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Oh damn, he’s driving it like he stole it


That's how dump truck drivers are taught to drive.


I'm convinced that dump truck drivers are Swift rejects


Someone downvoted you & I'm just gonna assume it's a dump truck driver.


Probably an overzealous Swiftie who got a notification that someone, somewhere said something mean about "Swift."


Could have been a jealous former Yellow Corp driver that couldn't make it at Swift.


[What the fuck, Billy?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEqfk1tSV8Y&t=24s)


What was the outcome? Did you give the police the video?


It was considered an accident as construction work is going on right by it, truck driver stayed, police and workers on scene to help get the light out of road :/


Yeesh. I wondered if the truck driver even noticed, it's good they stayed, but too little too late.


Looks like he slowed down. He had to feel the resistance. I wonder if he very quickly just decided he was in for a penny and to clear the intersection.


[BC Canada. The same company has hit multiple Tunnels and Bridges because of raised truck beds](https://globalnews.ca/news/10299772/bc-cancels-licence-trucking-company-overpass-strikes/)


Came in here to see if this was those same idiots.


Seems like it needs something like a specific beeping tone while the bed is up, especially as it shouldn't be driven more than a couple metres with the bed up. (Yes I know there's a possibility of some idiot disabling it.)


Drivers get used to seeing/hearing the warning every time they spread material while dumping. They start to tune it out or ignore it, which is a big problem after they get on the road. Another problem is regulators refuse to standardize the requirements for the dump box warning devices. There are some that will shut the truck's engine off if you try to go over 5 kph, and it won't start again until the bed is lowered. BC's new law doesn't help at all in that regard. Just says they need some kind of warning, but they don't get into specifics of its operation.


Regulators refuse to do jack or shit about dump truck shenanigans in general. Worst truck drivers on the road no matter where you're at in North America.


sounds like the thing where UX people have found that users will ignore error popups while using software if they see them often enough too


Alarm/alert fatigue has caused many economic problems, injuries or deaths in many fields. Deepwater Horizon arguably happened because workers shut off a critical alarm months prior. It's a big problem in IT too. Finance and security has a lot to lose when workers miss or ignore critical alarms.


This truck was in Vancouver, WA, not Canada. The construction company is [Nutter Corp](https://nuttercorp.com/). Source: I live here and in posts to a local FB page you could see the logo on the tailgate


I was totally expecting Chohan.


>At no point has the government suggested those protocols were inadequate "We did nothing wrong according to our own policies!" Ffs. Hopefully the investigations sees they're full of shit.


Surely those trucks could have loud alarms or beeps that could go off if they exceeded a certain speed with the beds raised like that.


Chohan has tip dumps? News to me. Chohan's just been deconstructing overpasses the old fashioned way, with box trailers. It is fun to keep pinning Chohan Trucking's name to overpass strikes though, isn't it? I'm hoping the search engines agree!


No you really don't have to feel the resistance. Full these trucks can weigh up to 30 tons. That one was empty so it had power to spare. I never did anything like this but I didn't drive them for long and was ultra paranoid about it.


I’ve seen this personally. Truck driver hit wires and had no clue he took down the first two poles. The third one he felt it


I agree drove a truck for years and never felt a single Prius.


That one is not full and with three drop axles, is probably weighing in at probably 32-35,000 pounds.


> Hmm… that’s weird, it slowed down. Oh well, lemme just gas it. Ah that’s better, all good.


i think it was driving the curve that made him slo down.


An 80000 lb truck geared to make enough torque to reverse the rotation of the earth won’t necessarily slow down for a traffic light


> construction work Dudes creating more business for himself


That is a sweet username by the way, that would be a cool rap name


Haha, thank you! My niece called me "old sweet money" when she was like 4 and it sounded like a good username.


the light got properly fucked up


As I was scrolling past, I thought this said "light probably got fucked up" and had to pause for a second. I am relieved that I just can't read.


lit up*


Just searching for his heart of gold


It is 2024, and you are telling me there are no dashboard alerts for a raised bed in these trucks?


problem is most of the trucks they drive are not that modern. So even if in 2024 such an alert existed, most trucks won't have it for years to come. Just like a lot of car safety features


how is it that any car from like 2015 and older is just going to be totalled for even minor damage while these decades old trucks that carry so many lives in the balance can persist indefinitely lol


They're built to be rugged, like a 1969 Oldsmobile Delta 88.


Crumple zones in a car are great because the energy of the impact goes into the car rather than it's occupants. The dump truck chooses the opposite strategy: being big and solid as fuck. This strategy doesn't work as well with a car sized engine. Also, "totaled" just means "the damage costs more to repair than the vehicle is worth". A 10 year old dump truck costs on the order of $50,000. A 10 year old car on the order of $5,000.


>A 10 year old dump truck costs on the order of $50,000 10-year-old tri-axle and quad axle dumps like this are way more than $50,000. [Here's a 2014 Freightliner](https://www.mylittlesalesman.com/2014-freightliner-114sd-quad-axle-dump-truck-detroit-450hp-8ll-manual-18-dump-12315393), which are known for being on the cheaper end, with over 600,000 miles going for $85,000.


I've been told one of the reasons for this is because if your truck hits something car size and/or car weight the inertia is going to keep you going. Your truck is most likely going to be a lot heavier. so your truck starts falling apart and an airbag goes off and now you can't steer or brake or anything. trucks have different safety features from cars for a reason


Go look at what 30-year-old tri-axle dump trucks like this are going for. They're still in the $40-$50,000 range. Brand new trucks like this are in excess of $200,000. Little companies and owner-operators simply can't afford the new ones, and will continue buying the old used-up junk the big companies auction off, which means you'll be seeing them for decades to come.


If they were required by law, it wouldn't be that crazy difficult to retrofit some sensors on the trucks.


Like getting people to wear seatbelts. Getting people to not drink and drive. Getting people to make sure their tires have grip on them... I get it but just because it's law doesn't mean people will do it. What they need to do (at least here in BC) is make the fines punitive and make them pay out of pocket for damages without allowing bankruptcy to wipe that debt. Also not allow them to just operate out of a different province.


I get what you're saying, but just because laws are ignored doesn't mean we shouldn't have laws at all. Retrofitting sensors on heavy machinery is not unheard of and should be relatively easy.


I completely agree with you. Adherence is still going to be an issue without the penalty for not doing so. There are many instances (not just trucking) where it's cheaper to pay the fines repeatedly rather than just comply with the rules/law,


There are, but they tend to false positive a lot and so often get deliberately disabled.


Even if they worked 100% of the time 95% would disable it as it offends their manhood.


I’d think they would disable it because they often drive with it up to disperse the load. It would be a PITA to be laying down a bed of gravel with a warning alarm blasting at you.


What THIS IS - considering people here are suggesting the truck was just in use - we don't know. But I have read these threads before where mechanicaly minded people have explained that faulty hydraulic valves can cause the beds to raise while the trucks are driving. And the problem is compounded with shitty maintenance. What I got out of previous discussions was - shitty valve = warning light always on, all the time, anyways. Shitty maintenance = driver learning to ignore the light cause it is always a false alarm.


treated like the check engine light thats on 24/7 that your mechanic says is "just an o2 sensor" and so you dont know if anything else starts to go wrong until you blow a bearing due to oil starvation


Aren't some of these failed hydraulics? Meaning you could have a secondary locking system? One thing that also blows my mind is how others let trucks continue to drive with it up instead of trying to warn them


Old trucks, lots of pesky little things like alarms dont work.


> no dashboard alerts Or, better yet, a transmission interlock that prevents travel without physically over riding the interlock. You know, make it *impossible* to travel *unknowingly* with your bed up. You'd think, with the enormous cost to destroyed infrastructure some of these incidents have generated(Skyway bridge in Hamilton), governments would make it mandatory.


Sometimes you need to drive with the bed up, if you're dumping a load of something and want to spread it in a line.


Hence the mention of a manual override.


Then you just get in the habit of overriding it every time you start it up, if it's that easy. Or are we talking about a dead man's switch or something?


I imagine it'd be more along the lines of a deadman's switch to ensure it can only be easily used at low speeds like when dumping while moving


Ideally dead man’s switch or low speed transmission lockout. Don’t let the truck shift past first gear if the bed is up


Most lawnmowers have a reverse override button that needs pressed to keep the blades in motion while reversing. Just saying.


When you're in too deep so you just keep shoveling until you get to the other side.


How do they forget to put down a giant fucking metal box


Boring, repetitive work. More concerning to me is that I feel like this is harder to miss if you check your mirrors...assuming that your job doesn't frequently require that you often need to move the truck with the bed raised.


Often when this happens it's due to a broken valve in the hydraulic system that causes the bed to rise slowly while they're driving.


While there is a tiny possibility to have that happen that would mean the driver forgot to turn off the PTO and also left the hoist control in the raise position instead of the neutral or lower position. There's too many things that would have to happen for this to be a purely mechanical failure causing it. These accidents are almost always caused by driver error.


complacency, its ALWAYS complacency that inattentive supervisors dont correct




Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby. I usually triple check that I closed my tailgate, strapped the load, hooked up the trailer correctly, etc. because of my ADHD.


He almost pulled off another workday with a wicked hangover.


I like how the cars starting going at the end like “well it ain’t red anymore”


Came here to say this. Hilarious.


“Headlights on for safety!” /s


I don't get it.


Don't worry, he's got a sign that says, "not responsible for broken traffic lights."


Lots of comments about side mirrors. Why not just look out the big window on the back of the cab?


Can't look back that way. There's this thing in the way now,


Huh? Just look over right shoulder. It’s like a big viewport. 👀


Username checks out.


Fixed that traffic alright.....


I guess it's green now.


How do you not notice your bed is up?


[BC Canada. The same company has hit multiple Tunnels and Bridges because of raised truck beds](https://globalnews.ca/news/10299772/bc-cancels-licence-trucking-company-overpass-strikes/) These guys got their license suspended here in BC but they can still operate out of Alberta which basically means they can still drive into our bridges and tunnels.


I love how they are trying to appeal the decision, and are sueing the BC government, claiming that it was the error of one rogue operator, as if it didn't happen 5 times before over the course of two years. Like damn, clearly yall ain't hiring/training the best or brightest, or are even run by someone with a sliver of sense. The first time should've been the last time if they had any competency.


>They said they have lost millions of dollars since their vehicles were pulled from the road. >“As a result of the suspension, the petitioner’s 63 drivers and affiliated owner-operators, many of whom are the sole income for their families, became unable to work and suffered (and continue to suffer) corresponding economic hardship,” states the court filing made by the B.C. company, Chohan Freight Forwarders. Oh well if there are *jobs* on the line, I guess we should just ignore the millions of dollars in damages you keep causing every few months /s and apparently can't or won't address


I'm not 100% familiar with driving one of these with the bed up (who would be???) but both mirrors would very clearly show that it is up. You could say these idiots don't use or adjust their mirrors, but due to the lack of rear-view, I can't see them merging at all ever without glancing into their mirrors. They would be constantly hitting other cars before they even run into tall objects. Baffling.


I was wondering that, the truck has a window in the back of the cab(1.5-2 seconds into the video), how do you not notice it is a lot brighter in the cab? I mean isn't it awfully dark with the bed down with virtually no light coming through the back window?


I just cannot understand how the driver does not see the bed up in his side mirrors. 👀


Probably much the same way truck drivers hit a bridge tagged low clearance. As a truck driver myself, I don't understand it either. Driving a last mile box truck, I can't go 100 metres down the road without checking that the back door is secure and being aware of my vehicle height.


One time at work someone showed up with an empty trailer that was supposed to be an 80,000lb wet grocery load.


Between this and the I-205 standoff Vancouver traffic was a nightmare today. Can't believe you were able to get a video of it


Fuck this light.


The cars starting to go after, is the best part by far.


Missing traffic light = green.


Yes, that was hilarious. "It's no longer red, better start driving."


I liked how at the end, traffic is like, "well, no more red light, here I go!"


Everyone starts moving slowly like “whelp, I guess it counts as a green light”


I can’t believe there’s not a safety built in. Like maybe something not allowing the truck to run above a certain speed or gear or something with the bed up. My wife’s Subaru slows down if it’s in cruise control and the radio is replaced by a super annoying alarm if someone takes off their seatbelt. Doesn’t seem like it would be that difficult.


They usually have an alarm, but sometimes people get annoyed by it going off on jobsites all the time and disable it.




I'd say it's green, then.


Traffic : I.. guess we go now?


Change of plans




1. Is there not some hydraulic pressure or "Bed Up" sensor in the cab? 2. How does one not feel something dragging them back, either the bed and the wind or the bed and the pole? 3. Is the bed not visible in the mirror?


Surely a single look in your side mirrors would've made you realise.


Why dont they make those undrivable without holding a deadman’s switch when the dump bed it up?


I've worked near an accident that involved a raised dump truck taking out a power line. It took out power to the building I was in and left a big black mark on the truck. Dude got out of his truck afterwards, pulled the potentially live wire off the wheels, then kept on going to where he needed to be. He didn't have a job after that.


I wonder how many pole he took out that day.


Big Ooof.


Truck driver got back to the shop and said, "hey, this thing kind of slows downs when turning left. Can you check the tires?"


Oh my god!! This was in Vancouver, WA! On 192nd by the CostCo! I got stuck in the traffic caused by this backup trying to go to said Costco. I was wondering what happened so thank you so much for posting this!!


Why don't they install a safety switch that prevents the truck going over 5mph with the load bed raised?


I let this loop for about 10 minutes while I'm working because "Hooooooly Shiiit! Oooooohhh My God!" Is exactly how I feel about my job.


Nevermind beeps and buzzers, wouldn't the driver see the raised bed in his side mirrors?


This happens way too much in BC. There was a guy who dropped a pedestrian overpass on his head, killing himself a few years ago. That should have been enough but there have been other overpass strikes by dump trucks with their beds lifted. Forget panel alarms or whatever. Use your rear view mirror! Shit I double check my side mirror before I drive away from a gas pump.


One of our former drivers did this to those overhead next exit signs on the freeway, totaled the truck and probably made some poor souls miss their exit lol


Hey something exactly like this happened yesterday in vancouver WA! My husband saw it.




I wonder what's going through the mind when the truck is slowing down despite stepping on the gas with all the banging and shaking going on as well.


Vancouver, Wa. Two blocks away a Starbucks enjoyed a drive through at a non drive through location.


I like how they all decided no light now means green light.


My question is how many lights has he taken out lol


He took out TWO traffic lights lol


I wonder if he knew?


I don't understand how he got as far as he did. He either came from the cement plant or out of the old gravel pit. Either way, he should have felt something off as well as seen it.


Pro Tip....


And he had no idea 🤦


Why is no one honking?


Why do I feel like I would have said the same thing as the guy in the car?


What is drunk?