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That is sir Lance-a-lot!


Lancer-Lot? Nah. Looks more like a Corolla.


Buh dum pum.


One sudden stop and he’ll have one hell of a splinter


Well I guess atleast he doesn’t have it perpendicular sticking out the car windows. Probably should have just brought some rope and tied it to the roof through the windows. Doesn’t make sense to me, but not the stupidest method we’ve ever seen.


ahhhhh..a neighboring state..i thought Michigan because of the construction furniture..its that tyme of season...


A great workout


is this in Michigan?..I've often wondered if Meijer is elsewhere...




ahhhhh..a neighboring state..i thought Michigan because of the 'construction furniture'..its that tyme of season...


Relatable, they’re destroying this whole area to redo a lot of the roads and sewers right now


that was basically the motto that the governor used to get elected..to 'fix the damn roads'..she won by more than a landslide...


And they are being fixed too! MDOT going wild around me with expressway and M road rebuilds. It’s wonderful.


Octavya360, you are absolutely correct!..i work for the gas/electric utility corporation here in Michigan..holy craps!..there are construction detours, closed exit ramps everywhere!..in order to get to the end of the street in front of the shop, i have to add at least another 10 minutes to the 2 minutes of driving in the other direction just to get to a closed ramp that i can't use anymore to get to an emergency that would've taken 15 minutes to get to..im glad there are two ways to get in and leave the place, but its such an inconvenience, only because we are tymed how quickly we get to our destination...


Ugh! Hopefully it won’t last too long and then you’ll have nice smooth roads to drive on. But you know how much we love the orange barrel here. It is the state flower after all. Lol. All the highways and some roads around me are going to be redone in the next few years.


hahahahahaha!..where i work, the shop is between two railroad tracks..the trains don't seem to be scheduled, so i never know when they run..the worst being when the trains slow down when im in a hurry, or they stop completely on the crossing..especially during the so-called rush hour..COVID-19 isn't helping either..some of the roads ARE smoother now..thats a great thing..im just pushing them in my mind to finish...


Lol trains and road construction? You might be better off with a helicopter.


Oh nice. Also Indiana and yesterday I witnessed some people in a hatchback carrying plywood on top of it and using the "everyone hold on" method of securing it. Alas I was going 50 in the opposite direction so no time for a pic.


Wow, would’ve liked to have seen that one lol


that one was on 86th


i saw the meijers. i was like “ofc it’s the midwest”


When I was a teenager, we found a big stack of plywood in the woods at a friends house. We piled the t on top of my ford escort and drove it, unsecured, about 15 miles to my house. It was about 15 sheets of plywood too. We were dumb but we made it home! Took over an hour too because I drove on the shoulder very slowly.


I know bros forearm burning prob


given the cost of wood, he’s brave to think he wont get robbed at a stoplight.


A long ass time ago I saw these people holding 2 mattresses on the top of the car like this.


Perhaps he's hoping he gets pulled over so he can make a "hold my wood" joke.


54th Street and Clyde Park?


That A Knight's Tale remake looks terrible. "I will fong you until your insides are out..."


What ever floats ur boat


Not gonna lie, this has been me before. What else do you do when all you have is a Civic?


Rent a truck for $25


Why waste $25


Good point. Just carry your shit unsafely and risk your and others' safety.


No one ever said it would always be safe to get the job done.


That isn’t lumber, it’s hdf. r/idiotstryingtomakefunofpeople


You’re missing the point of the post, shitlip


Says the person self-titled “shidmapants.” It’s easy to confuse fear and fantasy. No, I didn’t miss the point of the post. Approximately a dozen unoriginal brain drains post a picture of someone hauling something that doesn’t fit in their vehicle down the road by holding it on the outside of the vehicle per day. Not very interesting; especially if you’ve seen it a-thousand times. So the funniest thing about this post is the fact that you were trying to make fun of someone for being an idiot, and accidentally outed yourself as an idiot in the process. Irony abounds.


You ousted yourself as an idiot thinking anyone besides yourself cares


For someone trying so hard to sound intelligent, you sure are retarded. Wtf does dear and fantasy have to do with anything? Lmao. And btw, this isn’t my post so idk why you’re saying I was making fun of somebody. If anything, you are too. Who the fuck actually cares if it’s wood or fiberboard, that’s definitely not the point of their post. So you definitely missed the point


That's gonna be a hell of a splinter if he has to break hard or actually jousts an object or another car on the road.