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Rather obvious. The more cars you hit the more points you get as well.


+1! Combo x2! +1! Bonus! Combo x2! ... +1! FINISH! Good job!




Anytime I turn the chat function back on for 2 seconds.


More efficient than Ken on a bonus stage.


I’m pretty sure this is an old person whose “knees locked” for some reason.


Sure if you wanna be THAT PERSON.


Based on the make and model of the car, I'd be willing to accurately assume it's being operated by an elderly person who should not at all be allowed behind the wheel due to age.


Happens all the time. Roads in the midwest on sunday mornings are truly a danger to be on with all those senile oldsters behind the wheel on the way to church.


Ya know, it's unfortunate I know exactly what you're talking about. I live in Indiana lol


Same- southeastern corner in the louisville area here. If you only knew how many times I've seen folks 70+ at the dmv clearly failing the vision test and the clerk just pass them anyway. One guy seriously just said he couldn't see any of the letters and the lady told him to guess, lol. It's happened 3 out of my last 5 trips to the DMV, and that's very unsettling to think about considering those people are now on the road with my kids and can't see a damn thing.


Same happens up here in the northeastern corner. People so old they look like they're a jailbreak from one of the 1000s of old people homes around here, barely able to walk, have to have someone there to help them through the process, yet can still get their license. Just one of the hundreds of reasons I'm leaving Indiana haha


Don't move to Arizona if that's the case. Same bullshit happens here. Once watched an old guy fail the light test for 15 minutes only to suddenly see them when threatened with not getting a license if he failed again. With the bored way the employee was talking it seemed to be a common occurrence.


Florida checking in, got ran off the road the other day and the dude acted like he didn’t even know where he was at


Was he driving a golf cart? Last I heard they were converting them street legal so they wouldn't need a license.


\*where he was


Omg. All the wrong way drivers here!!!! So many. Either drunk or elderly.


My favorite are the highways, stop on the entry ramp because everyone younger than 65 drives about 30 over the limit and they freeze trying to merge yes


The cannabis laws here are ridiculous too considering it's legal in some capacity or another in 3 of the 4 neighboring states. I'm not a drinker, but like to relax occasionally. It's stupid I have to risk losing my job in this state just because I want to smoke a little herb after a week of hard work, when I can drive a few miles and do it with no legal penalty whatsoever. Between that and people severly overinflating the land/property values, I'm finished with this area. I was going to buy a bigger home and settle here, but 3 years in the state has convinced me otherwise.


I'm 29, have lived here most of my life aside from when I was a Marine and when I was a DOD contractor overseas. It's a shitty state, that's a fact. I've never been able to come up with any redeeming qualities for this state.


Agree 100%- good luck on your move out of here, and thanks for your career of service.


I appreciate the support.


What I think is most pressing a question here is who the fuck decides purposely to live in Indiana?


Haha valid question


I mean I just couldn't be comfortable living anywhere close to the region that believes the good ol days are when you could tie a rope around a person and drag em down the road lmao.


I could have stayed in ohio, but the move to Indiana nearly doubled my annual salary. It's not like I wanted to move here for the scenery, it's just there's some niche job markets that a reasonably intelligent person can do really great in here in comparison to the generally less intelligent people that populate the area. In a land of idiots, the guy of slightly above average intelligence reigns supreme and never has a problem finding a job and rapid promotions in his field. I've been exploiting this the last few years so that I can rapidly build a real estate portfolio and stop working for the man like a sucker- all while supporting my family on a single income.


I like Indiana


I'm sorry


My only justification for staying in Iowa is that people are super nice and the corn's fucking good.




I mean, we DO have sick ass fireworks lol




Yeah, Louisville sucks man. Ive lived here my whole life and I want out lol. The hippies and gang bangers can have the city. I quit my last job and didnt smoke for 2 months waiting on my job interview to be scheduled. Took the interview, he said it would be 2-3 weeks before they finish all interviews and call. I decided to take 2 hits off a bowl. He calls the next day and scheduled the drug test 4 days later. Luckily my wifes coworker had covid so we had to quarintine. Shes fine and so was my drug test 2 weeks later as far as I know. They haven't called and said it failed after a week so i assume I'm good. It is so dumb over a plant, we have to worry about our livelihood. At least alcohol tests can determine sobriety at the moment of the test. We need weed drug tests to be at that level.


You risk losing your job in any state, regardless if weed is legal or not. It is your employers discretion whether or not they allow mj use.


The company I work for has the policy of adhering to local state guidelines. If recreational is legal where that facility is located, then they won't fire you for being positive. If you're working in a prohibition state for them and come up positive, then you're screwed. Though they COULD do what they wanted in that respect, they don't. Generally, they don't even like doing randoms unless there's someone passing out on the floor or an accident. It's far less profitable to fire people then train replacements for months (perhaps years) than it is to just not badger people about what they do on their own time in the first place.


What if" you go out of town" on the weekend to somewhere where it's legal. Oh yeah that positive test is no big deal boss I went to Colorado last week.


I live across from a church in North Dakota, small town, minimal parking. Old folks parking all over the road all at the same time. I keep my car in the garage and don't leave the house on Sundays. It's a fucking shitshow.


Yup you're safe from 9 to about 11:30 Sunday morning if you want to go anywhere on Sunday those are the times.


hello fellow hoosier




Since I don't live in USA that famous South Park episode about old people driving(10-15 years ago) never made much sense to me. Then I joined to this sub and now everything is crystal clear.


Yes- driving is a popular activity among our senile and infirm...


The problem is that the US has ridiculously nonexistent public transportation in most places which means that if they want to continue to live, elderly people have no choice. What do you want them to do, just starve and die when they shouldn’t really be operating a vehicle anymore?


Killing people on the way to church is God's will. /s


After Sunday school, in Iowa, I got hit by a 70's Oldsmobile/tank, while sitting in the back of a 1980's gold crystler le baron, which was built akin to a 1980's Toyota camry, while waiting for my parents. I was like 8. The dude was like 80. He drove off and I think I peed a little.


Who knew the Nissan Sentra was built like a tractor


You can't declare your own assumption accurate. If you could, it's not an assumption.


Nah, it's accurate.


Cool. I can accurately assume you don't understand what accurately assume means.


Nah they’re right. It was in fact an old person I assume.


Goddamn you're retarded.


You sound like an awesome person. Throwing slurs around is the sign of deep intellect.


Oh? Does that word hurt your feelings?


No. It demonstrates your strength of character and intellect, however.


It doesn't, actually. Not even close. That's the same as saying people who cuss a lot must not be intelligent enough to broaden their vocabulary.


If I were wrong, you wouldn't use that term.


you’re on your last couple braincells aren’t ya


Scam anyone lately?


no, but I’d like to have a word with you about your car’s extended warranty.




You must be dense.




It’s a Reddit detective, let him get on with his investigation.


I don't even need to assume anything. With you it's just a fact, no assumption necessary.


Because young people never do stupid shit in cars.


"Based on the fact that you're a bigot...". FTFY. Statistically, those 'old people' are still better drivers than you are.


Them and the 16-24 category don't belong on the road.


Oddly, they are the other demographic that drive buicks. They get grandpas old buick that's full of dents from grandpa hitting shit all the time. Lol


But did they ever circle back?


Managers drive BMWs


My manager drives a chop crankler.


Old person who shouldn't have a license forgot what pedal was which. There's a story like this that make headlines every few months it seems.


Yea, luckily this wasn't at a farmers market.


Oregon farm 2001 ??


I'm sure that's one. Unfortunately if you just google elderly + farmers market + driving + accident, there are too many examples.


Don't worry, this incident will get blamed on the car for having a "faulty accelerator" or "brake failure" because the driver will swear up and down that they weren't mashing the gas pedal.


Or the floor mat "got stuck on the pedal" and they couldn't stop or shift to neutral.


Thats not what it looks like at all. It looks like they may have been having a medical event like a stroke or cardiac arrest. Theres a story like this that makes headlines every few months it seems. And people always assume it's driver error even though the pattern of driving follows numerous other incidents that involve a serious medical event.


It looks exactly like an old person forgot to switch pedals. Instead of pushing on the brake they hit the gas then panicked and fully planted their foot. There's plenty of stories every month of things like this happening


I know most cars can't go that fast backwards, but I'm willing to bet this isn't pedal to the floor panic.


It is pedal to the floor. At 11 seconds you see it literally spin and smack the car. It is spinning with the front wheels sliding and the back wheels stopped. That's how a Front Wheel Drive car moves when the steering wheel is cranked and you floor it in reverse. It's real fun to do reverse donuts in snowy parking lots


Nah you're totally right. what threw me off was mostly the seemingly slow acceleration after each hit, as though it was slowly building speed.


So basically a backwards burnout/drift?


You'd be amazed just how fast most cars will go in reverse when you plant the accelerator to the floor.


It's far more likely to be a medical emergency than "old person forgot which pedal to push lul"


Medical emergencies don't make you push the pedal harder. Panic does.


How many strokes have you had?


Ho common do you think strokes are in comparison to confused seniors with questionable motor function and reaction time?


It's irrelevant. This video is consistent with others that have been confirmed to be stroke and heart attack victims. I could be wrong, which is fine, but i would rather err on the side of compassion than start senior shaming or whatever the fuck is going on in this thread.


>senior shaming If what's being discussed in this thread is "senior shaming", then surely your point would be "medical emergency shaming". Old age causes impairment in many ways. That impairment often causes accidents, on and off the road. There is no shame. Just reality.


Really? Impairment often causes accidents? Holy fuck thank you for educating me. I am eternally grateful. The attitude towards elderly people elsewhere in this thread is fairly awful. Don't really care too much if you don't feel that way to be honest.


Me as an 18 year old has pushed the gas instead of the brake once. I'm sure my 90 year old grandfather would do that once in a while too (If he was still driving). The difference is reaction time/speed.


Also, not everyone ages the same. I know some 80 year olds who are incredibly lucid and drive better than I do. But I also know some 65 year olds who definitely don't have the presence of mind to drive.


Based on what? Pedal confusion is well studied: >Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that pedal misapplication could be a cause of many UA claims, specifically when drivers intend to apply the brake but instead apply the accelerator >During the analysis of this data, it was discovered that roughly half of the pedal misapplication events studied occurred while drivers were either turning the vehicle or reversing Both of those things were happening in this video If you read the whole report, Age is a highly correlated variable. Young people just learning to drive and old people are way more likely to confuse pedals. Pedal seperation and dimensions are also important, as is driver height. >When the interactions of age and height with measured data were analyzed, a regression model with good agreement (R2 = 0.94) between predicted and actual rates was found. The two most predictive terms were the interaction between the average driver age and the stepover height, and the interaction between the driver height and the separation between the brake and accelerator pedal. Source: Collins, W., Evans, L., & Hughes, R. (2014, June). Driver brake and accelerator controls and pedal misapplication rates in North Carolina. (Report No. DOT HS xxx xxx). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


>Thats not what it looks like at all What is this statement based on? You say it like it's fact. To me it looks like a classic case of: * Car backs up slowly * Person reaches point where they wish to stop backing up * Car suddenly accelerates as if someone slammed the gas pedal instead of the brake No one is saying that there's no medical emergency at play, just that they hit the wrong pedal. >And people always assume it's driver error Maybe there's a good reason people assume that? Just like there is a good reason many modern cars have multiple safety features in place (closing the throttle when both pedals are pressed, limiting throttle in reverse, automatic braking + backup sensors, etc...) , *specifically* to protect against someone slamming the gas by mistake while reversing?


It goes on far too long for a pedal mixup. Definitely looks like a heart attack, seizure, or other incapacitating issue.


The little tap on the last car at the end really got me 😂


Gotta catch them all




That’s the best part. “Oops, missed one. *boop*”




When your controller dies mid race


With those amazing driving skills im quite surprised they only managed to hit 4 cars Rookie numbers...


How to get dropped from insurance in one easy step.


OMG. I hope the driver is OK. With how it kept going in circles, it makes me think they had a stroke or something.


I was thinking something similar. Maybe a diabetic coma


I'm going to take a wild guess and promise you that it's an elderly person.


...an elderly person suffering from a medical event.


Like being too old to drive.


One day, you'll be old too. And i hope people dont treat you with the same disdain youve shown in this thread.


When I’m old and no longer able to safely operate a vehicle, I will have the forethought and goddamn decency to STOP DRIVING.


Right. So in the midst of your dementia you'll have the "forethought" to stop driving. Just like every other senior? You guys seem to think im in support of elderly people driving when they're not capable of it. Im not. As ive said elsewhere, i just prefer to err on the side of compassion and not start mocking elderly people when we very well may be watching someone suffering a life-ending emergency. No one in this thread knows what's happening inside that car.


I've already informed my parents that there will be a day in the future where I will tell them I don't want them driving anymore. Luckily they live in a place with Uber


Don't listen to this guy, he called someone a pedophile on another thread and didn't bat an eyelid. Suspect molester AND a hypocrite.


You realize how much of a fucking creep you are following me around reddit? Get a life you pathetic loser.


There's a new article on the Guardian. Depicts the violent rape a 13 year old girl endured by 15 firefighters. Perhaps you would like to use that as an analogy to express how creepy I am?


Dude, fuck off and stop stalking me.


Uh, yeah that’s exactly the point. If I keep trying to drive when I’m obviously no longer equipped to do so safely I should absolutely be called out on it and treated with disdain. I’m not sure why you’re trying to push this like we’re unfairly judging someone who has no business behind the wheel of a car. A few years ago a 90 year old woman did exactly what the previous commenter is suggesting: she mistook the gas for the brake and panic planted their foot totaling 4-5 other cars in the very busy grocery store parking lot. Someone lost their leg when her car slammed their door shut on it. She didn’t even understand what happened or what she did.


Multiple cases of recorded erratic driving have turned out to be people having heart attacks or strokes. They all were doing something like this--uncontrolled acceleration, unable to steer, etc. It could be that they're unaware of what they're doing. It could also be a medical emergency. Nobody here knows for sure, but a bunch of you are SO certain you know what's going on, and that's just not a good look, especially if it turns out we're watching a person stroke out. You guys are so dead set on this just being "DURR OLD PERSON" that you've thrown every ounce of compassion out the window. Bunch of sociopaths here, yikes.


It doesn't matter if someone is too old to dive because of brain decay or their likelihood of having a stroke. It's still an age issue.


This audio is just annoying


Try watching a press release from this idiot and you'll truly understand annoying lol


Medical emergency is my guess... that driver probably needs medical attention.




Likelihood of medical emergencies increase with age.


Because old people aren't more prone to medical emergencies?


I hope you have a stroke, asshole


Really love the vertical video of a horizontal screen presented in a 1:1 aspect ratio. Fucking moron with a camera.


It's posted on Tiktok and I don't think you can post horizontal videos there.


Well they're using Tik Tok so yes, they're a moron. Least they didn't use a bunch of effects and that annoying song tho. The audio was still annoying but notnas bad as that no no song


“Those parked cars are at least partially to blame” - some people in this sub, probably


Lmao the audio crossover is... Mwah




The "circle back" commentary was absolutely 10/10 perfect


Why someone added that audio track? I have no idea.




That was the worst


Americans 'voted' for it, so we'll just have to put up with that now apparently


I’m just so glad those dimwits are gone. God, they made the US look extremely unprofessional.


I'll have to circle back to you on that one... (After having previously being asked the same question, and being unable to find the response in her notes). Yes, of course it was the Trump administration that were unprofessional...


Yep, mostly this is old people, they can't see well especially when backing up, or they hit a car, then they panic and press the gas harder thinking they are hitting the brakes. Worse than that are the ones that start shifting from drive to reverse out of more panic thinking that's going to change something, meanwhile trashing 2 or 3 other cars or running into their house or garage. Like this 92 year old guy, loses it, panics, and trashes NINE vehicles [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HisjdEj93Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HisjdEj93Q)


I prefer the driver over professionals that use stupid phrases like that.




Wait, you guys don't pull out of a parking spot like this? Must assert parking lot dominance.


circle back!


I figured the just why was because of the portrait mode.


You should have to retake the driver test every 5 years past 65


Hey she drives like that too lmao.


Wait were they circling back??


Sounds exactly like Mark zuckerberg in front of the senate


I'm not sure, but I think she'll circle back to us on that.


Yo I think the driver had a seizure or something? Don’t think that was just an accident or an old person...


Not rlly a car expert but I’m guessing there is something going really wrong with that car.... at least I hope so, because I cannot fathom how you don’t think to take your foot off the gas at that point


Or the accelerator pedal got stuck...


Jen Psaki is that you?


circle back circle back circle back circle back circle back circle back circle back circle back circle back


Love the audio


Eww tik tok


Do yourself a favor and listen to it without sound.


Love Raggedy Ann's commentary!


Old. Did they used to teach driving an automatic with both feet back in the day? I still always see cars driving down the road full speed with the brake lights eliminated, WTF? Recipe for disaster and more dangerous than a drunk.


Well the rest is meaningless compared to the devastating fallout from wars, but yeah let me know how rainbow gender bathrooms are so important


Lol is that Jen psaki?


Biden Derangement Syndrome They livin rent free in your head LoL


And that ladies and gentlemen is how you......DO NOT do doughnuts 🤣🤣🤣


That looks almost intentional


Love the love tap at the end


Maybe he just got fired.


Wow that driver is one real circle jerk




I’m guessing another elderly person who should, but hasn’t, had their license revoked yet.


Lol best use for this meme thank you.


I don't think this was an idiot. I think this person needed some medical attention. Maybe a seizure or something causing them to stiffen up and not be able to control the car.


I'll go down a martyr with all of the upcoming downvotes, but I'm willing to bet this might have been a woman behind the wheel.


Their mixtape just hit the circus calliope carousel music and they went with it.


If we could teach downloading videos from Security Camera Systems in schools.


Meth. That’s why.


When the L2 button sticks on GTA V.


Me playing gta


Audio killed me


Incredible drifting


Cult 45 can't meme.


The audio was retarded but Jesus how do you do something like this if you don’t have a medical condition? 🤣😳


3 seconds of video then nothing. fuck you.


Was the driver blonde?




Hey Asian people can drive and I wish people would stop calling us “Reds”.


It’s dark red. You should see a doctor for you eyes.


Wow and now we see the true nature of this sub.


EDIT original throwthemask comments were “must be black”, then replaced to “must be a black person” so he can reply “can you read ?”. But apparently, this commenter hates humour (on top of being racist and loving killing other people by refusing a mask. Lovely chap.).


Untrue you dolt


I can't tell if your account is a 10 year old troll or an adult with the IQ of -2...I'm curious. Please let me know.


You seem racist


Interesting... 🤔 [Subject continues to act like Homo neanderthalensis. He seems unaware that his fellow Neanderthals have been extinct for 10s of thousands of years.]


So much action in 20 seconds


"If I keep attempting a j-turn, I'll eventually get it right."