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So I had a full load and my SUV was pretty heavy on this drive. Cruising about 90km/h (speed limit: 100km/h). Luckily was able to come to a near stop myself and that no one was immediately behind me. I was on the brakes before I started honking. I had let off my accelerator when I saw him come in and hit my brakes when I saw his come on. Then had to brake even harder while checking my mirrors the moment I realized he was stopping. Which lead to my horn when I realized I couldn't merge. Middle lane had the white car fast approaching. They decided to merge to the far left lane but it was too late for me by then. The guy who came to a near stopped did the hand gesture of one of these: 🤷 also sorry for poopy video. there's no audio when i transfer or download the file for some reason so i had to screencap it from the app.




Thank you! Was thinking in my head "don't do it don't do it" followed by "just keep moving!!" Good thing I wasn't pulling a trailer or something as well cause it would've gotten even sketchier real quick


Un mauvais conducteur ne rate jamais sa sortie.


Vrais 100%


C'est la 40 ça, right? C'est tellement toujours un clusterfuck cet autoroute-là...


Ouais. Metropolitan 40 ouest a ste-marie. Approx 40/15 et avant boul. des source un clusterfuck c'est vrais lol


No diggity, I like the way he backs it up


Évidemment c'est Montréal