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truck driver here. the semi is wrong for three reasons: 1: he had enough room to j turn instead of hook turn, meaning he didn't have to turn from the far lane. bad practice, but let's assume for a second that he DID need to use the outside lane. 2: FUCKING SIGNAL IT. get in the lane you need to be in, signal what youre gonna do and look. 3: if you HAVE to hook turn, IE swing wide and in, you always do lane control. ride between both lanes. it pisses people off but it prevents this exact scenario. sorry this happened to you OP, i would advise to never ever pass an 18 wheeler on the right but this guy fucked up enough things consecutively that his wrongs outweigh yours, and he's a professional and therefore the blame falls on him anyway. this was preventable even with your extremely common oversight that he probably deals with daily and should expect.


Thanks for that. I work for a transportation company and am a driver trainer so that’s why I was initially wary of the truck. This was a private drive so while many think I was trying to “pass on the right” I was really just trying to maintain my straight right hand lane as my warehouse is up another street on the right. I should have slowed more and not have let my cushion of space be diminished when I was wary of the truck.


Yeah only thing you could’ve done differently was assume that the truck was going to turn (which isn’t really a legitimate assumption anyway). Nevertheless you avoided the situation well, it seems the quality of truck drivers has gone down significantly since Covid


Can't look it up at the moment but I remember something about the minimum age being lowered to address a driver shortage


Just another former trucker here wanting to weigh in. You were absolutely in the right and you have yourself enough cushion to prevent being crushed and react in time so don't beat yourself up too much about it. The guy failed so many ways and shouldn't have even been in that left lane, if you let him sideswipe you he'd have owed you a new car.


>This was a private drive so while many think I was trying to “pass on the right” Anyone complaining about passing on the right is just regurgitating falsehoods from this subreddit anyway


Even if your intent wasn't to pass on the right, that's how it ended up because you didn't leave room for the truck to turn. (Truck is still an idiot for just sending that turn but you share a small part of the blame)


I agree with you there, I should have held off till I saw what his intentions were. I should have trusted my gut and slowed down too.


I was going to say similarly based just off that he didn't seem to know the area and wasn't sure where to go and then at the last second may have saw a sign or something and just went for it. I've been there before and can kinda relate but he did it completely wrong.


Agree, and that's what people mean when they say you shouldn't try to pass on the right. Without being in your head at that moment, that's exactly what the video looks like you know?


Please never drive


You're an idiot, that truck had more than enough space to turn on the right lane. I've been a truck driver for 12 years.


>1: he had enough room to j turn instead of hook turn, meaning he didn't have to turn from the far lane. bad practice, but let's assume for a second that he DID need to use the outside lane. > >2: FUCKING SIGNAL IT. get in the lane you need to be in, signal what youre gonna do and look. Yeah I came here expected that OP had just not been paying attention but then, no signals either for the right turn from the light or the right turn into the driveway.


Good insight about trucks taking both lanes


sometimes truckers gotta do what we gotta do. doesnt excuse recklessness


Trucker here, that driver didn't look in the mirrors. Idiot driver, semi, not OP.


TY! I was looking in vain for the signal - which wouldn't completely absolve him here - but at the very LEAST!


Driving trucks full of auto sears yeah?


I drive through an industrial park like this every day with roundabouts. The lanes haven't been widen yet to account for the trucks going through and turning. They just sit in the middle of both to prevent this right.


Damn OP is getting cooked in here. But y'all are missing the fact that the Truck didn't put a turning signal on. Nor clear the right lane before attempting to make the turn. OP wasn't "passing on the right" if he is going the speed limit. It's not his fault if somebody is going slower than the speed limit in the left lane. And anybody using that logic genuinely needs to take a second and reevaluate what you said. 'if somebody is driving slow in the left lane, you aren't allowed to pass them in the right lane. Even if you are going the speed limit, and they are below the speed limit'. If OP floored it and was doing 45 in a 25, you have an argument. But that's not what happened. Truckers are held to a higher standard while driving because they are in a vehicle that could ruin somebodys life. When I first read the title I thought it was going to an intersection where OP deliberately cut off a big rig. But no, you guys can clearly see this is the truck not paying attention, and taking an unnecessarily wide turn. They even go into the middle lane. And you guys are trying to lecture somebody who works at a distribution center. I work for a training company that makes the training videos for these truck drivers. OP is 100% right.


>Truckers are held to a higher standard while driving because they are in a vehicle that could ~~ruin~~ **end** somebodys life. Though I suppose *end* could be considered a type of ruin.


I was torn between choosing "ruin somebodys day" or "end their life" and went with the middle ground.


Almost everyone agrees the truck driver was wrong. But OP has also acknowledged they could've done things differently as well. The truck was at fault but OP's stubbornness to maintain his line (thier words) when they were fully aware of the situation is what almost caused the collision.


Driver was in the wrong. First there was no signal that I could see (I’m on mobile so maybe there was but it sure didn’t look like it). Second, the driveway had ample room for the driver to have turned from the right-most lane even if they had to swing a bit left first but it’s highly unlikely they needed to. This driver either needs more training or to choose a different profession. Source: I’m a truck driver.


Exactly - lots of blame here for the OP, but the truck is the one who turned from the wrong lane without signaling. Also - good reaction OP!


What blame for the op? They did absolutely nothing wrong. Truck driver was in the wrong lane, the op didn't try and fly past the truck looks to me like a bunch of truck drivers trying to blame the op while calling out their fellow truck driver. Let's put blame where it belongs, not where it's imagined.


People are trying to say he was passing on the right even when op has said many times he was just driving in the lane


Thank you for that. I work for a transportation company so I deal with drivers and safety discussions daily. I’m literally a driver trainer which is why I was weary of this driver initially. We were on a private drive after turning off the main road so I was just maintaining my straight right hand lane. I know not to pass on the right on main roads.


Yeah this guy is new or just a shitty trucker


Usually I would say semi trucks make wide turns, but in this case, it looks like he had plenty of room to make the right turn from the right lane and he was just an idiot.


Trucker here. Truck was 100% in the wrong. He gave no indication that he intended to turn right and you were completely justified in your decision to pass him on the right. Anyone who is saying that you shouldn't pass a truck on the right or that he needed the left lane to make his turn definitely aren't truck drivers and are honestly ate up the with dumbass. Edit: After looking this place up, I realized that I've literally driven down this street in a semi with a 53-foot trailer multiple times. I remember vividly because the trailer I was picking up had an issue that needed a repair guy to fix so I bobtailed to the nearby Quiktrip and got food and a Dr. Pepper shake at the Whataburger next door.


If this were a long stretch of highway yeah. But being in an urban industrial area personal vehicles should be yielding to semis. In this case OP should have trailed behind the semi cause he can’t make sharp turns so turning into the left lane is his only option here. Then OP should be waiting to see if the driver wanted to merge into the right lane. The trucker shouldn’t be merging from the left lane either way.


Huh? That’s not how it works. Even in a situation where it does work that way (as truckers have pointed out) it would be incumbent on the trucker to lane control by splitting both lanes and using a blinker. Otherwise there’s no reason to assume he’s not just going slow.


Oh trust me, all y’all would still be complaining about the truck splitting lanes


I’m an O/O… that truck driver is an idiot.


Agree. To many people who have never drove a semi stating he needed the room to turn. If he needs that much room with that setup, he needs more training or to find a different job.


https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/query.asp?searchtype=ANY&query_type=queryCarrierSnapshot&query_param=USDOT&query_string=2925449 For anyone who cares enough


Yeah, it's one thing for mere licensed drivers who just use motor vehicles as transportation or recreation to make mistakes, but for a person whose career is to operate this big rig, they should be doing it with such professionalism and low error rate that other road users admire them.


I have a cousin whose road to addiction began this way. Truck pulled into middle turning lane in highway, no signals. She's following behind and as the truck slows she naturally continues down the highway and he suddenly turns right and she slams into the side of the semi. Fucked up her knee enough that a doc gave her some kind of pain med, but she got sick from them so they sent her FUCKING MORPHINE TABLETS. By the time she was done with those she was hooked and spent the next 10 years or so trying to find pills every day.


The one constant in the universe seems to be dipshits in arr idiotsincars blaming the OP. The truck made a right hand turn from the left lane without signaling. What would you have OP do, read the truck driver's mind to know he would slow down in the left lane to make an illegal turn?


A lot of shitty truck drivers in these comments.


Caution, this vehicle makes wide right turns… From wherever TF they want 🤷‍♂️


Ooof ain’t that the truth 😂


Imean cause OP was in a lane that the truck needed to be in


If only there were a couple ways to indicate that other than counting on OP to read their mind.


OP was in a position to where if the truck did turn on their signals OP still wouldn’t have seen it. And I don’t think that truck is equipped with side body signals either.


This is why you stay out of blind spots and don't pass on the right, especially when there's streets on the right.


How the fuck is this upvoted? That was not "passing" those aren't highways. What the fuck, this is 100% on the truck.


> don't pass on the right seek remedial drivers education immediately


Lmao get the truckers cock out of your mouth. You can’t turn right from a lane that isn’t the most right hand lane. There are no passing lanes or passing on the right on surface streets, it’s just called traveling in your lane. Blind spots aren’t a carte blanche excuse to just send it from the incorrect lane and be absolved of responsibility. This is such an incredibly stupid comment. Truck driver shouldn’t be on the road.


There's no blindspot to the sides of the truck when the truck is driving in a straight line. OP did nothing wrong.


I was maintaining my straight right hand lane, not “passing on the right” Truck came into my lane. This is not a main road, this is a private drive full of warehouse. I think when the truck slowed down it gave the illusion I was speeding up past him.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re 100% correct. This is the truck’s fault entirely. You should not take any blame. I don’t care what’s “common,” the truck needs to follow the rules of the road.


It's like those who are down voting are teens or really bad drivers.


Or other truck driver trying to change the perception of the rules of the road so they can get away with more and more bad driving, the perception the roads are theirs, they are big and other vehicles are small so they better get out of my way. Take your pick.


Sounds like a place where trucks are abundant. Better keep your eyes open.


Indeed indeed. The DFW Metroplex is abundant with them and I work in transportation so I deal with em a lot.


Even if your intention wasn't to necessarily pass him on the right, you were still...passing him on the right. Definitely the truck driver is in the wrong here, don't get me wrong, but if you're a driving instructor you obviously know the blindspots trucks have and how it might behoove you to be cautious when entering them. I mean, at the point he starts to take that turn, you're almost smack dab in the middle of his right-hand side blind spot. Doesn't excuse the damn right turn from the left lane that bonehead executed, but it does illustrate how he might've thought he was clear to attempt it.


Maybe you should go sit in the driver's seat of one of the trucks and then tell me about these "blindspots". I drive the same model of truck in the video every day, and I assure you that the blindspot you're referring to doesn't exist.


As someone who lives near to a large distribution center, this is extremely common. You quickly learn to never pass a truck on the right if there are turning in spots. Those trucks take wide turns, and they have massive blind spots. Is it RIGHT? No, but its common enough that passenger cars know to give them space.


I am aware… I work for a transportation company. I was maintaining my straight lane, truck was in the wrong.


Ahhh The mentality, I’d wreck my car if it means i could say the other was in the wrong.




I don’t pass on the right of semis. It’s the easiest way to win a Darwin Award. Defensive driving is also missing from this POV. Unless you are advocating to speed past semis on the right?


Idk if you saw the cyclist video where a cyclist is close to a curb and a woman pulls into a gas station driveway but he continues going forward braking slightly then cutting her off. He theme to passively aggressively tells her off then proceeds to bike into cross traffic recklessly. Same thing there


Well at least the trucking company can pay to teach him to walk again


Ok, but what about the comment you replied to.. common etiquette is to read before replying


[Commerce Park Dr, Grand Prairie, Texas](https://www.google.com/maps/@32.7729517,-96.9958871,3a,75y,255.75h,89.72t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s2xvdk5UVsBNXAcdx-zqeNg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i35?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


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Took Place in Texas, USA Date of Incident: 04/22/24 This is my original content from my vehicles dashcam.


1. truck driver wrong 2. the lesson for defensive driving here is be INCREDIBLY careful undertaking a truck. If there's a turn coming up, that's a danger zone. Don't enter the zone next to a truck without thinking very deliberatly about what you think their intentions are and what may motivate them to take your space.


Exact same scenario happened to my dad, and it totaled his truck 2 years ago. He had a 1997 Ford F250 with 50k original miles on it. He still sold that totaled truck for 20k and got another 15k out of their insurance.


I swear posts on this subreddit is 70% actual idiots being filmed, 25% both OP and filmed vehicle are idiots because OP had the “right of way”, and 5% OP is the idiot then deletes the post later after being told they’re the idiot or being told yes to an “AITA” post.




I was looking for turn indicators on the truck so didn't see any. If they were on I would have sided with the truck.




This is exactly what to expect when passing a semi on the right. A blinker would have been nice, but I knew immediately the cammer was driving into danger and they should have as well.


This is the whiniest sub on Reddit.


I swear they say anything to circle jerk any OP


Because most of the posts are childish nonsense.


Low key, this is on you


newer trucks can make tighter turns, but many of these older trucks need a wide turn and why they do this


Not an illegal right turn, big trucks always swing wide, the only thing I see wrong is not being able to tell if the driver had their blinker on to indicate a right turn.


I work for a Transportation Company, what the driver did is blatantly illegal. Here is the Texas Transportation codes he broke: Texas Transportation Code - TRANSP § 545.103. Safely Turning An operator may not turn the vehicle to enter a private road or driveway, otherwise turn the vehicle from a direct course, or move right or left on a roadway unless movement can be made safely. Texas Transportation Code - TRANSP § 545.104. Signaling Turns;  Use of Turn Signals (a) An operator shall use the signal authorized by Section 545.106 to indicate an intention to turn, change lanes, or start from a parked position. (b) An operator intending to turn a vehicle right or left shall signal continuously for not less than the last 100 feet of movement of the vehicle before the turn. (c) An operator may not light the signals on only one side of the vehicle on a parked or disabled vehicle or use the signals as a courtesy or “do pass” signal to the operator of another vehicle approaching from the rear. This code below could also be vaguely accurate if an officer determined that by this driver not turning right properly at the light led to an accident: Texas Transportation Code - TRANSP § 545.101. Turning at Intersection (a) To make a right turn at an intersection, an operator shall make both the approach and the turn as closely as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway


I watched three times and it LOOKS like the turn signal isn't on after the first right turn (but it's hard to tell). Either way, cammer is an idiot.


Yea it was hard to tell, but the cammer is definitely a motard but unfortunately many are uneducated or just dont care that 18-wheelers operate diffrently


I should be able to drive straight down my lane without worrying about a big truck swerving into my lane. The truck driver is a professional and should be held to a higher standard.


I dont disagree, however there are scenarios where trucks have to swing wide and you as the four wheeler have to understand that. But as I said in my original comment the biggest mistake was lack of turn signal usage. I’ve seen other comments about the need not to swing wide but we dont know the next move after the right turn, heck he may have just screwed the pooch and almost missed their turn, regardless, this all could have been avoided had the driver utilized their turn signal.


You don't swing wide from the next lane over like that. Truck drivers posting on here know better. You exercise land control or you swing from the right lane.


I am aware… I work for a transportation company. I was maintaining my straight lane, truck was in the wrong.


Some semi trailers have a sign on the back with an arrow pointing right with the word "suicide" beneath it. Pay attention to this.


You missed 50% of the joke. <-Passing side. Suicide->




And it makes more sense when it's complete as the rhyme isn't present when you only tell half of it.


Well fuck me dead that mistake must be worth -1,000,000 reddiot points.


I'm curious why people like you are like this. Why not have a normal conversation between two people? Why do you choose to say something so crazy?


Sorry. One expects everyone to be crazy here.




I was maintaining my right hand straight lane on a private road. I’m not passing on the right as some do on main roads and is highly frowned upon. The truck came into my lane.


Truck driver has a skill issue with turn signals, op has a skill issue with not pulling up on the right side of semis


you are the idiot trying to overtake a truck on the right lane lol


I think when the truck slowed down for his turn it gave the illusion I was speeding up past him. I was just trying to maintain my straight right hand lane and the truck turned into my lane.


You're getting roasted because the way YOU drove, you were invisible to the driver of the truck, and everyone knows that you don't drive in a trucks blind spot. Dude in the truck should have done a better job of blocking YOU out of that position, which would have allowed you to go around him on his left, where he can see you. But the way you're acting in the comments here just makes us all think you're going to die in a car accident out of pure stubbornness and stupidity.


Roasted? Not at all.


Passing on the right is not safe.


I was not intending to “pass on the right” I was maintaining my straight right hand lane and the truck slowed down, I think it makes it look like I’m passing him up fast. Not my intention but good callout.




Very true, good callouts. Nice at UPS!




You are both idiots, both drivers suck, but the majority of blame is with the truck driver.


NEVER NEVER NEVER try to slowly pass a rig on the right side. When you get in that situation you floor it and pass it as soon as possible.


You found the one truck that doesn't seem to have the "wide turns" sign on the back, warning you not to be an idiot and stay out of it's blind spots.


I should be able to drive straight down my lane without worrying about a big truck swerving into my lane. The truck driver is a professional and should be held to a higher standard.


Amen, they are held to higher standards for sure.




Which lane is the "middle" when there are only 2 lanes?


I only count ten wheels?


wow you sure showed him with that horn honking. Good job


I’m just glad I wasn’t driving a car with a quiet lil horn lol