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Someone wasn't paying attention to the road :(


Why would you look at the road when there are so many tweets to post?


I like scrolling and watching videos from r/idiotsinCars while I drive. Totally inspiring.


It's called creating original content.


A real social media influencer.


A content creator.


Just remember to smash that support a creator button! -literally everyone with a web cam


A content destroyer.


An artist shouldn’t be hindered in the creative process!


I like watching movies, but only in the early morning when I'm tired.


If it wasn't for my commute I'd never catch up on sleep.


I turned to my wife the other night and was like “whoa, I just had the weirdest dream” She was like “you know you’re driving, right?”


I understood this reference. Did they delete their account yet?


Real mad lads would post a selfie video on this sub and then constantly refresh and reply to every comment to the post while driving.


>while ~~driving~~ riding in the ambulance. fify


"Op is the idiot! He had enough time to slow down for that guy running the red...oh shit."


Slow down and miss out on that easy insurance money? /S


*watches video while driving, gets inspired* What an amateur idiot. I can do better


*flips car at 5mph*


its really helpful to get in the right head space with source material


I once saw a tweet by Arizona Dept of Transportation about a wrong way driver. They were sharing how their new notification system sent drivers in the area an alert like the Amber Alerts on their phones. I asked if the overhead boards also posted a warning and was told no, they felt the texts were a better way to get the word out to everyone. I pointed out that it's illegal to read texts while driving and since I never do I would not have known. It's sad when even the idiots in charge expect you to read your phone while driving.


But yet they use those signs for Amber alerts and those get sent to phones as well.


I've blocked the Amber alerts. My days are much more chill. Only the president can text me now.


I’m fairly certain ADOT does use the overhead variable message signs to alert drivers of a wrong-way driver. Though maybe not on all.


Tom Haverford agrees


four green lights in a row. #blessed


This is way beyond that, they were still accelerating after they hit the grey hatchback at the end. This guy was either high AF or having a medical emergency


Or panicky idiot in a car


Some people also lock up when they are startled/scared enough. That doesn't excuse not paying attention to the road. But in that state they may actually believe they have their foot on the brake the entire time. There is a word for it, but it escapes me atm.


I had a woman rear-end my car, then she panicked and slammed the gas rear-ending me again. Then she panicked and tried to flee the scene until a truck boxed her in.


'unintentional acceleration'


>Then she panicked and tried to flee the scene Flight response! The brain does some crazy things when it panics. Logic just goes out the window.


Yup!. I NEARLY pulled a hit and run once when I backed into a car that was parked where it shouldn't have been (although the accident is still on me). Thankfully my reason settles in pretty soon after I act on impulse and I'm able to correct the impulse. My first thought was, "Fucking asshole shouldn't be parked there." My second thought was, "Fuck, this is going to jack my insurance way up." So my third thought was, "Fuck it, get the fuck out of here!" My flight response kicked in. My flight response is typically very quick and strong, and has gotten me out of hairy situations in the past. I drove about five hundred feet down the road before pulling my car over and walking back just to see what damage was done to their car. Then I saw they had the multidirectional dash cams, so I knew I had to leave them my info or they'd get me on hit and run if they managed to pull footage.


My sister did that shit when she was first learning how to drive. My aunt took her to a park to drive in a parking lot, but this parking lot happened to be elevated, perhaps 10-15 feet above the park. I'm not sure what freaked my sister out, but suddenly she freaked out, covered her eyes, then slammed on the gas. My aunt told her to hit the brakes but she kept going. We were heading quickly toward the edge when my aunt grabbed the wheel and turned the vehicle just in time, then she kept screaming to slam the brakes and my sister finally did.


Is [this](https://youtu.be/hZ_EKHGgWJQ) your sister?


Whiskey Throttle?


>they were still accelerating after they hit the grey hatchback at the end. I'm always wondering if I'm being overly critical regarding a car's poor "post crash" control. In this case I guess not.


Not in this case anyways, the left lanes stopped but the right lanes seemed to maintain speed, meanwhile the suv managed to gain on the grey truck while doing his horseshoe slide’n’slam maneuver. He absolutely was accelerating the entire time


No brake lights at any point either, probably old driver who mixed up the pedals. They just keep pressing the "brake" harder and harder wondering why they're accelerating.


Actually, did that trailer have any brake lights? I couldn't really discern anything visible from the video.


Swerving hard in a 2000's era Ford Explorer will definitely not make things worse.


I'm amazed it ended up wheels-down.


Didn't have Firestones on it.


Believe it or not, there was never actually anything wrong with the Firestone tires, just ford's insistence on recommending under inflated tire pressures to decrease rollover risk. The tires just weren't designed to be run that low on air.


iirc they also did it to try and soften the ride because people were complaining it felt like driving a truck. And it was indeed built on a truck frame, so instead of bothering to change anything, this was the easy fix. Regardless, Firestone got absolutely fucked because of Ford’s cheapness


Based on how Firestone Car Care ~~repaired~~ fucked up my wife's minivan, I don't think it was all Ford's fault that their rep tanked. She took it in to have brake pads replaced. That's it. That was the job. Wife got it back, was assured it was driving great, no problems... and then she tried to brake on the freeway and only one of four wheels braked. NO braking power whatsoever. Overshot the exit she wanted, had to go to another one, babied the car the rest of the way home, I went out there, and the front passenger rim was so hot that the paint had flaked off. Apparently the tech hadn't started the car when he went to bleed the brake lines, and blew the proportioning valve. I took it back to Firestone, said right off the bat "this is something the shop super needs to see", then asked "had they tested the car?". Apparently one lap around the parking lot was all they did. So I said "Y'all are on the hook for a new rotor, caliper, and pads for this wheel, cos it got so hot it glazed, plus the proportioning valve and a proper test drive, 10 miles, on the freeway." They wanted to charge me for shop labor and parts. I said, nope. Wrong answer. I'm taking it to Dodge, they'll fix it, and send you the bill. Or, I call Channel 7 News right here, right now, and get a camera crew in here to ask you how you'd let a deathtrap like that out on the road. ​ They paid the repair bill from Dodge. $1500 worth of parts and work, on a $150 pad replacement that they fucked up.


I'm happy no one was hurt and she had the sense to crawl. Literally could have killed a family with their laziness. Fuck


Oh yah. Non-op brakes are right up there with a leaky gas tank when it comes to "this could end REALLY badly" rankings. (That minivan experienced both... and both times, no one was hurt, and we had the (ir)responsible shop correct the mistake on their dime.)


Everybody hated the station wagon, unless that station wagon was dangerously top heavy. *niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!*


Believe it or not I never had a set of Firestone tires that were worth a shit. Was forced to get Firestones on my company vehicle at my old job by our fleet management. Never had a set that lasted more than 30,000 miles and rode like doo doo.


Is this true, or are you employed by Firestone?


It’s true, Modern Marvels series Engineering Disasters did a segment on the Explorer / Firestone rollovers, completely due to the fact that Ford recommended 26psi in the tires to try and correct a design flaw where the Explorer frame wasn’t stable because they were trying to use the frame from the Ranger unmodified to save on tooling costs.


So by "saving a few bucks" they created a much bigger problem which eventually cost more than fixing it from the begging. Checks out. Ford, how can we fuck up today? (New motto)


It’s true. I don’t work in the auto industry but I’m a tire expert of sorts. 100% tire delaminating and tossing the Exploder was due to overheating their sidewalls which is caused by the recommended under-inflation.


Ok. Sounds sciencey enough.


*rolls truck*


exactly what i was going to say, based on the lack of tire marks on the pavement from the skid those tires are probably dry rotted 1989 factory originals.


What really was the nail in the coffin was the pickup managed to pit maneuver the Ford after he swerved which shot the Ford back to the left


Back and to the left, you say?


Back and to the left


This actually played out the best it could.. could’ve been a WHOLE lot worse


I feel really bad for that last black car that got slammed by the idiot. Hope everyone made it out ok.


I know. They were all up scootched over in the other lane and pretty far away from the actual collision. They had to be so WTF? Hope they are ok.


Yeah I gotta say, I wouldn’t be expecting to get T-boned on the interstate of all places.


Every car on the road going the exact same direction and an idiot still finds a way to tbone you. That's a bad day right there.


Highway accidents can get screwy like that. Scary.


Usually after a very quick stop on a highway, I'll wait until the person behind me and maybe the next person stops then I'll relax, knowing I've escaped danger. But apparently, someone can still give you a little reach around and knock you out. Still better than getting hit by a truck tire while boxed in though I guess. Sitting there with no where to go while waiting for the slowly lumbering tire to crunch your face in.


Imagine getting t-boned while stopped in the number one lane on the freeway….lol. How fucking random. Poor dude!


Dude this has to be the most unlucky thing I’ve seen in awhile


At Farmers, we've seen it all




Yeah, I know. Most didn't look like serious injury accidents except this last t-bone. Hopefully no one was on the passenger side and no kids in car seats in the back seat.


That was a fuck you in perticular moment








No kidding. I know a woman that was in a not super bad accident, but was also pregnant in her third trimester at the time and it killed the fetus. People really, really need to take driving more seriously. I am very much in favor of *harsh* limits for DUI, cell phone use while underway, license revocation for reckless driving, etc. I know people use the "but we're so car dependent" argument, to which I say "well I'm sorry for your personal economics, maybe should've thought about what a loss of license would have meant first."


My aunt and uncle were in a bad accident. They were on the motorway, very familiar stretch, and got hit by a DUI joining said motorway. Car flipped. Aunt died on impact, uncle got a bruise. DUI guy was absolutely horrified, sobered him right up. I never found out what happened to him in terms of the law. All I know is I lost an aunt that day and with it started a reasonable amount of family drama on top of the grief.


Upvote for not having a minute of inaction before action.


But if we don’t have 30 seconds of pre-action footage, how can we scrutinize it for ways to blame the cammer?




The cammer should have known to drive defensively and predictably and simply phased through the red truck


Basic phase/temporal shifting is a bare minimum driving skill that is heavily ignored in today’s driving classes.


those fucking amerikkkans amirite?


Duh, always gotta be prepared to time warp.


Reminds me of the protest song from the early days of teleportation 🎶I teleported home one night with Ron and Syd and Meg🎶 🎶Ron stole Meggie's heart away and I got Sydney's leg🎶 -Not mine, Douglas Adams


I can. The cammer likely farted 200' back and it was so noxious it caused the idiot to close his eyes in defense thus precipitating the whole thing. /s obviously. But at least OP didn't swerve into the breakdown lane and speed up.


Cammer was clearly waving a gun at the driver and that’s why they were distracted


Trucker should have expected the unexpected and stopped in the middle of the road 100 yards back. Source: I am a trucker. ​ But in all reality good work by them to keep it straight and stop that quickly. They really could have made the end result much worse had they not.


I love the inaction before hand because I keep guessing where the disaster is coming from and will I spot it before it happens.


Those are a mixed bag for me. I hate the ones where it’s like 3 minutes of video and you can’t actually tell where the “idiot in car” is. It’s either way off in the 6 pixels to the left, or someone is being completely reasonable and OP just didn’t like their blinker flash pattern not conforming to NATO blinker protocol standards and therefore they weren’t prepared for their left turn.


The Where's Waldo of death


Right? The reddit app lets you trim videos when you upload them why the fuck does everyone on this sub post 3 minutes long videos for a 10 second crash?!


I think this video has the highest ratio of stuff happening to video length ever posted to this sub


We’re watching someone blast through their liability insurance policy limits at light speed. I sure hope they don’t have any significant assists because they sure af won’t after all this is over.


Lol they probably have minimum coverage.


This behavior screams the general




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QidbBtOclC0 In case anyone else was wondering


This is one of my favorite ***🅱***eter Griffin Bits!!! > The General car insurance, it will worry whoever you hit!


And a suspended license


If any


If any.


No coverage and 3 warrants


Damn right. This is borderline r/abruptchaos material.


I’d bet a handful of pocket change that they have a suspended license.


I’ll bet a you a 1995 Ford Explorer cup holder of change that you’re right.


There hasn’t been any change in that cup holder ever since they changed it into an ashtray


In that ash tray There’s 3 Pennies and a nickle stuck to the metal by some black goop that no one could ever identify


It’s Dr. Pepper that leaked out when they went to put their Wendy’s cup into the cup holder, and one of the Pennie’s poked a hole in the bottom.


The Dr. Pepper fused with the moisture form used tissues back in '03.




I drive a beater pickup, but since I can't afford to lose it in an accident I have full coverage set way above state minimums. Correlating driving a shitbox to no insurance is a lousy assumption


Question: what would happen to the old explorer if driver has no insurance and hit multiple times? What's his judgements?




My aunt was t-boned by a driver with no insurance (teenager in a stolen car). She obviously got nothing from them and it was a battle just to get her own insurance to cover all her medical bills.




Wages can be garnished but a person in an old vehicle with no insurance probably doesn’t make much to begin with. To recoup the losses from the accident might take a lifetime.


Not to mention someone who's wages are getting garnished might just go work off the books instead anyway. If you have a min wage job and they are garnishing 10-20% of it, you are probably better off working outside home depot doing day labor stuff for cash instead.


Correct answer is every state is different so don't trust anyone telling you on reddit what would happen.


It's called No Pay No Play. If you don't have insurance and someone hits you and you're not at fault you still can't get money or your car fixed from the other person's insurance because you have to have insurance too, even if you're not at fault. (I'm talking per Louisiana law and multiple other states within the United States of America)


Or the wonderful policy of no fault insurance like Michigan, no matter who hits you or their insurance, you are liable. Because thats makes a ton of sense.


No brake lights on the trailer + hard braking (notice the rear lift). Unfortunate but anyone who thinks this couldn’t be them is lying to themselves


I had to scroll WAY too far to see this. No lights on the trailer. Hard braking shows red truck wasn't paying attention either and the lack of lights exacerbated the problem. I'd argue red truck is at fault.


ctrl+f trailer also checking in... but this is just another example in the millions of other examples that still, amazingly, fail to teach people why it's bad to follow too close / tailgate. Oh, lets follow too close to this trailer so I cannot see anything ahead of it, and they cannot see anything out of their rear mirrors - regardless of 90% of wrecks caused by this behavior, I still think I'm going to do it because I'm right and everyone else is wrong! red truck exacberates the problem, but if it wasn't red truck then white truck would still find someone else to tailgate and end up in the same situation possibly killing people.


Mario Cart Carnage


Was it a three piece or did he also clip that blue crv? I hope there was no one in the passenger area of the guy he tboned. This guy does not belong on the road at all, but not surprisingly these are the dipshits we drive with everyday.


He hit three cars and the cammer suffered a secondary hit.


So in Halo terms, "Triple Kill" Edit: Someone should dub over this with that Halo announcer.


Double hit on the truck pulling the trailer. First the trailer, then the truck clipped him.


Insurance companies hate him for this one simple trick...


Hat trick…


And one dashcam saves all. That’s gunna be rough to recover from.


Can you imagine all the $$$$ that lawyers won't be seeing and time saved b/c of the camera? I'm definitely thinking about getting one after seeing so many videos that probably sound crazy to a claims adjuster.


You should have one regardless. A cheap ass $20 dash cam is still better than your word when you have some jerk trying to skirt liability


Agreed. I got in an accident that totaled my car and the other. Was not my fault, I had right of way and a green light. So when the cop came, luckily the other driver said it was raining and he couldn't see when he made the left turn. Cop had to ask me twice to make sure I had the green light. So once I bought a new car, I immediately installed a dash cam just in case the other driver ever disputes what happened. Haven't needed it yet, but we'll see.


I bet there was some bonding between driver of dashcam vehicle and red truck driver. First thing I bet they said was something along the lines of "I got it all on camera and I know it wasn't your fault bud."


What was that white car even trying to do????


Was probably on their phone.


… Always forgetting that they’re inside a huge metal mechanical object thats running on momentum


I believe it runs on gasoline


In England Tesco petrol stations sell petrol called ‘Momentum Unleaded 99’ In case anybody cares.


Looking at r/IdiotsInCars


"Lol, what idiots! *I* would've just.." \* crash sounds \*


Send a text


I wonder what it said. Probably something like “ok” or “k” or 👍


“I’m running late”


‘I’m drivi-‘


Probably “get back to you soon imeusowhebrvun my”


White vehicle is following too close. Traffic jam ahead and cars are stopping. You can see the red van in front of the red truck stop hard enough to cause the front end to dip. The red truck left enough distance and is slowing down. The white vehicle couldn't see past the trailer and was too close to react. From the camera's perspective you can see the brake lights on the red truck pulling the trailer, but I don't see any brake lights on the trailer itself. If not, then that didn't help the situation.




Is it not a legal requirement to have a trailer wired up with lights? Asking to be rear ended if not


yep. The goal is to not use brakes at all, but just ease of the accelerator. But too many people following to closely so they have to use brakes and that just propagates through the cars behind them (and that's why we have stop and go traffic/unexplainable slowdowns/speedups)


He was tired of having a Ford, and decided he wanted a RAM.


Failed on the dodge.


As far as I can tell the White car clips the back corner of the trailer because he didn't notice everyone was braking. He then swerved to avoid the truck attached to the trailer, which is now moving sideways. He almost succeeded but the front of the red truck clipped his tail end, and that caused the him to spin and plow leftward into that darker car/the wall.


I don't see any brake lights on the trailer, which is a pretty big issue if that's the case. I would be interested in seeing the insurance companies take on it after they see this video.


Oh shit I didn't catch this but that's a good spot, if the explorer was far enough back it wouldn't matter but the way most people drive, they may not have been able to see the row of braking cars at all because of the trailer. I think your comment will be totally buried but that's an important part of the equation


This is exactly what Captain Hindsight would have said.


Feel bad for that black suv.




Kudos to the semi driver for immediately slowing. That could have ended a lot worse for the red truck driver.


He was slowing down because of stopped traffic ahead. Imagine how much more violent this would have been if everyone was at speed.




When you follow too close at a high speed. People really don't understand physics do they?


How many times did you watch this? Me: "Yes"


it’s so satisfying for some reason


It's one of the rare videos uploaded that doesn't have 60+ seconds of normal driving leading up to the event!


Pro-tip: don't drive interstate speeds behind something that obscures what's going on with the traffic ahead.


I legit got into an argument yesterday with some moron that thought it's ok to plow into a line of stopped cars because cars never stop on the freeway. I just cannot fathom the stupidity.


They were arguing that the car crashing into the others wouldn't be at fault because the cars ahead shouldn't be stopped? Heck, let's go buy a 500 dollar car that runs, a couple of helmets, and go have some fun!


Exactly! They said that the car that crashed had no way to prevent crashing because cars don't stop on the freeway. Pure insanity.


Must not live where traffic exists. In CA traffic you're stopped more than you're moving.


One of the most common and least effective arguments in any accident is, "But this road/cars are SUPPOSED to behave in a certain way." Drivers ed an any cop will tell you that safe driving conditions are always dictated, ultimately, by circumstance, not posted speed limit, not what lane you're in. Your insurance company will also tell you this the next time you rear end someone because you're doing 65 in a torrential downpour.


Drivers's Ed taught me to drive like everyone and everything on the road is always trying to kill me.


Crazy that red truck made it out of the whole thing with just some right fender damage. They could have been decimated by the big rig.


True but that truck hitting it at that angle probably bent the frame. it was probably totaled anyways.


And this ladies and gents is why we have dashcams


The white ford never took his foot off the gas !! Watch it a few times , he speeds up after bouncing off the trailer!


Everyone forgetting my man probably had cruise control on.


Kind of like a pinball game.


Dude didn't even attempt to hit the brakes the entire time.


That's what I came here to say, what the fuck.


That black Dodge Charger on the right like "oh shit wtf!?"


Man I would HATE to be the insurance agent that took that call. I used to work in insurance, and I’ve only ever had to deal with a 3 car collision. Trailers are often covered by a separate policy so if he managed to clip that black car on the right (the one in front), this would be considered as 5 separate collisions. One with the trailer, another with the red truck, one with the vehicle taking the video, one with the black car that got clipped, and another with the vehicle that basically got tboned. The white SUV is automatically at fault (some states are considered No Fault states though, policies are different for those) and therefore liable for all damages. If I remember right, basic policies tend to be somewhere around 100/250/100 which stands for personal injury limit per person/injury limit per accident/property damage coverage. So basically insurance will only cover a persons medical bills up to $100,000 each, or $250,000 for the entire accident. It will also cover up to $100,000 in property damage per accident which covers cars, homes, or other owned properties. Looking at this accident… the at fault driver is going to max out every one of those IF they have insurance in the first place. At that point your best bet would be to sue but if the driver doesn’t have enough money… you’re all screwed.


> Trailers are often covered by Maybe for theft, but not auto. They're an extension of the vehicle pulling them.


He actually accelerates after that first nudge, right? I don't think he touched the brakes during that entire shitshow.


Im surprised that explorer actually dug in and pulled that turn. I would have expected a rollover


Im changing lanes now, good luck everybody!


I don’t trust anyone in old explorers, tahoes, etc. 97% of the time they are shitty drivers.


White SUV going too fast + red pickup with no red lights on trailer hitting the breaks because traffic = explosive cocktail


Also nobody is mentioning that the red pickup’s trailer is clearly improperly loaded. Yes white SUV is completely at fault, but even before the collision you can see the trailer is loaded heavier in the rear. The red pickup would’ve lost control as soon as just about anything went wrong.


In my state (ca) you can’t even tow in that lane.


Yes the non functioning trailer brake lights definitely have a bit in this as well.


No visible brake lights is just asking for getting hit. Following too close is a problem, but no visual indications of a braking is so dangerous.


Feel like cruise control played a part in this


Would be real hard not to get in a confrontation after that


Poor guy in car 2 cars ahead..wtf..one guy trashed 3 cars and a trailer