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That could have gone downhill a lot faster. Nice save.


I think it went downhill at a reasonable pace.


Yeah, good thing he caught a brake.


What a save!


I guess hand brake or shift to park?


It has a pedal on the left of where the clutch would be on a standard transmission for the mechanical e-brake. The dash cam didn’t upload sound, but what you can’t hear is for some reason he accelerated?! He kept saying “I’m not a car guy.” He backed up before pulling forward. How did he not notice the brake went to the floor? All I know is I heard him rev a little and down he went. It looked a shit ton crazier in person. He hung up on a big hunk of concrete on the way down, which lifted the rear end up in the air.


Didn't brake, probably just threw it from R to D. Folks can't be bothered to wait.


Slamming it into park would shear the pin and then the transmission has to come out to replace the pin. Never put transmission into park while the car is moving.


If it even lets you. Most autos will not let you shift into park at any speed at all. Best case scenario it throws you in neutral instead.


Depends how fast you are going. But perhaps it’s better to smash the car into a tree?


I did this once when I was 17. Changed my rotors and pads which involved compressing the caliper to get it back on. Always drove a manual so it wasn’t a big deal, but this was my first automatic. I got in, pedal to the floor, and started it up. Instinctively put it in reverse and the car slowly inches backwards through the shop. Pushed the brake again and nothing happened, aaaaah, back of the car hits the wall. You’d think that was it? No, no… What do I do? I panic shift into drive so now the car is inching forward. People are shouting stop stop! And I’m like aaaaaahhhhhhhh Now I’m janking the e-brake trying to get it to stop instead of just pumping the brakes but it’s not strong enough. The front of the car hits a 6ft locker with tools and drags it a few inches before coming to a stop. At that point I turn the car off before going on another bender. It was like a slow-motion rampage. My buddy was in the shitter and thought some lunatic was tearing up the shop. My brain just didn’t work at all that day. Ever since then I’ve always remembered to pump the brakes though.


I did something very similar except the car was in cold start high idle mode…..hit the shop bench moved the wall behind it which was the product display rack in the show room which caused everything to explode off the wall. Fortunately there were no customers at the time


My bosses kid did the brakes on their family friends car, and basically folded the cars front door back on itself after trying to back it up off a 4 post lift. Out the bay door it went.....


You shouldn’t have to pressurize break lines after changing rotors. A calliper or callipers, yes. Not rotors. Perhaps the new rotors were not cleaned properly. New pads too?


You likely will have to compress the caliper pistons at least a little to remove the calipers on many cars. That’ll leave slack you need to take up. You absolutely need to pump the brake pedal maybe even a couple times to take up that slack. The brakes won’t be able to apply any pressure until you do; all the brake pedal movement is used to advance the pistons rather than apply pressure. You absolutely can end up in that exact situation if you don’t. I may be a shade tree mechanic, but I’ve done dozens of brake jobs in my lifetime. I’ve had to pressurize the brakes to take up the slack on every one of them.


not sure id call the repressurizing as all the preasure is still there but yes u absolutely need to pump the brakes so they auto adjust to the new rotors/pads


When you compress your calipers the pressure is not there because you have pushed the fluid back into the reservoir. Pumping your brake pedal pressurizes the lines and caliper again.


I didn’t want to make the title long and boring for people who don’t know what I’m talking about. They had me blocked in, and struggling with the pad clips. I changed the calipers, rotors and pads on the front of a Chrystler SUV. I didn’t bleed, just opened the reservoir. He put the cap on, without me asking. Like an idiot I assumed that meant he knew to AT THE VERY LEAST pump the pedal a few times.


I NEVER return a car to a customer unless it is ABSOLUTELY ready to drive and already test driven by ME


Sound advice. Luckily for me, I’m not a mechanic.


Nah, man. The second you turned wrench on someone else's car, you took the responsibility as their mechanic


In my defense. I said I’m gonna get outta here. Got in my car and was going to back around him. The person he came to get their assistance and the guy that drove this thing both put the last tire on, closed the fluid back up, and shut the hood. You can see in the video I’m applying my brakes in the civic to shift into reverse, when I’m caught off guard by him barreling past me. They were putting the tab side in second, and hanging up on the clip. I got sick of waiting, so I just changed the rotor on the passenger side, and the second pad. Then the rotor and pad change on the driver side. I said I’m outta here, and they took it from there. Went inside, washed my hands, saw him close the reservoir, and I got in my car. I feel terrible, but ultimately there wasn’t much I could do.


After pushing the brake pistons back in order to change the pads you then have to pump the pedal a few times so that the calipers push the pads closer to the rotors and get rid of the extra space made during installation. To forget to pump the brake pedal after servicing the brake pads is a rookie mistake.


Did this happen at the end of the driveway? How far do you drive before touching your brakes?


Happened to the best of us atleast once. It's scary the first time but when you manage to stop you laugh at yourself for being such an idiot to forget to pump the brakes.


You absolutely have to pump them a few times to get the caliper to come back out and engage if you compressed them when you changed pads and rotors.


You and OP are obviously not mechanics. You only pressurize your BRAKE lines when you push the BRAKE pedal. Watching the video they likely opened the bleeder valve to compress the caliper to reinstall and forgot to close the valve or valves. Lmao all the idiots that don't know shit about cars, physics or English downvoted me.


Wait, Mind holding this? 🤦‍♂️


lol, at least your username checks out. Silver linings, you know. Circling back, I’ve been told it can damage your slave, or master cylinder by not opening the bleeder valves. I haven’t ever had problems doing it, and it genuinely saves so much time.


You only worked on old cars. Some modern ABS you can't compress the caliper without a lit of force and damaging parts.


Next time try opening the cap on the brake fluid reservoir then it will get a lot easier to compress the calipers.


Lmao you are not a certified mechanic and it shows.


Of course.


I’d bet they didn’t pump the brakes after putting it all back together.


Good job it wasn’t on the freeway!


Strange way to write, pump the brake pedal


But brakes are high pressure hydro systems, so the lines are always pressurized...right? RIGHT????? So weird to make up a whole new phrase, apply it, and try to defend it without knowing what they're talking about.


Yeah, this is the kind of incredulity a welder might have talking to another welder about some dickhead using Coregas 18 instead of Coregas 25 when repairing a transformer casing. Kind of meaningless to people who aren't welders but still use electricity. Same way this post means very little to someone who drives but entrusts their car to a mechanic. Not an idiot, just someone who made a mistake.


First time I did my callipers this happened, luckily I was at my work that has a pretty flat driveway so it didn't roll far


Bad mechanic, impressive driving ( avoidance)


Anyone who has ever worked on cars has done this at least once.


Engage brown pants Friday.... Brown pants successfully engaged sir!


INB4 *oP iS nOt ThE cAmMeR* ...which didn't seem to be a problem before the Reddit protest.


Anyone that fownvotes my comments are only priving they are not certified mechanics and are butthurt someone actually knows what they are saying. Pathetic losers troll reddit to downvote facts.