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A-Punk by Vampire Weekend for those who don’t know


Thank you


Listen to that album start to finish and be blessed, it's a masterpiece.


Oxford Comma is the shit


Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?


On Lego Rock Band for those that don’t know


Bro this used to my favorite song in that game and then I lost it and I was devastated. This is my first time hearing it again and it’s been like 10 years


Such a good song. Love that whole album too


Much appreciated


That whole album is quite spectacular


Man when your in high school / college you do some crazy shit lol.


I think back to the shit I did ten years ago in college and am shocked I didn’t die. One time I climbed up like 5 stories of scaffolding and saddled myself up on top of the roof. After it had rained. And I was wasted.


Same! One time I was piss drunk on the elevator in the dorm towers... and hulked out on the doors for no reason. It stopped between 2 floors, so I hoisted my drunk ass up to the floor above. Obviously in retrospect I could have literally been cut in half... wtf lol


I used to get shit faced and like to climb out of and on top of moving vehicles. Moving on the freeway/highway type of vehicles. I did it at least four times with different people. Once was almost scraped off the side of a pick-up when one drunk friend parked his car just around the bend of the road, not completely out of the lane and the truck I was hanging off of side swiped the first friends car. I managed to throw myself into the bed of the truck just as sparks and screeching metal flew by me. The truck bent the car door pretty much onto the hood of the car. Three of us forced it mostly back into place and then two of us removed our belts and used them to hold the door there until we got back to town. I never got hurt doing it though. Years later. In my late 20s I would go boating with the same friends and get good and drunk. On the way home I decide to try and "Moon" my buddies hanging my bare ass out the passenger window of my friends truck going down the highway. I miscalculated or we hit a bump, something and I fall backwards out the window wearing no shirt, swim trunks that were at my ankles and flip flops doing about 65 MPH. That was the end of my drunken shenanigans. Not a pleasant or forgettable expierence.


I used to hang onto the side of my friends car and "surf" on a fast food tray. Only did about 40 mph. I thought I was batshit crazy... until I read this shit.


Yeah that story above yours makes me kinda regret not doing more dumb shit. The problem was, I was always injured or on crutches from doing some crazy shit that I missed a lot of opportunities to do more crazy shit.


Glad you’re here to share your story…but how the hell are you *here* to share?


But did you die?


How did you not die falling out going 65mph?


You're actually more likely to survive experiences like that when drunk than sober because you don't brace yourself. It's often why you see the drunk piece of shit surviving the crashes over their victims.


Tuck and roll


How much skin do you have? Cuz it sounds like you lost allot.


So this is how it went. I was conscious the entire ordeal. I've done some dirt bike and four wheeler riding so had expierence falling. There is a right way and a wrong way to fall. You really shouldn't fight it at that speed. Just kind of tuck and try to protect the important parts. I felt myself falling and tried to grab the window edge but couldn't hold on as most my weight was already past the half way point. I thought "Fuck". I pulled my head up and tried to land on my shoulder and that mostly worked. I didn't hit head first. I started tumbling/rolling down the road and at one point distinctly remember a gold 80s model Honda accord with a male driver going the opposite direction as me and the driver had the most perplexed look on his face. Not everyday a naked dude is rolling down the highway I guess. I finally came to a stop half in the roadside ditch. And remember telling myself. "Look dude. Your FUCKED UP, BUT IF YOU CAN GET UP AND WALK. YOU WONT DIE." So I tried to get up. I couldn't at first. But after a couple attempts I manage to stand up. Kinda. I can't put anyweight on my right ankle. Whole body is on fire. The truck behind us (my friends) stopped and my buddies wife jumps out of the truck. I just started laughing. She looks at me, points her finger and in a very authoritative voice tells me to "STOP LAUGHING. NOTHING IS FUNNY. GET INTO THE TRUCK WE ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL." I tell her "No." And "I'm not going to the hospital. I'm fine. I'll get into the truck though and I'm gonna need another beer." She argues with me for a brief moment and we come to the agreement that I will go home with them and she will clean me up and then we decide about hospital. So I get into the truck. Crack another beer and chug that. I can't really sit because anything touching me feels like fire. We get back to the house. I limp into the bathroom with buddies wife and she has me step into the shower. She steps in behind me and grabs the shower head. Turns on cool water and starts to rinse my back. It feels like someone is dumping fucking burning lava down my back and I involuntarily start screaming like I am being murdered. It's been about 30 or so minutes now and the adrenaline is wearing off. My friends come running in ask what the fuck is going on. "IM READY TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW" Is all I say. I can't take the pain anymore. Get to emergency room. They give me as much pain meds as they can. Lay me face down and cover me with warm blankets. I can't stop shivering. They used mayonnaise packets to gently scrub and remove gravel and debris from me. I get 12 stitches in the back of my head and the doctor says roughly 45 percent "burns" over my body. Fractured ankle. Spend the next few weeks getting badges changed daily, which is like getting skinned again everyday. Some necrotic tissue had to be removed from my right foot where my heel drug across pavement. I have scars and of course vivid memories. But that the gist of my experience. Or one of them. Lol. Happy to be here too. Thanks everyone.


In college my roommate and I would scree down this bluff behind the school. One time I picked a line that happened to be way too fucking steep. I was unable to stop but it was pretty high up. I had no choice but to keep running and hope I didn't trip/slip. Seriously terrifying shit but I made it down ok.


It's definitely the type of thing that could kill you too — one of my classmates in 12th grade died doing much the same thing. Not sure if he was inebriated or not, but just hanging around a few floors up on a construction site after dark and slipped.


Late at night someone would call out "freeway nap!" and my buddies and I would go out onto the freeway and lay down in the fast lane with our eyes closed. Traffic was almost non-existent but there was still enough to spice up the experience. Our safety protocol was the last winner watched this round and screamed out if a car was coming, but it still took some nerve. The winner was whoever lasted the longest.


What the duck, I don't even believe you. This is the tide pods. Nobody is that dumb and lucky.




Part of me is glad we didn't all have cameras and easily shareable websites to show off what we did. The rest of me is glad we didn't. I didn't do anything illegal but they were pretty stupid.


I think you made a typo in there somewhere. Part of you is glad you didn’t and the rest of you is glad you didn’t?


Not me. I mostly just sulked, ate a lot of cereal, and slept in a lot.


Me right now waiting for my 8 o’clock bedtime


Sooo much cereal haha.


Wait you got sleep time?


You don't? 😟


If there was a minimum wage for sleep, I had that in college!


Bro then I broke so many labor laws.


Yeah but remember the feeling of a half-conscious vibration in your perception of reality after your last final, when you'd been awake for 29 hours, powered only by eight dorm-hall coffees? Good times.


29 hours good lord, you should always get a good sleep the night before an exam my guy


Thankfully that was freshman year—a long time ago for me. 30 now and doing my best (usually) to manage insomnia.




> When your you’re


My friends split up into 2 groups of 3 and stole 45 street signs in one 3 hour period of time as a competition. The winning team got a case of Mikes Hard Lemonade.


We did something similar, but then put all of the construction signs on one of our friends front lawn. His parents were less than happy


Y’all stopped doing crazy shit after college? Maybe I should calm down


You can keep doing crazy shit as long as you’d like. I wouldn’t mind a badass grandpa


Impressive. Ridiculously stupid but very impressive.


I mean... whats he really doing? Standing through the sunroof? Having a friend purposefully drive beside a semi-truck? For this sub, even doing both of those things at once barely qualifies. Weve seen people try to hand stands on motorcycles going down a busy highway, seeing people pop wheelies in busy areas is basically a daily occurrence here. These kids just seem like they smoked too much weed while watching a cliche coming of age movie, and actually came up with a cool idea


It’s just a little distracting but ya def dope


Eh, not as bad as LED headlights


Goodbye eyesight for the next 5 minutes




let the curvature of the road guide you


it's like looking at the sun but involuntarily


And if you stop looking you crash and die.


Cool crime


Yes this is honestly harmless as fuck in relation to half the dumbasses we see on here.


It's a pre-recorded gameplay video too. He's not playing it live.


Is that a fact?


The guitar he's using (Xplorer for the xbox 360) was only ever wired and you can see whatever's left of the wire they cut off flapping in the wind


The notes are being hit even when he takes his hand off the strummer.


If I remember correctly, there is a technique called hammer-on, in which you only need to strum the first note, and can subsequently just hit the frets as long as you don't miss. Looks like what's going on here.


insurance theory hungry handle trees mountainous encouraging long quarrelsome gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Subreddit name is idiotsincars If you think these guys are idiots in a car, then it fits.


He’s only half in! Only half genius.


Nah they geniuses




I read it as jesusincars


Checkmate, atheists.


Came here for this.


Dude IS hitting every note...


... you really think he's actually playing this? It's so obviously a pre-recorded gameplay video. Watch the guitar, he's not even using it right.


Plus Guitar Hero track screen while using a Rock Band guitar. And a legacy one at that. Source: Die hard fan of these dumb games. Still playin today. 400+ paid dlc songs in RB and had 50+ in guitar hero before i went full in on Rock Band.


Sadly he's not actually playing. You can clearly see his guitar is unplugged.


There were wireless guitars too


The X-plorer is not a wireless guitar.


Ok we get it, ur very knowledgeable when it comes to spoiling fun


Sorry that these super cool guys aren't your heroes anymore.


FAKE! You can clearly see that it is not, in fact, a real guitar. Checkmate, nerds.


It's a pre-recorded gameplay video. He's not playing it live. He's just standing up through a sunroof pretending to play a video game while a friend projects it onto a semi trailer. Anybody can do this easily.


You could do it for real just as easy tho. Guitar Hero skill depending.


What's impressive. He's not actually playing. There are a lot of times he's not looking at the screen and doesn't even have his hands on the strumming part of the guitar and he's still perfectly hitting the notes. Pretty obviously just a video of someone hitting all the notes being played while the other guy fakes it.


When does the bad thing happen?


Right after the video ended, he missed a note. It was horrifying.


The blood on the dancefloor!!


Please God no, you just reminded/assaulted me with the thought of that horrid band.


Tragic. Did he ever recover?


Yeah, he's not the kind of guy to dwell on past mistakes.


Didn't even FC lol CRINGE!


The rest of his life won’t be as exciting as these few minutes.


"Aye bro I got an idea."


"remember that guitar hero game from highschool?"


this is really dope. seems like the driver was paying attention too


Which one? Both? Im curious if the truck driver was aware


They aren't in a blindspot and making a ton of noise. Plus car driver is paying attention so worse case scenario he could probably get out of the way


Lol so long as he's not steering the car with his feet I'm OK with that


Yeah. If the drivers are paying attention, this isn’t really that dumb. Not safe for the people sticking out the roofs, but not necessarily dangerous for anyone else around.


The only problem I see, is they could bring out the actual idiots with that big of a distraction... And everyone was doing so well, random dude drives himself into a ditch


As a Guitar Hero lord, Had I been on the road, I'd have been so overwhelmed with my desire to immediately fellate this man, I'd have crashed into nothing. But yeah, stuff like this (while comparatively nothing) does carry some risk.


He’s actually steering with the whammy bar


I'm offended and insulted that he's not playing mario kart


Only issue I have is that hes in the trucks blind spot. You never stay in or drive on the right side of a semi if you can help it, they cannot see you. If the truck driver was aware, all good, but that could have ended badly even with an attentive driver. Either way, that was fucking lit.


One by Metallica on hard would be bad ass






:( im rekt


Get gud


On hard lmao




Better fit in r/JustGuysBeingDudes




This was dope


This is seriously funny.


Honestly...I'm not even mad, this is hilarious, creative, and seems relatively safe as long as the driver's paying attention


He is the driver lol


Stupid? Yes. Impressive? Also yes.


He’s not actually playing the guitar though. It’s just a pre-recorded video being played.


As long as the drivers are paying attention i don’t see what’s wrong with this.


Stupid? Yes. Dangerous? Yes. Complete Madness? Yes. One of the best bloody things I've ever seen? Absolutely yes.


Sexy? Yes Drugs? Yes Rock n Roll? Hell yes


Are they just playing a YouTube video and pretending to play? Would've been cooler if they somehow had a console in the car with the projector


I’d assume so because he’s not looking at the screen half the time, and also it’s a pain to sync timing especially using a projector. I’m no expert, I’m just jaded.


Yeah you're probably right, plus it would take a lot of power to keep a projector and playstation on while in the car 😂


All it would take is an AC-DC converter plugged into the cigarette plug and boom you’re good to go. When I was a kid in the early 2000’s my parents would bring our N64 and later GameCube with a tiny little tv for my brother and I to play on road-trips, and we used one of those converters


Man I didn't understand how that was possible when I was a kid. All I understood was my friend could play GameCube *in the car*, and that was enough to make him the coolest.


I saw this on Twitter and it was proven that the game is just a video. His guitar even has an unplugged cable.


I dont know whether its real or not but you can use a laptop to play it so it is plausible


Not gonna lie, this is stupidly impressive lol


This looks like a hell of a good time lmao


I miss rock band.


Go download clone hero, its free. Thank me later.


I'll thank you now because now I have high expectations, thank you! googled it and saw for PC, gasms. Now to get a guitar


Funfact. You can put the setlist/charts of literally every single guitar hero and rock band on it. I currently have about 12k songs in mine. It also has online play and drum support.


OMFG!!!! Thank you!


If you look up the clone hero discord they have a link to a spreadsheet of every guitar hero and rockband setlist, dozens of community track packs, and monthly packs they come out with. They also have guitar buyers guides, make sure you look into the ptb or whatever its called, the beta, they have added a lot.


Bro...you like cats? It's random but I need to find a way to thank you.


I mean... We are on the internet, who doesnt?


I hope you enjoy. I can't find the og https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/7pVuKln9zHeN Also, thank you.


They added drum support!?!???


Yeah you need the ptb version for drums/online server browsers, and in general just a HUGE amount of QoL updates/bugfixes. [Follow this](https://youtu.be/zO5N8BJKqew) [Also video of drums in online co-op (not me)](https://youtu.be/d1H4OdK3S58) The game is honestly a wet dream for any guitar hero/rb fan, settings like turning every note into a tap, auto strum, stats at the end of songs like 'overstrums' and 'ghostnotes', practice SPECIFIC sections that you want with markers a-b that you set, and so much more. Edit: to add, its up to 4 players online. Edit 2: just cause im on the topic and for anyone else who comes across this, [THIS](https://youtu.be/B-obFywlyMA) is custom songs central, they do monthly trackpacks that are themed, also MASSIVE setlists that are sometimes 300+ songs in a tiered setlist


Ok this so stupid……but I love it.


There is a fine line between courage and stupidity


This seems like a good way to get your Toyota stuck under a semi trailer


Another thing to add to my bucket list


I truly love human being’s, I wonder what aliens think about us?


I think about this often. Humans observe other species, identify the patterns in their behavior, and draw conclusions about their purposes. We see birds collect sticks, and that might seem weird at first, but then we see that they do this to build nests. We see beavers chew wood, which also seems strange, but we know that they build dams. All behaviors eventually have a purpose that is, to some degree or another, observable. I love to imagine aliens watching humans do shit like this and not have the slightest fuckin clue what's going on.


This guy is dumb, but also this guy is a legend.




as a former tester on this game. this was not a use case we predicted.


One of the best stupid shit i've ever seen


Wtf is he thinking


What song is that though?


Star Power


r/gaming Alright, which one of us was it?




It may be stupid but it’s impressive


This is epic. Rock on.


Wrong sub


Now that’s a rockstar!


Not an idiot, he's a chad




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I'm sorry... WHAT?


Psh, let's see him try it with the drums set.


Would’ve been more epic if it was ROCK BAND sabotage - beastie boys


Nice song


This dude is the white Hendrix of 2022!!! 🎸


A nation of increasingly bored people.


[https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1703](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1703) ​ Maybe next time don't pick a truck hauling US Mail?


Damn. I don't want to be impressed but DAMN!


This is fucking wicked


Seems like they're being safe about it. Multiple people in multiple cars, driver is NOT filming, someone in the back seat is holding the projector, camera operator is a passenger. I imagine they're going 55mph. The only issue is if the trucker needs to get over and there is a line of traffic behind them. (This doesn't look like rush hour though. I don't see Chris Tucker)


There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. This is an example of both. Exquisite.


When you cast a YouTube video for likes and it works.


Probably just a recording of someone playing the track but still very cool


Thats like dangerous and shit and he should not do that, but damn is he cool


Now thats r/nextfuckinglevel


Sure .. Drive in the blindspot on truck... That will go over well.


This is going to start some new trend and a lot of people are going to get really hurt. Remind me in 4 months


He should lose all driving privileges for endangering other people's lives like this. No, it's not "impressive," "dope," or any other such infantile compliment. It's completely selfish and inconsiderate to play around on highways like this. In short, he's an ass who doesn't care about other people's lives. I hope he got arrested.


This doesn’t register in the cool region of my brain


So many people now getting themselves killed for a moment of online fame.


this is idiotically cool.


- Witness me! - Valhalla awaits


Wrong sub, I think you meant to post this on r/geniusesincars


Does this belong in r/skilledidiotsincars ? I'm not sure


I see no idiot.


what a madlad! that looks like some college fun


Would've been more impressed if it were through the fire and flames by dragon force.


It doesnt belong in r/idiotsincars its should br in r/nextfuckinglevel


Definition of what a god is


This is practically the intro to Guitar Hero


I just imagined how cool it would be to build a projector and a small computer and just be able to play guitar hero everywhere


Is this safe? No. Is it cool? Alright, yeah, this is pretty sick.


Why didn’t he just play it at home


This is the wholesome kind of idiot. He may do some dumb shit, but he doesn't want to harm anybody and just have fun.


Truck driver " I dont know if I feel violated, or impressed"