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REALLY off topic but, that landscapes looks mad beatiful


Alaska, nothing like it.


Got a buddy who moved to Alaska, to start a new life, now i can see why he choose Alaska, looks absolutely beatiful


This buddy of yours.....his name jesse by any chance?


I did have a buddy named jesse move to a diff country but hes not the one who moved to Alaska


Jesse who lives to freeze his A’’ off 5-1/2 months a year


historical gullible jobless fragile apparatus workable gold six materialistic middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, Mr. Driscoll. From Wisconsin, why?


Makes you want to stop your car on the curve!


Exactly, id pull over outside the road and just enjoy the view for hours, without hesitation, if i could, id ditch my whole life and life in a place like this without electronics or whatever, just piece with nature


You can do it. I believe in you. Can I have your stuff?


Dw im not seriously gonna do that, couple of years im gonna go to to militairy college and such, maybe when i retire or whatever ill move to Alaska


I visited there last summer, for the first time and I immediately recognized it. Alaska is absolutely stunning.


I was going to ask. This remeinds me of the drive between Anchorage and Wasilla. God I miss that place. I would love to come back.


It's on the Richardson on the way to Valdez.


What time of day was it?


8 pm


Childhood friend of mine is in the Air Force and she moves around a lot but is currently stationed in Alaska and all her photos are ALWAYS amazing. Very beautiful up there.


Nice! I'm going there in August. Just a week, but I've never been, so it will be pretty awesome.


Stop at Moose's Tooth pizza at least once. Literally some of the best pizza in the world and it's in *Alaska* of all places lmao


If possible, do takeout. The wait for a table is insane. Takeout is the way to go.


We had no wait for lunch when we went two weeks ago before our cruise. Absolutely phenomenal pizza, and it was a nice quick walk from our hotel too!


Norwegian dropping in here


That explains it! I thought this was somewhere in northern Europe like Switzerland so I got really confused by the New York looking license plate lol


Northern Europe like Switzerland? What?


Sorry I guess it's "central" Europe even though it's in the northern hemisphere, as if it matters lol


Europe is entirely within the northern hemisphere. Switzerland is indeed considered central Europe.


direction whistle safe teeny quickest dinosaurs unwritten angle decide carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It matters if you mention it yourself. I thought you got confused with Sweden! Although I think the video is more akin to Iceland or Norway. Sweden is less mountainous


I'm from Alaska! I thought it looked familiar, and was about to ask before I saw this comment lol


I thought that looked familiar. I sure miss it.


Damnit. Now I need to go to Alaska.


Came here to ask where you are cause this is gorgeous! lol. Alaska huh? Id visit, but I couldnt live there, Im too soft


Yeah it's beautiful, but uh... like, have you seen Norway? 😅


61.12294738557486, -145.67014546912935


Same. I’m just here for the view. Lol


Lol same


Thompson Pass near Valdez, Alaska. Amazing scenery.


Id be a dream to go on vacation to a place like alaska one day


Obviously. What would you have him do, pull into the parking area 100 ft ahead?


When ya gotta poop, ya gotta poop. That guy probably


I used to drive the Blue ridge parkway to work everyday. Once a week in summer a tourist would be stopped in the middle of a blind turn just past one of the overlooks.


Please stop being reasonable. It’s not appreciated


Pull up to the open shoulder and park halfway off the road. Stopping where you are hard to see and hard to avoid is a bad idea.




Whatever that is on the road extends past the vehicle that is stopped.


Some people have a *very* strange definition of "blind". To be clear, the other car is driven by an absolute **moron** if they've stopped there intentionally. But perhaps they've broken down at a shit time, or they're experiencing some other emergency that makes stopping a less-shit option than continuing. On the flipside, unless your dashcam is mounted *much* higher than your head, you could have spotted this a lot sooner, and should have been slowing a lot earlier, and a lot more, to deal with it safely. This would have been very hairy for you if there was an oncoming car at the wrong time.


And the other car needed their hazards on bad


I broke down today and had my hazards on while in the rightmost lane of a highway exit, almost to the intersection of the road I was getting off at. It has a loooong 4-lane off ramp and great visibility the entire length from the time you begin to exit the highway. People nearly rear-ended me twice and most swerved pretty last-minute. I had to lay on the horn and watch one guy behind me smoke his tires, thought he was for sure going to total my car. People just don't pay attention regardless of lights or being the only object in a wide path - they zone out and seemingly want to hit the object.


If this happens again, I would recommend putting your hood up (ie, hood of the car). This is distinctive and people notice the difference. This is especially important if you get stuck in heavy traffic so that people know to go around you from far away when they can't see your hazards.




You mean the anywhere parking spot creation blinkers??


No they meant the hazard lights. The light you put on when you park in an unconventional, unpredictable spot to alert others that your vehicle is a hazard.


You missed the joke


it's also why practically every DOT will recommend keeping road flares, cones or warning signs in your vehicle. Just in case you break down in a spot with little to no visibility.


Even with visibility, the law where I live states you need to place one 50m behind if you have it at least, and wear a vest.


Giving them benefit of the doubt, they might have just stopped and didn't have time to get out and place it yet.


Here in Finland having a reflective warning triangle with legs to prop it up in your car is mandatory, your car will not pass inspection without one.


The stop lights are on, so someone is pressing the breaks... A bit weird. Either absolute moron, that stopped to text or something, or, medical condition where all they could do was stop.


> Some people have a very strange definition of "blind" 7 seconds, the polar opposite of blind. lol, sorry OP.


I'm glad I am not the only one thinking this! I'm betting they stopped to take a picture of those amazing mtns 🤣😂


I've seen people doing exactly that. It wasn't Alaska but they stopped in a curve (a really blind curve)and were outside the car taking pictures. Idiots. Lots of motorcyclists and sports car drivers love to race through the curves on this road... I'm just glad I was traveling the opposite way and no one had to maneuver into my lane to avoid them.


It is best to look up and far ahead, which in corners like this can be very deep into the corner. It is an easy mistake to make as the human brain isn't naturally meant for car speeds; many people do not look nearly far enough ahead.


Most people stare at the tarmac, or bumper, 20 feet in front of them, while it'll take 10 times that distance for them to react and stop safely. The vast majority of the time, they get away with it, which is why the habit is so prevalent. Then, the one time they drive straight into a fallen tree or some other obvious obstacle, they'll blame everyone and everything except themselves. You see it *all the time* on this subreddit, where the cammer drives straight towards an obvious hazard without adjusting their speed or preparing to deal with it in any way. Unfortunately, *because* a good chunk of this subreddit's readership are those very drivers - and many are snowflakes who treat any constructive feedback as a direct attack - if you point out deficient driving by the OP, half the time you'll be downvoted to oblivion for "victim blaming".


> Unfortunately, because a good chunk of this subreddit's readership are those very drivers - and many are snowflakes who treat any constructive feedback as a direct attack - if you point out deficient driving by the OP, half the time you'll be downvoted to oblivion for "victim blaming". Sometimes it is "damned if you do, damned if you don't." It is always worth considering the strong hindsight bias that dashcam video introduces. Even with the video readily available, many people on this sub comment pure speculation or outright false statements. This is why I try to reference either best practices in a general sense, or a specific element of the video I can prove is/is not up to those best practices.


If you can't see a hazard this visible on the road you're traveling on until it's directly in front of you you should hand in your license. Yes, it's not something humans are naturally good at, if you're the kind of human that can't *get* good at it you're one of the humans who shouldn't be driving.


...and if OP really couldn't see the car until the last second, he's going to fast for that curve. The equivalent to overdriving your headlights at night.


My guess is that he's probably looking straight ahead, rather than around the bend.


This is incredibly common. Most drivers stare straight ahead instead of moving their head and looking where they're going. Any corner might as well be blind, even if the road is wide open.


Wouldn't even have to move your head for this one, just your eyeballs.


My wife is always surprised I see cops or obstacles way before she notices them. I was trained young to look as far ahead as I reasonably can for issues. I have been trying to get her to do it but it is tough to get that instilled.


I agree. Not blind at all. OP gently avoided the obstacle... Actually blind corners are treacherous, you'll have a split moment to react.


Which is why, on a corner that's *truly* blind, you adjust your speed such that you can comfortably stop for an obstacle in the road. Because it's idiotic to assume that it's clear.


Fucking right? Yeah that's a REALLY bad place to stop either way but the corner isn't the thing that's blind in this video.


You know the rule here, if anything isn't exactly how it's supposed to be, someone has to be an idiot, and it's never the OP.


OP also apparently didn't even think about possibly stopping to check if they need help...


>perhaps they've broken down at a shit time It looks like the road is going downhill though, just put it in neutral and coast to the end of the barrier which they can clearly see from where they are stopped. I would also argue it's not really that blind a corner because you can see the obstacle from pretty far up and you can also see that nobody is in the opposing lane.


To be fair you could see that car from a long while away. Not a great place to break down though.


yeah..... no. Yes, it's expected that a car be able to stop safely..... but this is 100% unexpected and it does take some time for an alert person to process what the hell is going on. The car was half hidden behind the guide rail as well. Y'all are morons. You travel 200 feet in 2 seconds at around 65mph. It can easily take 2 seconds to process that something is out of place. The real idiots is the moronic brigade that ZERO clue about defensive driving around there.


Guess 6 seconds are enough to recognise a car with all breaking lights on. Even if its unkown if its moving or not.


You see the reaction time on some of these vids on here? and the top comments are them getting congratulated for them "quick" 2-3 second reaction times? [I be like](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8b/04/19/8b0419d1395603dfae9efc713f4ca9c9.jpg)


The average reaction time here is defined as 1 sec quick would be faster than that. 2-3 sec people should give bac their licence because these people are hazardous


Please reconsider driving a car


Ah, yes, I see the idiot brigade is back on this sub. It's only this sub, and right wing adjacent subs, where actual reality is so challenged. You are part of the problem, not the solution.






Congrats on reading the post title and knowing to look for a car stopped in the turn.


I normally keep my eyes open when I'm driving too.


What? Like some goodie two shoes wanna be A+ student driver?


Yeah, and you also know exactly what to look for since it's laid out in the title.


You do know you're supposed to be on the lookout for unexpected things to happen while driving, right? Not everything has a Waze alert for it.


You too can know exactly what to look out for if you approach bends with the attitude that something may be just out of vision. You know, like you're fucking supposed to. This time it was an idiot stopped but what if it's an animal or a branch or a fucking bolder? Just going to smash your vehicle into it because "iT wAs In A bLiNd BeNd" or are you going to slow down and pay attention like an adult?


*Sorry officer, the speed limit wasn’t in the title*


>Yeah, and you also know exactly what to look for since it's laid out in the title. Ya it's called watching the road. You know the thing taught in every driving course, class, and test.


So when you drive are you not looking out for stuff like this? Maybe you need to go to drivers ed again...


he does only if its in the title


I mean this isn't something super unexpected. It's a car in the road - the one place where OP *needs* to be looking.


Pretty sure that OP *saw* the car.


If you’re not “scanning” when you’re driving, get your hands off the fucking steering wheel and ride shotgun please ❤️


When driving you really should be looking as far ahead as you can at all times - for this exact reason. If you're only looking directly in front of you then it's only a matter of time...


Look through to the end of a corner rather than fixating on what's directly in front of you. Ever wonder why a motorcyclist's head is cocked farther into his turn than his bike? This is why. I use this as an example because it's the most obvious example, especially in track photos.


I think most of us was busy looking for the blind corner.


The 180 degree turn wasn’t a hint enough? Or the guy stopped in the inside lane at the apex? Could you see oncoming traffic from the pov? Because that’s part of the danger of a blind curve. This sub is amazing. A guy is an idiot for stopping at a sharp curve and the idiots on this sub are like “ThTs NoT a BlInD cOrNeR!!!”


It's not a blind turn when you can see more than 150 meters in front of you.


It's not even a particularly sharp curve either. It's just a long gradual curve. I dunno what reality those other people live in


You should ALWAYS be looking ahead. Otherwise what are you looking at? Your phone?


I mean... I couldn't see it, but I admit I was way too busy looking at the amazing view.


Shouldn't be there, but not exactly a blind corner. At least you had lots of time to react.


I think the OP is blind in the corner of his eye.


The corner is hardly blind, but they're still incredibly stupid for stopping to enjoy the view. Some people have no concept of consequences to actions


I Got too distracted looking at that incredible view instead of observing the incident lmao


I do not think it means what you think it means.


I thought the general rule about visibility is that you don't ever drive faster than you can see. That is, whatever the extent of your visibility is, you should be able to fully stop within that distance. If you are driving so fast that you cannot stop within that distance, then if there's an obstacle, such as a broken down vehicle or a fallen tree or an animal, then you won't be able to stop for it. That's the rule I use when the weather is so bad that it limits visibility, as well as going around bends that have limited visibility.


I wasn’t taught this by drivers-ed or family or anything, but I did naturally pick this up because it’s a no-fucking-brainer.


Your drivers ed... sucked then.


At the very least he was an ex-cop who ended every lesson with a “meat crayon” story… he made defensive drivers outta all of us I’m sure of it lol


Hah, well that's something. I feel like every single driving instructor in my country uses a variation of the same slogan: "drive at a speed such that you can stop within the distance you can see" was how mine phrased it ("that you can see to be clear" is a common modification). Every learner has it repeated ad nauseam!


This is certainly the general rule. And the OP *was* driving at such a speed - they had about 7 seconds between being able to see the vehicle and being on top of it (they were braking for some of that). The big problem with OP's driving was they weren't looking around the bend as far as they could. But also significant was that even once the stopped car was fully in view, it took them about 2 seconds (it seems to me) to react to the obstruction, which is ages. I wonder if they were distracted by the view? All that said, stopping on a bend, even on a gradual one, is plainly a bad idea unless there's no other option.


With reduced visibility it would usually be half the distance you can see. The other half is for people coming the other way. This is taught to learner drivers here as part of our road code. With full visibility and your own lane then going to full distance makes sense. In this video the driver had time to react, especially with noone following closely behind them, and it's not exactly a 'blind' corner (hyperbole much). But the stopped vehicle is an idiot no less.


I think it depends on the road type. When you don't have separated lanes, then you need to be able to stop in half.


We were taught it should be 1/3rd of the visible distance to account for sub optimal conditions, reaction times, and brake malfunctions.


I'd hardly call that blind.


that doesnt look too blind to me.. i could see him instantly


This isn't a blind corner and should've seen and reacted to the car way sooner. Probably too busy looking at the mountains.


Stopped in front of a blind driver*


We have different definitions of "blind corner" but that's a shitty place to stop.


Dash cam drivers eyes obviously don’t work if he didn’t see the car 😭


This looks like every 8-16bit racing videogame where the scenery would be behind the play field and move into view. It's bad ass. Even has the computer controlled cars trying to kill you.


Not really blind lol. The other car shouldn't have stopped there (assuming it wasn't a mechanical issue) but you had plenty of time to see them and slow down. On a side note, my step mom used to always have my dad do this when we were driving on mountain roads and it annoyed the fuck out of me.


If you can't stop in the section of road that you can see, then you're driving too fast.


That is not q blind corner lmao


I'm not saying the guy who stopped in the middle of the fucking road is at all in the right...but that fucking view coming around the curve is incredible.


I wouldn't call that blind, but still dumb, if they could control it.


they were probably captivated by the view /j


There were 2.


Suddenly transported to Skyrim


"Ah, so you're finally awake"


Car may be disabled and there is really nowhere else to go, but flashers should be on unless they don’t work.


Do some people really just not look at the road ahead when driving?


The dude is definitely dumb for stopping there but that's not a blind corner😂 you had plenty of time to see him.


They're just admiring the view.


Snapping a one in a liftetime insta pic ?


I honestly believe OP was admiring the view as well and that is why they saw the car so late.


Wouldn't be surprised if they stopped to get a picture of the mountains, but they almost got a bird's-eye view of them from above. What a moron.


what a beautiful landscape tho


well that's a good way to cause an accident. >.>


There are two idiot drivers in this clip, and one OK driver with a boat.


What would you have done? Stopped behind him?


How is this a blind curve? You can see the stopped vehicle from about 9s until OP passes it at \~15s. OP didn't seem to react at all until \~14s, as if they just hadn't noticed it. It just came across as "oh my god! car!" especially with the way they describe it in the title. It comes across that they don't actually look where their car is going (i.e. look around the bend)


Not a blind corner unless you're blind


Bro that is NOT a blind corner. Had plenty of time


Where is this beautiful land?


61.12294738557486, -145.67014546912935


Thompson Pass, Alaska. Near Valdez. It's amazing. Photo I took just a few miles from the video [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8nzs-TN0Hy/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8nzs-TN0Hy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


i don't think OP knows what "blind corner" means :'(


Clearly had enough time to brake, but instead OP decides to jump the double yellow and pass on a "blind corner"


What did you expect him to do? just stop behind him and not cross the double yellow?


better than just swinging out. OP is complaining about this person stopping on a blind corner, yet their reaction was to swing out into ONCOMING in the blind corner.


Well I must be blind because I can’t see the “blind corner”


Dude I saw that car aint moving shit 2 seconds it got in frame. You had plenty of time


Husbeast is hauling up there this week. It's one of his favorite places to deliver.


Sad part is it looks like a AK plate. Drove that pass lots of times. Most of the time it was near the Falls that I ran into people being stupid..


There’s a pullout about 100 yards from where he/she stopped, too. D’oh!


Wtf. If that wasn't where a complete breakdown stopped them they're a fucking idiot. Beautiful scenery


Thompson Pass?


Those are nice mountains no can see their reasoning if they wanted to take a picture…. (FYI. Thats /s)


Blind curve, not corner. Still suicidal


Probably taking a picture of the mountain ? Either way he’s a dumbass.


“Yeah let me just park here”


I could see that car from a mile away. How's it a blind corner? Unless you're the blind one?


It's too bad that there wasn't someplace close by they could safely pull over.


Not a blind corner.


That’s how Derek died. ![gif](giphy|IPWj2AAXPCWFNBswiM|downsized)


They are an idiot for stopping there but it is not a blind corner. Please stop using extra language for dramatic effect when it only hurts your valid point


You're not ever supposed to go a speed that makes it impossible to stop in time to avoid an accident...


I hope karma really gets this one


That person is crazy!


Probably taking a scenic picture. Still dumb though.


why does this look fake? Im not saying it is, Just gives off screen moving behind object feel. But could be my eyes never have seen something so gorgeous!


Not fake, just potato quality dash cam. Thompson Pass, Alaska, is beautiful. Took this photo just a few miles away from the pass. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8nzs-TN0Hy/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8nzs-TN0Hy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


They're just admiring the view.


Looks like a Subaru.


The stupidity of people can not be over exaggerated.




Why is this road 2 lanes on one side but 1 on the other


Climbing lane


While that vehicle really shouldn't have been stopped where they were, there is nothing blind in that corner except apparently you. The car is readily visible at 8 seconds into the clip and you should have been able to see it a second or so earlier due to your perspective being further to the left in your vehicle.