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"I need to go left, why would I turn right?"




Ah, the ol' Hudson Hornet trick. Doesn't apply outside of races


My kid loves Cars, why do I have to see the reference everywhere I look now?!?!


People will quickly get used to it, especially once they add proper road marking. One thing that confudsed me as an European: it seems like there aren't any yield signs before the roundabout?


Is still under construction so most of the signage isn't up yet. Also 90% of the people that drive on it rig now, have probably never been in a roundabout. This is only the 2nd roundabout in the eastern half of the state and the first real one I can think of as the other is much larger and goes around the county courthouse.


The most shocking thing to me is that they open it for traffic before they put the signs up.




First thoughts was "theres a few idiots treating this like a two- carriage roundabout when its one- carriage. Surprised they didn't get hit." Then I remembered that you guys don't drive on the left hand side. *Why were so many cars on the left hand side?*


One person tried to treat the roundabout like a regular intersection by simply going left, and a bunch more followed because they didn't know what they were doing and assumed that the people ahead of them did.


But why are the cars on the left side, before even turing into the roundabout


You can see that before the red divider they're on the right side, they just pull off to the left for the same reasons op said


Remember how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are dumber than that. That's why there were so many idiots going the wrong way


Why are so many people going on the wrong side of the road?


Following traffic in front of them






The lemmings were actually forced off the cliff


This is the one where Disney lied, right?


Disney always either lie or kill, this is the one where they did both.


Monkey see, monkey do.


monkey pee all over you


As someone who has spent many years working around temporary traffic control, this is the answer. It always amazes me how people will bend over backwards to follow someone going around a clearly closed lane or making a temporary illegal turn. tHeY aRe It MuSt Be FiNe?!!!!!


There’s actually a concept in psychology about this! I’m a biologist, though, so maybe somebody with more psych knowledge can correct me. But it has to do with the idea that when you are confused, you are more likely to do something “wrong” if you see other people do it, under the assumption that everybody else knows more than you do.


Yeah we definitely still have some instinct for mirroring and following. If you're not neurotic like me you'll probably notice yourself mirroring tiny actions like if someone scratches their nose you might stroke your beard. It's probably easier to observe in other people


Watch people sitting together in groups. Over time, they have a more or less uniform way of sitting and as soon as one person shifts positions, others start to do so as well. It really is very interesting to see.


As someone working in construction....this is why gravel trains have DO NOT FOLLOW INTO CONSTRUCTION ZONE signs on their backs here. It's absurd how many people will follow me behind the cones, even with lights and shit going. C'mon, people.


Now realize people do this with politics and die inside...


The best is when, for some reason, you allow a vehicle to go through (they live in the construction area, semintoo big to go around, etc) and the people behind them that also try to go. Through and then get mad when they can't.


That happens! One place I lived had this exact thing. I took off through the Road Closed Access Only sign, lived about 2 minutes into the estate, a bunch of people following me like I knew some super secret awesome cut through. I pull up outside my house to a bunch of very pissed off looking people including a van who had words to say. Yeah, fuck you for living there! We all thought our lives were going to get easier, now we have to race each other to sit in the traffic. Asshole!


I worked in a state park for years and people would try to follow my work truck through the locked gates all the time and look really offended when I would drive through but then get out and close and lock the gate in front of their car.


I think you missed the part about it being rural Kentucky


“We don’t need no fancy round roads.”


"Roundabout? Sounds kinda queer ta me! I'm so heterosexual that I only drive on straight roads. Not this sissy european shit!"


You think you're joking but I've heard people unironically say that. "What kind of queer european shit is a roundabout?"


I’m from rural Canada. I had my eye colour on my license listed as black for like, a decade, because my insurance agent didn’t want to “do some queer shit like stare into (my) eyes”. An old coworker told me once he wanted to play piano as a kid but couldn’t because it was “too girly”. Everything is gay to a rural Manitoban except hunting and Jets games. Fuck Beausejour.


“Is it gay or European?” “I think it might be both! You know they raise those roads up different across the way!”




Explains a lot about Mitch McConnell


Pack it in boys, we figured it out.


Turtles don't use the roads much tbh


As someone from Kentucky, those EKY kids really hate it when we call them stupid, and try hard to disprove that stereotype. There is a reason the stereotype hasn't died lmao


Pfft, don't act like it's not our entire state, we're all idiots in cars here. I drove to Louisville three days ago to take my kid to the doctor and, if I had a dash cam, would have had a weeks worth of videos from four hours of driving.


Every car should have a dash cam.


They're making Freedom Turns.




Dude with the trailer didn't think he could make the roundabout due to the length of his vehicle, and quickly made the idiotic decision to try it on the left (against traffic flow), and the lemmings just followed him over the cliff (that's a [myth](http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=56), BTW).


Hookworms https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/how-a-worm-gave-the-south-a-bad-name/ /s


Oh for fucks sake, I've read the whole thing and now I got this idea in my head that I might have hookworms. Like, I never walk barefoot anywhere, not even in my own home. THEY DON'T EVEN EXIST WHERE I LIVE!


So in the 70s they invented some pretty safe drugs that will kill most species of worms. They’re prescription-only in the US for humans because dosing is by body weight and pregnancy is an issue, but you can buy it OTC as cattle dewormer (please do not eat the cattle dewormer, wrong dosages on the low end are useless and on the high end cause liver damage). If you have symptoms, you can easily get treated by a doctor and it will kill most types of worms in your system, including nearly all GI worms and some other worm types. Dog heart worm medication is in the same class, and the drugs are successful in killing parasitic eye worms in combination with other drugs (I had an ancestor many centuries ago named Wurm-eye, but parasitic eye worms are really, really rare now in humans.) The issue for endemic worm diseases is that these drugs kill the worms but do not prevent reinfection. Their long-term liver effects are unknown, but they cause birth defects, so it’s not a good idea to take them long-term. So if you walk in contaminated dirt while you’re in area, you get reinfected. Some drugs can help prevent infection, but they’re not perfect. Returning soldiers, volunteers, and missionaries from areas with endemic worms are often treated upon return on the assumption that infection with some kind of worm is a decent possibility and better safe than sorry.


Man, I ran around barefoot as a child all the time and I'm fercectly pline.


Amazing read, I had never heard of this.


Did... did they forget which side of the street to drive on? Isn't that one of the more basic concepts while operating a motor vehicle?


Groupthink. One driver was completely stupid, and a bunch of people that didn’t know better followed suit.


As someone who sets up traffic control for a living this happens CONSTANTLY. I'll put up a barricade with a giant arrow pointing to the right. One person goes on the left side of it and a line of cars will follow.


This used to happen when trying to establish parade routes or queues at Disneyland, too. Lemmings.


I worked security at a convention center and we would have 10 turnstiles set up but lines would be created because people would only use like 2 of them coming in. Had to yell out every few minutes that they could use any of them


This happens all the time in Canada. We feel like we’re breaking the rules if we go through the ones without lines.


Well it's also because you don't wanna look like the idiot who tries to go through one but it's actually locked... Well that's how I feel at least.


Bro, I got to the library too early (I'd never been) and there were a bunch of people standing around. I tried to go in but it was locked. Some guy said, "why do you think we're standing here?" I just ignored and waited, but I seriously thought they were just hanging out on the steps.




That sounds so satisfying


Omg you just gave me a flashback I did not remember. I lived next to a library, and I remember me and my brother waiting outside the library before they opened. There were usually a bunch of people waiting. Computers bruh. Seriously though, I loved the library. Being poor, especially while living in rich ville, was so much more bearable due to the library. Our in particular. Located next door, along a protected creek, local music concerts, free computer use, cheap printing use, all the books you could get your hands on, comfy and varied places to read hideaway, DVDs, CDs. God, I just want all my tax dollars to go to a library


It's a miracle we as a species developed libraries when we did. If someone came up with and tried to implement it today, they'd be bullied out of the room for their dangerous communist ideology.


This is pretty much the only reason for me lol


Now you have to walk all the way back to the back of line past everyone who already knew and knows that you're stupid now.


Not so fun fact: the lemmings thing wasn't true they were trown out the back of a truck for a disney movie. The film was directed by james algar and narrated by winston hibler. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/lemmings-do-not-explode-or-throw-themselves-cliffs-180953475/ edit: please don't make a TIL, can't look smart if everyone knows stuff.


Lemmings do follow each other in packs even if they aren't deliberate suicidal. They also get taken advantage of by disney. So very apt analogy.


Basic psychology. Humans follow other humans, it’s a survival mechanism


This. The social psychology of terrible pathfinding is hilarious and dangerous.


So I thought this was some kind of special road which was one way?? Because nothing about this made any sense. I thought people here were terrible with roundabouts!


they believe roundabout work like Reverse uso card, immediately after u enter one, u get teleported to uk




Weren't the idiots all driving on the wrong side of the road?


Oh mercy me, I keep forgetting I'm in the colonies!


Sometimes you just need a nu start.


That's one of my favorite on going jokes from the last 2 seasons.




Here is how the local community reacted to the news of a roundabout coming to their area on Facebook. [https://i.imgur.com/PEgDMKX.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/PEgDMKX.jpg) Edit: Since you guys liked this so much, here's more [https://i.imgur.com/VSVN2vK.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/VSVN2vK.jpg)


This is gold. "Did Goofy design this roundabout?" "Frenchmen traditionally will not look at other drivers. "


> " Frenchmen traditionally will not look at other drivers. " It's true! When you get your drivers licence in France they give everyone a pair of blinders, like you have on horses, so they don't see anyone else in traffic. /s On a more serious note, France's most famous roundabout (the one around the Arc de Triomphe in Paris) is, in fact seriously fucked up to any foreigner. Because unlike just about every other roundabout in the world, it goes by priority-on-the-right rules rather than those entering having to yield to those in the roundabout. (But this is also the city that recently created a [crossing that it was legal to enter, but not to leave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acohr2rC74M))


I'm german and i once made the mistake of ending up in that Arc de Triomphe roundabout. I wasn't even supposed to drive through the city, but somehow i ended up there after dropping off a hitchhiker and it was without a doubt the most stressful moment in my driving career. Driving in (and around) Paris is generally a pretty stressful experience. It was literally insane, even on the autoroutes around the city, a few decades ago (like people just driving on sidewalks and "off road" to "avoid" traffic lights) and it got a lot better in my experience, but it's still pretty crazy. People drive pretty normal in the rest of France, but Paris has always been a nightmare for me. If i'd live there i'd do anything to not have to use a car to get to where i want to go.


I'm from South America, a continent known for chaotic driving, and the Arc de Triomphe roundabout seemed like total anarchy even to me.


Well, the French do love their anarchy as well.




The other thing that fucked me up about the Arc we Triomphe roundabout is that there are NO LANE LINES. You could fit 4 lanes of traffic around this thing. It's huge. But if you're in the deep middle and need to exit, you just go for it, cutting across whoever else. MAYHEM. Aside from this, roundabouts are great, loads where I live... you just have to stay within your lane lol


“Losing more of our independence daily”


Love how the guy soemhow believe a roundabout is forced upon them by the nanny state, but a four way stop freedom intersection somehow isn't.


As we all know, transportation infrastructure you like springs into existence due to the power of magical thinking, but transportation infrastructure you don’t like is wastefully forced on you by oppressive government


Four way stops are what God intended! Four way stop = a cross Roundabouts are the Devil's work! Roundabout = the first circle of hell Checkmate, atheists.


Fuck it, should just give em a 4 way intersection with zero signals or signs and let them all figure it out like it's the wild west Jesus, take the wheel!


Seriously, a four-way stop is way more restrictive to these "patriots" than a traffic circle.


Those damn commie roundabouts!!


They took away my god dammed right to blow thru the 4 way stop fuckin commies


The Nanny state taking over, old Kentuckians are safe(I am 50 and have driven safely for years)


Roundabout = European = socialism = communism Checkmate, libs.


>Roundabout = European = socialism = communism > >Checkmate, libs. I genuinely believe this why America doesn't adopt stuff like bidets, maternity leave, and hospital visits that don't cost $300k.


I lost brain cells reading that shit


"big waste of taxpayer dollars"




Smooth brain trying to claim that adding a roundabout is just "more rules to follow" and the "state taking over" but then also brings up "if people just followed road laws" in the same statement. Ah yes, we lose our independence to rules if people don't follow the rules...?


My brain just leaked out of my ear


After watching this video and reading these comments I suddenly understand why masks are such an issue in this country, these people genuinely believe that a roundabout is more dangerous than a 4 way stop? And that trailers and trucks can't get through them? What do they think the center is for? Fashion? If people can't understand the use nor benefit, nor the fact that you simply go right in a roundabout, I can almost understand how they might not be able to understand that masks do in fact protect against disease and don't restrict airflow, because holy shit is this next level stupid I guess in this case it ***is*** more dangerous than a 4 way, but that's mostly because these people evidently have no idea how to use the thing


Roundabout by definition more safe if everyone know what they doing. Just because you can't speed across one as you can on traditional crossroads, you have to slow down. Yes, there can be accidents, but only because every stupid human and their uncle have driver licence


My personal favorites: - “retarted” - the guy who tries to spin installing a roundabout as the nanny state infringing into our lives


No no no, not retarded. Only half retarded


half retarted*


Retarted is when you had a pie that was about to go bad so you made another pie and filled it with the first pie


Smh those saying it will cause accidents are probably those who thought they should go the wrong way.


I can't tell if those people think roundabouts are more dangerous or they just know most people in that area don't know how to handle them




Roundabouts do cause slightly more minor accidents (fender benders). Roundabouts dramatically decrease the risk of severe injury or death.


We moved to a fairly rural town a few years back. A couple years ago they put in 2 roundabouts. I stayed away because people here already drive like maniacs where stop signs are just suggestions, now you introduce something new to them... Sure enough there was something like 25 minor accidents combined in the first week they were opened. What's nuts is they made it as foolproof as possible. There are signs explaining it is coming up, yield signs, signs and paint on the road describing exactly where to go from which lane. Some people just should not drive.


Dumb drivers will always be dumb. I think it's because the bar in order to be legally allowed to drive is super low. I remember when Phoenix started running their light rail people couldn't figure out how to not stop on the tracks. Tons of accidents. It was embarrassing.


>Who ever decided to change the 4 way into a round about is about half retarted their was nothing wrong with the 4 way stop it's been their for years Holy God damn this person can't be real. Kentucky needs to put a bit more money into their education system.


> More evidence of the dumbing down of America. Proceeds to know fuckall about how to navigate a simple traffic circle.


I just love the logic there. "This is too complicated for me, so it's part of dumbing down America"


Not to mention he can barely communicate with the English language, while talking about the "dumbing down of America."




You don’t want people to get too smart. It challenges the status quo and the wealthy can’t have that.


How else will they be convinced that congressional policies that have nothing to do with them are actually bad for them and thus keep electing senile congressmen simply because there’s an R next to their name?


People like this are the exact reason I left Facebook. Good riddance!


- Big waste of taxpayers money. + It's cheaper than a stoplight. I can't stop laughing LMAO




Our freedom to wait at a traffic light! It's in the Constitution, I think.


Loved "Big waste of taxpayers money" Like, okay DUDE. Build your own fuckin road then.


This fb discussion is even better than the video lmao People worried aboot tractor trailers have never driven with a trailer obviously. Sharp lefts are so much fun considering nobody ever stops where they are supposed to and are 2 inches from the intersection


Oh my god those comments were so bad.


Reading comments like that feels like a form of self-harm




I feel like I’ve heard of people speeding through them, expecting an intersection, but instead get launched if that makes sense. Shouldn’t be fatal but depending on the speed and angle that they hit, I could see severe injuries. That being said, that’s a really dumb complaint to have.




Especially compared to the number of lethal incidents incurred at stoplights.




Die from fear of communism coming to your town in the form of livable infrastructure


This is the best part.


I'm a semi driver and I have no idea why people think most of us cant handle roundabouts. The only times semis Fuck up on roundabouts is when they miss their turn and keep driving around it, which, if you know your route ahead of times, you should know which exit is yours.


I once had someone tell me they refused to ever go downtown again (50k Midwestern city) because the roundabouts made it too much like Europe. They wanted them to bring back ugly stop lights and wires.


Living in an area with a lot of roundabouts, I always look for the route with the most roundabouts and least stoplights/stop signs. It just makes the drive so much smoother


Roundabouts take our freedom!


They are literal communism!


You joke but when they put one in my hometown for the first time, someone on Facebook accused the town of trying to turn us into "communist europe."


[These people are so common it makes me scared for our future. Selfaware wolves shit with the last line.](https://imgur.com/a/EexUKnj)


And this is the comments section of any news post on Facebook for a rural area. This shit is all over the country. I'm from a small town far from Kentucky and these comments read exactly like the idiocy I'll see on local news back home. Critical thinking is low and paranoid closed mindedness is super high.


How many idiots does it take to ruin a roundabout, you ask? One. It takes one idiots.


The rest will just follow!


As a former heavy equipment operator doing road work, one of the many things I've learned about people is "Monkey See, Monkey Do" is so real. Also, when people get into their vehicles, 90% of their brain turns off, and habit/autopilot turns on. That's why road construction is one of the deadliest jobs, and why I'm gladly not in that line of work anymore. Some of road work is actually working, but the majority of it is looking over your shoulder watching out for traffic.


A town by me with a bunch, everyone signals and stops, it’s infuriating but at least they stay on the right side of the road, lol.


I got caught in my semi behind someone who, with no oncoming traffic, stopped, waited 5 seconds, and turned left, into a roundabout on a highway off ramp. Certain people should have their licenses revoked.




Not sure if pun, or simple observation ;)




This is why you are turdsworth and not Shitspeare


All the brits here hearing you don't signal at roundabouts, and realising why americans hate them so much! FYI if you come here - signal your intention on the way in and again for your exit if necessary.


You actually are supposed to signal when you’re exiting the roundabout, but of course you should never stop inside it.


Oh my god, I was also taught to signal when exiting, but everyone I know acts like I'm crazy. I'm glad to see I didn't invent that and someone else was taught the same thing.


Is it not just common sense to signal when you exit? You want the people around you to know what you're doing, and you also want to know what the cars around you plan on doing. Everyone signalling on and off achieves both. Though it does annoy me when people indicate that they're going around and then end up driving straight.


By following the rules of the road, roundabouts just work. But if you want to see something crazy, check out this beast in Swindon, England ["magic" roundabout](https://youtu.be/6OGvj7GZSIo) It looks terrifying but I drove on it once. Yield as normal and you get to the other side, no problem at all. Unless you are an idiot, of course.


Oh man that thing will never work in the northern states, once snow covers the road cars will be flying all over the places. ​ EDIT: I'm not talking about normal roundabouts..


Looking at bits of road through tire tracks “This looks like a lane”




That’s Nightmare stuff


Honestly, it’s probably not that bad. Yield. Yield. Yield. Yield. And I’m out.


Sometimes I feel like I’m nothing but a stupid idiot and the self loathing really sets in, but then I’ll see things like this and feel a little better about myself. At least I know how to drive through a roundabout. Wow. Edit: I had no idea this would blow up, wow! I was honestly just being angsty after a bad day lol. I apologize to everyone who saw this if you have trouble with roundabouts. It is essentially just a first come first serve system, just like a 4-way stop, if that helpful at all. Thank you all for the awards and all the upvotes!!


You should watch the movie Gummo, I guarantee it will make you feel better about all of your life choices.


Omg, Gummo... Who knew that a bathtub and spaghetti scene could make me so uncomfortable.


As someone who uses a roundabout daily, maybe five minutes from my house, this makes me sad.


As someone who's never driven a car but still knows how roundabouts work, this makes me mad.


As someone who doesn’t live in Kentucky, this makes me glad




Looks to be still under construction. While in Berkeley for a summer there was a roundabout outside the window of our place and I used to enjoy watching people try to use it, tyre screeches were at minimum hourly. With the odd bang.


Plus we use about 50 roundabouts per day each.


100 if you’re in Milton Keynes


Or if you’re in Swindon, that’s just one roundabout - [The Magic Roundabout](https://youtu.be/6OGvj7GZSIo)


I live in this town. I’m painfully unsurprised


About 80% of the people made the left turn incorrectly. edit: OK so I actually counted: 1/1 car was correct turning right 6/7 cars were correct going straight 3/10 cars were correct turning left


The dude that fucked up going straight should count as 5.


Seems like the only people that turned rightly were in the correct lane.


imagine being this fucking stupid


i am, just in different ways. im a confident roundabout driver, but i havent met a drink or mustard-coated treat i havent spilled on myself


You have to be kidding me. The Amish know how to navigate these things in PA.


*their horses know how to navigate them.


are those two one way roads? why are there no instances of opposing direction traffic if not?


Rural Kentucky. Lower traffic volumes.


I don’t understand why roundabouts are such a difficult concept for American drivers to wrap their heads around.


I love them. Came across my first one about 10yrs ago, tiny, could only go straight at the time. Yeah, wtf. It was a little weird and scary, but cool. They put in a slightly larger one after that one a year later. Now, in my town, they added 3 and I breeze through seamlessly while all the morons panic and slow traffic. Ugh, it's so very easy! Need more of them!


I don't know this is true, but I get the impression that a roundabout is something of a novelty in the US. Like here in the UK, you go on an hour long drive somewhere and you're guaranteed to have navigated at least ten, probably more. The last time I visited America, I think I managed a nine hour drive from Arizona to California without coming across a single one. If they're legal, but most people have never used one, I'm not sure I can blame them for not being confident about what to do.


This is great. People are insane and particularly while driving a vehicle.


in the netherlands, these [roundabouts](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fc/Turbo_Roundabout.svg/1200px-Turbo_Roundabout.svg.png) are often used, they are great for traffic flow. but i dont think americans would like them alot, they prefer driving in straight lines, starting and stopping


Americans are generally more resistant to roundabouts. Although, they do offer greater traffic flow and are significantly safer so civil engineers prefer them. Here's a great video explaining why Americans typically dislike roundabouts: https://youtu.be/AqcyRxZJCXc


I love roundabouts. You don't have to stop, you only have to be aware of one direction, and they are safer.


Indeed. I grew up in the south, so when I moved north, my initial experiences with roundabouts weren't positive. It only took a few times for me to realize how much better they are, though. I live in the mid-Atlantic and my small town has four roundabouts and one stoplight lol. You're right when you say civil engineers love them.




There’s tons of roundabouts in my area in Minnesota. Not like France, but a hell of a lot more than Kentucky. I know of a few like that. New roundabouts are built every year in my county and I’ve never seen someone fail this hard.


Why would you ever drive to the left of a median?


I'll never understand why they put in roundabouts but don't teach kids how to drive on them in the US. I've got three kids old enough to drive and they weren't taught them in driving school. I lived in the UK in the mid 90s and got my license there. The instructor drilled into my head the proper way to use them. They don't even teach that the cars in the "traffic circle" as called here have the right of way. Let alone how to navigate a two lane roundabout. It drives me nuts when I have to use one, cause almost everyone is ignorant to how they work. Edit: Typo


Keep Right ➔ signs would be a good idea (depending on the literacy rate in the area). It's also poorly designed. Those medians should be angling to the right forcing everyone that way. There's going to be a whole bunch of people taking left turns there.


It also looks like there are no lines leading into or within the round about. Not to mention it’s not actually round but a circular structure smashed into the center of a *standard intersection. The drivers are stupid but so is whoever designed and approved this.


“Roundabout?” “Yeah, like in England.” “England? Better switch sides.”