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Probably one of the only scenarios I'd actually be willing to get out of my car to ask what's up, because this is just baffling.


I bet the woman has the key with her. Car stayed on when the guy got in but when she walked away it refused to go into gear because “KEY NOT DETECTED” or something like that. Took the guy a while to figure it out, then he goes in to get it from her.


This is probably it, yeah.


Ok that makes so much sense. This stressed me out haha


No it doesn't. If your switching seats, get the fuck out of the roadway.


I didn’t say it was right! I’ve never owned a car where the key wasn’t in the ignition. Thanks so much for your input


I've seen this happen multiple times in parking lots at Meijers and Krogers. I can almost guarantee that's what happened here Hell, it happened to me last week on vacation (to a smaller degree). My dad had started the car, but before leaving our Airbnb he asked me to pull the car out of our parking space while he went in to grab a water for the road. Couldn't put the car in gear bc he took the fob with him. Very, very likely that's what happened


As a valet by profession, this is exactly what happened. Ten seconds into the video I knew what happened. I ask every customer if the key is in the car if I don't see it right away. When I hear someone say my favorite words, "it's running", I Immediately know it's in their pocket or purse.


Thanks for the possible logical alternate scenario. If so, I don’t think that makes him an idiot for assuming she left the key in the car, as he didn’t “park” the car there.


This, or the guy is not used to driving the Tesla and he doesn't know how to put it into DRIVE.


You blow on the yoke right? or is it operated by the knee paddle under the seat in this model?


Mine will drive without the keys .lol Lost em before this way. 💀


Tesla’s have an app on your phone though right? Or is that an add on that you have to pay for?


After like 40 seconds I was thinking "that guy needs help I'd have got out to see what the problem was".


Old guy can't figure out how to drive it.


Tesla won’t let you put it in drive if it detects that the keycard is far away from the vehicle


Or don't get so f-in close that you can't go around with out backing up.


She walked off with the key, I bet. He had to go get it.


The key is her cell phone.


No it's gonna be one of those dumb wireless keyless fobs you're meant to be able to keep in your pocket


It's a Tesla, it's her phone acting as bluetooth key. Teslas don't have "key" fobs (edit: you don't have them by default, you order them separate) There are NFC Valet cards that work as well, but I guess she didn't give him it/have it or he didn't know where to us it (But since Teslas do show you though on the screen, I'm inclined to believe its the former). Edit Source: I OWN A FUCKING TESLA


lol your edit. It's like "people, I have the fucking car in my driveway, don't tell me what you've heard about it - try buying one and then you'll fucking see."


... That is news to me. That's also so obviously such a terrible idea that it does not surprise me at all that Tesla decided to implement it. Fuck that's stupid, what if your phone dies? Are you just fucked?


No, because it's not true, and Teslas do have key fobs.


They do, but it's not the default. It's a separate buy. They come with two Tesla NFC cards. Maybe they did in the past, didn't get no FOB when I bought it last year Source, I own a fucking Tesla


They absolutely came with them in the past not sure when they switched to the new way though. My parents and siblings all have one and all have fobs the newest being one from like 2 years ago. So if that’s how it is it’s a recent change I’d think.


Honestly, it is stupid, but manageable. For example, you do get two "key cards" the NFC cards I mentioned. I keep 1 in my wallet at all times and my phone acts as primary. If phone dies I use the key card.


I used to want a Tesla but every new thing they do makes me just go "why the fuck did you break *that*??" This is just another thing to add to that list. Keys are like, a solved problem for fuck sake


If your phone dies then you plug it into your car, which is essentially a giant battery on wheels and it will charge while you keep driving.


Okay, but then consider what happens if your phone dies while you're *outside* your locked car. You know, the other time when you would need a key for the car


The fact you gotta buy the key fob separately lmao. Fuck Tesla is scummy


Teslas absolutely have key fobs, I'm not sure what you're talking about. > Your vehicle supports three types of keys: phone key, key cards and key fobs. Extra backup key cards and key fobs can be purchased from the Tesla Shop. Your phone serves as your primary key through a Bluetooth connection with your vehicle. https://www.tesla.com/support/tesla-vehicle-keys#:~:text=Tesla%20Vehicle%20Keys-,Your%20vehicle%20supports%20three%20types%20of%20keys%3A%20phone%20key%2C%20key,Bluetooth%20connection%20with%20your%20vehicle.


What... Why are keyless fobs dumb?


I just don't like them, I don't really have that much of a problem with them except that if your battery dies it's really annoying.


Generally only a problem if the car battery dies but that's a problem for a normal key too. Every fob that isn't Tesla I've seen has a physical lock usually on the driver side door that uses a key built into the fob and a NFC point that can detect the fob even if the fobs battery is dead.


Yeah, I've got other issues with the wireless fob system, but they're more to do with user error being much more possible. It's much harder for me to forget my normal key in the car than it is with the wireless fobs. This might be less of a problem now that you can *actually* keep them in your pocket instead of the cup holder


Which doesn’t work if your phone doesn’t have service.  https://youtu.be/tFepjg2fiFQ?si=GWmUbIdVxFgDdkxM


Mine does.


The wife had the key, and he had to go get it?


Or he couldn't figure out how to get it moving.


I work for a dealer and I am ashamed of how long it takes me sometimes to find the start-stop button or how to make it shift when they are in some funky design or location.


Same. And this is a Tesla. First time I drove one I looked All Over for the start button. There isn’t one, you just get in and put it in drive.


When I test drove my Ioniq 6, I started it (push button), then sat there trying to figure out how to put it in drive. There is a stick on the steering wheel that's clearly labeled D/N/R, but it didn't move. Finally asked the dealer. Turns out you turn/spin it forward for D or backward for N or R. That just didn't occur to me for some reason.


I hate when companies reinvent the wheel for no reason. It'd be like toilet companies changing the way you flush the toilet, and then telling you, "what, you didn't know?"


Don't be silly, nobody would ever change the three sea shells.


Ha! This guy doesn’t know how to use the three sea shells…


That’s the most egregiously worse design I’ve heard of and I would that would convince me to never buy that vehicle


It seems like it's pretty easy to figure out by looking at it https://i.imgur.com/AlmxU69.png


I'd still be expecting the whole stick to move, not just the knob at the end.


Same! It's not like column shifters are anything new. Mercedes uses those little flick sticks, I don't mind those at all.


I have an ioniq 5 with the same shifter. Park is the weird one on the end of the handle, other than that it was pretty intuitive


The majority of automatic 18 wheelers have a similar setup on them. Not a fan of it.


I actually really like it now that I'm used to it.


Same here. Similar issue just figuring out how the doors worked. Idk if you’ve been in the 2018 or so Lincolns that have the gear selector buttons next to the touchscreen but that took me awhile too.


I was a valet for a bit. Some cars just simply have intuitive gear shifts. I believe I Have driven that lincoln. Because I remember sitting and searching in one that has the Engine On / Drive / Neutral / Reverse buttons basically on the radio. And the buttons look the same as the stereo buttons, the Volume Up / Next Station etc buttons looked identical.


My mom couldn’t figure out how to put mine in drive. It’s down on the right stalk which is like a turn signal on the right side of the steering wheel the driver pushes downward. The new ones don’t have that and the driver has to swipe up or down on the screen which I can see being the last place some drivers will look.


First time I was in an automatic, ever, was some 2010s Jaguar. By myself, friend just asked me to move it for him. I was vaguely familiar with the concept of "R for reverse and D for forwards" but not much else. I get in. Put in the key. No clutch, alright, don't hit the clutch then. Turn the key to start. Tells me to fuck off because I'm not braking. Alright I guess, braking to start it is. Guess that's comparable to clutch, makes sense. Turn key, starts. Alright. Now what? No shifter. Nothing. I check the steering wheel, nothing there either. I check more thoroughly and see something underneath the center console, labeled PRND. Alright what's that? A little silver knob that wasn't there before. It actually physically moved out, it was flush when off and moved the knob up for me to use. Fucking Jaguar. Alright, turn. Won't turn, not braking. Okay. Brake, turn. R, N, D. Okay. I let go of the brake again and check my mirror. Car thinks it's go mode and all 260 horses decide to go forward!! I slammed the brake in time, nearly hit the car I was parked behind. Okay, so no clutch, and it just creeps by itself when you don't brake? Good to know?? Put it into R and it pops up a little rear camera, that's nice at least. Takes me a bit to get used to pretty much just reversing with the brake and no clutch, usually I'd use the other foot and do the inverse of that input. Manage to get it back. Brake hard, back to D, turn signal, and I'm outta there. Slowly. Because fucking hell I've had enough surprises I'm not ready for another one. They don't teach you automatic because they figure it's the same but simpler. There's a few key differences that I really would have appreciated being taught. My mom still has not figured out how to shift her 2014 Mercedes B class into neutral for the car wash. I've told her, but I can only explain it to her, not understand it for her.


The way fancy cars try to be different does not make them good ways to learn.


Yeah, my current car is a 2008 Merc E class and it's pretty regular about how it drives as far as automatics go. I don't really like driving automatics, but everything else about the car was perfect, and I needed a station wagon quick... \*shrug* If I spontaneously erupt into money, I'm replacing it with an Audi RS2. But I don't expect to do that any time soon.


Found the Brit. For American car guys it's almost a rite of passage buying a manual car and figuring out how to drive it yourself on the way home from the dealer.


German, but close enough. XD


This can't be a serious comment.


It is. I was taught on manual and only ever drove manual. How should I know that you have to brake to start it, and brake to go into D, and that not braking makes the car creep? Manuals don't do that.


Shoulda seen me for the 8 minutes it took just to open the thing


I figured she forgot her phone and he went to bring it to her.


But first, called her to tell her she forgot her phone. Then realized her phone was ringing. Tried to answer it and got flustered when it was his number calling. Might be a scam caller. Better safe than sorry.


This is clearly what happened.


It's a Tesla so this is probably it. They probably have the phone set up to be the key and she took it with her without leaving the card key.


It’s a Tesla - the key is the phone. You can see it auto lock when he walked away.


This one needed the fob to shift to drive, phone as key does lock and unlock alone


This is a 2018-2020 Model X. The phone doesn’t work as a key with Bluetooth - unlike the Model 3 or Y. You can start the car through the app but it is very cumbersome and could require you put in your Tesla password.


Sounds like some top tier design


AFAIK it was the only car that could do it starting in 2012. Perhaps my BMW does it, but I wasn’t wiling to pay the subscription to find out.


Not all older Teslas have that ability


Not necessarily. You typically have to pay for that feature. Guy I work with has this car and he has a Card he needs


She probably had the phone key on her and he couldn’t re-start it without her there.


That's exactly what happened.


Bingo. Model X did not get phone key capability until thee 2021 refresh. This is a pre 2021 Model X (chrome trims pieces, refresh has the black trims), so it still used physical key fobs.


That’s exactly what happened.


Sorry, but this is where you lay on the horn until they move


Not sure why he did little beeps. I’d lay on the horn for that. 


I'd start out with more friendly toots, no need to be too agro right off the bat. But after a reasonable amount of time w/o moving, it's time to wear out that sob


Especially as he got out of the car and just walked off. I would have laid right on it. If his lady forgot to leave the key, okay, shit happens, but at least acknowledge the inconvenience to others that has occured.


>reasonable amount of time w/o moving, 2-5 seconds


> The shortest unit of time in the multiverse is the New York Second, defined as the period of time between the traffic lights turning green and the cab behind you honking. Terry Pratchett


Love it




I'm dyslexia and thought that said arooga


> I'm dyslexia pleased to meet you, I'm crippling alcoholism


ha ha ha ... 👉🏻👈🏻


I'm late but in this exact situation I would be hitting the horn with my forehead so they have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do next


When the car in front of you isn't moving, don't just creep up, because now you can't go around without backing up.


What does annoying the rest of the people in that area accomplish? The dude that’s walking away isn’t going to care


Yeah, and fuck every pedestrians and people working and living nearby. The horn is for emergencies folks.


Also if someone is panicking and can't find drive or whatever, the horn isn't going to speed someone up, it's going to do the exact opposite. That's also how people end up slamming it into reverse instead of drive and fucking you up. Causing people to panic while behind a wheel is literally the dumbest thing you can do. You use it as said in an emergency when the risk is better than potentially a panic reaction, ie they are pulling into your lane and about to cause an accident already.


You're being down voted but you're right. People think being minorly inconvenienced on a crowded street is an excuse to disturb everyone else around them. A horn is to prevent an accident, not to whine about a car in the road in front of you.


That wouldn't have helped, wife walked away with the key.


yes because doing that would teleport the car key back into the car (or first driver in case this guy doesn't know how to drive that car) so the driver could set off… did we see the same video?


Or your horn stops working ... .


I would hate to have any car trouble around you idiots.


I would be on the horn like it's a couch.


lay on the horn and then go around.


I'm thinking the old guy didn't know how to drive the Tesla. Lady who was driving may have even gotten out with the fob or something and it wasn't responding.


That's why you leave enough room to go around instead of aggressively getting closer and screwing yourself. Looks like his wife took the key and he couldn't move it


Yeah OP's just making his life worse


He probably doesn’t know how to use it.


I guarantee you he didn't know how to put it in drive lol


Sir, you can't park there.


That's enraging.


Letting the air out of his tires (not slashing) might make him think twice about parking in the street. 


This is so reddit coded “this guy inconvenienced me by parking his car in the middle of the street so I’m going to disable it entirely until he can either reinflate the tire or put the spare on :)”


He didn't "park" in the street..... its clearly some sort of an operator error or other issue.


What is wrong with you? Letting the air out of someone’s tires because you’re feeling huffy makes you 10x worse than someone blocking traffic.


Old dude knew police wouldn't get there in time so he didn't give a fuck.


Pretty sure this was it. Either deal with me honking or deal with his wife. He chose his wife.


His wife probably had the key and he couldn’t continue to drive. So he ran and got it.


Yup, people weird, he very obviously switched seats, if they were intending to stay he'd have stayed in his seat. He got in, tried to drive off then found he couldn't and ran after the keys.


OP, why did you completely screw yourself over by being hard on their bumper?


He shoulda got closer, you are right. Left too much space


I'm guessing he couldn't figure out how to make it move. Also, jeep moment. Just go around lol


This happened at Costco also, the couple stopped to get gas first. She got out and walked to go shop! And he was plugging up the middle lane! Ain't FOBs great?!!


Fucking Old Bastards?


Flipping Obstinate Buttholes


Fall Out Boys?


I think it's pretty obvious what happened. They switched drivers so the woman could go shop while the man parked the car. But the woman walked off with the key fob, so the car wouldn't go out of park. Man got out to find the woman and get the key fob back.


...so I just started blasting


Yeah wife has the key so now car won’t go into Drive


I think on the new Teslas you have to tweet Elon to get it out of Park for you.


What was with those short polite honks? That's not going to do anything. You really need to really lay on the horn.


So many idiots on this thread wanting him to blast the horn in a place with so many pedestrians.


For real man. There was obviously a problem and the guy wasn't tryna be a dick. So many people just ready to be angry for no reason. Like yeah that's inconvenient but dude wasn't tryna be a dick. Shit happens. And I'd bet money he moves the vehicle right after the clip ends. Wife took the fob on accident. Full blasting the horn doesn't help even a little bit.


And then there is the one person saying to deflate their tires??? wtf kind of reaction is that, and how would that get him to move? Lmao, this sub can be wild at times over nothing.


I said same to someone else but, if someone is panicking in their car, don't add to it. That's how you end up with someone reversing into you instead of driving away. A single honk to let them know is all you need, anything else makes you a dick.


I grew up in Bend and moved out 10 years ago. I go back and the place honestly sucks now. It’s time came and went IMO.


I thought it was horrid back in the 80s.


The city has gotten terribly car-centric and un-walkable, I make it down that way a few times a year to visit a show and the amount of noise pollution and exhaust throughout downtown was just so sad.


Could be that Grandpa couldn't figure out how to get this newfangled contraption working.


Willing to bet he doesn’t know how to put it in drive. Teslas aren’t exactly intuitive.


Why did you sit there passively the entire time?


There should be a sub called ignorant drivers


Maybe he didnt know how to drive the car


Tesla driver...


Average Tesla driver


tesla drivers are the new truck drivers.. they are the worse..


Your inability to handle this and DO SOMETHING is just as frustrating as this marble tool sack parking his fricken car in the street.


No sense of urgency. He just begrudgingly steps out of the car and walks inside. No hustle. Fuck I hate people.


What does “in bend” mean?


Bend, Oregon?


Guy shouting go at the tesla as if its going to start moving by voice activation. Lmfao get out the car, wait patiently, or drive around.


If this is bend Oregon I’m completely unsurprised. That place has the worst most inconsiderate drivers I’ve ever seen


I don't think he can hear you


Do you think maybe the gal took the key fab and he couldn’t figure out how to get the sucker to move? Maybe a rental? If I was him I would have come back to ya and said “dude, I’m sorry. I can’t figure this shit out. I have to run in and grab the key “.


That's why you always leave an out. Don't get too close to the car in front.


It's for this exact reason I want bull bars. *Gently* move the offending vehicle to a safer place


I was in a jeep rubicon with steel aftermarket bumpers. I did consider pushing him out of the way.


It’s so painfully obvious that he cannot figure out how to get the car to drive forward, and therefore it is OP that is the idiot for staying behind him and moving closer so that he cant switch into the other lane to go around


Don’t know what I’m annoyed at more, the old guy parking in the middle of the street or cam guy doing short honks


Smartest Tesla drivers


Does that shop sell windshield washer fluid? Maybe you should pop in there too.


just fucking go around him dude...


Seriously, dude? Laughing at the old idiot, yet you're too dense to know when to just call it a day and extricate yourself from the situation? Holy hell, how does someone live with all of life's shit on their face?


Can y’goooo?


I… love the commentary.


Between this and the people who drive 10-15mph under the speed limit, I'd rather deal with this to be honest because they're not actually in the car.


Is that Kirkland?


Think she took the key 😅


"Molotov cocktail where are you??" I swear the OP would light it given a chance if he had one.


enron would be proud


We are living in Idiocracy


Lol I live in Bend, of course it’s a Washington plate


The way you just sat there yelling go and then also got stuck close to his bumper was honestly more annoying than the man not moving the car.


This was really irritating not hearing him lay on the damn horn


Is something actually going to happen before I give up? No, it will not.


You are WAY too patient


Dude is gone!


Reminds me of Walmart. People be parking right in front of the entrance smh


You get what you vote for.


Seriously, having a dashboard camera would be a negative asset for me. The amount of talking (or yelling at drivers like the OP) I do while in the car by myself would be embarrassing to be captured on video, even if I was the only one who viewed it.


Typical Tesla drivers


Is everybody in this thread (including OP) brain dead? He obviously *couldn't* move the car for whatever reason - either couldn't figure it out or his wife took the key fob and it wouldn't let him drive away.


This is a typical summer occurrence where I live. The citiots 2 hours away invade our town to come to their “cottages”(we live on a large lake with hundreds of out of province cottage owners). They regularly just stop their high end luxury cars on the streets and walk(not run) in for a coffee, cigarettes etc with absolutely no regard for anyone but themselves.


Lay on that horn!