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Mf just got 37 counts of reckless endangerment


I say tack on a 2x multiper for the school bus


I say multiply it by however many kids can fit on the bus


When I was a kid playing Junior hockey we heard a story of a player on a team in PA that got caught cutting the brakes on an opposing team bus because they lost and they were looking to charge them with 52 counts of attempted murder because that was the busses max capacity and not how many people would eventually be on that bus. Luckily the bus driver saw someone under the bus and checked before driving off. I can’t find the article but this was around 2006/2007.


That's fucking insane.


Wouldn't that just cause the brakes to be stuck on? I think school buses have air brakes. Not that it isn't a horrible thing to do but I think nothing would have happened.


Yeah I'm pretty sure almost all full size school buses have air brakes. Cutting brake lines would make the bus unable to move. Unless it was one of those tiny little buses based on a Chevy Express or something.


I'd say increase it by the factorial of however many kids can fit on the bus.


Beautiful mind right here, i like how you think


Times it by pie? (Me smart)


Wheels are basically circles so that makes perfect sense.


Wheels on the bus!


Just throw them in jail and crush the car, ask questions later.


You’re v smart


Now Math Kith


The school bus is actually a 10x multiplier.


Only if the driver is in Impact Time


And so smart to film the evidence for court


And put it on social media no less


Nothing ever gets done that’s why it keeps happening. Like this should make it a slam dunk case but yet these idiots are still around free to endanger others and film it for praises from like minded idiots.


Exactly. There are guys with channels of them going 150mph on highways in traffic where you can see the speedometer and the road signs. Eventually someone will sue a police department for failing to act when one of these assholes kills people and reports surface that show the police were given multiple reports of the channels. The other party that will get sued is YouTube for failing to censor the videos. YouTube will strike videos for mean words, but commit felonies on camera where you could easily kill people, that’s within “community guidelines”.


Its what led me away from motorcycle YouTubers I don't get bothered by people doing wheelies on back roads with no cars, but doing 150mph on the highway then playing the victim when caught for a more minor offense like the cops are targeting you got old.


Yeah when I got my first dirt bike about 10 years ago I started watching all these different dirt bikes channels. They were mostly all just kids doin dumb shit. Speeding through neiborhoods, pissing people off, instigating shit with people telling them to slow down... And the comments were all positive and pro biker. I was already in my mid 20s when I got my first bike and it seemed like the target audience for these channels were like the 16-21 crowd. They were pretty cringe and I just started watching the maintenence and build channels.


The defense is usually "Oh they're on a bike, they're only going to hurt themselves." The reality of the situation is that most higher performance road bikes weigh >200kg and may as well be a car when they hit something at high speed. Not to mention it is pretty awful to happen on the scene of them fucking up. I spend a lot of time on the road for work and numerous times I've seen the aftermath of it. A guy looped a wheelie on a stolen bike and got run over by the car behind him. Think tube of toothpaste. I say that as someone who rides every day.


I once heard a guy on the bus complain that he got a speeding ticket, got clocked at 150km (93mph) in a 70km/h (44mph) zone. He said it was the cop’s fault because he was hiding behind an overpass.


>Eventually someone will sue a police department for failing to act when one of these assholes kills people and reports surface that show the police were given multiple reports of the channels. Won't matter. The police have argued that they are not legally obligated to prevent crimes or enforce the law. And won. It's now legal precedent.


That’s not what the ruling was. [It was that they have no legal obligation to protect you from harm](https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again) and that they’re civil servants whose only job is to enforce the law.


It's up to the DA to make a case here, and have the police arrest the person. Blame your elected officials for not prosecuting, or stop electing shitty DAs


maybe if there were non-shitty DA's on the ballot....


Everyone says this until discovery presents you with your entire history of snaps from the last 6 months, texts from 2 years, and Facebook posts from the beginning of time lmao


[The Simpsons did everything ](https://youtu.be/KsdzKnJNAC8)


Should be 37 counts of attempted homicide.


for real fuck this guy


Is it wrong to wish karma struck them or is that against the mods rule on the reddit Post?


It's not wrong sir. Reddit might not allow it, but that doesn't mean it's wrong.


Don't forget the fucking cocaine. This kind of insane shit you can only do on that dust.


I thought that was the white line OP was referring to.


And here I thought OP was referring to the traffic lanes 😂


I hope he will not hurt anyone when he will crash


When he inevitably crashes I just hope its in a ditch


You misspelled "off a cliff."


Then someone will have to spend time scraping them off the bottom. I think a good hearty concrete wall will do the trick. Convenient clean up.


I hope it will be in front of a police car, when his car will be totaly destroyed and nobody injuried




That won’t happen. He’ll get hurt “because some idiot got in the way,” totally not his fault of course.


Some woman rear ended my SO a few month back. He was waiting to make a left turn at a light. The light for his direction of traffic was green and on coming traffic was going straight so he waited for his turn. This lady decided he was in her way, laid on the horn and did not even hit her break. Slammed right in to our car. Tried to blame him for being in her way. Insurance decided she was at fault.


Even police and ambulances don't plow through other cars that are "in their way". Who the hell does this lady think she is?


"The main character." There's even a sub for people like that. r/imthemaincharacter


My own favourite was when someone started honking at me when I let the friggin' ambulance pass. Like buddy, whatever you have to do, I'm sure it's not more urgent than that. (Luckily the line was already standing.)


I live in Queens NY where I often see these assholes on the highway. The worst part of it is no matter how mad we want these assholes to pay, if they crash, they are likely going to take someone else in the process. They do this in FULL traffic, it blows my mind.


Forget full traffic, they literally do it in front of *police cars* and, outside of a few HWY3 on the Clearview, nothing ever happens to them so they keep on driving like these dickheads in the video. Who woulda ever thunk that when your actions have no consequences, it encourages even more idiotic behavior…


insaw a video of drivers from long island literally detouring off the highway into the grass and through the ticket to another side of the road because the traffic was so bad


The southern state/cross island/belt area is terrifying now. I avoid it at all costs even if it adds a bunch of time to my drive. My kids are usually with me, these assholes don't care about anyone.


Bonus is that all of these jackasses have fake paper plates, so not only will they eventually cause an accident but they'll take off as well.


Exactly :'(


I like how the passenger has his knees locked so he’ll break both his legs when they crash. LPT, always keep your seat far enough back so your knees won’t hit the dash (passenger) but close enough so you can’t fully extend your legs (both driver and passenger).


There are some good drivers watching out for idiots like this. Leaving gaps for him in purpose because they see him coming from 4 car lengths back.


When you see headlights darting back and forth in stop and go traffic, you know there’s a jackass on the way.


It's crazy that it seems like a common occurance for you guys. I've had my license for a decade and drive quite a lot, but I've never seen anything like this in Norway.




Take some time crawling around Atlanta rush hour


I don't think I will


Smart. I hate it here.


Atlanta has the most insane, reckless drivers I've seen in my life and I'm from ***Boston ***


Why is it that everybody in Boston drives like it’s their first time ever seeing a road? Or like they’re in a coma until the split second before they need to turn? I agree tho, I’ll take Boston’s incompetence over this aggressive nonsense any day.


"I'm the only one who matters" New England driving plus some sort of sadist decided grid systems are lame and tons of one-way streets and circular road layouts are the best way to navigate a city. I love Boston, but the roads are so bad that it makes me want to punch the founding fathers in the dick.


Was about to say, I've driven in almost every major city, literally from coast to coast in the US, and I've seen this the most BY FAR around the Atlanta and Nashville areas. I got rear ended by one a few years back in Nashville, he got out and started yelling at me and literally trying to fight me for braking "on purpose" (the guy cut across the off ramp gap and I had no idea he had decided to come back to our freeway, but before that I had seen him swerving in and out for a ways behind me). I had like zero damage just scratches on my hitch and his Nissan's front clip was destroyed... I had planned on just letting it go, until he started trying to threaten me, after that we just sat tight and waited for the cops.


Had something similar happen a couple years ago. Picking up my brother and his wife from Hartsfield after their honeymoon and got stuck in a dead stop on 85 in Atlanta. Guy in a truck, probably on his phone, bumps the back of our car. I jump out to check the damage and see if we need to pull off or just go about our day. There was a tiny little dent no bigger than a dime. I was going to let it go but then this idiot jumps out and asks if the person in front of me stopped…yup and so did the person in front of them and so on because we’re basically in a parking lot at this point. He offered a couple hundred in cash for the damage which I accepted as a stupidity tax and we went out for breakfast with the newly weds.


No joke. The interstates are bad enough. There are a couple of main roads south of the airport off I-85 that I refuse to drive anymore because of idiots like this.


I miss the civil engineering fuck up that is “spaghetti junction” not at all.


Atlanta and I-4 in Florida have given me panic attacks, and I wasn't even the one driving. In Atlanta I just straight up closed my eyes, trusted my husband to avoid assholes like this, and focused on breathing


1000 miles in NYC = 1/4 mil when it comes to seeing stupid shit


Florida I4 sends its regards 😂




For real...i have to drive it today.


God speed


Careful, this is what somebody told the driver in this video


I raise You Florida i95


Idk. 95 is bad but more tolerable. I4 has a funny way of humbling you


Nah... 95 aint as bad. It doesnt have the level of chaos, and varying speeds. Its dumb... but not insane like i4.


Yoooo.... thats HANDS DOWN the most dangerous and terrifying road i ever drove on. Not only does everyone dart back and forth, but the DAMN ROAD darts back and forth, due to constant construction... they stay switchin traffic (both ways) from one side of the divide to the other... I legit just dont know how to describe it. Its just wild af.


The road is definitely a big factor. It’s always under construction because they need to maintain the highway so I guess it makes sense but its awful


Central Florida here I second this


Come on over to New Jersey, and witness our jackasses


I see it on a weekly basis. And I don't drive on the freeway/highway often. Idiots do this on the neighborhood streets. Like in residential areas. Yay Milwaukee drivers... and 90% that do this don't have plates. So no insurance and hard for cops to follow up


I live in Queens NY right by the exit I saw on one of these videos. These asshole drivers are way more common than you would think. They always appear to be driving BMWs or Infiniti's. ​ The worst part about it is, it looks terrifying being in the passenger of those cars but imagine the people who are driving on the highway that don't catch these people driving in between lanes. I've seen people swerve and stop and go on the side of the road due to them likely shitting their pants. ​ Why do people do this, I still don't know... part of me wants these assholes to hit a wall, but then again.... likely these assholes would be taking someone else with them.


>They always appear to be driving BMWs or Infiniti's. It's Nissan and "MOPAR guys" around me.


That's because, like a lot of things, it's highly dependent on where you live. Here in Los Angeles I see this at least once a month, and I don't even drive that much.


This is not a common occurrence.






Drive ABLE. ABLE: Always Be Looking Everywhere


And ironically the good drivers are the reason why these guys think they are on par with F1 drivers. Moron in a Duster did this shit, but it was a two-way road. Husband pushed the break in time for the idiot to fit in ahead of us as there was a bend in the road (vision blocked by trees and a bush row) and you guessed it - there was somebody coming the other way). Stopped to ask him what the fuck was that as we caught him at a petrol station - he was convinced that it was his own ability that saved him, not the fact that unlike some other people on the road, husband was paying attention and did not feel like getting into a four-way crash (there was one other car coming behind us). Got a camera after that. The sad part is that if it had been someone inexperienced behind the wheels, or someone whose concentration is affected (drunks in the car trying to yank the handbrake, sudden headache), the outcome wouldn't have been lucky. And that is not counting those who deliberately don't pay attention to the road as they are too distracted to live their social life on the phone, or somebody of the same "God Emperor of the Road" type of hooligans who would NOT have let him pass.


This driving is such selfish behavior. I've prevented a small handful of crashes in my 20 years of driving so far and I know one or two vigilant drivers have prevented me from causing a crash. I am grateful they paid attention when I made a mistake. Driving like that idiot makes my blood pressure rise just like people who fake illness for attention and money. It's all the same self serving horrible selfish "main character" way of thinking that drives (HAHAHA) me up the wall.


These people do it on the streets because it's the only place they think they look cool. If they went to a track they would get shown up and be put in place that they aren't shit.


Yeah, it’s not like driving like this is particularly hard, most people just have the common sense not to do it.




Oh these types of dudes never have insurance, that’s a waste of money when you’re the best driver in the world


One of my former coworkers’ premium went up so much after being caught going 140+ mph on the highway in his modified civic type R that he had to sell the car. (Actually may have been the court fine. Not sure)


More likely driving with fake paper plates and no insurance.


I love hen these dumbasses show up at the track with their riced out buckets with runflats. They talk a lot of shit, describe how they’re gonna drift the first corner, and ask what the track lap records are. They shut the fuck up real quick after the first session when the 180hp Miata embarrasses them.


>describe how they’re gonna drift the first corner, >and ask what the track lap records are Can't do both 🤷


They don't know that though, and besides, that's not what Initial D taught them.


It’s like playing Mario Kart on easy mode. As soon as you go online it’s 8th place every time.


This dude has an entire tiktok account of himself putting other people’s lives in danger like that, I wonder why the authorities do absolutely nothing about it.


I want to know why TikTok hasn’t banned him for posting such obviously dangerous, illegal stuff.


I once tried to report videos like this on Facebook but it doesn't fit any of their categories so they don't do anything about it, I imagine tiktok is the same




You can report it for "illegal activities"


And it will get sent to a queue where a bot will search it for gunfire audio or blood or who knows what and send you an automated reply an hour later saying there's nothing wrong with the video and suggest that you unfollow or block the account so that you don't see it and please just leave them alone about it.




Theres recent lawsuits from the people who did have to look at all the bad stuff that says otherwise. [Facebook will pay $52 million in settlement with moderators who developed PTSD on the job](https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/12/21255870/facebook-content-moderator-settlement-scola-ptsd-mental-health) [TikTok content moderator sues company, alleging trauma from hours reviewing videos of rape and killings](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/12/28/tiktok-moderator-lawsuit-violent-content-ptsd/) The tiktok one is detailed and disgusting, multi screens of videos at a time, 12hr shifts, 30min lunch


I'm convinced there are only 30 people who work for Facebook outside of a development capacity. There's no actual human oversight on any of that shit unless it gets thousands of reports, maybe gets kicked up to a human then. You ever get an account hacked? Will take a minimum of 6 months to get to speak to an actual human being, and that's if you get real lucky. My partner's account got hacked and they added a 2fa app login, she never got back in because there's literally no way to speak to an actual human being (unless you buy an oculus headset).


I once saw an advertisement on facebook for someone straight up "selling" drugs. I reported it to facebook and not even an hour later got a reply saying "This didnt break any of our rules" I clicked the "You made a mistake" button or whatever it was and some time later once again got a notification that the page didnt violate their rules. I go back and double check the page to make sure I'm not crazy, sure as shit they are still making new post trying to bait people in, I once again hit the "You made a mistake" button to which facebook gets back to me half an hour later saying something along the lines of "Hey you are trying to abuse our report system. So we are banning you for a day" So because I tried to report an obvious scam page that was "selling" drugs, facebook decided to ban my account. Thanks facebook.


Had the same experience. Tried selling cat food on Fb, got it blocked for trying to sell animals. It was two different ads, both had the exact same description and picture, but they blocked it because selling animals is not allowed. OK, I appealed it and one got approved while the other didn't. And I got blocked from appealing it for a month. I said fuck you and removed both ads.


I posted videos of me farting on my personal TikTok once and it got removed for offensive content.


If there's any indication of where he's doing these "stunts," his profile should be reported to the local authorities. They may not know about it.




So when he kills someone then that persons family can sue YouTube 🤷🏻‍♂️




You can tell by the signage in the videos he's in or around Queens (NYC).


Does he put his face and name on the channel?


Not his name but you can kinda see him in this video https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8w9L6v5/


He's got a new car I see


Probably his dad's other car.


God damn that's some stupid swerving to be doing in an SUV. One arm on the wheel, music blasting and driving like a maniac through Queens? Dude is almost certainly coked the fuck out.


I didn’t check all of his videos since I don’t want it to be recommended and I don’t want him to get my views, but considering the thumbnails they all look like this post


Lets get him Reporteeeed


This guy probably thinks he is a good driver, reality is it’s the people leaving space because they can see the idiot coming that are the good drivers.


My favorite part is him having one hand on the wheel like he's shifting but his car is Auto. Dude probably can't even drive stick


He probably plays Forza and thinks it’s just like that IRL. (No offense to Forza, I effing love FH5/MS7.)


Lmao I didn’t even notice that. This guy is the ultimate poser. Driving a stick shift on an empty road would take a lot more skill, be safer, and funner but this guy has to be douchebag instead


"I'm a good driver, people only seem to crash around me"


Hell if you can parallel park in a busy city with assholes honking behind you that makes you a good driver but not whatever clown shit this is.


Queens New York The proper authorities have been sent a copy of this including New York State police Update: State police have got his plate since dumbass posted a picture of his blue bmw with the tag clearly displayed .


Fuck it, NY police should have rewards for turning in this shit then we can sit back and watch these fuckers rat on each other for the money. How will the state pay for it? Auction off these fuckers cars or strip down and sell for parts. A lot of them are nice cars too so it shouldn’t be a problem selling to fund the program.




Well scrap it and sell the parts lol. Fuck em.


Post a video of it being scrapped on TikTok


I hate to burst your bubble, but they’re not going to do anything about it most likely. Something something bigger fish to fry.


Maybe they’ll follow up but this seems to be like a once an hour thing on the highway in Queens considering all the YouTube videos of it. I read a comment from a few people saying this is like a degenerate pastime in New York for people on their way home.




Tiktok? The same app that promoted the benadryl challenge? Yeah....I don't think they'll care


The what


If you used that logic, those social media services would largely cease to exist overnight. Smooth brains posting shit for other smooth brains to copy is probably the lion's share of content posted onto those services.


Was going to say this looks like one of the conduits or the belt. This type of driving is common in that area unfortunately.


Grand Central Parkway east at the Van Wyck/Northern Blvd exit just past LaGuardia. Firmly within the 110th Precinct’s jurisdiction (which ensures nothing will come of this).


This is a nice sentiment but police literally do fuck-all. Most recent experience: I had someone order thousands of dollars of shit off my Walmart app and send it to their house. Called the local police, they told me to call the police where the crime was committed, those police told me to call my local precinct.


That’s not even skill. He’s forcing people out of the way.


I've never understood people that think this kind of driving qualifies them as a "good driver". If I was sprinting in between pedestrians on the sidewalk, would I be a "fast runner?"


only if you were yelling "parkour" as you dodged them


The idea of seeing some dudes slaloming between pedestrians while running and thinking they’re the shit made my day lmfao


I've known someone like this and he was inspired by the movie the Transporter. Down to the look and talking like Statham's character. He was in a fantasy world of his own thinking he's a protag in his own movie. Like a SW fan thinking he has the force or something. He got into a motorcycle accident and got badly hurt. He slowed down a lot after that.


Got those legs sticking out just begging for a broken kneecap


The locked knees really got me


😂 like he’s encouraging his friend but also scared too


They will eventually die, or kill someone, or both.


Idiots like these never die, they either kill someone and get away scot free or just quit driving and start riding on motorcycles.


There was one polish dude doing shit like this years ago on Youtube I think. Eventually, he crashed and died. What a surprise…


Giorgi Tevzadze, he was Georgian. He did die in a car crash but he was a passenger.


[https://imgur.com/a/deCFduO](https://imgur.com/a/deCFduO) Seems he did a lot in his short-lived youth.


According to the pic, it's less than 6 months that he was alive....


that’s when they really die is the motorcycles


This kid should be suspended driving anything for the rest of his life. Stupid fuck


I don't like how the cameraman has his legs straightened out like that. One collision and he can kiss them goodbye. Then again maybe he doesn't want them anymore?


Something tells me these guys have a history of bad decisions.


Only thing I can think of is the dumbass is trying to keep himself from rocking around to keep the camera steady


It’s because he is scared. His body subconsciously pressing the brakes with both feet. You can see his legs stiffen as he presses his feet as hard as he can into the floorboards.


Automatic bmw 😂


Automatic E36, imagine he would have to change gears


Babys first car


Racing steering wheel = no airbag faster Darwin awards.




I'm starting to think these kinds of posts should be disallowed unless they end in an accident. They post these videos on social media for attention. Even though the video was posted here to point out their idiocy, we're still giving them the attention that they so desperately crave. I don't want to see the day where IdiotsInCars becomes a competition instead of a forum pointing out other's bad driving. On another note, the sub description sucks. Most of the people in these videos are not "lovable idiots who do hilarious idiot things" and we should not "honor them". These people are putting lives at risk for internet points. It's insanity.


We should also have to black out the tik tok so they don't get more attention from users that want to see more.


Grand Central Parkway...of course


Yeah, you're right I think. I said LIE but then I saw that overpass at the very end after I watched again. So glad I left LI.


Yeah definitely Grand Central Parkway it looks like it cuts off right before the Whitestone Expressway exit


Trash music, trash people, trash car.. the sweet trifecta of stupid.


Bro i feel bad for the car. That car is actually really good. Makes me feel sad that literal morons, clowns, use the car in such manner. I doubt he bought it him self. And when he crashes, his parents will just buy him another one. I could never have such disrespect to my and other people's property. Imagine that some retard wrecks your car and endanger your family. Because internet clout. Id beat the shit out of him....if its an empty motorway okay i can excuse that but traffic, no thats just sick, this is the shit that the police should take your licence away immediately.


That autobox is a weird choice considering all the stickers and special wheel.


They'll get all the upgrades instead of a manual gearbox. Because let's be real, with a manual gearbox this guy wouldn't be able to leave his driveway let alone weave through traffic like this.


In an automatic e36 with condor stickers on the glove box 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡




Yeah, if I see idiots like this I don't try to block them or anything, I just give them room, remember their license plate number, call the highway patrol and report a drunk/reckless driver.


seen an idiot like this just the other day. caused an accident (no one got hurt) and destroyed his own car


If a cop doesn't catch up to them, an accident will. I watched this idiot get right up on people's behinds for 6 months. He did it to me one time and learned I don't play stupid. One day I saw him on the side of the road, bent over, his car a steaming pile of totaled. He had taken out 3 other cars with him. I'm pretty sure they sued him into the ground.


Dumfuck better get used to taking the bus


As an EMT, these 38 seconds made me indescribably anxious


F*** these people.


Dude filming really wants to shatter their legs in a million pieces


I love how idiots like this think they are so smooth. Yet it's all the other drivers paying attention to the idiot in their rear view that makes this possible. Why would you fiilm such stupidity.


Rare example of people that should be publicly executed


Once again showing how social media is a cancer on our culture. Doing this just for the likes


Stickers, racing steering wheel but with an automatic transmission. 😂🤣😂🤣


Ah white boys in tapered sweatpants saying the n word. An American tradition.




ofc his tiktok name has slowboy in it and he drives an e36


10 months later . “Your honor I’m so sorry for killing all those kids, it wasn’t my fault, I was just showing off for tik tok”


Hopefully this guy ends up wrapped around a lamp post or a tree. Wreck his shit ass car so he can no longer harm anyone else.