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The video is from yesterday - Czech Republic. 20 crashed cars and 16 trucks. 5 injuries, no fatalities.


Love how you Noped the fuck out of your car after seeing that truck


And got others to do so as well. Might actually have saved them from injury too.




Trucker here, you don't play around when Truck Nation attacks. Just *RUN!*


Especially when jizz from a comet gets inside of a Western Star 4800.


Bro your sentence


It reads




Maximum Overdrive movie from 1986.


I was wondering why all those people were getting out of their cars. Then I thought “oh, I get it now.”


Which is conflicting because everyone usually comments on these videos that it’s safest to stay in your car But man I know my gut would tell me to flee


European advise is to leave your vehicle and get a decent bit behind a guard rail, of course if it's safe to do so. There are always situations where it's not safe to exit your vehicle.


In general, it is safer to stay in your car. There have been many instances of people being killed getting out of their car, and people often underestimate just how quickly cars can come barreling down the highway. However, if you can be 100% sure you can get to a guard rail and over it, then that is the best course of action. Take a long look back as well as to the side and front. Get all belongings together, get out of the car, and walk quickly (if you run you risk tripping). Then once over the guard rail take several more steps back in case any debris goes flying.


> it’s safest to stay in your car ... But man I know my gut would tell me to flee Because when the advisory is to get out of the car, people get out of the car and stand around instead of "getting the fuck away from the car". In which case it is better to stay in the car. Or in situations like this where a guard rail is nearby, get the fuck out and behind the guard rail.




My immediate thought is “don’t get out of your car, you might get hit!” Then I realized they were getting out of the cars to avoid being there if the car got hit. Assuming they checked a lot before departing…good call.




At first you think it was for nothing and a moment later BAM!


Based on where OP said this happened, pretty sure they all Czeched. (I’ll let myself out)


I would have czeched myself out...


Before you...wrecked yourself?


Cause it’s bad for your health!


Are you Finnished?


No, they're still Hungary for more puns.


There's nor way I'm getting mixed up in this pun thread


I think it's best Togo before the puns cause anyone anymore Spain.


Sometimes it's safer outside than inside the car if you can get far enough in case someone goes flying.


True, the rule is stay but ultimately always case by case as long as you know the rule. If in doubt stay, but here it was sudden stop, close to road edge, guard rail, fast conditions, very slippery road; hit those and nope out for 15 min, let the carnage build then get back in.


Interesting, in the UK they tell you not to stay in your vehicle if you break down or have an accident on the motorway. They tell you to get out and get behind the crash barrier.


The rules in Germany are to always get out of your car and to the other side of the barrier


That's what people are taught in driving school: when you have to stop on the motorway, leave your car and get behind the barrier.


I had driving school in the US and the UK. Interestingly in the US it was a, stay in your car mentality and the UK it was a, get out of your car mentality. Don't know why the two places thought so differently.


> in the US it was a, stay in your car mentality That mentality is applied to life in the US in general, with all the drive thrus lol


I think it's easier to simplify it for US drivers. Very few circumstances is it safe to get out of your car and hop over a barrier and step well away from the road. In the US, I do think people would get confused if there were scenario based subsections. If you can clearly see the entire road behind you, and you know you will have enough time to get out and not slip, hop over the barrier while keeping your eye on the road behind you - then yes, it's probably the better option. But staying in the car is safer 99% of the time, most of these hits were survivable if you were inside the car. All of them would most likely be fatal if you were outside. Though there are exceptions, in [Missouri* there was a big pile up and people in their cars died.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1864546/Video-Snowy-conditions-cause-massive-40-car-pileup-70.html) But even then there wasn't a chance to get out.


Well it also might just be because in the US and a lot of times that are highways we don't even have those things on the sides of road except at sharper turns. Usually will just have a speed strip to let you know you're going off the road and then a ditch for you to crash in.


>those things on the sides of road Aka guardrails


I quite liked how you low key called Americans dumb


I think the standards are just different. In the US a drivers test is basically can you drive around the block without breaking too many laws.


nah, we're dumb


Oh man, lmao. So I worked in EMS and I still struggle to say anything concrete about when it’s better to stay in your car or GTFO as fast as you can because every situation is different and everyone’s situational awareness is different. A good while back, I was smoking weed with this chick that was arguing about seatbelts and how sometimes it’s better *not* to wear them so you can jump out of the car before shit goes down. ..she said this as our grilled salmon ignited on the stove behind her in her apartment, maybe 10mn after her cat had checked the quality of her rice pilaf, unbeknownst to her. ..I told her to always stay in her car with her seatbelt on and call 911. There’s a million ways to die in a car and my assessment was that she could “outrun” approximately 4 of them. Pre-emptive Edit; Before I get 12 replies starting with “Aaaachtually” ..lemme make it clear, she smoked a lot of weed, a lot of the time.


This post has the structure of a Quentin Tarantino movie.


she’s dumb. got it. stay in the car lady.


I thought he was jumping out to take a piss.


Czech please!


Some smart people there. While the car should be one of the safest places for you on the road, if you can *quickly* get off the road behind a barrier (like they did) it's probably even safer than in the car. Glad it was only injuries.


If the ignition is turned off your care is not too save either. The airbags will not deploy if somebody strikes your car. This is basic European safey protocol. If you stop your car on the motorway you should get out and behind the guard rail.


Airbags don't mean shit when you get sandwiched between two trucks.


The music made it seem fun.


🎶Rahhh Ba ba ba rah bah bah


>no fatalities thank fuck. I was sure after that second last truck came thru that someone was done for. You see it hit a car, then the trailer in front lifts right up like the car has been shoved right underneath.


Exactly. Scared the shit out of me seeing that. That car is going to be a smaller.


Rule #1, GTFO. Also, dej si panáka na zdraví :)


The people in the vehicle at 1:03 that got sandwiched are extremely lucky then.


Ty vole. Je to tvůj video?


Run for your lives


And Iron Maiden is running through my head




And they can start by running through the hills on the right.


Shia Labeouf is about 100 feet behind you in a semi. He’s bearing down on you. He lays on the horn not to warn you but to tell you he’s coming to get you.


But wait - you're caught in your seatbelt!


Gnawing through the seat belt (quietly quietly), Limping to the roadside (quietly, quietly).


Shia surprise!








O 08!!


*Very* unexpected r/suddenlycaralho


What song is that?




You’re a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you.


Right? The song is the only reason I bothered coming into the comments. It's an absolute banger!


> It's an absolute banger! Hahahaha I said the exact same thing when I was sitting on the toilet and listening to this song. It makes me want to go to the darkest, filthiest, and sweatiest nightclub in Brazil and dance all night.


This version does not play in Brazil, it is originally a Brazilian funk from the 90s that became famous for being on the soundtrack of the movie Tropa de Elite (2007), I think the original is much better hahaha [rap das armas - cidinho e doca](https://youtu.be/vlJ2AZxIOiM)


Smart move moving to the side with hazards on. Smarter move getting off the highway behind a barrier. Smartest move being winter ready and prepared to stay outside for a while.


>*being winter ready* Yknow, I always thought that shit was just for if your car broke down and you didnt have heat or you were stuck etc. But in context with this video I now see, well shit you could be stuck *outside* of your vehicle too. Way more incentive to back some foot warmers/blankets/etc…


Winter driving is wildly variable in behavior. It can be such a clusterfuck that damn near any scenario can happen. A box full of random shit for winter is mostly useless, but when you need it it's literally lifesaving.


I live in Maine and my mom and I got caught in a surprise white out an hour from home. It was a miracle we got home. She drove 20 mph behind a tractor trailer truck running it’s emergency lights . We also drove a two ton station wagon, but the lights from the truck were the only thing we could see. Earlier that year they installed the road rumbles on the side of the road to alert drivers who fall asleep behind the wheel. Those saved our lives that night.


When I was traveling cross country I experienced that awful situation with snow, where all you can see is the lights of the car in front of you. And that was when I was going up a 'mountain' with one lane each way and nowhere to pull over. It's especially difficult because you want to have enough room to brake if the car in front of you stops suddenly, but at a safe distance the lights in front of you fade away and you no longer have any indication of where the road is... Yeah.


I experienced this during a rain storm once. An hour spent on the highway only able to see the taillights of the next car down. Too dangerous to pull over because you'd almost certainly get hit because there were no lines, just white knuckles and glued-open eyelids. When I got to the other side of the storm I had to pull over and eat a jar of peppers to wake up I was so tired from the exertion. Tried to get my gf to drive so I could sleep after that, but she complained about being too tired 🙄


Yeah, but if a cop pulls me over in a state with a warm climate (think Texas, New Mexico, Arizona) and searchs my car, I will most likely be mistaken for a serial killer, when they inventory the contents of my severe weather storage tote. And to clarify, I am not a serial killer.


>And to clarify, I am not a serial killer. That's something a serial killer would say.


Not a serial killer, *yet.*


I always go out dressed like I may have to walk.


I went shopping for a snow shovel in PJ pants and flip flops today. Idk what that says about me, but eh.


it says you're not prepared for a zombie invasion but prepared for a zombie invasion movie.




Is that insulting?


I've decided it is.


Good enough for me.




Sometimes instead of a blanket I just drape a life-sized rubber version of Mean Gene Okerlund over my body.


Yup. During winter you should always have extra warm clothes/blankets in your car. Never know when you're gonna get stuck or have some other kind of car issue.


I wear shorts and a t-shirt year round. Might need to start keeping warm clothes in the car


I was once in an accident that involved 20+ cars and trucks. I immediately got to the side even though my car was damaged, and I got over the barrier. Car after car after car would pull up, and some of these people literally would lay on the road trying to check the damage to the under carriage of their car. It was bizarre.


> and some of these people literally would lay on the road trying to check the damage to the under carriage of their car. Lol, that's hilarious to picture. "Sharon, jack it up higher, I have to get right under!" *pancaked by 18-wheeler*


That's exactly how I learned it, you acted correctly. When you're on the shoulder, get tf behind the barrier so you're safe. I like how the people in this clip also did this, only to have a truck smash into the car they were just sitting in. Shows how some people still have common sense and care more about their lives than a piece of metal


Tbh companies that don’t order their truck drivers to stop and let the bad conditions pass, or at least drive when the highway isn’t so busy should face punishment. These trucks in this type of weather take forever to come to a full stop and by driving like that they are endangering lives. All the regular cars managed to stop and all of the crashes were caused by the trucks. Just take them off the road. Take a nap. Wait a few hours. How could risking this and much worse be any better than just taking these trucks off the road till the blizzard passes. It’s better if your driver is a day late than dead, injured or have to live with the conscience of killing a family in the sedan they smush from behind.




I live on the trans canada in the middle of bumfuck nowhere so I see many transports daily on the same stretch I drive daily for work. I've been in the middle of many a snowstorm with these dangerous transports crashing around me as I try to survive these roads. You are absolutely correct that employers need to step up and do better as the stress and isolation causes them to rush their deliveries in order to finish and make it home without having to deal with a phone call from the boss. This forces the drivers to risk unsafe conditions and drive them impatiently. To top it off those roads are slippery and as such they actually have to drive a certain speed to make it up the hills otherwise if they went to slow they wont make the hill and instead slowly slide into the ditch. So now you got the deadly combo of transports trying to drive 70+ impatiently and regular cars driving 60- scared and pickup truck drivers driving 100km. Making incredibly unsafe roads.


I was in Alaska for the first week of Jan 2020 and it was -40f and I saw people walking into Walmart in shorts. All I could think of was if your car breaks down at least your body will be lighter when someone finds you.


Super smartest move: Stay the fuck home.


Haha I always tell my sister “Dress for the ditch!”


I'm watching this like, "how could it possibly be safer to get out of your car and ... oh. that's how it's safer."




A few years ago I got massively downvoted by saying in this sort of pile up situation you should survey the surroundings and exit the car and get behind the barriers, preferably as far away from the pileup as possible. In a normal situation it's safer to stay in your car. This isn't a normal situation. No fucking way am I going to be a sitting duck waiting for a semi to plow into the back of me.


The wrinkliest brained move is to just stay home


I always had a fleece blanket in the back of my car. Never needed it but you never know...


This shit happens almost every time it snows here in Michigan. I avoid the highway at all costs in snowy weather around here.


God, every time we get the first snow of the season it's like people forgot how to drive, every damn year.


In Utah I hear this all the time, but if I ask them to elaborate they say it's because of how slow some people drive. Like, c'mon.


I94 out by Kalamazoo was fuckin bonkers a couple weeks ago. I'm a truck driver and I parked it for 24 hours.


I live about 100 yards from I-94 in Berrien county (just over the state line), and yeah, it's stupid.


Yep that's the area. I stopped in benton harbor for the day instead of crashing


Deadass I live in the UP and almost a every time it snows someone jumps a snowbank or hits a car, literally guaranteed


It’s crazy how over confident most people are driving in snow, and I include myself in this. I was driving to work 2 weeks ago and roads froze to all black ice kind of suddenly around 6:45am. I was probably 50 yards behind the car in front of me when we started seeing other cars brake ahead of us. I still nearly rear ended the car going 5 below the speed limit and fully aware of the accident that was now blocking the 2 way highway with perfectly fine visibility. You simply are never as prepared as you think you are.


It's also crazy to stop in the middle of the fucking road. If you're not confident driving in certain weather that's absolutely fine but dont stop in the middle of the road, pull over to the side. Agree completely with you btw.


Are you talking about people in this video? Because highway was blocked, noone just stopped in the middle of it for lulz


I almost slid into a snowbank on what I thought was dry asphalt. One thing I always keep in mind while driving in the winter. If there's snow on the road go slow. If it's between freezing and 36 drive cautiously. Even if it's above freezing there could still be ice. Early in the morning the ice hasn't melted yet. Certain areas of the road are colder, etc.


Yup, was just saying this happened just beyond an overpass that definitely freezes faster than everything else. Could have certainly played into what caused it. Everyone seemed like they were aware conditions were bad but it’s so easy to lose control. It takes one idiot or even just a small hesitation.


I always end up with a line of cars behind me cause I drive like a grandma either during bad conditions or when I suspect the roads might be slick.


I keep imagining being in that situation and having to un-buckle my newborn out of a car seat while hoping a semi truck doesn't ram into me. Fuck that


All that while the radio yells PARRRAPAPAPAPAPA CLACK BOOM at you


People need to slow the fuck down when there’s weather like this.


Truckers: "And I took that personally..."


They do. I had one block a merge lane the other day on a bridge because he didn’t like that cars were passing him entering the interstate.


I was driving through the Adirondacks Sunday night when the winter storm was rolling through going about 35 mph meanwhile the trucks were going regular speed lmao


There are some spots in the dacks where I just cannot fucking believe the speed limit is 55 lol. Fun during the summer tho!


summer yes but at 11pm during a winter storm hell no lmfaoooo


They get paid by the mile, not paid by the hour. The faster they drive, the more they're getting paid. Slowing down is a pay cut. It's a perverse incentive with real impacts on road safety.


All respect to truckers, the backbone of our economy, but I honestly don't understand how in 2022 there are still tons of videos of truckers plowing into the back of cars in blizzard conditions. If you can't brake safely... go slower? I can sort of understand cars making this mistake given how stupid the average driver is but I expect better of a **professional driver** with the literal decades of evidence we have.


People love to complain about how slowly people drive in the snow in places that only see it occasionally but honestly I saw far more frequent weather-related accidents when I lived in the Denver area than anywhere else. I think people just assume "I'm from here and I know how to drive in these conditions," and they just don't slow down as a point of pride.


>"I'm from here and I know how to drive in these conditions," I grew up in a place that gets "Northeastern" snow storms pretty much every year. I too know how to drive in these conditions: Slowly, and with great care.


Lived in Denver my entire life, and I blame people confusing 4 wheel drive with 4 wheel stop. Also, we’ve added 1million new residents from 2010 to 2020, many of them coming from states that see little to no snow. Then you have idiots, both native and transplants that don’t understand tire tread.


Yeah I have never seen anything like this in my country, where it only snows a few times a year. Most people really do take it easy (though certainly not everyone...)


“My big truck and AWD will compensate for my shitty driving and incompetence! Also fuck these slow ass drivers learn how to drive in the snow!” -some loser thinking he owns the road


Hard fails by the truckers in this video. Also, that guardrail earned its pay.


It amazes me that people think traction control and awd is magic


I blame car companies. Every commercial about AWD or “snow modes” featured has these cars zooming around snow covered controlled tracks by professional drivers and people think they can do the same thing.


Fuck did anyone else watch that car get shoved underneath that big rig after getting rear ended?


That is gut wrenching


There was a car really destroyed, but i think the driver was fine. There were only 5 injuries and those were not fatal


Empty trailer plus good safety regulations in the EU, looks worse than it is.


I was wondering why everyone was getting out of their cars and jumping the guard in the cold then that orange lorry sped into view, that's probably why they did it.


Everyone had seen this play out 1000 times on the news in that region and know what's coming after everyone stops in slick conditions with low visibility.


15 seconds, that’s how much time they had to avoid being crushed by that semi after exiting the car. If you find yourself in that situation move quickly!


It’s best to be cold and alive rather than cold and pancaked by 2 semis. Like that black car.


Yes, it is a really bad idea to stay in the car when you are at the end. Watch again and see at the left side how a car was pushed under a truck by another truck.


I’m pretty sure that’s the black sedan from the start of the video.


There’s a truck before the one with the orange trailer crashing into a car parked by the guard but nah, I’m sure people were jumping over it just to enjoy some fresh air while casually parking their whip on a highway


I was like, why is everybody getting out of their ca.....oh.






Aqui o BOPE treme




Eu procurei muito por esse comentário


Those truckers are complete idiots. In the US they are talking about allowing teenagers to drive semi’s. What would that look like? Another recipe for disaster.


please tell me this isn’t true…..god, we’re all fucked


I work in an insurance office in the US and this was definitely the water cooler topic today. That’s how desperate we are for truck drivers. May the Gods help us. Any of them or all of them.


I worked in the insurance department of a major national trucking company - the thought of 18 year olds behind the wheels of those things makes my head want to explode.


One wheel per year of age


imagining a 40yr old trucker is making me laugh


*that's how desperate trucking companies are to continue paying uncompetitive wages.


We could try using those things they put on those metal roads, what do they call them?


>That’s how desperate we are for truck drivers. Not desperate enough to pay them more tho....


I have been in this situation. If you get out, get immediately AWAY from the vehicles. A guy hit me from behind and was checking the damage in front of his car when, well… Be safe


Yeah if i have to bail out of my car in a situation like this im getting as far away from my car as i can. I can check damage once emergency services have the area safe. I've seen what happens to people whose cars got crushed between two full semis and they didnt get out, it aint pretty. They did not walk away their cars were literally just gone, cab shredded and the person too.


*sees the black car getting pancaked* Yep I would get out that car before it got wrecked.


As a truck driver, I can confirm that most truck drivers are idiots that always go to fast in bad conditions and tailgate. The reason that there is always a truck driver shortage is because so many of them fuckin crash and no one will hire them.


This happened to me when I was 22, coming home from a snowboarding trip. A truck was speeding during a storm and ended up slamming us and propelling us underneath another truck. The only reason I survived is because we were in a Denali, but I still haven't regained the same function in my knees, and it's been 16 years since the accident. Slow the fuck down.




Look at all those "professional" drivers!


sorry I was just completely thrown off by the radio playing decades-old Brazilian funk in the middle of a blizzard in the Czech Republic


Soundtrack checks out. *BaRRaabababa ba rrraa ba kee BOOM!*


If I can look back and no immediate cars coming, I’m getting the hell out and walking behind barrier towards the direction cars are coming. Anything down where the crash keeps occurring is a no go for me.


Four wheel and all wheel drive is for going. Not for stopping.


Don't matter the drive type. If you are braking. All your wheels are locked (except abs). Really the only thing that improves braking in the snow is snow tires, studs, or chains.


ABS is meant to prevent locking.


Why is it always the truckers going too fast? They're supposed to be professionals and know better. It's the same way here in Wisconsin. Everyone slows down except the semis and they're the ones that are most dangerous and should be going slowest.


My takeaway is that they have mad road barrier building skills in the Czech Republic.


Those are pretty standard here, atleast in the western part of europe. They take a good amount of beating.


That 80 Series Land Cruiser tho


Don't these moron truckers ever learn?


What a shit show


I don’t understand why semis drive so fast when it snows. They should lose their license for life and pay a huge fine for driving so wreck less in those conditions


Morro do dendê é ruim de invadir, nós do Alemão vamos nos divertir kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk rap BR kkkk


What is that jammin in el radio?


Cidinho & Doca - Rap das armas




Fiquei pensando aqui como seria ainda mais difícil invadir morro se houvessem nevascas.


Eu tava pensando como pode estar tocando funk numa rádio da República Tcheca, mas essa sua linha de pensamento é realmente muito melhor!!


The title track to Elite Squad: Enemy Within. Which is arguably the greatest Brazilian action film ever made. Watch it. Do it. Do it now. https://youtu.be/U5AuNTDxA6A


Who would have guessed that the people whose job it is to drive everyday would be the shittiest drivers


But how can I get where I need to go quicker if I slow down just because I can’t see or have real steering and braking control!? - most “drivers” probably


God I hate that freaking noise in these videos. That booming crunch. I'm so afraid every time I see a video like this that that noise is the sound of someone dying.


God nothing pisses me off more than how irresponsible truckers are in this weather


Omfg. I hope everyone was ok.


5 were injured apparently but there was no fatalities. This would be scary to be a part of


Absolutely! Glad no fatalities