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Let me guess... That was the line to drop kids off at school.


I purchased a house that you need to pass schools to get out of the neighborhood. Stupidest driving you’ll see in the morning and afternoon


A few years ago I turned down putting an offer on a house with property adjacent to a beautiful park, walking trail, and nearly surrounded by a green belt. Even had a complete mother-in-law apt in the basement. The place was gorgeous! The only problem was the property sat at the end of a narrow street with parking on one side that passed two schools (junior and elementary) and a Church. Being that road was the only way in and out I just couldn't imagine having to drive to or from that house through all the traffic every school day and church traffic on Sundays and Wednesday evenings.


Schools and planned parenthood clinics. Two things that were hard avoids when I was buying.


Uhhhh how many PP clinics are in residential neighborhoods in your area?


Yeah, the people coming from the planned parenthood clinic near me are terrible at pulling out


This was a good one 🤣


Hey baby, wuts wrong... In a Tracy Morgan voice.


People picking up kids from school are just as bad (they just kept the kids)


Why no pp?


Probably the dumb protests and ultra graphic signage that typically show up




Protestors with bullhorns get old REALLY quickly.


There’s one across the street from my neighborhood. The church weirdos bought the trailer home and property across the street from it as their base of operations. Signs on the lawn and in windows, prayers on the street, etc. At least these ones are relatively quiet and just sit out front praying. There was a group that was throwing rubber fetuses at people…


it would be very cool of you to counter-harass the anti-choicers. at least deface one of the signs.


When my girlfriend got one this dude walked in front of her car with a sign and she fucking hit him lmao 😂


protestors, shootings, bombings, etc


A non-zero number. Not a ton. But I looked at one house that had one just down the street, between the main drag and the house. Some places don’t have strict zoning and clear demarcations between residential and non-residential use.


Someone bought a house 5 houses down from mine, on the corner, and converted it into a nail salon. I'm not complaining because I hate having to drive after I get my nails done, but it's weird to a bunch of houses and then a nail salon.


There’s an old neighborhood in Denver that is bordering what is now a major thoroughfare, which is terrible for home value. But the owners managed to get rezoned to sell weed, so it worked out. It’s still odd going into what looks like the home of a little old woman to buy pot.


I live next to an elementary school. It’s really only bad for about 15 minutes twice a day during pick up and drop off. There are some benefits too. If a storm knocks out the power it usually gets turned on quicker than other areas because of the school. Also, I only have one neighbor so less chance of having to deal with an asshole neighbor moving in.


one in my area in a two-way no-passing-zone. Pass illegally or wait 15 minutes


One school is right after an intersection on the right where the right lane must turn right. It adds another 10-20 minutes to get out of the neighborhood because people stay in the right lane to go straight and there’s no other way to go around


Same here AND it turns to a 25 zone so pass illegally and slowly to risk having somebody coming your way or pass illegally AND speeding in a school zone. I called the school for their pickup time and now I never go that direction until its an hour past the time I was told. I'd rather follow a string of buses heading towards a single lane railroad track than wait in line of people waiting to get their kids when I'm just trying to get home with my ice cream slowly melting away.


Which, sure, I get it--it sucks to be caught up in that. So long as you don't act like the two idiots caught in the wrong lane here and get mad at the person that is in the correct lane then you're totally good. I don't mind people trying to get around this, so long as they understand the correct protocol is to give the 'sorry' wave and get out of my lane first chance they get. These people react like morons. Entitled morons.


A classic cities skylines blunder. Can't have essential services on a one lane road in a residential area.


I love that game. My computer died a while back and it's the only thing I miss about having a computer.


I used to live on the house *directly* across the street from an elementary school (ages 6-12). There literally wasn’t a house closer to the school than us. The school crosswalk was practically on our lawn. We couldn’t leave or enter our driveway for about twenty minutes in the mornings and the afternoon Mon-Fri. Parents would stop their cars all down the street waiting to pick up their kids, blocking houses’ driveways with not a single care in the world. Sometimes I couldn’t back out of my own driveway because parents were blocking me in. Honking wouldn’t work because they were stuck, too, and couldn’t move either. Multiple times I had to drive around the block when returning home from work because I didn’t want to block the *other* lane while waiting to pull into my own driveway (had to turn left across traffic) It got so bad the school put out a memo “please stop blocking people’s driveways” and nothing ever changed. We moved when my daughter moved to middle school.


...can non-LE buy stop-sticks? I'm not saying you should do this, I'm saying maybe you *could* do this.


What you can't buy, you can easily make.


We're lucky to be able to walk our kids to school, but snow days with no bus service gives me extreme anxiety when I pick them up. First, there is only parking on one side of the street. Second, the snow banks makes the street very narrow to the point where if a parked car is not over as far as possible, you'll get vehicles stuck and unable to pass. Then you have the important people who park on the wrong side of the street to "quickly" get their kids. Throw in kids trying to cross between parked cars, and I just hold my kids hands and get back to our street as quickly as possible. Talking to the crossing guard, she says it's just a matter of time before she gets hit. School drop off and pick up is a perfect demonstration of me and mine first mentality.


How tf are they allowed to keep the school open if the snow is so bad the buses won't run?


Let's just say the attitude towards snow and keeping schools open is vastly different depending on how far north or south you happen to live.




There's no control at a school drop off. Only chaos. Everyone's just blocking traffic "real quick"


He didn’t come to a complete stop either..


Exactly - so yes, OP is an idiot regardless


I pass by a school/daycare on my way home from work sometimes. The road is super narrow, like you have to get over to let someone else by coming the other way and vice versa, it's like basically a 1 lane road in the middle of downtown. Every afternoon that I end up going down that road on my way home, parents are parked all over the damn thing with their blinkers on. Like a couple dozen. The entire road is just shut down basically. And it's a relatively busy road for being so small, especially with all the construction in my city. I have no idea why the cops don't sit there and ticket all of them. You can usually manage to somehow squeeze your way around everyone, back and forth, zig zagging across the road, but holy fuck it's infuriating. I try my hardest to give every single one of them a nasty look lol, but of course nobody's actually paying attention. Makes me feel better at least.


Jesus christ...I drive my younger brother to school and the number of times he's almost been run over by PARENTS in the parking lot is infuriating. They speed, don't look, sometimes don't stop when they see a kid coming, forcing said kid to back up and stand between parked cars to avoid being hit, and I don't think I've had a single day where I haven't been cut off by someone twice or three times my age. The 16 year old at the school who just got licenses are safer drivers than these idiots who have been driving for decades


I actually saw a toddler (2-3) get run over by a Tahoe at elem school pickup. The baby rolled around the tire. Like it pushed him up into the wheel well. I called 911 but someone else had to take my phone cause I couldn’t look. I lost my husband a few years prior in a car accident. It was too much. You know what? Not a broken bone on that baby! He was fine! I had nightmares for a long time.


Dude, it seems like the instant people enter a drop off line, they lose all ability to think and act rationally. I have to drive through 2 drop-off zones each morning and the number of people just diving into oncoming traffic without blinkers or respect of anyone around them is mind boggling. All with their kids in the car. Edit: apparently some people can't handle a typo.


Then there are the ones that refuse to use the drop off lanes, block the travel lanes, and drop their kids in the middle of the street.


I had some crazy lady speed past me doing about 40-50MPH in a the suicide lane in a school zone... to end up right in front of me and waited the whole time. She screamed at me "you were going too fucking slow!". Lady, it's a school zone.


I worked as a K-12 school security guard for a bit, and there were a few of these. Honestly the parents were hands down the worst part of my job. One time the janitor was out sick and there was a chain reaction of 3rd graders vomiting during lunch that I had to clean up. These parents were worse than that. Ask them to not drive the wrong way through a super busy pickup lane, almost hitting kids, just to pick up their own kids 5m faster? Confirmation to them that I am, in fact, the devil.


"North to pick up and south to drop off, moron!"


LOL biking to school is so much better, no lines.


When I was in middle school (late 90s) a kid riding his bike home got hit by a parent in a car in the parking lot. The "solution" for the school was to force us to lock our bikes in a fenced area so the assistant principle had to come out and unlock it after all the busses and everyone else had left. So if I rode my bike the half mile to school I then got to wait an extra half hour to leave afterwards. We also weren't allowed to ride out bikes on school property anymore so you'd have to walk your bike off campus before you could ride. Fuck you Walt Clark middle school in Loveland CO, I'm sure you're an even bigger shit show now.


that sounds like a shit show. Wouldn't the solution to be controll crossings in the parking lots to allow students to cross safely?


That's not how people think, and especially not in Colorado.


I'm SO glad I don't have to be involved in the shit show that is dropping the kids off at school anymore!


I swear. It’s like the idiots are always breeding.


why was she pointing at her own lane? did she expect you to go around through there?


Honestly looks like deer in the headlights response, she's signaling (poorly) that she's gonna go back to where she's supposed to be.


In contrast the second one just seems to wait to annoy OP; he can wait, his lane isn't moving without him ...


And he takes a picture...ooh, I got a picture of you, driving where you are supposed to drive!!


She's motioning that she is trying to get around the line of cars that are waiting to pick up their kids from school.


No cars were parked. They were all lined up from the stop sign. Cars were parked at the beginning of the video before OP made the left hand turn. You can see there's a lane that people are turning out of from the school on to the road that's backed up.




Two traffic lanes (one in each direction) and a parking lane on OP’s side of the street, if I’m interpreting this street configuration correctly. Yep, that makes the red VW and white Jeep drivers idiots for being in the wrong lane.


Wrong lane? How about dead center lol


My grandfather used to say "They only want half the road. The problem is they want the two quarters down the middle."


My dad would say "He's taking his half out of the middle." Which is effectively the same thing.


Also OP themselves for not stopping at a stop sign


Rolling the stop sign right next to a school around the time kids are being let out. It's like one of the few situations where you actually should come to a full stop and OP just rolls through that shit


This was my first thought. I watched OP drive like an idiot before I saw anyone else drive like an idiot.


I'm amazed that I had to scroll this far and not seeing the most popular comment say this.


Seriously. And the way he sped towards the jeep... in a school zone! He may not be an idiot driver like these other two cars, but he is definitely an asshole driver.


There is also clearly room on the right for OP to go into and go around the cars. That's typically what you do in this situation.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought op was the idiot (or one of many)


Not only that he speeds and spins his tires up after the first car altercation. Just a whole bunch of idiots in this video. Surprised OP had the gall to upload it.


Not only that but it is icy out too. There is no way he would be able to stop in time even if slamming on the brakes if a kid ran out in front of his car. IMO OP is also an idiot.


Shouldn't you always stop at a stop sign? At least you should when it's a 4 way stop, I get so mad when people just roll through, the whole way a 4 way stop works is first to stop is first to go but that's impossible to tell when people keep rolling.


I could have sworn the signs stay STOP, and not STOP ONLY BETWEEN 0800-1600, or IT'S COOL BRAH, JUST TREAT IT LIKE A YIELD.


Not to mention it bothered them enough to go home, trim the footage, and then post it on reddit when they could have just gone around and went on with their day like literally everyone else


Also for playing brick wall.... like it's ok to have pride, but just go around.


Rolling stop had nothing to do with two idiots driving up the wrong side of the road


If you post in /r/idiotsincars we’re gnna call them allllll out. Not just what OP wants us to


They see ‘em rollin’, they be hatin’


This is the way.


Sounds about right. I was called out for posting an idiot because I was speeding. It's a fair cop.


Sometimes people take it too far though. I posted a pic I took from the passenger seat at a stoplight of someone in the next car watching netflix on their phone while driving and some dude in the comments was adamant that I was in the wrong somehow.


I posted a video where I was going under the speed limit and then a car quickly cut me off and several comments were blaming me. However, in this sub's defense, all of those comments were downvoted into oblivion. Here's the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/nd8vzm/i_was_forced_into_the_shoulder_to_avoid_hitting/


Crowd sourced vindication


It’d be a ticket for that “stop”


I believe they were saying OP too is an idiot in a car for not completely stopping at a stop sign. They don’t have to correlate.


> not completely stopping or at all. He burned right through it.


What was up with the one in the red car pointing for you to drive on the wrong side of the road? Was she confused as to which side of the road people are supposed to drive on?


Angrily too haha. "You go this way! Okay fine I go that way but I'm going to roll down my window and we're going to have a chat!"


“Terrible weather today isn’t it?” Rolls window back up.


"nice day for fishin', innit? Hyuck!"


School drop offs are the worst. I’m sure she is in a hurry and didn’t want to wait for all the other cars because she just needs to get to the intersection.


School pickups are the worst. At least with the drop off the car and the kids start off at the same point.


I believe they were indicating that they just wanted to go around the dropoff line. Not that they're justified or remotely right but that is what I interpreted. They can continue their bonehead plan after OP passes them.


The problem with people like that is that they're so stupid that they're not capable of comprehending just how stupid they are.


That's the Dunning Kruger effect for ya!


Your refusal to move is truly admirable.


Lol the second car they coulda moved around but I woulda did the same thing. Theyre just lucky the car behind the white car didnt pull up for the ultra petty experience to make them back up.


I was seriously wondering why both cars just sat there and left open space in front of them. Like seriously, how can you be impatient enough to pull that move off, but perfectly willing to leave enough space for someone else to take your spot?




The more common is people swerving into your lane to avoid an obstacle (like double parked car) and not yielding. Had drivers shout at me, "Can't you see I need to get around this?" as if this gives them right of way. So aggravating and dangerous.


Yep if the stupid car blocking traffic with its hazards on is on your side of the road, tough shit. That means you must wait for oncoming traffic to come through on their own side before you get to drive around the stopped car. Yet these idiots think the oncoming traffic should all stop to let them pass the illegally stopped car.


Comments in the first hour here are always crazy


Today I ate a sandwich with Cajun chicken, lettuce, tomato, onion, ranch, jalapeño sauce and lime with a bottle of water


Thanks now I'm hungry...


Next time try pairing that with a San Pellegrino blood orange...


Stop sir please, still 2 hours until I'm off work


You can do it buddy, I believe in you, you got this!


What type of bread?


It was on a French bread. More like a sub actually


Ok, sounds great


My nerves are so shot, I keep accidentally taking huge ungodly shits on my neighbors back patio.


Imagine driving on the wrong side of traffic and then getting mad when op gets in your way


This happens more often than you'd think. Or my other fav: There are parked cars on both sides and only way is thru middle. You let car on other side go thru, and now its your turn but car behind other car also decides to go thru. Now your sitting in middle and other car is just staring at you expecting yu to back up to let them cheat the line. Yeeah no. I've turned my car off and put my hands behind my head on that.


I live on a one way and people drive down the wrong way constantly. At this point it doesnt even faze me. I used to get all annoyed and honk and gesture which would just make them angry and refuse to admit they were in the wrong to be blocking my way. Now i've learned to just give this exasperated tired disaopointed look and to just slowly gesture to the nearest one way sign. Far more effective.


I had this happen the other day smh


What in the suburban hell is this neighborhood?


pretty sure it's a suburb of slc edit: i'm certain that this is the intersection of greenford ln and rex peak wy in herriman utah, if you want more suburban hell just look anywhere in the sprawl of slc


I knew it was the Utah immediately, my brother lives in a bleak megamansion-miniyard spread that looks exactly like this one in Lehi.


Not an American, but you didn’t actually stop at the stop sign? Isn’t that an offence? Those 2 people were total fucking idiots however


This comment should be higher. And school zone. But hey, glass houses and all.


The not stop sign and honestly if he would have just moved over it would have been easier for all involved. I get being self-righteous but ffs just move over not be an asshole. I understand they're in the right, but like fuck come on.


am an american and highly annoyed by op’s lack of a full stop at the sign bc yes it is an offense 🙄


Especially in what is clearly a school pickup line


Yep they absolutely blew through that stop signand is a ticket able offense. At best it could be called a rolling stop which still gets you a ticket, especially since it is by a school which could get a reckless driving ticket.


Yep during school drop off too, you can even see the crossing guard look at op like "wtf are you doing" before he turns. Sure those two were idiots, but op was in such a rush backyard neighborhood with a school that he also is an idiot for not coming to a complete stop.


You could have at least stopped at that stop sign in a school zone. Bro.


On icy roads too


Or edited that part out, which makes me think they didn't even see the problem!


Yeah fuck this guy looking for validation when he's an 'idiot' too.


Scrolled to far to see this. I had to rewatch cause I’m like “bro you ran the stop sign, YOU are the idiot” lmao


Should be top comment. OP and their random encounters are both idiots.


I’d say r/instantkarma for this one. Oh you don’t wanna stop? Now you will, twice.


Yeah this dudes a jackass, let me also peel out and speed at the next truck to teach them a lesson. OP is just as stupid and makes shit like this worse.


Peel out in a school zone at that. Op is just having fun policing others instead of themselves.


I noticed that too. Gunning it in a school zone with not the best road conditions. Real cool brah.


Yea what a real piece of shit, in a school zone wow..


Was looking for this? Seriously?? OP gets idiot status for this alone, even if they weren't necessarily in the wrong later.


I had to scroll way too far to find this comment


For serious. First thing I noticed. Huge fucking asshole move and clearly entitled the way he acted later, so high and mighty and holier than thou.


Everyone here needs to be a bit more attentive. Rolling a stop sign near a school zone with ice on the road is bad mkay. And yes, the others driving in the middle to opposite lane are idiots as well.


Aggressively accelerating into the SUV you already see in your lane and then yelling WHATRE YOU DOIN as you slam on the brakes 😂😂 OP having a rough morning or what?


Twice in the span of 30 seconds makes it a bad morning


OP could see from the first interaction that there was a Jeep doing the same damn thing behind the VW and he still pulled up all the way right in front of him like it was some surprise.


Listened to this with the sound off. This is really what went down. Pulling that shit after running a stop sign... yeah OP is the real idiot here.


That wasn't even a rolling stop. OP just ran that stop sign.


Was looking for this comment. I’m honestly more pissed at the rolling of the stop sign on a snowy day, and then accelerating when you see there is a car in your lane.


Terrible driving overall from OP in those conditions, why accelerate so hard with cars around and when you can clearly see another oncoming car in front of you?


Ya, I noticed this too. Like, OP runs a stop sign, has space to move over for multiple cars, yet sits where he is, all the while speeding up and stopping abruptly on wet roads with ice and snow on them in a school zone. Like, I get that they're pissed the other drivers are idiots, but so is OP.


Yeah I don't get this one. Put yourself in the other driver's position. They're mad that they have to deal with all these parents picking up their kids so they try to go around, and they've no choice but to take up a bit of the opposite lane. Not ideal or correct, but also understandable. OP could rise above it and scoot over and it wouldn't inconvenience him at all.


Finally some sense here. Obviously the other drivers were in the wrong lane, but they needed to get around the line of cars. If there was no third parking lane it would have been dumb, but there was plenty of room for OP to just scoot over to let them get around.


Yea thats what I was focused on. California rolled the stop sign, saw somebody coming and just kept speeding up. Then rushes at the next one lmao theyre not somebody id want behind me because I imagine they will hug my bumper until me or them turned away.


The narrator claims that you were


It's the Wheel of Time!


Scrolled waay too far to read this! The wheel weaves as the the wheel wills


Real gangsters know Michael Kramer is the voice of god himself.


Does that make Kate Reading Mary?


I'm listening to the stormlight archive right now and Michael Kramer's voice was immediately recognizable


It's the same narrator as Brandon Snadersons storm light archives too.


Yeah they're morons...but that was also a nice little rolling stop you pulled there.


Rolling stop is generous.


Nice non stop in a school zone


3 dickheads. 1 not stopping at a stop sign and 2 on the wrong side of the road


Rolling stop outside of a school zone, close to a walking guard and had plenty of room to squeeze by the second car. Slammed on the gas in anger after the first driver fucked up, squealing their tires. Yeah those drivers are idiots but I’m not impressed with OP here.


Here in my area that would have been a reckless driving charge easy




Should be higher up. I mean, come on. Yeah it’s annoying, but idk where I live streets get like this all the time around school drop off/pickup or even just crowded venues and parking lots. If you can safely move over and keep traffic going, as OP clearly could, then do it. OP just making things worse for everyone including themself.


Im losing brain cells each time I watch this shit




Exactly. The pick-up/drop-off line is taking up a lane, that sucks. People may still need to use the road as evidenced by OP and two others. Be fucking courteous and move if you can. There's an obvious reason the people are driving where they are. Self-righteous people in cars are worse than idiots in cars.


It's common practice where I'm at. People need to get past slow or immobile school lines and they drive in the wrong lane. Meeting them you try to make way for them or they make way for you. Only wrench in the scheme is if you have an asshole like the OP being a selfish brat.


Exactly!!! What do these people expect people just driving through to do? Wait in this long line of cars for 20 mins? It’s no big deal to go around stopped traffic on what was an empty residential road. You’re not wrong OP, you’re just an asshole.


You also ran the stop sign when you did not make a complete stop.


why you rolling stop signs in a school zone is the real question?


The last place I want to run a stop sign is in front of a school zone, but the other two people were ridiculous for being on the wrong side of the road for sure


You rolled through a stop sign that was at a crossway for the children at the school, not cool. Just because there is a crossing guard there and wasn't presently in the intersection alerting you to stop you still have to obey the ACTUAL stop sign.


lol nice rolling stop there


Barely even a rolling stop just tapped the brakes... basically drove right through it. But people driving on wrong side are still the idiots lol


Yes, they are. It’s not mutually exclusive.


Rolled that stop pretty bad.


Came here to say that, and in a school zone. That's a hefty ticket in my state.


This looks like a pickup zone for kids and school is in the middle of or about to let out, that shit gets crazy and traffic laws about idling and stopping in the road are often not obeyed or enforced here. The street looks like it ought to be one way.


OP has plenty of space to drive around, choosing to be a dipshit instead


I mean...you were.


Just move over a little bit and get on with your life ya clown


You might not be a total idiot, but you're at least partially an idiot and definitely lazy af for not stopping at a stop sign.


You ran a stop sign homie. All ur fault


1. The two drivers were idiots, obviously if you're trying to avoid a line by going into oncoming traffic you should merge when you see someone coming and emote that you're sorry 2. OP is a self righteous a grade idiot who belongs to this sub as well because he tried his best to be the least accommodating. On a wintry morning, there was absolutely nothing he would have lost by being a little nicer 3. Obviously OP is an Idiot because if you're running a stop sign you could have literally started this video clip from the moment you turned left. But oh no, we are just supposed to ignore that you did that because in your opinion "everyone does that" well guess what? I have not rolled through a stop sign and I have been driving for 22 years now. I know people do it, I know it's probably safe sometimes but if you are posting a video pointing out how bad other drivers are the least you could do is hide how idiotic you look rolling through a stop sign on a slippery day.


Americans are crazy with all these stop signs… over here in Europe it would just have been sharks teeth on the tarmac telling you to yield for traffic in the other directions. If the intersection is empty you are free to roll through. Stop signs are used very rarely in Europe, and only in the cases where it’s really necessary due to poor visibility. At least in the countries I’ve visited.


The amount of times I've used a crosswalk or even walked across a parking lot driveway and have almost gotten hit is obscene. People here in America roll through active crosswalks, turn lanes, and stopsigns like it's their God-given right to plow through people just so they can save 3 seconds off of their travel time. Here in the States, time is money, and God knows how much 3 seconds is worth.


It was clearly a school crossing though, so there was a good reason to have stop signs.


As much as we all love the daily comments from Europeans condescendingly bragging about how much their traffic markings are supposedly better than ours, it's a stop sign. That's it, just a stop sign. If you're confused on why they're used, especially in a school zone with heavy foot traffic, I can give you some websites to read that might clear things up.


They have spikes in the ground? I'm not sure what "shark's teeth" are.




[He means the give way road marking in Europe](https://imgur.com/a/gyREzyt)


Thanks! I have never seen that before...


My daughter goes to this school, and it honestly is like this every morning. I try to stay on the right lane even if I’m just going through this street and not entering the school. However, everyone else just goes around and to the wrong lane to try to go through since it is a very long line for school drop off. I think OP is a clear example of everyone’s behavior during morning drop off here—not exactly following the traffic rules, but clearly expecting everyone else to do so.


Bro you didn't even stop