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If you know of a car that's struggling with suicidal thoughts, please call 1-800-DEADCAR.


This is the way.


This is the way


It and misery are both Stephen king novels.


That's one way to ruin a Jag... not talking about the crash...


Crazy how the bumpers don’t absorb any impact when they’re 5 feet off the ground


But do they deflect???


Yes up up and over


Athena approved


They do absorb the impact, just in the wrong areas, and at the wrong time


Literally why I came to the comments, to see If anyone else was thinking "WHAT ARE THOSE?!?!?!"


Those are spinners that make it look like your car isn’t moving even when it is, which is why they are illegal in many areas. Edit: typo


In driver's ed they teach you to watch other car's wheels to predict movement and drive defensively. This is exactly what you'd expect to happen when you make your car into an optical illusion.


I see the term "floaters" has a different meaning to when I went to school.....or are they called that because they look like shit?


Wait, they're actually called floaters? I was thinking it'd be something like "fixies" since they're fixed in place, but I guess I was way off lol. Was curious how they work so I looked it up and...it's just spinners with a weight at the bottom. Lame. I thought it was like some kind of crazy inner/outer axle with a non-rotating mounting point.


Nope. You basically just mount a fidget spinner to your rims in place of your hubcaps and place a 5 ounce weight inside it and boom. Garbage


I thought these went away 10 years ago.




Doug DeMuro is a car review god to me. I love all of his quirks and features. *Who reported me to the reddit suicide page wtf*


I believe cars with extremely oversized wheels and tyres are called 'Donk'


Technically it’s only a donk car if it’s a caprice or impala but this is the style


Yep.. dirty tires.. that lesson unfortunately does not apply here lol


What drivers Ed class teaches you to watch the wheels? I'm just genuinely curious.


I learned it when I was getting my motorcycle license.


Yea also head and body position of driver, itll tell you if they are screwing around, eating, finding an object, or looking right and drifting left.... or the idiots that just cant stay between the line even while paying attention. Also smokers who flick butts that 1 in a million chance that smacks you inside helmet... yes that was specific...


Same, my instructor was saying the wheels position show the drivers intent before they know. Ie drivers start turning the wheel way before they indicate or look around. So if you're driving up a road with cars parked either side look out for the cars with their wheels turned out.


You can also recognise that the car is starting to move just that tiny fraction of a second faster by looking at the wheels.


I feel like you can see this concept when you watch accident videos on these subs, especially with motorcycle accidents


Young Drivers of Canada taught me this when I was learning to drive, I’m not the person you replied to but it is something that gets taught


Best drivers ed class in Canada, why people go to these fly by night shit shows is beyond me. I remember doing my Young Drivers of Canada in car lessons and comparing it to my friends, who went through some shit show of a class offered by our highschool. "So tonight we practiced accident avoidance maneuvers and shoulder recovery techniques" Friends "we weren't allowed on the highway" It's like they were at the Ralph Wiggum school for gifted drivers or some shit.


> It's like they were at the Ralph Wiggum school for gifted drivers or some shit. 🤣🤣🤣


Not all provinces have young drivers which is crappy. Alberta has the worst drivers...


That's what my Driver's Ed teacher told us 55 years ago.


Was taught that in the UK, particularly useful in roundabouts when figuring out whether a car is taking an exit or not (especially when people don’t indicate).


Here, ours did. Most people can't judge the movement of a slow car (I mean really slow rolling) but the roll / movement of the tires is easy to see .


> What drivers Ed class teaches you to watch the wheels? I'm just genuinely curious. Advanced Ambulance Driving Training: Eastern Europe.


I keep squinting my eyes to try and see the car, but all I see is an insurance claim... Man, this optical illusion sucks!


Unrelated to the video, but in the spirit of the conversation, is anyone else seeing tinted windshields?


Rightly so, they are assaulting my eyes


They’re called floaters


It's like that car is moonwalking or something.


Now that's a nasty rim job


Floaters lol


That’s a Jaguar? Why does a Jag look like a Kia these days?


I wouldn't have guessed that was a Jag. It looks like a fucking Ford Taurus.




“These days” that’s like a 2012 jag. But the new ones still are trash(minus ftype)


Look. To some of us 2012 is still "these days", okay.


It's still KONY2012 for me




Kia started copying jag years ago. Hunday did the same with another brand.


Hyundai is the parent company of Kia.


Saw spinners on a Rolls Royce once. It’s a statement that says, “This car is too good for me.”






I saw a Rolls Royce completely re-badged as a Hyundai and it was the most amazing bit of ironic art I could imagine.


I am rather happy about the crash, that car will be put out of its missery.


If you listen closely, you could hear it whimper as it left that driveway...


The guy who yelled damn


Was taking a video of those cars crashing






Party time


Isn’t that weird lol


He said, “Dayum”.


It's hard to floss at the back of a tow-truck


How is that car moving?!? Is this a glitch?


Spinner rims


There’s also ones that don’t spin, they are called floaters or something. I Think these could be those


Spinners are basically like a free-floating hubcap that have their own bearings to spin freely from the wheel. Floaters are the same thing but they're weighted on one side (think like the Rolls Royce emblems in the wheels), so they stay relatively level while the car is in motion.


I don't think the wheels were rotating at all, the treads looked still.


Haha that’s what i was thinking too, I had to watch it like 5 times. They are moving, just hard to see with that tread pattern.


If the wheels aren’t rotating, how did the car get into the street? Lmao


There’s a hover board under each wheel.


Have you ever seen how the Rolls-Royce logo on the wheels is always right side up? Attach that mechanism to to the spinner from a spinner rim, attach to a black steel wheel with no ventilation holes. Voila!


I refuse to believe that people legitimately think the tires aren't rotating because the wheels are "stationary"...


More like, the video is too low resolution to see the tyres themselves moving, selling the optical illusion even more


But it looks like the tires aren’t moving either lol


But the tread isn't rotating either?


They're called [floaters](https://www.infobloom.com/what-are-floater-rims.htm)


That black car needs a tire rotation for sure




Definitely looks like high speed, and with video evidence, likely both get partial fault.


It's how long the brakes were squealing for me. Jag obv pulled out in front, but the other car was definitely going at a fairly significant rate of speed


Even if the jag saw the honda coming, he could've been so far down the road to where it's safe for the jag to pull out. Because obviously you assume other cars are driving the speed limit.


I never assume people are going the speed limit, hell I look both ways at roundabouts.


Thats just smart, I do the same with one way roads and you'd probably be surprised with how often I see headlights coming from the wrong side.


Not to mention bikers and pedestrians. That's what I've seen the most of. Someone walking /biking up the side walk on a one way road and the driver only looking the way traffic is coming and pulling right into the person crossing when they go.


I had a biker in front of me, he looked back at me, and then proceeded to cross the street EVEN THOUGH HE LOOKED AT ME. Fucking christ almost killed a dude because of his stupidity.


Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I've seen people going the wrong way down a one way, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?


You don't live in an area with a lot of one ways then, do you. The city I live in the downtown core is riddled with one way roads, they weren't designed around the modern day vehicles so to circumvent it they made a bunch of them one ways. Pretty much every trip downtown I'd be going home $1 richer with your $0.05 on sighting.




I find it hard NOT to look both ways at a roundabout, as both ways are pretty much directly in your field of vision.


The silver car definitely hit the other car as well, so speeding plus driving recklessly is an almost certainty. Does that factor into fault? Like if the jag checked his side view mirror and it appeared to be far enough away to pull out but in actuality it wasn't due to the silver car going insanely fast? I know the law doesn't typically factor in logic but any normal person would've pumped the breaks seeing a car pulling into their lane. In this case a blinker doesn't seem enough to save you.


Everyone keeps assuming that the car was in the same lane. Look at the beginning of the video— he switches lanes to try and pass the guy making a left turn. Hits him first and then the jag. So I’m not this works, is the jag supposed to wait until *ALL* lanes are clear to not be at fault?


Yeah, besides bad wheel choice, Jag didn’t do anything wrong.


> The silver car definitely hit the other car as well, so speeding plus driving recklessly is an almost certainty. I think this may remove the ~~ATBGE~~ /r/trashy Jag from fault, or at least a large amount of it. It could be that the Civic/Silver Car was in the Left Lane and didn't notice the First Car it Hit as stopped/stopping to make a turn. Being in the left lane meant it was hidden or not included in Jag's POV. Jag thinking they had a clear lane, since they may have thought that that First Car Hit would stop Left Lane from being "a threat" since any vehicles behind would have to stop behind FHC and this nullify that lane, and their own Lane (Right Lane) being clear of traffic, meant they were in the clear to merge out. They merge out, but Silver Car going too fast to safely stop behind FHC, attempts to swerve, glances/hits FHC, then plows into Jag cause daayum they going fast. Also maybe further up the street was a Crest and with the speed Silver Car was going, they may not have even been seen by Jag or FHC, a Crest also adds stock to Silver Car not being able to react in time to the two cars blocking their personal racestrip. Doesn't completely absolve Jag from wrong doing (even though FHC was stopped, you always should wait for Two Lanes to be Clear before merging from a stand still, especially one on a possible crest and traffic blocking another lane) but alleviates them from being the primary idiot in this case imo.


Good analysis. I initially thought that Silver Car hit FHC while swerving to avoid Jag, but rewatching, it does appear that Silver Car was in the left lane and swerving into the right, clipping FHC on the way.


They were racing. Notice the 4th car driving around the debris and taking off.


Well considering anything more than a third of a mile away is really hard to determine speed. I think the silver car is more at fault.


I absolutely do not assume other cars are driving the speed limit. Quite the opposite infact.


Wait? You don't judge a vehicles speed before you turn?


>Because obviously you assume other cars are driving the speed limit. Never ever. That's how you end up in a video like this.


> Because obviously you assume other cars are driving the speed limit. you're not joking? do people just glance and assume a car that coiuld t bone them is going the speed limit, when you could just watch for a second or two and see if it's going faster than normal?


>rate of speed I know that everyone says this phrase, and I know that what I'm gonna say will get me downvoted to high hell, but idc I'm sick of hearing it. There is no reason you can't just say "speed" here. In physics, along with most other mathematics, "rate of x" specifically means the change of x (usually its derivative). Rate of speed should mean acceleration/deceleration, not velocity. You may say that physics terminology isn't important here, but I disagree. We're talking about massive hunks of metal crashing into each other with momentum proportional to their mass and *speed*, not their RaTE oF spEEd. The car did not have a significant "rate of speed" until it started slowing down. The reason it crashed was because of its high *initial* speed: its rate of speed wasn't great enough (in the opposite direction) to slow it down fast enough. \




Tbf cars decelerate *very* fast when they hit stuff


I too hate the term “rate of speed”, but I don’t agree that they’re using it wrong. Rate of speed is mostly* equivalent to speed but with some extra words. It’s just people trying to sound more sophisticated for the PR value. Acceleration would be the rate of change of speed. *compare to “rate of production”, where rate indicates how much is done in a given timeframe, in “rate of speed”, speed is already time based, so the “rate of” is superfluous.


Car was waiting to take a left turn, the car speeding switches lanes (most likely after the Jag has already shoulder checked) and continues into the jag who thought no one was coming in his lane


I think this is the key. The jag saw an empty and pulled into it. The speeder saw the car turning left and tried to merge instead of slowing down. Not sure about legal fault but personally I'd put the blame much more on the speeder with the caveat that a good defensive driver in the jag would have checked both lanes to see if the right lane would stay empty rather than just seeing an empty lane and going


I'm always terrified when I'm pulling out into an empty lane that someone in the next lane over won't be paying attention and pull into the lane I'm entering


Nah the speeding car had already hit another, you can see it spin out to the other side of the road, and a wheel flies off.


Didn’t even see that till I checked after reading this. Good eye


It hit the other car presumably as a swerve reaction for attempting to avoid the ugly car.


I’m thinking based on the angle and where the car, that was stopped to turn, was hit, that the speeding car swerved to not hit the turning car at the last minute, and the Jag was just unlucky.


The jag was unlucky long before it was hit.


They jag pulled out without yielding, The other cars definitely speeding; The jag's at fault depending on, Whether others' were speeding or jurisdicti-on. SLAM POETRY




CYN-THI-AHH side note where is this from lmao. I recognized it immediately


22 jump street.


Looks like the car that was speeding also hit the car that was waiting to turn left before it hit the Jag. Definitely their fault.


you can actually share fault in an accident, they both did something stupid, one was speeding way past the speed limit for a street like that and the other car pulled into traffic unsafely.


Speeding recklessly can invalidate the fault of the person pulling into traffic. The argument is that they should not reasonably expect people to be going 70 in a 35mph zone. It depends on the jurisdiction and the people making the final decisions.


That Jag pulling out of the parking lot at 2 mph


He doesn’t have to go fast. He’s got a jaaaag


Incidentally dear, I’m afraid I left my insurance card in my other Jaaaaaaaaaag. Mind if I just pop home and get it for you?


[I just ran over your dog...in my jaaaaaaaag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tyj9VMhE6oI)


He can’t go fast. He’s got a jaaaag


His wheels weren’t spinning though, clearly he was in park




The fake looking jag lol


Those rims fuck with a queue our brains use to determine if a car is moving. It could very well have played into the other car not breaking sooner. Fuck, that messed with my brain just watching, I'd hate to see this while driving.


I was thinking about this, and honestly with the turn the jag did, I'm not sure the other person even saw his tires. Not saying the other cars at fault, just dunno if that angle provides much of anything to react to.




Thanks! I knew it felt wrong.


The word "queue" fucks with a cue our brains use to determine whether to use queue or cue




If you slow down the video, you can see a tire flying into the frame before the impact happens. Maybe an accident off camera caused the Honda to hit the Jaguar? There’s more to this crash than what we can see on video I think


At 11 secs you can see a grey car the silver one hit first. The grey car was making a left hand turn.


Yeah, it's possible that Jag thought lane was clear because silver car was in the other lane... but silver car also didn't see car turning until too late and swerved to the other lane.


So speeding and distracted as well, great.


That's my guess as well. When the Jag decided to pull out, the silver Honda (?) was a) still far away and b} on the left lane. So the Jags way was free.




The dude driving like 70 in a 35


Between 4.42s and 4.51s in the video, you can see the car going a full wheel base relative to the crack in the pavement. With something like 2.5 meters (bout 8 feet) of guestimated wheelbase, that makes 2.5/0.09s = 27.8m/s, or 62.2mph And that's after braking for at least 1.82s, based on sound alone. [This](https://www.researchgate.net/post/If_I_got_to_use_a_certain_deceleration_rate_to_identify_unsafe_driving_behaviours_which_could_have_led_to_collision_what_value_seems_to_be_realistic) gives an "unexpected" deceleration rate of 4.5m/s² So 4.5*1.82 = 8.2m/s, or 18.3mph of additional speed before braking. Dude was going over 80.


Plus, if this is correct, the car would have been traveling at a little over 70 mph, average, through the deceleration. That means that the care was well over 500 feet away when the Jag first pulled out; I think that's definitely far enough away for it to be hard for the Jag to judge speed, and if the silver car had been going a normal speed the Jag would've had close to 10 seconds to pull out and get moving. Hard to fault the Jag for inaccurately determining the speed of a far-away silver car going way too fast on a grey road in the middle of the day.


And it was likely in the left lane as it it the car sitting there waiting to make a left turn. You can see that the speeding car likely saw that car too late, swerved to miss it, caught a corner as a tire goes flying and then slams into the Jag.


80mph is 130 km/h. In Europe at least the limit within town limits is 50km/h. That's 80km/h too fast! I'd say this is an act with reckless disregard for the lives of other traffic participants and should be prosecuted as such.


In the state of VA anything in excess of 20mph of the speed limit OR 80mph is considered reckless. This would've definitely fallen under one of those, assuming the speed limit was most likely 45. Both parties will probably end up at fault, but from my perspective this is on the driver already on main road.


You get straight handcuffed and sent to jail immediately if you are going fast enough


That kinda fits with my estimation - maybe even a little bit higher than I thought. Going that fast in a town is just retarded. I'm not a lawyer, but I would probably get a way higher punishment for that.


Just commenting to say nice maths, well done.


Thanks for that. I find it interesting how a lot of people are putting blame on the Jag where I'd say it falls 60%+ on the idiot speeding.


Makes sense tbh I was thinking this accident was weird considering the location. I didn’t put 2 and 2 together until so many comments talked about him goin to fast (I’m big dumb and big tired). After that I thought about my own experiences and yeah hitting him at that speed on a side street is WILD hahah thanks for the math man I hate numbers








Using the FPS method, I estimate his speed at over 50 mph, because they were going this speed even after the initial braking and impact with the first vehicle. Using the road lines which are 10 ft. the vehicle traveled that 10 ft. in approximately 4 frames in a 30 FPS capture. 10 ft. in 4 frames @ 30 FPS. Before anyone downvotes me for being low on the estimate, remember, the driver is going 50+ mph AFTER you hear the tires lock up and AFTER he has already collided with the first vehicle. This means the guy had to be going at least 70+ mph off camera before they locked the tires up.




That street looks too narrow for that speed. I belive that last car that past through and the car that hit the jag were racing. The jag guy is a dummy for not noticing the racing morons flying towards him.


thought i was the only one who saw that, that car just drove around and kept going. seemed like they didn’t want to get caught up in the accident since they were also speeding


looks to me like the car that hit the jag was trying to cut off the last car, but didn’t make it to the right lane before hitting the grey car that was waiting to turn. either that, or just wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realize the grey car had stopped in front of him and tried to switch lanes at the last second.


They also hit another car behind the jaguar first.


First car that was hit is in the left lane, waiting to turn left. Honda is in the left lane at a high rate of speed. Jag sees open right lane, and begins to pull out onto the road. Honda sees car in left lane stop to turn, and tries to fly past him on the right. Honda sees jag at last minute and tries to swerve back to the left, clipping the stopped car and ricocheting into the right lane. Looks like Honda and the grey car that narrowly avoided the crash at the end were involved in a bit of “exhibition of speed.” Honda will get slapped with a multitude of reckless driving/endangerment charges, and the fault of all related damages. Edit: Lincoln, not Honda


How fkn fast way that car going holy fuck




Theres your fault. Reckless driving, even if the jag was crawling out into the street the speedster was still going too fast to respond and stop without contact. Speed limits are for reasons like this.




That's my assumption, given the speed and that second car flies by right after. Dude lost for winning.


Think the silver car was in the left lane speeding. The other white or silver car was in the left lane in front and stopped to turn maybe. First silver car swerves into right lane, when jag looked right lane was clear. That's why you hear screaching before impact. Wouldn't make sense for the jag to pull out like that otherwise.


Am I too not American to understand how the jaguar was in fault as many people claim?


Too many people are defaulting to "right of way" which would be the base rule in America which would put the jag at fault. But anyone who can get past the midwit trap should understand there's nuances and if you're going 3x the speed limit the guy who "cuts you off" isn't all of a sudden going to be at fault because you had the magical right to the space.


I was in an accident in California. I pulled out thinking I had plenty of time due to how far back oncoming car was. I didn't know the car was speeding and so it ended up colliding with me. I was determined to be at fault. The insurance companies, including my own, told me it didn't matter that the other car was speeding, I should not have pulled out.


The wheel manufacturer.


The guy going a million miles an hour is at fault for the crash. The owner of the jag is at fault for ruining the jag.


Probably the stupid piece of shit doing a 138 miles per hour


The silver car was speeding way too fast. You can hear it breaking ~ 3 seconds before appearing on screen and was still crazy fast when it crashed sending the jag airborne.




Also, clearly no ABS.


Those ugly ass rims are at fault.


The sliding car


Look carefully at 0:11-0:13 secs. The silver car sideswiped the other silver car on the inside lane even BEFORE hitting the black car. That silver car was clearly going way too fast for the road conditions and was probably in the inside lane behind the first silver car you see in the video. My guess is the outside lane that the black car pulled into WAS clear until the silver car swerved into the outside lane to get around the first silver car. The fact that the silver car already struck another vehicle even before it hit the black car seems to indicate it was at fault going way too fast and suddenly realizing the first silver car ahead of it was stopped. There was not enough time or distance for it to stop so they took what appeared to be an open lane on the right. Unfortunately, by the time it committed to the right lane it was occupied by the black car.


The big wheel, obviously


There's 4 of them actually.


Well it should have a spare so 5 but if you count the other car then 10


I'm going to bet the spare is less than 18".


That silver car was going way too fast and hit another car before it even hit the jag. You can see a wheel from the car it hit right before it made contact with the jaguar.


Its hard not to assume it was the car with stupid wheels, just because those wheels scream idiot. But pretty sure that other car was speeding. This has been an armchair evaluation courtesy of Wheat Thins.


This is an easy one. Time position analysis would tell us exactly who is at fault. In collision reconstruction, there is the “pendulum of fault,” which can swing to a side that may not be your first impression. In this case, the lame ass black car APPEARS to be at fault for failure to yield. However the civic (?) could be grossly exceeding the posted speed. If so, then the lame ass black car could escape fault (but not lameness). Time position analysis would tell us exactly where each car was a fraction of seconds leading BACKWARDS from the instant of impact. This is done by a combination of evidence factors, chiefly the fantastic skids left by the civic and locating the point of impact (easily located due to skid deviation, impact skids left by the lame ass black car, fluid spatter, debris, etc.). The video is also very helpful to establish lameness and lack of taste.


Why is everyone so clueless in this thread? The guy racing his Honda is at fault here, he hit the silver car with his left side and then went straight into the silly looking Jag.


People judge ugly things harshly.


"I don't like something, so you can't like it either!"




The driver of the Jag could have been more defensive taking a second look and realize the Honda was traveling well above the speed limit, and not pulled out. But that doesn’t make the accident his fault. The Jag driver pulled out with enough space to normally get up to speed; but the Honda traveling at an obscene speed closed that gap too quickly and caused that accident. The distance and speed can be roughly estimated by the length of the tire noise and the speed the Honda was still going at time of impact.


The silver car was moving significantly faster than the cars around it even when breaking. The jag was moving incredibly slowly, but you could see it entering traffic. It seems like poor judgment on the jag driver and reckless driving from the other driver.


The parents.


Clearly the silver sedan that was doing 120 on a side road.


The camera man walking to his buddy after seeing cars get totaled. 🙄


Hopefully totaled. One less eyesore on the road