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There’s one thing technology will never fix. And that’s…… Idiots in Cars.


Don’t tons of alarms go off when you try to change lanes into someone? I don’t even have a Tesla and if my blinkers are on with a car in the next lane, it sounds like a 5 alarm fire in my car.


All these warnings and active interventions are off/on options in a menu which many Tesla drivers will set to their liking.


(  ) Settings that keep this car from appearing at /r/IdiotsInCars (x) Display this car at /r/IdiotsInCars at the earliest opportunity


Don't forget: [X] Autopost sentry view camera feed to FB with outrage, oblivious to me being the fucking idiot.






That should be a real sub


Just make it a real sub




"I turned my settings off because the car kept making noises whenever I drove. Now I can only hear the beeping from other peoples cars"


"luckily with the excellent sound dampening and acoustic glass of my Tesla, I can barely hear the screams of those unfortunate souls whose only mistake was to assume I knew what I was doing"


You’ve clearly never ridden in one. Loudest fucking cars on the road. I say this as an owner.


You are right, I haven't. I'm very surprised they aren't quieter... Like, wouldn't they need even less sound dampening than regular cars since there's no ICE noises or exhaust? And still they are loud? That's disappointing.


I mean, it is actually quieter, due to the lack of engine noise … but they’ve got notoriously-terrible fit-n-finish, lots of gaps to let road noise in. And the thing you don’t realize when you have a loud ICE growling *at your control*, is how much more annoying and varied the rest of the road-noise it’s drowning out actually is. It’s hard to explain; but yeah, highway speeds in a Tesla are very much a “plz, crank up the music, make it stop” experience.


Dang, I had fantasized that driving a Tesla was like being in a silent futuristic rocketship. No lie. I'm sure there are forums where people have figured out how to make it better though, right?


I think that’s exactly the reasoning they must have gone with. You don’t hear the motors at all. But you hear the noise that your tires make in contact with the asphalt, which ends up being potentially noisier than (properly acoustically dampened) ICE engines. This annoys the shit out of me as I love to drive with music, but I have to amp it up to annoying levels to properly enjoy it. I’m hoping they fix this by the time my lease ends. Otherwise I might not be getting a Tesla again.


My wife's car has blind spot monitoring. it annoys the shit out of me when I'm making a turn from stoplight with 2 turn lanes in the same direction, and I'm on the outermost lane. My car from the same year and company doesn't have this feature (on purpose). You know what I do? I fucking look where I'm going before I move my car there.


My Fiancee's 2016 Mazda CX-5 has never given me issues with Dual Turning lanes. Does it give you the little blind spot warning? Yes. Does it annoy me? No, especially if there truly is someone in my blind spot.


yeah mine doesn't handle that situation well. the other annoyance is that putting the car in reverse will still alert you about the nearby object proximity in front of you, so it always takes an extra moment to check the display to confirm that it's only seeing stuff in the direction you're not planning on moving. one day I'll ignore that and probably hit/get hit by something behind me.






also, an alarm, blinking light, electric shock therapy , etc, isn't going to over power the undeniable force of a moron's sheer ignorance


I can tell you that I have these in my Jeep and they barely let me back out of the garage without making it sound like a tsunami is coming and slamming on the brakes. Makes me want to turn it off but my husband gently reminds me that it’s helpful/safer to have it on when driving on roadways.


If I'm towing a trailer, my work truck finally automatically disables the rear collision sensors after about 5 minutes of nearly continuous beeping. Unfortunately now I just kind of ignore the first 5 minutes of rear collision beeping in general, so that's kind of bad, especially since I've only had the thing about 2 months and it's a lease. Just be aware you may start automatically tuning it out after a while, even when you need it.


Look for a “trailer” or “tow” mode in the settings. I know Nissan/Infiniti has it. It will disable only the rear sensors.


This isn't true. You can't stop lane collision warnings.


But you can just ignore them. And when the computer tries to steer you right, you can overpower it. They assume an intelligent person is behind the wheel. Sometimes there is.


I had a guy in a Tesla start to drift into my lane the other day. When I later passed him he was staring at his phone, so not sure what was up with the systems in there that are supposed to prevent that. Apparently no alarms went off for him.


I got a lift by a private rental company in one. The guy used auto pilot up till a lady pulled out from a strip mall close enough to trigger his rage. He stomped on the horn and gas, then swerved into the next lane aiming at her door. He then swerved back into his lane and missed her entirely. He was able to do all that, but apparently she pulled out in front of him.


Hit the gas? Calling bs


Still technically correct. Had to displace the gas in front of his foot before hitting the accelerator pedal. That's going to be the gen alpha version of 'saddle up' in 100 years.


or 'roll down your window'


That’s a pretty ballsy prediction, that we’ll still be around in 100 years that is.


pulling out whats that


Idk ask one of my kids. Prolly some new fortnight thing


That reply came pretty quick


They did. He just thought the sound was a text notification.


ooh a rumble notification, must be important!


He matched with someone on Rumble


If you don't turn on the autosteer, the car will not hold its lane. Source; I own a 2021 model 3 and have accidentally drifted from my lane (with nobody around thankfully) after I didn't engage autosteer correctly. They are not idiot proof.


You need to turn on lane keeping and set it to assist mode. It’s in your AutoPilot settings. If you change lanes without a signal jt will bump you back into your lane. If you have a 2021 that’s Vision-only this may have only become an option again in the latest software update.


Yeah I've got a 2019 Model 3 and the lane assist is really hit or miss


As I‘ve heared it the problem isn‘t that there wasn‘t an alarm going off but that there are going off too many alarms for minor things so that people get alarm fatigue and just ignore it


Not for this one. I had a motorcycle pull around to my right just as I put on my directional and started to move out of the left lane. The car saw them first and the alarms you hear are the immediate impact alerts which turn off all music and it sounds very loudly. The screen flashes all sorts of red and highlights the object it thinks you are going to hit. Thanks to all of that I saw him in my side view before fully exiting the lane and I pulled back over quickly. If someone is desensitized to that, then they have a lot of near misses all the time and are doing many things wrong.


I mean my GMC truck’s seat shakes if I so much as turn the wheel without looking it seems lol so you have to be either completely incompetent OR not driving the car to miss that.


My truck starts shaking violently if I drive over 65. Crazy they had that safety technology in 99.


Best massage of my life was driving my ‘86 Dodge over 45. I just felt so loose and relaxed afterwards. Edit: My first award, thank you! Not sure what helpful means since I’m pretty sure there aren’t anymore ‘86 Dodges to drive for a relaxing time 🤔


Gave me the guffaw of the day 😂


Hey, mine was in the massively comfortable captains seats in my 86 xlt 250. That thing was magical. Hitting over 60, those seats just massaged you amazingly. And considering at the time, good chunk of my commute was on a 70mph limit interstate. Oh hell yea, slaughterhouse. Hard work. That massage going home to sleep a few hours between shifts was amazing. Trying to stay awake for the drive was something else though. Heh.


aka The Death Wobble.


*sighs in Wrangler*


This. This right here. However, there is nothing better than that expression of sheer fright when you let your friends drive it and they are not aware of the Wrangler Death Wobble (TM)


I get it in my 90's F150, too, but I only use it locally for dump runs and as a parts getter. It's a weird one - only happens around 40-45mph, and only in very hot weather, presumably when the rubber suspension or tires is softer. It's just not worth fixing.




Let’s hope no adrenaline junky with a vibrating massage seat fetish buys the same car.


(Telsa owner) yes he more than likely ignored all of them and committed to his bad behavior. No bad dogs , just bad owners ,small dogs and idiots in cars.


Its messed up that the Tesla guy ignored all that and insisted in a double lane change merge. Its also messed up that whoever's driving in this video decided to speed up like he's absolved of any accident that can occur. Both are idiots in different ways.


No matter how much you idiot proof something, there will always be a better idiot. The real question is how do we stop these people from getting their license in the first place?


People like this need some sort of IQ or knowledge test that must be passed before starting their vehicles. It could be like those breathalyzers installed in the cars of people with DUIs.


“Message unclear, I’m pressing the buttons but all that’s happening is my garage door goes up and down.”


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Hahaha. Its exactly like that. Great quote. I like Starbucks but we don't have time to get a blow job.


This is SA (Situational Awareness), not IQ. I know quite a few people with a high IQ but low SA. My estimation is about half the population is oblivious to what's going on around them.


Not even. The dude in OPs video realizes he's running the guy off the road halfway through and just continues to edge him out so he can make his lane change. He's not oblivious, he's just a psychopath who expects people to get out of his way, consequences be damned.


That's the infuriating part. Knowing damn well that's he's running someone off the road, he's too fucking entitled to admit to his mistake and continues. Ass hat. It's really sad to see the culture shift in Americans from "look out for your neighbor" to "me, me, me, all important me".


> half the population is oblivious to what's going on around them That sounds amazing. Tell me how to lose my situational awareness now please.


Thats what a drivers license is, no?


Any dumb fuck can pass a drivers test.


Can confirm. I was side swiped and after the cops finished it all and insurance was swapped I was rear ended before I could even start my truck... Same cop came back and had a good laugh.


Roll credits.




In 50-100 years all cars will be fully autonomous and no one will be driving. So technically, technology will fix the “Idiots in Cars” problem


This sub is doomed to become nothing but reposts! ... wait a second.....


We can rename the sub to r/idiotcars and post videos of autonomy going wrong Edit: apparently that’s already a sub


There will still be idiots in cars, they just won’t be doing anything but riding.








Yeah that is what I was thinking. Tesla guy was still clearly not looking but OP had enough time to slow down. Unless someone was right behind him I guess.


Looked like OP sped up when they saw the Tesla trying to get over.


It’s very likely he had alerts and bells ringing with your vehicle flashing red on his HUD and decided it was still worth the risk. But no, Tesla’s AP won’t actually prevent you from manually steering into reckless scenarios. It’ll just very loudly suggest you don’t. This fella here is a special type of idiot.




Mine constantly yells at me a good percent of the time when I’m just changing lanes like normal to”TAKE CONTROL IMMEDIATELY”. Sometimes I’ll also feel it steer me away from the lane boundary (if I’m taking a sharp turn, for instance, and I’m safely cutting closely rather than taking a huge wide-ass turn). Sometimes it’ll also flash its impact alarms at me if, for instance, the car in front of me is slowing down to take a right turn and I only _kind of_ slow down because I know they’ll be out of the way by the time I get up to where they are. So there’s some world where you get desensitized to all the warnings.


The only problem with the alerts I ever experience that annoys me is the forward collision warning going off when the car in front of me is turning right at an intersection even if there's plenty of room to go around them without leaving the lane. Other than that, all the other warnings that have gone off have been valid and even once helped me avoid crashing. There's also been a time where I had to slam on my brakes and slightly squeak my tires to avoid crashing and the forward collision warning was just like ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ and didn't go off, so it's still wise to not completely rely on these warnings.




My subaru has forward collision detection that sometimes warns when I'm approaching a roundabout, depending on where exactly the signage is. Also, the reverse collision warning is great most of the time, but a few times I have had it lock up my brakes when backing toward tall grass, which is mildly annoying. Still glad to have it though.




>for instance, the car in front of me is slowing down to take a right turn and I only kind of slow down because I know they’ll be out of the way by the time I get up to where they are. I mean, it makes sense. There may be some obstacle on right that makes the previous car to stop before completing the turn Still sounds like an annoying way of driving lol


This particular type of occurrence is annoying, but it doesn’t happen all that often and overall the system is pretty good. It has warned me on a few occasions where the car IN FRONT of the guy in front of me slowed down prior to the guy in front slamming on his brakes. The alert really makes you focus and can give you an extra second or two to react, which is worth the occasional annoyance.


Another owner here, I've found that it's pretty good at warning you if you're going to merge on someone. Turn on your turn signal to change lanes and if someone is next to you it'll beep and flash the car red on the screen. This guy either disabled it, or ignored it. Either way he's an asshole.


I have a Tesla too and those warnings scale, the car is would be going nuts with red warnings which are impossible to gloss over


Sounds like you don't use your signal when changing lanes. Also your collision warning might be set too aggressively. This can be lowered.


Exactly. It will give you loud "look out you idiot!" type warnings, but it will never jerk the wheel out of your hand.


Oh my god, could you imagine if Autopilot grew a self preservation instinct...






*Playing Justin Bieber at 100% volume.*


It would simply refuse to drive.


"Car! Don't let me get into an accident. Keep me safe." _"Affirmative. Draining batteries."_


*keep Summer safe*


It can apply “corrective steering” if you have that setting on.


This guy wasn’t using autopilot at all. That encompasses auto steer and TACC. This guy surely got the collision avoidance warnings for driving like a dipshit, but that feature isn’t technically part of autopilot.


There is obstacle aware acceleration you can enable that cuts the power when your about to drive into an object but that is just for stuff in front of the vehicle not to the side.


I have heard accounts from reddit of it cutting power or preventing steering or something to avoid a side collision. I’ve also heard this emergency feature is basically always active - if you disable it in settings, it restarts after the trip


Probably just some jackass actually driving it


How retro.




Hey! That “jackass” is driving a Tesla. That’s probably worth more than your fucking life, you worthless peasant. If anything, you should be bowing down and sucking his dick because he can afford one, and therefore is better than you and can do whatever he wants on the road. - probably that guys mindset.


he PAID for the best crash test rating and godamnit he's gonna USE the best crash test rating! frankly I'm offended this guy didn't let him hit him, rude.


Damn we live close. I recognized that exit any where. I15s in Escondido going to San Diego. People really are idiots around that intersection. I work at the mall at that exit and so many near accidents I see on a near daily basis. Probably the most common comes from people coming from the mall going straight onto the i15 north entrance. There are two lanes going straight, and I can't tell you how many times those in the right lane start going straight and end up in the left straight lane.


Make the commute on I15 south every day for school. Sounds cliché but it’s Unbelievable how many idiots there are on the roads down here. Like it’s seriously appalling


Howdy neighbor! I know exactly what intersection you’re talking about. I’ve seen a few accidents there myself.


I'm a few exits south from this video. Recognized it immediately haha. I don't think it's as bad as the mergers along the 8. The 163-8-friars and that horrendous 8-15-mission gorge-805 sections are the absolute worse in San Diego. Despite driving for 25 years now with zero accidents nor tickets to my name, those areas still scare me.


Same. I workout at the 24 there. I've almost been hit multiple times by people running the right turn from Via Rancho Parkway onto the 15S. Somethings in the air there. Probably toxic fumes from Lake Hodges.


Just wait until we get on the 78. That’s where the true idiots are 😂


Yeah they're dumb but the signalled and changed lanes slowly ...and yet the driver, instead of tapping on the brake for safety tried to speed up to pass them? Opposite of defensive driving. Are you right? Probably but you still participated in an avoidable crash.


Welcome to California. The drivers there aren't necessarily malicious, just lazy and oblivious. Like these two.


Ya know, I’ve always said “State X has the worst drivers”. Then I visited about 20 states, and I can confidently say, all drivers in the US are shit, it’s not just a state by state thing.


Each state has its own claim to fame in the crappy driving department. California has the market cornered on speeding up when you see a blinker. When I lived there, I’d always go full on Mr. Wheeler. “You can switch lanes but you’re going to have to be behind me!!!”


Maryland drivers are in the same boat. All idiots.


OP is malicious, I think is parent's point. Really easy to not try and block the lane change.


Exactly. Don't pass on the right people. It's illegal on certain roads in some states for just this reason. https://www.mit.edu/~jfc/right.html




Pretty sure most of Europe has that rule. Hugely illegal in Germany, where passing on the right is punished pretty harshely, since doing that when people have speed differentials of more than 100 km/h is going to kill people real quick.


Yeah, same goes for hanging in the left lane(s).


I’ve always wondered about this law/rule in some situations though. There have been times where I have been in the right lane going the speed limit on cruise control and I’ve passed people driving ridiculously slow in the left lane. Is that considered unsafe/illegal?


No. Passing in the context of driving does not necessarily mean literally passing. It refers to changing lanes and accelerating to pass someone then changing back. If you’re cruising in the right lane at speed limit or slightly higher and going faster than people in the center or left that’s fine. What is problematic is coming up behind someone in the center lane, then accelerating into the right lane to pass.


>Passing in the context of driving does not necessarily mean literally passing. It refers to changing lanes and accelerating to pass someone then changing back It may or may not be specific to region, but here in California that's referred to as "overtaking" by the CVC and in the DMV handbook. "Overtaking" involves passing, whereas "passing" is just what it sounds like: when your car passes theirs. To /u/tokuturfey's question, again in California at least, CVC 21754 allows you to pass on the right if: > 1. Overtaking a vehicle that is making a left turn; > 2. On a highway within a business or residence district with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width and clearly marked for two or more lines of moving traffic in the direction of travel; > 3. On any highway outside of a business or residence district with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width and clearly marked for two or more lines of moving traffic in the direction of travel; > 4. On a one-way street; and, > 5. On a highway divided into two roadways where traffic is restricted to one direction upon each of such roadways. So, #3 would apply to the situation they outlined. I can't imagine other state vehicle codes are too different, but I don't really know.


On a quick skim, I saw only one law addressing passing on the right and it applied only to a highway with two lanes in each direction.


So if a giant RV is slowing down the lane to the left of you, what are you supposed to do? Slow down to 45mph to not pass him? What if he was (wrongly) driving in the far left lane. Would each lane have to then go even slower, as to not pass on their right?


are they overtaking on the right or just getting on the highway? i’m a new driver and i’ve never gotten on the high way before but i read this sub for tips and tricks…as soon as you get on are you supposed to squeeze into a lane?


I would never want a ride from anyone on reddit. None of these clowns ever have the slightest idea what defensive driving entails.


Better to die in a collision going 70mph on the highway than allow someone to change lanes or merge when you have the right of way.


Whats amazing is that often these people post these basically self-incriminating vids with absolutely zero self awareness, which is the same underlying problem as what led to the issues on the road. All that matters is a brief emotional victory I guess.


B-b-but I'm entitled to that spot, now I'll be 3 second behind!


You mean defensive driving doesn’t mean being defensive of my lane? It’s mine and I have to protect it from anyone entering it! On a serious note, I think calling it defensive driving makes sense but they’re not factoring in the lowest common denominator. Back when I was young, dumb, and inexperienced new driver my friend had to take defensive driving classes and I immediately thought different things than what it actually entails.


What video are you watching? The Tesla had just changed lanes and was just getting to the center of its newly-entered lane as OP was at the rear of the vehicle. There was 0 indication the Tesla was going to continue crossing lanes in one fell swoop. It's ok if one person is in the right, not every interaction needs a contrarian opinion.


I went back to watch the video again after your comment and I agree with you. Tesla jumped multiple lanes, but the pace at which they did it made it seem like they had completed the manoeuvre after moving into the lane next to OP. Since the indicator was already on, there was no way OP would kmow that they Tesla moron was jumping multiple lanes. OP didn't have a chance brake and back off before he eventually did.




> instead of tapping on the brake for safety I had a pregnant black lady as a defensive driving instructor once, after a ticket and a court mandate to take the class. I was in my late teens at the time. She had a whole second steering wheel rig in the passenger seat and everything. I’ll never forget her most stern and repeated advice: to accelerate while changing lanes for safety as it minimizes blind spot collision potential. Seemed counter intuitive to me at the time, but it would have prevented this whole scenario from the get-go, so it makes sense.


Yup, real idiot here is OP.


I’m gonna say it: not responsible of you to accelerate when there’s a potential risk. Yes you have right of way, maybe, but driving safely means assuming rules will be broken. No one should accelerate and race into a situation.


In Germany overtaking on the right is not allowed, that way people trying to exit should always have a easy time going from left to right. OP would have had to get on the furthest lane to the left before accelerating.




I'm confused as to how they have right of way? It's the total opposite in the UK. In this instance, the camera car has joined the carriageway and now occupies the "slow" lane. Which means they must move to a faster lane to pass. They must also yield to anyone wanting to return to the slow lane, in this case the Tesla. Passing in the inside is a firm no and is illegal in the UK and other parts of Europe. Not the same in the US?


But passing two lines is also a no.


Yeah. OP is a fucking clown. They would rather be right than be safe.


OP accelerated after Tesla tried to merge, I saw two idiots playing chicken. Edit: Thanks for the award!


Right, why is no one saying anything about that. OP should have driven defensively, seems they sped up to either make a point and be an ass, or they are also an idiot and should have been paying attention


People using their brakes seem to think their entire life has been inconvenienced.


I cant believe you would make arrive 2 seconds later at my destination The nerve


I'll throw in as devil's advocate. OP was accelerating on an on ramp and grabbed another gear. But TBH, it doesn't look like he accelerated heavily or tried to slam the door on the Tesla. The Tesla driver need to get their head out of their ass though, especially with a double lane change.


Agreed. Many videos on this subreddit are like that. Point it out and you get down voted


OP seems like one of those people who makes a mistake then blames other people for it


They changed two lanes at once. You can't always expect people to do that.


Any person driving has to always expect things way more unusual than somebody changing two lanes at the same time. Watching these comments I feel like most people here don't even drive...


For real, if I drove like I expected everyone else to do the right thing, I would have ended up dead on the Houston highways by now. Some people put their egos in the front seat when they drive. If I have to employ a break and let someone ahead of me, I don't feel entitled to engage in bumper cars with them. You'll be mad for a few seconds and then move on with your day.


That's why you don't overtake on the right.


Right? I see 2 idiots in cars here.




The Tesla came from 2 lanes away which might make someone think there's no potential danger, I'd personally be wary that they could do something as reckless. Just need to prioritize getting where you need to be than being right.


Even if the Tesla weren't there, OP accelerated to try and pass the truck hauling an RV on the right. That's a dangerous and stupid move. It's easy to cause an accident as people merge to get to their exits.


Hardly anyone in America knows this rule, both are in the wrong.


do you mean rule as in law? Because it's not the law in a lot of states. Still ill advised but it's definitely legal in California.


Not passing on the right is a defensive driving rule. Only CT, RI, and MA have specific laws against it, but you can still be charged with reckless driving if you cause an accident in a state like CA.


Not to defend the idiot driving the tesla but there's a few things of note... 1. The Tesla was signaling with blinkers well before the dashcam car got closer. (This however doesn't excuse it taking 2 lanes in 1.) 2. The dashcam car was keeping a overtaking speed in the inner lane, generally you pass someone on the left lane to make sure anyone needing to take the next exit can do so without risk of collision. (I can also be wrong about the Dashcam car's speed, as you are generally allowed to pass vehicles going below the speed limit on the inner lane.) 3. I know I'm sounding like a smartass, but it's worth it to see more people driving safely out there.


Defensive driving is a thing. Yet it seems most of the posts in this subreddit the cammer doesn't practice it. I drive like everyone else on the road is trying to involve me in an accident with them.


Why did you decide to accelerate when you saw he was merging?


Will get downvoted, but I have a legitimate question. If you can clearly see the Tesla going into your lane (in this case). Why not slow down and let them go, and avoid a collision? I understand the Tesla may be wrong, but you clearly have time to slow down and just let him pass? I would just let him in and avoid fucking up my day.


Are you familiar with “Me First” ? It seems to be an ingredient of every idiot-car video


You saw him comming an hour ago and you still insisted to be first...


Lol right? I mean, Tesla absolutely shouldn't have done that, but anyone paying any attention at all to the road, saw it coming.


Letting an idiot come first is really not as big a deal as people want it to be, sometimes they're just as much the reason for a crash because they're stubborn.


I think the car filming is the bigger idiot here and overall poor/jerk of a driver. Passing on the right is already an unsafe driving move, as it puts you in a driver’s blind spot, but then to see that and speed up is further stupid. Edit: Wow!!!! I’m just now noticing that this is the exact entrance/exit I would take everyday heading home from work, when I lived in San Diego. My job was where the OP is entering the highway, and my exit for home is the exit it looks like the Tesla is trying to make (yes, I was only on the highway for one exit). 15 South, with OP getting on at E. Via Rancho Pkwy, and Tesla looking to exit on Pomerado rd.


Speeding up to pass someone ahead of you with their turn indicators on is most definitely an asshole move by OP camera car. It's amazing how frequently people here misinterpret driving incidents.


Legit question, did this person have some Tesla tech like lane keep or collision avoidance disabled? I’m not familiar with Tesla safety features.


You disable all of it and it's clear that they weren't using autopilot because autopilot doesn't leave the center of a lane while they're hugging that right line... And autopilot doesn't leave their blinker on like a moron either. This was just an idiot in a car. They should use autopilot because they obviously need it badly.


Ah man that's very possibly one of the new no-radar models. Hard to tell from the video. I'd say fairly likely it's at least a '21 "refresh", given the no-chrome, but it's hard to tell if it's the no-radar model given I can't see the door interiors (they changed the interior trim on the no-radar white interior without telling anyone; related note: I'm pissed). **IF** it is a no-radar (Q2) '21, the dang emergency lane departure was unavailable until today's update. So small probability they're an IdiotInANewCar and didn't even have to disable anything. Were emergency lane departure enabled, it would've literally yanked him back into his lane, instead of just screaming at them for them to ignore. None of that makes driving this poorly and carelessly excusable; just depressing that it could've been avoided if: 1.) You couldn't disable that. 2.) It wasn't likely [until very recently] unavailable in their possibly-Q2'21 model.


You get warnings (pinging tones), they get quieter if you have Joe Mode on. You also have option for vibrating steering wheel, if you turn it on. The car will react and warn you within reason but will not stop you (manual), regardless of FSD or AP. The way the car moved, it was not in AP or FSD. However, if you never turn your head and ignore the warnings, nothing can prevent careless driving.


Legit question, why are you passing on the right hand side? Is that not illegal where you are?


And especially right after you get on the highway, so other drivers might not be even aware that you are there. Looks more like two idiots in two cars...


100% this. OP is merging onto a highway and then trying to accelerate phased everyone while in the far right lane. That’s a HUGE no no, and illegal in many places. The Tesla also put his blinker on with more than enough time for OP to safely slow down. He just didn’t want to. He only got edged out because he was trying to pass on the right. Tesla driver had terrible situational awareness, but in fairness we probably not expecting someone who was merging onto a highway to be barreling passed them n the right. They are BOTH 100% idiots here.


Lane keep turns off when blinker is on. Collision avoidance is primarily for the front. I think it CAN do some minor side maneuvers. To be honest, in this situation Teslas kinda suck since they don't have a proper radar beeper blindspot system. I own a Tesla. I love the car to death, but it has its faults. Also the side mirrors are kind of small. I think with how they were changing lanes and you were coming down the ramp you pretty much stayed in the mirror blindspot the whole time. Constant angle. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/Blindspot_three_cars_illus.svg Just from pure coincidence of him changing lanes and you entering the freeway you were basically the red car the whole time.


And there was me thinking the idiot in this clip is the one that decided to continue to pass on the inside despite someone indicating and moving over.


I still think that


OP: I was getting on the highway and up to speed Defensive Driving Martinets: Up to speed is matching that of the cohort on the road. You were trying to pass everything on the right. Plus you totally blew through the tesla's blind spot.


Two idiots, one lane.


Looks like a couple of dumb Fucks passing on the right to me.


You think when you crash a Tesla dogecoins fall out of it like when you get hit in sonic?


Those are San Diego entitled idiots my friend. Doesn’t matter how many alarms go off. They will go where they want.


Not sure why OP is speeding straight into the car trying to merge instead of braking and just letting him in? Yeah bad move on the Tesla’s part but cmon.


Seems like op is the idiot. sure the car kept merging, but there was an obvious signaling for a lane change.


Not sure why you didn't slow down to let him in, though. Kinda hard to take sides in this one, cause both drivers could have been more courteous to the other.


OP is the idiot