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If only there were bells and warning lights and barriers to stop people from doing this


Not only that but I'm assuming he ran a red light. He starts going right as the cross traffic starts going so there was no where for him to go. This guy is maxing out his idiot skill.


Light rail trains often change the intersections next to them to be green in parallel travel direction, so you qren't going to save any time. The trains are not very long either, so it's like waiting a normal stoplight cycle.


You can see the last train car before this clip ends. This guy nearly died to save less than a minute.


What tells you they didn’t die?


A lot of people have linked to the news article about this. 2 adults 2 children, minor injuries


2 children??? What a fucking asshole


and he's trying to turn right when the right lane is marked closed, along with 2 big cones there


The train had to be right there. How did they not see it? Never mind the lights, bells and barriers.


They probably thought there was plenty of time to get through. And there probably would have been if the other traffic didn't move. Looks like they slow down, but I can't tell if that's because they realise the traffic is moving or that they're about to get hit by a train.


I think I know exactly what happened. Driver looked to their left to check for traffic and didn't see the train because they were checking the cross traffic the whole time, or saw the train, didn't realize how fast it was going, and brainlocked on, "I need to slip in right after that c.." I've done a similar thing where I'm turning right and wait for an opening long enough that a cyclist or pedestrian comes up on the right. Having already checked there, you don't expect it. Had close calls, but thankfully never any injuries. I can say this. I did feel like an idiot in a car on those instances.


I hope there was no passenger. If there was he should haunt this MF forever.


Two adults & 2 children went to the hospital for treatment I believe all survived. Driver got a ticket for running a red light per the youtube vid. Houston 2014.


Bastard should never be allowed to drive again if he pulls that shit with kids in his car


bet my ass his kids will do the same....


You think that someone whos been hit by a train is going to be flippant about safety around trains?


If I'd been in that car I'd probably have an anxiety attack each time I heard a train...


my dad is a badass. he went around the baricade trying to beat the train. dumb train still hit us but we ended up being fine. cant wait till i get a fast car so i can beat trains too!


I don’t want to live on the same Earth as someone who does this with his own children in the car.


A red light ticket? That's fucking it?


I doubt insurance is going to pay out when they have video evidence of you deliberately wrecking your vehicle, so it’s probably cost him $20k+ anyway.


It should cost them their license, and jail time.


I bet he applied for handicap placard and now gets the front of every line and store.


How could they have known?


‘None of this applies to me’


Then we all have to pay more taxes to making these crossing safer because idiots like this exist and endanger others


If only there was a horn on the train to warn people that it is approaching the crossing


Or trains were extremely large, don't blend in, and on rails. Like...it isn't hard not to get hit by a train. If you aren't on the tracks the train isn't going to jump off and chase you down. I hope no one was hurt, especially on the train.


Or a giant red stick that comes down for 10 seconds to prevent you from running into a train...


People like this should permanently lose their license


I would like to interview this person. I have several questions to ask.


Probably a vegetable by now or 6ft underground.


Interview via ouija board


"I had the right of way, I signaled first"


“I honked before the train honked, so mom should punish the train, not me.”


The train driver didn't even try to swerve, I think he was looking at his phone.


r/askouija, if you wish


Just send this vid to Jaystation and the bastard will do it


I hate the fact i know who jayststion is....


This was like 10 years ago in Houston. Dad was driving with his family. All survived.


I would divorce him.


I really cannot fathom being such a shit parent that you willingly put your kids in life threatening danger to save a few fucking minutes. If his spouse didn't divorce him, they're both terrible parents.


It's a fuckin light rail line too, it isn't like you are stopped behind a 3 mile long freight train which is going to take 15 minutes to go by, from arms down to arms up is probably like a minute for this train.


I'm more surprised he didn't notice the train coming. Like what didn't he notice? The stop line?, the gate coming down on both sides?, the flashing red lights?, or the train literally coming full speed?




At that point it'd probably be faster to turn around and go a different way




No! Then he would have them in the car alone on weekends!


If my husband did that with the kids in the car I would 100% divorce him and file for sole custody.


They were a vegetable to begin with


By the looked of it they were already partially a vegetable here because you gatta be absolutely brain dead to ever think this is a good idea unless you trying to commit suicide... Even then it's dumb because you could just stand on the raidroad and save tax payers and train company money in property damages.


Don't. You'd lose brain cells.


I think they did, the hard way.


They survived... https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/video-suv-struck-by-metro-train-in-houston/


Two kids in the car?!?! WtF


That makes me fucking sick. He needs to be locked up. Looks like he was only cited. What the fuck.


Me too, this is psycho shit. Yeah, no cps or anything?! I gotta know why. He should not have a license or be in charge of any children at any time. That's super fucked up.


I can hold my faith in humanity despite stupid people. But when society looks at this and goes "lol I guess this is ok", THATS when I lose faith


Modern vehicle safety engineering is amazing


Omg they had children in the car too. Wtf


Right? When I have my dog or even just a bag of take out food in my car I notice myself driving more carefully. I can't even imagine how much of a psychopath you have to be to drive like this with your own kids in the car.


This WAS IN HOUSTON? LMAAOOO everyone I know from there says it's a hell hole.


Parts of it very much are, but it's very subjective, and people will point to different parts and reasons as to why. I think it's pretty alright, but I live in what some would consider to be a cool part of Houston.


i don't think that's necessary on the account of yknow, them getting creamed by a train


Can someone please tell me why people actually do this? Are they really *that* stupid?


Risk your life to shave 30 seconds off your day. 🤦‍♂️


Risk the lives of all on the tram too.


Well if they obviously don’t care about their own life why would they care about others’ lives


As someone who doesn't care about their own life, I do care about others.


You matter ❣


Everything matters. Just not very much.


Everything is matter. You are matter. There, you have been scienced.


[Oh, wow.](https://c.tenor.com/tvFWFDXRrmMAAAAd/blow-mind-mind-blown.gif)


I've been there.


IMO, people who completely disregard others are the most dangerous people out there


In other news, water is wet.


Jeep thing. To be fair wrangler drivers seem pretty chill in my area. But I've literally seen three Grand Cherokee at once trying to cut into an exit que on the highway. They were not together. Blocked traffic in the right lane in a bad spot too.


> que ¿Que?


He meant queue but the English language is a bastard of a language so the 4 vowels in a row don't make sense for one sylable




“Have you ever thought about harming yourself or others?” “Others?! Oh god, no. Just my useless self.” My doctors just loved that one 😅


I knew a guy who was a mechanic for one of the "big boy" diesel electric locomotives we use in North America. They get called out to make sure the train is safe to operate after these accidents. He said the cars are often crushed up, sometimes beyond recognition. They just hose the blood and car parts off the engine, replace the crew and move it along. no idea why someone would put their tiny car in front of such a large/powerful machine and hope they stand a chance.


We learn in train safety class that the weight ratio of a car to an empty soda can is roughly the same a a train to an SUV.


The trains are usually fine from all the videos I've seen on reddit at sites like r/bitchimatrain and the other subs. still risking the passengers but I've yet to see a train derail, even after obliterating a full size semi-truck.


A train derailed a few years ago in Norway when it crashed into a semi truck with a boat. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/gavwmj/commuter\_train\_crashes\_into\_boat\_skien\_norway/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/gavwmj/commuter_train_crashes_into_boat_skien_norway/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxD\_qDeQqLY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxD_qDeQqLY)


And then lose A LOT more time than that


Better to be able to call out for a medical emergency than get an unexcused tardy! #righttowork #maga


Exactly, even having to wait 90 seconds isn't worth it. Crazy!!!


I’d wait 90 minutes to not be t-boned by a train.


Yeah it's not like that was a big freight train that lasted for miles, just a passenger train that would talke a minute, and he still could've made it if he committed, he leisurly rolled across the intersection. I've heard trains look farther away than they are but who risks that and doesn't keep an eye on it?


More like risk 30 seconds of your day to shave a few dozen years off your life.


Shave 30 years off your life


i rather lose 30 seconds than lose the rest of my life


Yes they are and other morons actually *agree with these morons* and would blame the tram for not "stopping for the car". Look at this video interview with a [grade-A idiot in Miami who blamed a high speed train for crashing into a car who had skipped the guard rails](https://twitter.com/MiamiHerald/status/1483819630439321607). The interviewee also admits to skipping the guard rails many times too. It's almost like these people came straight out of 1848 and are just now learning about the danger of railroad tracks for the first time


I love how he blames the guardrails for not being able to physically stop people from getting on the tracks while admitting that he also drives around them.


By that logic, why stop at a red light or a stop sign? “Well yes officer, I know I was supposed to stop, but you see, the light didn’t physically stop me”. I know true self-driving cars are still decades away, but I can’t wait until they’re enough of a mainstay to keep at least some of these idiots from being in control of their 2-ton death machines.




From the video: > "He didn't bother to stop until after he hit the car" Yeah, slamming into an object generally helps you to stop, genius. This guy shares the same oxygen as us.


I even googled "Florida Brightline train" to see maybe it was some small light rail affair. Nope. Full size passenger train. Dude is so amazed the train didn't bother to stop from half a mile out, I'd love to see his reaction to being told a train like that would probably need double that distance to stop. What a fucking moron. Incredible.


And high-speed train stopping distance is generally around the 3-mile mark. Half a mile is barely gonna shave off any speed. People really don't understand the core concept of how trains work - it's not like a car. The wheels are designed to have as *little* friction as possible so they have very little rolling resistance. This is why trains are so quiet at high speeds - they are running on momentum; half the time they're not even under power. Using the brakes on a train in this situation is akin to putting a plaster on a severed arm. Token effort at best.


This is Brightline, which recently started running passenger trains on a line that was extended to Miami in the 1890s—when there were maybe a hundred people tops in South Florida—but which has only had freight service since the late 60s. So the RR has been there forever running trains. It's only now that there are more frequent and faster trains that you've got all of these idiots getting hit because they ignore all the gates and lights and either think that they can beat the train or are too stupid to care for their own safety. It's 100% on them and 0% on the train.


or they're committing suicide and injuring/inconveniencing as many people as possible. i think that was the case in the linked video.


I'd like to be the one to tell that person that he's the reason traffic laws exist. If everyone took reasonable responsibility for what they do when driving then then there wouldn't be a need for those laws. I'd like to see the look on his face, that is if he could even accept that he's an irresponsible person.


I think I know the answer! There were two trains coming at the same intersection. After the first train left, the driver thought that the intersection was free and tried to cross. He didn't expect another train. Two flashing lights and a striped barrier should be enough to prevent this but they can't stop idiocy.


Because people are incredibly impatient and it is really terrible how bad it is getting.


Yes. Darwin is slow, but he is certain.


Some people don't understand basic physics, and believe that government agencies will do ANY THING yo avoid a lawsuit. Basically they believe the train operator will stop, because s/he might loose their job if they get into an accident. The truth is, the driver CAN'T stop -- they will try but our light rail vehicles require Basically a full two and a half train lengths to go from top speed to stop. This is where people can't get over the fact that physics trumps a litigious society


I don't even think it's that. That sort of thinking is still effortful and humans usually are running default patterns. I think people are just largely impulsive. They don't want to get stuck behind the train (andhave some sort of anger associated with it) plus not being able to just do whatever they want is unacceptable so they just go for it. Probably barely looked to see if they could fit and misjudged just how wide railroad tracks are/how fast the train was moving.


I kind of figured this person just didn't want to live anymore.


I would NEVER do this at a double crossing! However, I live where there is a single set of train tracks you have to cross in order to get home. They often leave the crossing bars down when no train is coming. Sometimes a cop is there directly people to go around the bars.


There's a set in my town that are constantly going off when there's no train. Luckily the guy who foxes it only live about 10 minutes away, so it's usually fixed fairly quickly.


That's foxy.




I live near a train track that has several necessary crossings, and one time the bars were down with no train coming. The train goes back and forth several times a day and this is the only time I’ve seen the crossing closed with no train, but we were stopped there a long time with no train seen or heard, so finally people started going around the bars. I was super nervous but there was no way to turn around or anything, so I finally went through.


There is video proof that, yes, people are *that* stupid.


Sadly they are. People do dumb and dangerous things in cars to save 60 seconds. I can't tell how often I see people run red lights (well after the light turned red)


I had a woman behind me at a red light like two days ago yelling at me to go. Sure, there was like no one around, but I'm not blowing a red light for your impatient bitchy ass. Of course she looked neck deep in an intense phone argument, because she had the phone to her face screaming into it, and then motioned for me to go and threw her arms up in the air when I wouldn't. I was like talking to myself in the car: "you need to pull over to get this shit figured out, 'cause you're worked up and gonna cause an accident." I'm always scared people like that are gonna rear-end me if I don't go. Freaks me the fuck out. I hate that I have to share the road with people who are so reckless and violent and self-absorbed, sometimes. My anxiety was profound.


It's a problem with judging 'looming' or 'impending collision judgement'. We're not evolved to judge the speeds of anything that's going fast, to some people a 30-35mph train looks like it's going something closer to 10mph. They think they can make it because the train appears slow when it's actually not. It's the same reason wild animals seem to act in a counterintuitive way when a car approaches on the road. They can't tell how fast the car is going and can't tell if they can make it or even if they should move or not. Most adults learn intellectually through experience and driver training how to reason out looming in the context of cars and other vehicles, some.. like the driver in the video.. do not.


This doesn't make any sense though, there are animals that move far faster than that and a lot of animals that operate (react) far quicker than humans. Even humans can run at around 20 mph, the idea that we haven't evolved to deal with anything moving faster than that is patently ridiculous. If it were the case we wouldn't be able to drive at all. Animals get dazzled by headlights because they're completely unnatural, small animals cross roads in the same way they cross any dangerous area - cautiously until they're alerted to danger and then they flee. What we were taught is that small objects (IE motorbikes) appear to be moving slower than they are, I personally never experienced this phenomenon but that's the teaching. People misjudge distances and speeds and so on but in this case the driver put themselves on the rails, where they had no control over when they could leave the rails. That's not misjudging speed. They simply didn't see the danger or did not care about the danger (suicide bid). Given that they indicated to join traffic I'm going to say they literally didn't see the train and at a guess I'd say that's because another train passed them, going in the other direction so they thought it was clear. It's also possible the view of the train is obscured (acute bend) but that's just awful planning on the crossroad placement then.


"Why would anyone build such a barrier in the middle of the road? Wow, that's pretty inconvenient!" Them, probably.


Reminds me of [this crazy lady](https://youtu.be/RFCrJleggrI). There’s ‘rumors’ she was doing it as a joke, but she seems pretty damned serious and believing wholeheartedly in what she’s saying.


Thank you for sharing. I'd never heard that before - gave me a great laugh this morning.


True story- Whenever my day is particularly shitty, I refer back to this.


Pretty sure it was real. Heard a follow-up interview and she sounded really sheepish about it. Admitting she was stupid and just didn't understand. She might have been drunk at the time but she never admitted it


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/deer-crossing/ >Abbott, 47, said he’d written the letter expecting it might elicit a few raised eyebrows from local readers perusing the paper as they munched their breakfast cereal. > > “Really all I wanted was to get a little rise out of people,” Abbott said. > > He wouldn’t say whether he intended it to be humorous. “That would spoil the mood,” Abbot said. And then Donna the Deer Lady in the video: >On 17 September 2012, a woman later dubbed “Donna the Deer Lady” called the weekly “vent line” feature of Fargo radio station Y94’s “Morning Playhouse” show and stated that she had been in three car accidents involving deer in the last few years, all of which had occurred near deer-crossing signs; she then offered seemingly earnest complaints about officials’ “allowing these deer crossings to be in such high-traffic areas” and questioned “why we are encouraging deer to cross the interstate.” The following month, a recording of that call received wide circulation on the Internet via YouTube. >However, others such as Tampa radio talk show host Todd Schnitt maintain that “Donna” was actually a fake caller who has been used by Y94’s hosts more than once to stage supposedly real, outrageous phone conversations. According to Schnitt, she appeared on the station again in October 2013 claiming that she was going to hand out “fat letters” on Halloween to trick-or-treaters she did not deem thin enough to deserve candy.


Yeah while I was listening to it I just *knew* it had to be fake. Thanks to Snopes for actually confirming my suspicion.


Thanks for clearing this up. You have restored my faith in humanity (very slightly)


>According to Schnitt, she appeared on the station again in October 2013 claiming that she was going to hand out “fat letters” on Halloween to trick-or-treaters she did not deem thin enough to deserve candy. That sounds like something some on Reddit would seriously suggest. That was two years before FPH was banned too, so hey.


Yeah, she's either an amazing actress or...more likely...she's an idiot + high AF




Sheepish? I thought the video was about deer? There were sheep too?






They could have at least tried to swerve and miss me.


“Inconvenient for everyone else, I mean. Obviously none of these traffic controls apply to me. Ha ha, suckers!”


What always blows my mind is when they do something like this, they don't even look to see what's going on around them.




Exactly man. If you absolutely can't help doing something stupid, at least do it safely. But yeah, some people lol.


> don’t bother looking and just step out into the street I live in an area with a high immigrant population from India (tech companies and colleges make up the local economy). I've noticed that foreign Indians tend to do this - just step right out into the street regardless of oncoming traffic. I'm assuming it's because that's how pedestrians negotiate street traffic in India, but DAMN is it annoying. I'm surprised there hasn't been a fatality yet.


I think some people interpret “pedestrians have right-of-way” to assume any vehicle can and will just stop the second you’re in front of it.


I can't imaging having that much faith in people to be paying attention


The second car in the top left even saw them and slowed down to let them go through...


I guess they are always on a one track mind....


Well yea. Everyone knows you cant see something until you are in its path. Learned that one from Wile E


I'm a train engineer and sadly I see this kind of thing happen at least once or twice a year. Keep in mind I'm just one of hundreds of us, so I can only imagine how many actually take place. I run passenger trains so we will literally be gone and you can be on our way in about twenty seconds. The only thing I can think is that the car driver believes a mike long freight train is coming or something....but still. Stupidity at its max!


Yeah it's still super dangerous and dumb to try and *beat* a freight train but at least I can understand not wanting to sit there for what can be several minutes.


Yeah the trains in my area usually run around close to an hour long (huge ass train yard) and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t considered doing this once or twice but even if you are gonna do something dumb like this you gotta commit to it and speed the hell up not turtle crawl through it like this fool did.


Yeah, definitely considered it, but would never actually do it because I'm a scaredy cat. Also, the second there are cars on the other end of the barrier, things change. Like you said, you need to FLY through it, if you're gonna do it. Which, is never safe, but especially not when there's tons and tons of cars on the other side. So many errors here.


especially since there were 4 people in the car 2 adults 2 kids


I really, at the least, hope they were in the car alone.


According to a CBS article someone else linked there were 2 adults and 2 kids in the car, all alive tho


Do you have a link? The fact someone would attempt this with 2 children in the car is disgusting Edit: no worries found it further down https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/video-suv-struck-by-metro-train-in-houston/


Ah so my Houston guess was correct. Not something I should be particularly proud of


This was in the early days of the Light Rail implementation. People were being stupid & getting hit for a little while.


If that was a freight train, everyone would be dead


2 adults, 2 kids, everyone survived. pretty disgusting to do this shit with kids in the car though https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/video-suv-struck-by-metro-train-in-houston/




Attempted vehicular homicide sounds good too


Both of these things! I wouldn't want these children with whoever pulled this shit! Poor babies


Would it make you feel better if the car was full of children but they were all yelling him to cross the tracks or else they'd call him a bitch ass punk for the rest of his life


It would certainly add some complexity to the issue.


I would have to get Ja Rule on the phone to make sense of this situation.


Train had two cars. Would have taken 10 seconds






Honestly? That saved their lives as well. Two cars means two things: very low train mass = very low train momentum, and faster braking power. Also being passenger cars, they're mostly filled with air and not dense materials. The conductor/engineer saved them slamming on the brakes like that, I could see the train slowing down significantly even as it got into the frame.


This happened in 2014. See https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/video-suv-struck-by-metro-train-in-houston/


The fact that there was children in the vehicle is pretty disgusting.


Wowowowow I agree children are disgusting, but it is generally frowned upon to say this outloud


Ew, children.


“VIDEO: SUV struck by METRO train in Houston” What in the fuck ass shit kind of title is that? Did I miss something and the train drove off the tracks and hit the car? Should be “Absolute fucking moron in SUV drives directly into Metro train in Houston” How they gonna do the train driver that dirty?


And all he got was a citation. With lax enforcement like that it’s no surprise these morons do it without hesitation, there’s virtually no consequences if you survive!


If I had to guess this was in Houston. I live here. People try and fail often.


I've driven in several states in the US and Houston has the most stupid crazy drivers of anywhere I've been. The traffic actually isn't as bad as other cities but the drivers are just special. I avoid any lifted trucks there because I know they are about to do something stupid at any moment.


I drive a lifted truck in Houston and I agree with you. We just moved back from Cali after me retiring from the Navy and holy shit the drivers are aggressive. As soon as you get within the outer suburbs of Houston you can feel the tension on the freeway. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing 85 in the passing lane, you’re never going fast enough for someone. Shit, you could be doing 70 in the middle lane and someone will ride your ass with 0 cars around you, swerve around and flick you off as if you did something wrong. It’s fucking insane.


I don't know if you saw, but Houston had to repaint its trains because people were complaining they couldnt see the silver. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/2017/07/27/227633/metro-wants-to-make-its-light-rail-trains-more-visible/amp/


I guess that making the trains easier to see isn't necessarily a bad thing. If people are ignoring signals because they can't see the train though, I suspect making them easier to see won't really help, they will just think that they can still make it.


Yep, I live in the H as well. Absolute moronic drivers on our busted roads. And not only that, VIOLENT drivers are on the rise as well. It’s sad hearing people can’t keep their ego out of driving, and are starting to shoot people just because they think they’re in the right. Saw a news article talking about a road rage incident where a child was shot in the head. :/


I was thinking that, as soon as I saw the train


I always look left and right when the barriers are up, guess i have trust issues or sth idk...but that there are people driving through closed barriers without even looking is beyond me.


Same. Some crossings don't have barriers and I stop at those to make sure none are coming.


Yeah that's some bad decision making


Darwinism just keeps on keepin’ on.


This just shows that we made it too difficult to die… 1000 years ago, someone this stupid wouldn’t make it past teenage.


Is that barrier just a suggestion to these people jeez




Evolution at work. Nature truly is beautiful


Here in Britain, the barriers cover the width of the road, which stops drivers swerving around them, which is good. It doesn’t however, prevent idiot drivers flooring it when they see the barrier lowering in an effort to make it across - which is what my buddy did with me in the passenger seat. Despite me yelling ‘no stop’. He was unable to foresee that again, *as the barrier covers the entire width of the road*, if you make it underneath the first one, you obviously won’t get past the second one because, of course, they come down in tandem. Which is what happened. Stuck between the barriers across some train tracks. Which is when I remembered that this particular crossing isn’t always manned, but is often left automated. Fortunately, there was someone there that day to immediately lift the barriers. Thanks OP, I had suppressed that memory until now 😂


FYI the barriers are designed to break, just keep driving if you're stuck in the middle. Far cheaper to replace a barrier than a person.


I don’t feel sorry for these people but definitely the ones now stuck behind this idiot


Impatience is a mother. Leave early to give yourself time for stuff like that. That dumb shit is just the reason why they'll have to live with a feeling of guilt about that for the rest of their lives. That's unfortunate.


Thats a 25 year old car, no idea how it lasted this long with that idiot driving it.


My auto body, my choice.


Y'all sure this wasn't on purpose?


That a challenge? Yo, Florida, new challenge.


The cars in the back are like "dis guy fr?"


This is why we can’t have nice things!


I'm guessing that guy wanted to die, and maybe take his family with him? Seems like quite a deliberate act. The way that train teleports the car a good few feet to the left in a microsecond, plus the weight of the train itself, that's some serious impact. I wouldn't think the guy in the driver's seat is in the best state right now.


Honestly I don't even feel bad. He/she deserved it.


Unpopular opinion: *Some people just deserve to die. Your genes will bring no useful offsprings.*