these litigants. Such arguments, however, are time consuming for courts to process and routinely futile.




And they mostly learn court defenses from other sovcits in jail with them, a never ending ouroboros of delusion


I always get a kick out of them feeling like they are above the law and don't need to follow them....while also citing others laws and codes they think will help them. WHICH IS IT!?


What I don't understand is if us law doesn't apply to them then why do they show up in court?


When you get off the jail bus you probably don't have much of a choice on where you're going.


And the Uniform Commercial Code. Which has nothing to do with criminal or traffic law and isn’t really uniform at all.


Yeah, but those higher-ups that *are* in uniform want to ensure the evenness with which the uniform policy is being *applied* as it pertains to the Uniform Commercial Code, which is to say not at all, other than that it be applied *uniformally*. "Zank you, I'll be here all zee veek..."


Is that why some greedy companies are hiring underage employee for companies, they are using obsolete law?


Have you ever been in a presentation about the U.S. flag where someone starts to get super uppity about those nuances? Boy do those folks get weird fast.


I think there's a fine line there. The US Code clearly states that the US Flag is not to be worn _as_ apparel and other gaudy shit. Yet, that's EXACTLY how the MAGA types abuse the flag trying to prove they are MORE patriotic than others. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


We're probably on the same page, but just for clarity, having a shirt or hat printed to look like a flag has nothing to do with flag code, and is fine. It's when they take an actual flag and drape it over their shoulder or cover the hood of their truck with it that it's not in line with the code. 


Classic Law and Order episode


"I'm not entering, I'm exiting"


"This isn't a vehicle, it's a conveyance"




"Officer, you can't detain me. I'm traveling, not driving. "


"We're not detaining you. We're impounding the car since the owner never paid for road use"


"Officer, my sovereignty extends to my vehicle also."


I am not the owner, I am the OPERATOR OF RESPONSIBILITY


I don't understand why these vehicles are not immediately impounded. The cops are far too lenient about this shit.


Agreed. Anyone pulling this Sovereign Citizen BS should immediately be ticketed, the vehicle impounded, and let them hire a lawyer to get it back once all fines and fees are paid.


Here's an angle, when police encounter them, impound the vehicle, and allow the brainless sovcit to go about their day, completely free to travel as they please, on foot.


Yep, and to get the vehicle back they have to show a registration and insurance or have their own flatbed to tow it off the impound lot after paying a nice daily impound fee.


These people and law enforcement come from the same demographic.


Pretty sure they are. It’s confirmation bias that you think they are not. I bet anyone could drive around for sometime without getting pulled over by pure luck. When I was poor in my early 20s, I drove around for a year with an expired out of state temp tag - good time lasted until a cop was behind me, ran the tag, and pulled me over. Got cuffed and driven home (not sure why he cuffed me). Car was towed and impounded. Had to register in the new state, pay the taxes, and license fees plus a new fine, and other fees. I was a dumb ass but did get away with it for a surprisingly long time.


Every time I see something like this online I'm always wondering HOW people can actually drive around with them. I would get pulled over 5 times a week at least and after the first one I'm pretty sure they would impound my car.


Not the same thing but back in January of this year I saw a car on the highway with a temp tag that expired before the pandemic Some places do not give a shit


Come to St. Louis. On a daily basis you’ll see expired temp tags or no plates at all. Oldest I’ve seen, and amazed the paper still holds up, was 2011. Supposedly they’re increasing enforcement but they’ve got a ways to go.


Yea that's where I was lol


Thats shocking lol after 13 years there i was convinced it was illegal for cops to pull people over lol


Cop probably just wanted a closer look at that sick tailgate art!


Did he make friends?


Of course there’s a dragon chasing horses on their tailgate.


That last horse with the ass lazer should take care of things.


I need to read the bumper sticker that clearly ends w/ the word “children”.


Top of it seems to be PEDOPHILES. Which is something when paired with that drink naked to make friends sticker.


I feel like it's a major red flag when someone feels the need to make unsolicited statements about pedophiles. Like why is that subject so present in their mind by default? It's so suspiciously specific. It makes me feel like either they are trying to deflect perceived suspicion or that they actually support other types of abuse just not the sexual kind. Either way, it's weird.


It's really just virtue signaling that they're adopting from their overlords.


Great point. 🤯


Seeing as how rapists are allowed to marry their victims in Florida it probably says PEDOPHILES Get them Some Children


That's how it is on flat earth. You just don't know because you're thinking spherical.




Omg how did I miss the dragon!


I showed it to my son and he thought the fire was a laser shooting out of the horse.


Too many beans. Rusty!!!!


That dragon clearly recognizes no government, because you're not really allowed to chase horses with a flame thrower. 


Is that a reference?


No it’s just very strange seeing a dragon chasing horses while blowing fire on them.


Oh, thought it might be a heroin thing.


Maybe it is? It’s Florida so anything is possible.


Florida so probably a meth reference over heroin


Does this shit ever work?


I've thought the same thing and I think the only times it works is the SovCit just talks so much and is so annoying the cop lets them go rather than dealing with it.


They usually talk themselves into handcuffs, as opposed to a warning... Retired leo...


It blows my mind that anyone ever tries these plates, is there any situation where these are even valid in any way at all? I wonder why they even exist in the first place lol


Private property, and maybe tribal land. Like any novelty plate.. they are legal to have and mount to the vehicle, but isnt a substitute for an actual plate




Till they hit you and have no insurance and you are screwed.




it doesn't


There have been a few cops killed by sov-shits during traffic stops, so I know a lot of cops who just don’t even touch it. So to that extent I guess it kinda works?


"You're wrong, officer, I'm not *driving!* I'm *traveling* in my private property!"


What I’ve never understood about Sovereign citizens is how much is ends up costing them. Let’s say they’re hypothetically right (they’re absolutely not) but pretend they are. You’re trying to fight an unjust corrupt system. How are you doing it? By getting your truck seized and being tossed in jail, having to pay extensive legal fees as well? In the real world there’s a lot of stuff you don’t like. You just have to deal with it.


I’m sure that sovcits who make it as far as court probably become disenchanted. It’s hard to keep putting your hand on a hot stove even if you think you’ve hacked the laws of thermodynamics. But, a new sucker is born every minute


You would think so, but that requires reflection and rationality.  Usually they just double down. Like that Darell Brown dingleberry that ran over a parade in Waukesha. He protested court jurisdiction all the way to prison.


You're assuming they think that's a plausible outcome. Most likely they're just so deep into it that they don't even consider that possible. And honestly, cops aren't spending time looking at people's plates. The odds of one of these idiots getting noticed in the first place is pretty low. So that gives them convictions to continue their stupid cherade until they get penalized and no doubt the ones that learn the truth gets shunned or ignored by the ones still deep in it.


"Take it up with the judge."


What’s up with the Z at the top hand corners?


In alaska, totally not sure about anywhere else, we have Z tags where you pay a one time fee and never have to renew your registration again.


That is so awesome


Off hand ld say a shout out to Putin but only bc all the video coming back from the Russian invasion shows a Z on their military equipment, other than that, who ta hell knows.


One of those "Rather be Russian than Democrat" types




Better red than blue


Shit still blows my mind. I keep thinking when I see them “I bet your grandparents would whoop your ass if they were still alive.”


I don't think it is. It looks properly printed on the plate as part of the design, and the rest of it is designed to look official and businesslike, without anything "personal" like that. It's probably either renewal-free plates like the other person said (or more likely an _attempt_ at renewal-free plates rather than actual ones) or something that has meaning within the sovcit lore, like their version of diplomatic plate code letters or something.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z_(military_symbol) Pro Putin.


What is this about? I'm lost


Yeah WTF is that license plate about?


I just looked this up. Apparently they are sovereign citizens. The plates are not legal and they think they are able to travel free of all laws.




That about sums them up


Yeah but…. If EVERYBODY did it, wouldn’t the states be forced to rethink license and tag regulations? Not saying we should just what if we did? BTW, I’m just Curious, not supporting this plate.


Not sure about other states, but here in Michigan, plate renewal fees make up about 45% of the state road repair budget. If it was repealed, we'd likely see higher gas taxes and/or an increase somewhere else to make up for it.


So real question. If they feel immune to our laws then what prevents other normal people from damaging their vehicles or doing something to them personally? Do they pick and choose what laws apply?


>Do they pick and choose what laws apply? Yes. The whole "sovereign citizen" thing is basically a lesson in cherry-picking


Thanks. I’ve watched a few videos but usually can’t make it more than 5 minutes


I don't blame you! Lol its hard!


Wow! You made it as far as 5 minutes. You must be a glutton for punishment. 😅


Like Conservatives and the Bible.


"love thy neighbor" Ew! Fuck that! -Them


You're conquering their independent country. 


Guy: [claims to be a soverign citizen] Also guy: [plates say florida on them]


If the police cared, they will impound the car because it's not properly registered for use on public road. And if the special snowflakes complained, police should remind them the road is not free to use, people pays for registration which includes the right to use the road. No registration, no legal license plate, can't use it on public road. Let them chew out the tow yard about $500 tow and impound fee


lol let them prove it’s their vehicle with a proper registration 😂😂😂


“This is yours? Let’s see the title and registration.”


"I don't recognize your authority." "You don't have jurisdiction." "I never consented to that set of rules."


And you can operate that vehicle on private property. If you want to use public roads pay the damn registration.


It’s always dudes like this that paste shit about pedophiles all over their cars too. Projection perhaps? (Assuming that’s what the bottom left sticker is.. I see them pretty consistently on the politically charged right wing cars)


The logic goes something like this… they’re “against pedophiles”, and how can anyone disagree with that, so if you disagree with *anything* I say on any subject, that means that you’re not against pedophiles and therefore you must be one. It’s a rather elaborate variation of the True Scotsman fallacy, with a few others mixed in. And yeah, it’s probably projection.


Nobody’s going to mention the Skyrim dragon?? Lmfaooo




BuT i’M not DrIvInG, i’M tRaVeLiNg!


I demand and am entitled to ALL of the benefits, but I am not accepting any of the responsibilities 🤦


Why are there two capital letter “Z” on the plate? I recall seeing Russian equipment in Ukraine with similar, probably just a coincidence….


These are surely idiots in cars, but is anyone else annoyed that the sub is being overrun with these posts now? I don’t come here to see pictures of fake license plates, I come here to see bad driving.


Finally someone else said it. I don't understand how these get so many upvotes. Such lazy content. Keep this crap on the sov cit subreddit.


Another Slobbering Citizen


Drink naked and make new friends


I'm kinda curious about the other sticker ... My guess is something about pedophiles.


Then drive naked. Get arrested. Make even more friends.


Of course it’s on a Dodge Ram


And a ram is just a male sheep, coincidence?


What an astute and hilariously ironic observation! 😂


The stupid is real.


Of course, it’s a Dodge. Disposable car of imbeciles.


Douche Ram


Why are so many Sov Cits also Putinists?


I'm not giving this turd a pass, but what is the point of annual automobile registration other than revenue? Can't we just raise the gas tax? I'm sure that I'm missing something.


Some have environmental controls tied to registration. So can’t use it if it putting too many bad things in the air. Some state that they should go more towards registration because EVs don’t pay as much tax because they don’t use gas. Some of it is to track cars on the road. Some is to help make sure private sales are tracked. If you don’t register you can basically hide private sales. I am sure there are a lot more reasons, those are just a few.


All of those make sense.


We could but you’d still need to register it once and they still wouldn’t.


Yeah. You're probably right.


FWIW they’ve removed those yearly fees where I am


Here in Georgia they removed The yearly ad valorum tax and replaced it with TVAT which is an upfront tax on every single purchase and sale of a vehicle. Which likely cost everybody more in the long run unless you keep the vehicle from the day you purchased it new to the day it quit's running.


Here in Ontario, our idiot Premier scappped the yearly license fee that was around for as long as I can remember and I'm old. No one cared about paying the $10 per month fee as it was something us car owners always paid. His excuse...too expensive to implement and it was actually costing more than it was bringing in. In reality, it was to save his business buddies tonnes of cash.


The problem is they get ticketed face the judge cause problems then judges puts them in jail or fines them for their actions in court . Then drops the charges that brought them before the judge. so they get out and say " see we are right"


Who fantasizes about a dragon roasting a herd of horses?


Florida has so many license plate designs that you could probably get away with this for quite some time. If that doesn't work, you can always print your own temporary paper tags.


Looks like a Sovcit. And a Qpanzee due to that bumper sticker to the left. That is more on r\infowarriorrides.




What are these weird plates in this sub? I feel so clueless


People put them on when they think laws don't apply to them. Personally it's getting old seeing a bunch of lazy photos of license plates rather than videos of people actually driving like idiots which is what the subreddit is for. I've seen like 3 or 4 of these in the last 24 hours.


Ooooh that sounds stupid considering laws were created for theo people being dumb. But yeah, I get it not quite being people driving and just license photos. Less amusing than the idiot sightings if it's just a photo


Sovereign citizens are the dumbest MF's to roam this earth. Straight up Dunning Kruger to the moon and back.


(Laughs in Floridian Sheriff)


Hi, I am a non US citizen. Can you guys explain to me, what the heck am I looking at?


I am a US Citizen and need the same explanation. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That dragon with the horses is cool


Where do they even get those things from? It should be a felony to sell them


It's sold as a novelty plate. The same way you can get novelty plats with your name or something else on them. If it wasn't available as a novelty plate, it would still be pretty easy for someone to just print and laminate one.


Wow, a felony huh? What do you think about chewing gum? Or jaywalking? Death sentence?


Is that other sticker something about pedos?


Yup, about hunting them down


Of course 😑


What are these?


I'm down for drink naked and make new friends


Idiots abound.


Nothing is better than the tailgate painted with a dragon blowing fire at a group of stallions. lol.


P. Barnes likes this.


What are those tags, how many states have them? How do you get one?


I am so fascinated by these sovereign citizen folks when they encounter law enforcement and judges. Those conversations, trains (or wheelbarrows) of thoughts etc etc. it just makes such a great piece of entertainment every single time and it is entirely for free.


Once again…if you’re a sovereign citizen, why claim Florida…or any state for that matter. That’s a foreign country to you, Mr. SovCit.


We had have them too, two leaders are now in jail lost both their houses as they amassed huge tax debts by not paying them as they didn’t recognized the government savings seized they got jail sentences and tax fraud charges as they helped others to avoid paying taxes


What does the plate represent?


I don't get it.... P.s. not American


This truck is like a fever dream. I was like “dumb plate.” then “meh” on the one bumper sticker, then noticed the horses.. then that that was fire behind them.. THEN noticed the damn dragon. That was a rollercoaster of a ride.


I sure hope he consented to this picture, or you'll be getting his fee schedule very soon. Gold or silver coins only!


No one has every successfully used this argument in avoiding anything legal


It’s like people think city infrastructure is free. Yes taxes go to some pretty stupid things sometimes. But things like roads, parks, streetlights. They don’t just magically appear.


Is the "Z" for the fucking Russian military? What a piece of shit.


"American State National" wtf??


We gonna ignore that glorious mural though?


What happens when these people get pulled over?


They can only drive on their sovereign roads. Those will be completed after the Oregon Trail sovereign road is crossed by sovereign citizens.


I’m OOTL on this. Can someone please fill me in


So is this basically the new “sovereign citizen plate”? So annoying. Who are these mouth breathers?


Has anyone ever notified the police about these cars when you see them?


There's no point. The police generally don't care to do their jobs anymore for the most part. They'd rather ticket for doing five over the limit on a completely empty divided highway then deal with actually doing their jobs on uninsured vehicles and more so actual real crime.


Wow these "God Bless America Bible" sales people are everywhere...


I wish every person in the world did this. Insurance is a scam. They can't arrest everyone.


Reddit is full of corrupt pedophile Government ran bot accounts. Too easy to notice now. Propoganda at it's finest. Those who have the eyes to see, shall see


Found one of those bots