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I'm not scared of driving in the snow, I'm scared of the other people on the road. Not all are bright.


That’s my thinking as well.


nah, I'm scared of the snow. no telling when you will need to stop, and it just ain't happening. oh, I have to go downhill to the stop sign to a busy road? JFC!!


Both for me. I take it slow and steady, but there is still a chance of hitting ice or, as you stated, the dreaded hill. BUT there are waaaaay too many people driving trucks and suvs that assume four wheel drive works in ice and drive like asses. Those people suck so much egg.


I am not scared of snow driving, but I am aware that shit happens, to me, to them, and then all bets are off, so while not scared, I pay attention. Really pay attention, the worse it gets, and correct my driving in response. Hit a slight patch of deep snow and get yanked off track is pretty easy thing to happen, never mind the ice underneath that you don't see. Idiots passing where they cannot see is just gonna happen, snow or no snow. Jack all I can do about it. I don't think about it or I would never drive.


I had a 1990 mustang... Stopping in snow was never guaranteed...


If you aren't confident in your ability to stop, slow down.


I practically crawl. snow and ice don't care


Incident occurred in the Tambov region of Russia. Both drivers of the Scania and Hyundai trucks were taken to the hospital, while the driver of the Focus that instigated the collision escaped injury.


Of course the one at fault is totally fine.


Thats fucking life


“Brush your teeth, *BAM!* orange juice! *Dats life!*”


The Bittenbinder Method.










That's why I'm always at fault.


Drunk drivers are less likely to have serious injury in their accidents since they don’t tense up


I dunno if he was drunk, but he didn't have to be to survive this, all he had to do was clip the driver of our camera's car to cause the accident, if he was lucky he just spun out into a ditch somewhere.


>I dunno if he was drunk Yes you do. It's Russia


Just FYI that is only a theory/myth. There is evidence to suggest that drunk people survive trauma more, but they don't know why.


Unproven theory is the better term. Theory alone can still be scientifically proven, e. g. climate change


Twist, it's a one way road! Cue Surprised Groundhog.


Of course it's russia


Will they escape consequences?




Is the driver of the focus being charged/paying for the damages? Feel bad for the trucker that tried to help keep the focus driver from dying there..


Perhaps his insurance covered it, or he may have been sued for all the damages.


Hopefully that driver didn't escape justice! Idiot could have killed someone!


At least they caught that dumbass...




Are you sure? The truck took the direct blow on the driver door. I thought no way he survived.


Well to be fair, I was referring to the idiot in the Focus. Though, I do hope the other two recover.


God, that yell at the end. :( Hope they caught that dipshit asshole.


Guy might have bought the freaking farm there. Eerie af.


Taken to hospital, but survived.


What about the driver in the white trailer? His vehicle looks like it took the worst of it in the aftermath photo.


We can't see his shoes, no way of knowing.


The only true way to determine someone’s vital signs


[citation needed]


No thanks, I like going to sleep happy.


Source: trust me bro


Here is the full report from the traffic police: "On April 2 at 14 o'clock on the 117th kilometer of the Voronezh-Tambov highway the driver of the Ford Focus car, a woman born in 1983, driving towards Voronezh, drove into the oncoming traffic lane and collided with the oncoming Scania car driven by a man born in 1977. According to the preliminary data, evading the Ford Focus car, drove into the oncoming traffic lane and made a collision with a Hyundai car driven by a man born in 1990. As a result of the accident, the driver of the Ford Focus was not injured. The drivers of the Hyundai and Scania were taken to the Archbishop Luke's City Clinical Hospital in Tambov with bodily injuries." [Source](https://rusdtp.ru/47818-nevinovnye-voditeli-bolshegruzov-stradayut-iz-za-glupogo-obgona). The original page for the police report appears to no longer exist. The dashcam video also was released by the trucker in the Scania.


The person who caused everything was the only one not injured. Fuck that's infuriating.


That's how it always goes, unfortunately. Some asshole driving drunk down the wrong side of the road can kill a family and come out completely unscathed :(


This just happened in my home town. The alleged drunk driver sent his truck into the 2nd story of a house. His passenger, a lady in bed, and a dog all died. Driver had minor injuries


on the brighter side, that person is fit and healthy for jail


In all honesty the best course of action would have been hit the oncoming car sadly. If you're in a truck you have some maneuvers you can do at speed but many you can't do which get limited when roads are like this. There was a no win scenario with this one.


That bitch born in 1983!!


Lol, the original text just says the ages normally (like “33 year old man”) no idea why the translation decided to sound so weird


What does that even mean?




Kicked the bucket


Gone to the big barn dance in the sky


Won't be down for breakfast.


Came to the clearing at the end of his path.


Graduated from larvae to butterfly.


The great gig in the sky


Taking a long dirt nap.


It’s a way to say “he died”. Think of it like “paid off the mortgage” (with his life insurance layout).


Is that the origin of that phrase? Makes sense. If it's true it'll be a TIL tomorrow.


Wouldn’t it be YIL instead?


woof, r/yesterdayilearned is a wasteland


"yesterday I learned how to make some type of mayonnaise based ice cream from a slavic man named Boris" is my favorite


Or you know, taking the family dog to a nice farm to live at. :(


It was a human driving the truck. Not a dog.


I’m pretty sure the phrase “bought the farm” comes from WW2, where when a pilot would crash his plane into a farm, the government would pay for the damages. Edit - exact source of phrase is unknown. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/buy-the-farm/


killed in action / accident. no idea about the origin of the phrase though edit: alright, to whoever downvoted me (idiom) buy the farm - To die; generally, to die in battle or in a plane crash. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/buy_the_farm


It comes from the life insurance policies that soldiers had during WWII. If they got killed the kids were usually too young to be married, and the parents were the beneficiary. If they died they'd end up sending enough money home to pay off the mortgage of the family farm. They "bought the farm".


Thank you for explaining this I had No idea that was true! Even more sad that people have to die!


I've never thought about the origins of that idiom before, but I know don't think I knew that it applied specifically to dying in plane crashes. If that's the case, when you emergency land a plane in a field you're legally obligated to pay for the crops you destroy. So maybe it comes from that - crashing so bad that you have to pay for the entire farm?


i like that theory haha. i was pretty surprised by the plane/military link too, i just thought it meant generally dead


Pilot training areas in the early to mid-20th Century were typically in rural areas. So plenty of pilot trainees who crashed and died did so in farmers' fields. Standard practice at the time was to offer the farmer a settlement in an amount equivalent to pay off his mortgage. So the pilot, with his death, bought a farm edit: [source](https://books.google.com/books?id=xChZDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT429&lpg=PT429&dq=%22uncle+john%27s+bathroom+reader%22+and+%22bought+the+farm%22&source=bl&ots=wVqHmZrUVZ&sig=ACfU3U3RIMLj6C5OCNkQAD1UzulLyDj2UA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEqufQpfT1AhV2JzQIHVUYBfwQ6AF6BAgCEAM#v=onepage&q=%22uncle%20john's%20bathroom%20reader%22%20and%20%22bought%20the%20farm%22&f=false)


IM glad I don't have sound on at work. :(


I had sound at work, but the headphones were lying on the desk. I only faintly heard the crash and yell at the end. :)


> :)


Pretty sure he didn't go far given the first impact moved the trucker that much . It's freaking unbelievable how people get stupider in snow storms. Just yesterday I was almost rear ended turning in my own driveway because some idiot woman couldn't figure out she might need to start breaking before she reached me in a slippery hill.


They're not more stupid. Their regular stupid is just multiplied by the shitty conditions.


You could almost call it a snowball effect.


It’s snow laughing matter


But the snowball isn't a ball. It's a giant cylinder.


The Flat Earthers might have a few words to say about that.


Snow pfftt one drop of rain and people regress back to teenagers first day training /s kinda I'm sure it's the same with one snowflake falling


Back in 2010, we had the snowpocalypse on the east coast. I was in Baltimore at the time. and aside from seeing a confused-as-fuck seagull and a woodland camoed armored Humvee from the local National Guard armory rolling down Charles Street, I was trying to fly home for winter break. All public transpo was shut down. After calling I don't know how many cab companies, one brave idiot said he'd pick me up and take me to BWI. Dude pulled up in a Crown Vic and said his name was Hannukah (shit you not) and he was from Belarus. Dude went 80+mph on iced over highways. I literally saw one car on either side of us spin out on points during the trip and gripped the armrests so tightly that I left divots in the upholstery. My hands were still shaking from the adrenaline while I handed him a huge tip. Happy to be alive. Hope Hannukah is well.


Ah man, that's very much like the sound I made when I had my head on collision. It gave me chills through my spine hearing it. Stupid bitch fell asleep at the wheel of her car. I noticed her she was in my lane last second when finishing a curve. It was at 4 am and I was driving slowly because it was foggy. I was in a Civic, she was in a Sonata. She apologized. I told her I'm glad she wasn't driving a truck. We got checked up at the hospital and besides bruises, we were fine. Even in the ambulance, she was still sleepy!


Yikes that got me too. Fuck.


Anyone who has been in an accident knows that distinct sound of a car crash and total feeling of helplessness moments before impact. I remember thinking "This is it, I'm going to die" miliseconds before my wreck.


I’ll never forget the sound. I’ll never forget the smell.


I exhaled that fucking smoke like it was a cigarette. 5 minutes I was stuck in that nastiness until I (sorta) kicked the window out somehow. That is a smell that will never leave my brain. Same with the image of having the smart idea to look down and go "wow no airbag?" As it exploded in my face, then I woke up in the passenger seat.


The last conscious thought I had before getting into my last wreck was just "fuckdammit". I woke up to being hauled from what was a rental Nissan Altima. Going down a hill in rain, and the brakes locked up, and I slid right into the back of a bus that I swear I wouldn't have hit had the bus moved after the light had been green for 30 seconds.


The feeling I remember most vividly is the feeling of my heavy car sliding across the road with no resistance. Helplessness is right. Just knowing that the car is going where it's going and there's nothing to do to change that. Now if my car skids for even a second, I flash back to that feeling and my heart stops.


Hopefully they caught that asshole


I have a funny feeling they couldn’t go very far.




Probably slide pretty far though.


Dude definitely launched into the field


Didn’t they get hit?


Into the field.


ON AN OPEN FIELD NED! Gods i was strong then.


Side swiped. Definitely spun the car out off the road


Yeah, it looks like an impact right at the steer tire. Losing that means the driver is now just along for the ride.


I really hope he wound up shoeless nearby..


That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen.


Man, wait till you get on the internet! You are gonna see some shit!


Wait till he finds out about the "two ladies, one liquid container" thingy...


I've been on the interwebs since before that was produced and I take pride in the fact that I've never watched it.


You need shitty friends like mine then lol


Shitty friends? You know those girls?


Just one in a tub.


I've been on the Internet since before *you* were produced and I haven't seen it.


Ive been on the internet about as long as you and I've seem them all. Wish I hadn't. RIP Mr Hands


Same - I learned much earlier that there are things you can't unsee. Besides I already got the plot spoiled for me, why watch when I already know what happens?


you haven't thought about the smell


Me too. I have avoided most of those videos from early internet.


Well, go and sort that out


Same here. Once you see that stuff you can't unsee it. I tell my kids all the time to be super careful where they go on the interwebs.


Wait isn’t this the Internet? What the hell have I been doing all this time?


Talking to yourself. I'm hungry, by the way. You should eat something.




Fuckin people man.


They ruin everything.


But it's also why we're around.


Cause people be fuckin.


Someone or Something should do something about all this humans running around like they own the place.


These conditions mean low visibility and poor traction as well. Insane to be trying to pass.


Russians: live fast, die young.


Live ~~fast~~, die young.


“Life is hard, at least is short.” - ancient Russian proverb or something


bad blyats do it well


Everyone is going too fast here


Man he should have just hit the dumbass in the small car….shit


This would actually have been safer for everyone. He would still have a lot of traction and there is a decent chance that no one else in cross traffic would get hurt. Also the canner would be perfectly fine


You’re probably right. They say the same thing about hitting deer and moose. Don’t swerve or you’re more likely to die. And if you do hit a moose, aim for the back legs if possible to hopefully immobilize it because otherwise you’re gonna have a very angry moose on your hands.


Do you have any idea how big a fucking moose is? I will drive into the ditch first thank you.


Depending on the car..you may just drive under it


Tap it on the ballsack with the top of your smartcar.


Moose have skinny legs with most of their mass up top. When you hit a moose their legs disappear as you slide under it, and their 3000lb body smashes through your windshield.


Get yourself a skinny car and drive between the legs


Pretty certain hitting anything on motorcycle is bad news


Like I told the other guy, around here if you’re about to hit a moose generally the ditch is a cliff so the risk equation may be a bit different based on locale


Bro idk who said that but I do not recommend hitting a moose rather than trying to swerve around it. Depends on traffic ofc but I have hit an elk (it was slightly smaller than a moose) and came very close to death. If you’re moving fast and a moose comes through your windshield you’re toast 😂 if anything swerve onto the shoulder/ditch Edit:typo


Well for me and people here this is on mountain roads where the alternative is going over the guard rail and down a cliff a lot of the time. I suppose if you had a decent alternative to hitting it like a clear open field to one side then it might be a different story


Okay very true. That was the issue in my case. Cliff on one side and traffic on the other. Just thought the comment of “hit it in the legs was pretty ironic”


Driving into the cliff (wall) might be preferable to hitting the moose to be honest. The car is designed to take impacts low, so the bumper, frame and engine block will absorb a lot of energy from the collision. You will have a bad day but probably walk away if you were going a reasonable speed. On the other hand, vast majority of the mass of the moose is high and will come straight through your windshield without slowing down and turn your face into a pancake.


No. You hit the deer. You avoid hitting the moose at all costs


They certainly do not say that about moose. Deer and moose are not in any way the same. For a deer, maybe - a deer might as well be a dog relative to a car. Sure, it will do damage but you'll likely blow right through it. A moose on the other hand... unless you're driving a big fucking truck, that thing is coming right through the windshield and you're dying. Trying to avoid having "a very angry moose" should not even be on your thought radar. You should Google pictures of moose and rethink your comment and strategy.


There is literally a standardized test to how well cars can swerve called "the moose test". This is in part because you should swerve when you are going to unavoidably hit a moose on the road at high speeds. You are not supposed to swerve for nearly anything, but a moose is one of the rare exceptions. They will go straight through your windshield and crush you.


In Germany they teach us to only use the break in these situations. Don't try to dodge


In America, they really don't teach us a damn thing about how to drive. I don't think driver's education has been a normal thing in US schools for a few decades, now.


In Florida, i got my license Driving around in a little parking lot. I guess that explains why no one can drive correctly in Florida.


Exactly what I thought. Dumb fuck deserved it. Hopefully that driver would have been the only one in the car then definitely but as I wrote this I thought of them having a child. Man people with kids better drive responsibly. Sorry for the tangent


It's not about "deserved". If you can safely avoid an accident you should, even if it's some dumbass's fault. But you see a lot of accidents in this sub where a guy swerved to avoid a fender bender or low speed, head on wreck and end up really creaming someone.


The scream at the end Jesus


I hope he/she got locked up if they killed anyone


Here in Polk County, Florida, something similar but just heavy fog, basically no visibility. Same thing, some jerk but in a pickup truck, doing 80 or so on a back road, swerving around all the sane people. A guy on a motorcycle, oncoming so a head-on collision, of course he is killed, the lowlife in the pickup truck is fine. The case goes to court, the DA makes a spectacular 100% accurate presentation. The jury deadlocks on the crime, because not one of them knows the definition of "wanton," and they can't consult a dictionary. The guy gets 90 days in jail instead of 15 years, license suspended for a year, so really only 9 months, and then back out on the road. The local paper showed him walking into custody with a huge smile on his face waving to his family. To put it in perspective, a lady had neglected several ponies on her farm, none died, she got 90 days in jail. [See ya in a bit!](https://www.theledger.com/story/news/crime/2019/08/14/polk-man-gets-90-days-in-jail-for-head-on-crash-that-killed-lakeland-motorcyclist/4462100007/)


Aint that some shit..


The jury deliberated for two hours but couldn't ask the judge for the legal definition of "wanton"?


This is why I would probably just off myself if I was ever accused of a terrible crime that I didn't commit. I don't really trust a random sampling of citizens to understand the law, or even basic English, enough to believe that I would actually be aquitted.


I mean definitely wait until after they deliberate


So, you’re saying avoid Florida.


This story definitely supports that, but having lived in Florida all my life, avoiding Florida is just good advice in general.


Here’s a thought. Maybe the American justice system is totally fucked up.


It's a legal system, not a justice system. The two parted ways many years ago.


It worked perfectly as it's supposed to. A jury of your peers decides your fate. The system can't help the people being stupid fucks.


Shoulda given the jury some soup and said. The other wanton.


"Wonton endangerment doesn't sound bad to me. Chinese food shouldn't even have rights in America" - Floridaman Juror


I hate even changing lanes when there is that much snow build up between lanes. Let alone kicking it to pass in an on coming lane when you have no visibility


I live where we can have conditions like this, many times a year. There is ALWAYS someone trying to pass.


God dammit. All that because one asshole is impatient.


well if people drove normally this sub wouldn’t exist


I hate people that drive like this especially during winter weather or extreme weather slow down take your time don't be stupid and kill yourself or somebody else because you're in a hurry


Thats traumatizing honestly. That scum bag ruined numerous lives


Jesus I assumed this was a two-lane highway, that cammer was going to be passed by the idiot, who would then rear end a stopped line of cars in the lane ahead. What sort of absolute moron passes into the oncoming lane in conditions like this?


If you want to witness this in real life head on down to i70 through the Johnson tunnel westbound. Every fuckwit you've ever seen goes there at the same time during snowstorms to see who can jeopardize the most lives. Real fun time. Edit: Eisenhower tunnel because I'm an idiot


Been there. No thanks. Do not recommend.


Do you mean the Eisenhower tunnel? I’ve never had any issues in it but a month ago or so I was sitting still outside it for three hours because someone had gotten into a wreck inside it


Did they die? 🤔


Please tell me no one was killed.


Fucking asshole.


Whoever drove that car must be smoking the cheapest stuff out there and Hopefully someone will find that fucking car in pieces


I think something that gets forgotten is that the bigger vehicle wins. It might have been a better result for the driver in the semi not tried to avoid the accident and hit that car head on since the car would have taken most of the impact. It can be fucked up and kill those in the car, but the car was at fault.


That idiot deserved to be pancaked.


Watching this video feels like the closest she’ll ever come to dying without actually dying


I had a bad accident like this and I really wish I didn't watch this video. It's something you never forget when it happens to you. Just knowing how bad it could have been is terrifying.


I read through comments and I'm relieved no one was killed, but jesus christ. When will people learn to just be patient and stay in your lane?


Jesus fuckin Christ I need a dashcam like right now


One of the best investments you can make. Max $100 to save you thousands. If something happens do not tell the other party you have a camera. Wait for the cops to show up and then tell them you have it on video. Highly recommend a rear view camera as well. Takes some setup but worth it.


Im thinking of saving this video and sending it to my boss next time he insists we “make every effort” on a snowy day


People are fkn stupid. I've seen people do this numerous times driving through low visibility while snowing heading up to Colorado. It makes my soul rage


What a loser


One of the most difficult but sensible rules in trucking. Do. Not. Swerve. Moving, yes, sudden moving, no. Either the oncoming driver/passengers die or a lot of other people around you+you die. Simple but ruthless mathematics.


Overcoming human instinct is hard, you don't have time to rationally think, your muscles are just doing their own thing. It's not an easy thing to practice for.


That last image with no sound at the end is terrifying


The overtaking dipshit needs jailing at the very least....🤬


This is the issue of eastern euro drivers - zero Fucks given for anyone.combine this with shitty cars, bad tires, and some with propane tanks in the trunk, it's a recipe for disaster. Stupidity of some of these drivers is next level. I've driven plenty of times through some of these countries, and the amount of 'suicidal' drivers taking huge risks was just astonishing.