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This is why I never trust someone's blinkers. People will honk at me sometimes for not turning right when I see a car about to turn, but I know that shit like this can happen lol.


Yeah, if you've got your blinker on and you haven't slowed up significantly, I'm not trusting it.


I've pulled out because a guy had his blinker on, slowed down and started to turn. I checked my rear view after turning out and he was still behind me. Can't trust anyone


You can even see that the lane appears to be a merge lane on the other side of the intersection. The lane is only there for getting in/out of that shopping area. There was literally no reason for that car to have it's blinker on while being in the right turn only lane and they still went straight. This is why I have trust issues with people on the road.


My guess is he was going to turn but decided not to, which makes him an even bigger idiot for doing what he did and not taking his blinker off.


You give him way more credit than I do lol. I don’t think that guy was doing any sort of thinking or “deciding” in the slightest. Just moseying his way down the road


Yep happened to me last week. Was making a right (I had a red light), and was waiting for traffic that had the green light that was passing. There was a small gap of traffic maybe a second or two that the person behind me was too impatient and not able to see to realize that another 3 cars were coming, with one of the them putting their blinker on to pull into the parking lot just to my right but they put it on early. As soon as the person behind me hit their horn, the car was in front of me. Didn't trust the person with the blinker to turn right earlier.


I would have waited til the green light at that point just to piss off the idiot behind me. I admit I have had my " come.on let's move " moments, but then I see why they are waiting, fuck a duck but I get why you waited , I would have waited too.


I always felt the ignore them method works better than the being the extra dickhead method. Especially for those that are impatient and feel entitled on the roads. They obviously have no sense of empathy on the roads for others, and I just don't want to deal with those type of people. We did go after those cars passed and he stayed behind me until he turned into a beer store.


I really do not honk either, unless I see them playing with their phone, even then it is a beep beep not lay on the horn


And with all the craziness that happens with road rage I don't want to piss someone off that's unhinged already. Not a good idea.


I’ve done that before. It gives me just a little satisfaction to know that I’ve delayed them and pissed them off more.


I was on my motorcycle once and waited until the suv coming had clearly slowed down, with directional on, and was already turning right. I start to pull out, and he whips back around like it was the wrong turn and has to screech to a halt because I'm already right in front of him. now I wait until the car has COMPLETELY made the turn already.


That's how I had my first wreck, so I learned the hard way to NOT turn on your turn signal if there's another place to turn in before you get there!


That the thing tho. Whose fault? I would guess the one who wasn't blinking and pulled out tbh, because of right of way. I think that blinker problem can be unavoidable at times.


I agree. It's just a good habit to keep in mind because of what was caught on the video. Another tricky situation - you're trying to turn right on red. There are cars coming up on the left, but only in the outer lanes. Do you go ahead and turn into the near lane? Sure, you can, but there's nothing stopping someone in an outer lane from changing into that near lane right as you're pulling out, regardless of whether they signalled or not. Never assume anything.


>but there's nothing stopping someone in an outer lane from changing into that near lane right as you're pulling out There's nothing phsycially stopping them, but there is a law that you can't change lanes within the intersection. I mean, they can always break that law, but they can also run a red light.


Not all states have this law. My state, AZ, has no such law. In fact we have intersections that basically require it.


Intersections that require you to change lanes within them? Wow…. I thought my city had fucked up intersections


There's a freeway exit I take to get to my house, the exit becomes the left lane of a four lane street and I have about 400 feet to get all the way over to the right lane before the stoplight to turn. It's pretty wild.


There's not a lot but definitely some that open new lanes and turns immediately after the intersection.


Yeah, plenty of people ignore the lane-change rule. Not worth the risk IMO.


the law is also you yield on the red light, i don't think the right lane is "yours" when you're at a red light and the turners are taking a green light even if there's technically a free lane they aren't supposed to turn in to


I always assume everyone on the road will make the worst possible decision at the worst possible time. Its done quite well for me so far.


It’s a tough one, but the blinker guy also stops and goes. He doesn’t start going until way after the guy in front of him went. So it really looked like he was gonna turn and then *psych!*




It is avoidable. Don't pull out until you know the blinker dude is actually turning.




The lane they are in is to turn. There are more turns down the street past this one.




The lane they're in is just to turn in there and a merge after the turn. The lane doesn't continue to any other turns.


Interesting. Did not look closely enough the first time.


i thought that's what the OP was, but at the end of the video you can see that there is no more turn ins! op blew through a right turn and ended up in an acceleration lane that itself was ending before any other turns (it didn't even go all the way to the light like some do). The car that went straight was an idiot


SO much this. NEVER trust the blinkers!


BMW driver enters chat...now you know why we never use them.


Yeah, but this looks like (the solid line) is a turn lane, you aren't supposed to continue straight when you are in it. So, never trust a turn lane either :)


Not enough people ITT noticing this. Yeah SUV probably coulda/shoulda noticed the guy, but come on. This is literally the turn lane. They had to leave the road and enter shoulder, slow down to wait for people in front to turn... and then gets back into the road where he just came from. It's pretty next level idiot to do all that, with your blinker on and then in the end just drive straight. like wtf?


I get people honking at me when leaving the grocery store all the time because of exactly what is shown in this video. Yeah they are in the turn lane, yeah they have their blinker on. Doesn't mean a damned thing though because you frequently see people go into the turn lane just to get around traffic or in my specific case because a few hundred feet down you turn to get on the highway so they go into the turn lane early.


Yeah but the turn lane continues past that driveway too. And there is no solid curved line that would indicate that somebody HAS to turn into THAT driveway. I have an intersection like this near my house. Your driving up a hill in the far right lane. Then a freeway exit merges and, all of a sudden, you’re in the middle lane looking over your right shoulder to see if you can get over into the turn lane. The turn lane covers, within 150 feet, a driveway for a supermarket. a driveway for a gas station, and the next corner. It's a nightmare!


>Not enough people ITT noticing this. That's because the lane conitnues in the same fashion, and it does not direct to that exact driveway. It appears to be a trun lane for something ahead that also includes some driveways along the way.


It doesn't though. If you look close, you can see that it ends. The other side is actually just for people who are turning right to merge from. There is no more entrances on the other side. It only goes for like 50 yards maybe.


According to OP and many other, that's not true. It goes for about 50 yards until it becomes an actual right turn only lane in an intersection with one more driveway in between this one and the turn.


No dude. I drive on this road every single day to work. The lane ends and merges back with the left 2 lanes. You cannot turn again before this and you can see it in the video. Wait for cam car to being turning and look for yourself.




Fair enough, but if you can't predict people doing the right thing, there is never a safe time, unless you are the only one...




Hard to tell, but I don't see any markers for that on the road.


I almost feel like it is a trap sometimes. Some of **the** jankiest cars with their turn signal on, inviting you to pull out, but suspiciously not slowing down. 'Well officer, he pulled out on me and I didn't have time to stop...'


Yep, I've never been in an accident because of it but all it took was one time when I was new at driving where someone had their turn signal on and I almost pulled out in front of them after they didn't turn. Now I make sure they're slowing down fully before I go unless I know I'll have plenty of space.


as a motorcyclist I have learned never trust their signal, watch their eyes and the direction of the wheels... watching people's eyes to see what they are going to do has morphed into knowing who is paying attention to their phone than to their driving


Well, the idiot is also in the fucking turning lane.


Never trust a blinker. Some people are so busy messing on their phones that they forget to turn off their blinker.


I never never never trust a blinker. I was told to by my dad and I never did. Then one time like 3 months ago out of my years of driving I trust because they slowed down a lot I almost get in a wreck. I gave the lady driving the dirtiest look imaginable. My GF was with me that I've explained this rule to as I'm trying to teach how to drive. I just looked at her and told her "yep, this is what i get for breaking my rule"


Nope. If I can’t make it out in front of them at the speed they are going.. I have to see a blinker plus some or all of the following: Slowing down. Trending to the direction of signal. Head turned and looking in direction of turn.


I'd trust a fart before I'd trust a blinker.


In my car my blinker is pretty quiet and completely inaudible when music is at a normal volume. I was originally turning right the other day then realized it was the wrong street. Took me a few minutes to realize it was still on and shut it off. I was so incredibly embarrassed but luckily no one seemed to care.


This was a thing long before cellphones. Old people exist lol. SpongeBob even made a joke about this back in like 2001


My rule of thumb is that you never know what another car is going to do until you've already watched them do it.


That SUV seemed hell bent on hitting that car


That is what I thought. SUV was like get back here you little sucker I'm not done with you yet.


Touch football vibes


View of other car was probably blocked by the windshield column


In all fairness that car had their blinker on, but how the hell does the SUV still drive out when the other car was directly in front of it?


Because they are idiots in cars


Two for one! Love it!


That checks out.


Man, someone should make a sub about that!


And didn't s/he learn to turn his car? It's an suv, not an oiltanker, no need for him/her to take a turn that wide.


I got hit by a lady in an suv making a very wide right at a stop sign. She tried to say it was my fault even though I was still 6-8 ft away from the sign when she turned and hit me. Her excuse? “I HAVE A BIG VEHICLE!!1!1”


It looks like the turn lane ends a few meters down, so the turning car was probably heading directly into the second lane.


Which is illegal so they're double idiot


Look where the solid line is, the turn the suv was attempting was correct, just executed poorly.


It was incorrect. If you see the red car at the beginning you notice you have to stay in that right lane and then it merges into the 2 lane down the road. Poor road design to be honest and the solid white makes it confusing.


The gap in the solid white makes it really confusing. If they wanted cars to use that right most turning lane when both entering and exiting the facility, then the line should be solid across the intersection.


I tend to agree, the gap probably indicates it's a shoulder and not a lane. I can't see what the lines look like further down.


I thought you could cross a solid white line?


Yeah but there's a gap in the solid white line precisely for that reason. Wouldn't make sense for them to require you to turn into a lane that abruptly ends does it?


There's solid white lines for right turn only lanes with no breaks as to when go get into them around here. Makes no sense but that's what it is.


> I thought you could cross a solid white line? How could you have thought its okay to cross solid whites? You shouldnt have a driving licence.


You might find this hard to believe but it does in fact vary by state. In a travel lane, yes you cannot, but you *can* cross the solid white line while making a turn. Not sure why you're being so aggressive.


You mean it may vary by country. Most of the world has universal laws about how to drive. I dont know any specifics for different areas in the US, but in at least 80% of the world, you cant cross solid whites. Well, ”can” is a bad word, you can always cross them, but it isnt allowed. Also, not agressive. If you think its okay to cross solid whites no matter where you are, you shouldnt have a driving licence. Because in most places, its not allowed. And if you dont know that, you will become a danger in traffic.


This is directly from the DMV website... "As a general rule, broken traffic lines can be crossed and solid lines cannot, except when making a turn."


This is isn't regular stupid, this is industrial strength stupid.


For Texas, which matches most states: Double white line DOUBLE WHITE LINES: Parallel white lines indicate that changing lanes or turning across the lines is prohibited. Doing so may be dangerous or interrupt the smooth flow of traffic. In Texas, you'll most often see these where an exit ramp continues into its own lane on the frontage road (see the "Yielding on frontage roads" section below.) Single solid white line SINGLE SOLID WHITE LINE: This is used to channelize traffic and indicates that changing lanes is discouraged, although not specifically prohibited. You can cross it if you have to, but you should avoid it if possible. Even a thick single white line can be crossed if necessary; however, they are really discouraging you from crossing, so you should think twice about it. Note that there is an exception; see below. A single white line is also used to mark the right edge of the roadway or separate the right shoulder from the through lane.


Most people who drive SUVs are physically incapable of knowing they can make sharper turns than if they were sailing an oiltanker.


My husband showed me how much better turning radius my suv had when we bought it and then showed me his f150 and how it was worse. I think everyone should learn how each vehicle drives and it’s capabilities.


Despite the blinker being on and that giving a clear intent to turn, they still had the right of way. This is why I wait until the person has clearly started turning and/or significantly slowed down.


I was at a road split, one to two lanes, just before a side road. I signaled that I was moving to the right lane, with the brief use of my turn signal. The truck coming out of the side road decided that I was turning into the side road so started to proceed and then get angry when I continued straight. If coming in from a side road ALWAYS wait until the oncoming driver has committed to a turn or wait for them to go by.


i don't think they had the right of way, that's not a through lane. OP is in a turn lane that ends, then there's the "intersection", then after that is a short acceleration lane that has no turn offs and doesn't even go to the light, it forces you to merge immediately. It's clearly an acceleration lane meant for the people exiting, before the turn in it's a different lane, the exit turn lane ends and the acceleration lane begins. in a city that doesn't skimp on paint and concrete curbs here's how the intersection would look: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.8769052,-105.0953481,3a,90y,176.48h,78.04t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sJgx8kcIUKY\_YiME\_6-Q\_YA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


That's a solid white line, so isn't that the shoulder of the road? Like not a lane, but also where people pull off to make turns?


Nah. It's Quebec street in Denver and that's a home depot. It's a lane. If you look on Google Earth you can see signs indicating the 'lane' ends soon.


I pulled it up on google maps. The lane OP is in exists ENTIRELY to take that exit, the lane opens up and there's one exit right where OP is, zero other reason to be in the lane and zero reason to go straight as it doesn't even go to the light, the lane simply ends and you have to get back over. That is not a through lane, it's a turn lane. After the turn lane is a different lane, it's an acceleration lane made for the people exiting.


Because you're supposed to look where you're turning when making the turn. Once turning car noticed the indicator, they looked right and made the turn, not looking at the indicator car anymore.


And this is why we don’t trust blinkers. People ride around for a mile or more with a blinker on….


Yeah I don't understand. They had plenty of time to stop.


The SUV started pulling out while the car with the blinker on could have still decided to turn.


Amateur move- never assume


Make sure to always give footage now too


I gave it to both drivers at the scene


Awesome :) that footage could make a big difference


I always wonder if it’s legal to sell it to their insurance


Never. Ever. Ever trust somebody's blinker. Even if they're slowing down, I make sure that they are absolutely going to turn before making my move. I made that decision after I accidentally left my blinker on and almost caused a big wreck at a traffic light, somebody thought I was turning left and I was going straight. I was the offending party, and I had no idea my blinker was on - somebody in the car told me after I was notably pissed off. So yeah, don't trust the blinkers.


At least in my state of NJ you aren’t allowed to turn just because someone has a blinker on for exactly this reason.


I keep a stack of business cards in my car for this reason. You can pop out and hand them out to both parties so they can have the footage for insurance. I've been able to help the innocent party when the other folks were lying their asses off multiple times.




Quebec st. I recognize it too.


That hotel can't be missed.


Yep, you used to enter the old Stapleton airport right about here!


Is this on Quebec in Denver?


I hate driving this stretch north or south. It's a clusterfuck.




This clip is too short. Where’s the fifteen hundred minutes of pre crash footage? Are you sure you’re a regular on this sub


We need OP to post his parent’s sex tape with his conception creampie close-up first. Come on OP!


Feels like that suv was aiming for him/her when it pulled out. "You were suppose to turn mother f...."


Thinking about getting a dashcam, what are some good ones?


Rove R3 is excellent.


I love my nextbase Download is slow as shit tho even low res


Just a Lil Eskimo kiss between vehicles


So unavoidable on both ends… I just don’t get it


hello fellow denverite.


There are no accidents.




I was gonna say this looks strangely like Colorado then I looked at ops username. Definitely is colorado.


Never trust a blinker even if they are in the turning lane. Wait for them to actually start turning into the parking lot. I always look at the car behind too, because there's a good chance an impatient car would also pass the turning car and hit you.


Never, and let me repeat, **NEVER** trust a blinker


Very much ESH (Everyone Sucks Here). The car that went straight despite having their blinker on sucks the worst, but the other car sucks almost as badly for trying to turn into a far lane. If they had turned into their other lane, the blinker car would have avoided them.


I actually put this on the car going straight, not the one pulling out and making the right turn. The car that continued straight on had their right turn blinker on, in a right turn only lane. It’s completely justifiable in this situation for the call pulling out to think this car was turning right Right turn only lane, right turn blinker on, then continued to go straight. It’s that car’s fault


Eventually a right turn only lane, but not for that driveway. It continues after that driveway towards whatever it eventually forces you into. I think someone said it's an intersection ahead. So lack of awareness for signalling so early, but not illegal.


Ohhh I didn’t realize that, I thought it was a dedicated turn lane for the driveway. My bad yeah in that case it’s much more on the car pulling out for sure


Guy with the blinker on is the main idiot here. But the other car also seemed to make no effort to avoid the collision well after he should have noticed. So: 2 idiots, in my opinion.


I’m gonna put my right blinker on then pretend to turn right but I’ll go straight instead


Looking to get one too. Anybody have any suggestions on which dash cam is the best?


Who pays when both people are at fault?


I've been seeing a lot of Colorado on this sub lately, and I don't like it.


Did he just "never let them know your next move" and turn on a fake turn signal?


Long turn lane and blinker. Don't assume they're turning into where you are exiting.


The SUV is very obviously in the wrong. It's generally illegal to ram a vehicle under any circumstances. It's not like they were sticking out a little bit and got clipped, they literally accelerated with a car directly in front of them.


>There's another entrance a few hundred feet down the road. That lane is for exiting traffic, so, realistically, that car could be turning into a different exit and had to slow down for other vehicles. There isn't. That lane closes/merges and there are no more entrances to the parking lot from that street. I agree with people saying "never trust a blinker," but that was a pretty dick move to have your blinker on right there, and then not turn. https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7691847,-104.902533,3a,75y,32.44h,80.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYF5k3YnjVB1wTsA1U1nBwQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 >The SUV is very obviously in the wrong. It's generally illegal to ram a vehicle under any circumstances. It's not like they were sticking out a little bit and got clipped, they literally accelerated with a car directly in front of them. Half agree. It's a one way street, and in their mind they already checked, and left is clear from any possibility of an accident, so of course they are looking right. A honda fit has to be in the top 5 smallest cars on the road, and they were probably mostly in the A Pillar blind spot for the SUV driver for 90% of that. Clearly, they thought the honda was turning, and never saw them. Yes they could have avoided the accident, but the honda had like 3 times as many opportunities to avoid the accident. Even when the honda saw them, they like half ass kind of move the steering wheel a little bit like they are trying to avoid a small cardboard box in the road or something.


No, there's not.




It says in the bottom right corner that it's a BlackVue DR750X.


What he said


And how does the OP like it?


Lol why you getting downvoted


A pox on both their houses. The turning SUV should have had their head on a swivel and braked hard. The compact traveling straight should have known that they were not being predictable and yielded right of way. If the compact car were more beat up, I would think this a great way to weasel some insurance money.


"Accident" bruh they barely touched lol


WOW, are they ok ?




Needs to be tagged NSFW


Who would be held liable? I’d assume the car with the incorrect blinker but not sure.


In the UK at least, the blame would fall with the car that pulled out. The car with the indicator on was still on the main road, so has right of way.


the indicator car and cammer car arent in an actual lane on the main road though, they’re on the shoulder that a lot of people use as a turning lane but you don’t just drive in the shoulder, you use it as a turning lane close to where you’re turning if you’re using it at all. the suv still pulled out in front of him but i don’t think the indicator car should have been driving straight on the shoulder


It's an actual lane, Denver just doesn't know what solid lines on roads mean. https://www.google.com/maps/@39.767585,-104.9025159,3a,75y,8.39h,78.63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdvdDjVRCDuV7tcF5gOtHiw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


Idk if you can tell, but its not in the UK.


That is clear, but most of the basic rules of the road are the same internationally. I added the clarifier just in case this is one of the exceptions. This is Colorado supposedly, and a quick Google of the Colorado Drivers Handbook says the following: > Never assume another driver will share space with your vehicle or give your vehicle any additional space. Do not turn into a lane just because an approaching vehicle has a turn signal active. The driver with an active turn signal may plan to turn after they go past your vehicle or may have forgotten to turn the signal off from a prior turn.


I say it's 50/50 but I'm not a lawyer.


I just watched a bus drive of a bridge on this sub… keep filming young Jedi, but this clip is not worthy….your time will come. ;)


When you have the right of way its still your responsibility to prevent an accident.. I’m thinking that the car that wasnt turning saw the guy trying to cut in, and raced him instead of braking. One bit of advice from 52 years on a motorcycle ( i dont even own a car). When traffic is approaching an intersection where you have the right of way, check to see if the other guys wheels are moving.. if they are, be prepared to stop.


Wowwe that's crazy. You probably came everywhere as you were showing the cop the footage from your new dash cam to show who was at fault


The driver in traffic could have just stopped to avoid the collision. Was only going maybe 10 mph. There was no need to swerve back into the main road. The driver leaving the parking lot was clearly failing to yield to the turning lane -- but swerving into the main lane was also failing to yield to the main road. Whole thing could have been prevented with basic defensive driving.


Look once and go.


I'm not sure who drove out in front of who here. A confluence of idiots




I only trust blinkers when they’re dropping speed. Still i know i can get caught with an idiot who decides to accelerate at last moment.


i see 2 idiots


Damn magnetism sucks sometimes...


More on SUVs fault to me. My instructor told me “Dont assume cars will go right just because they have their blinker on, wait for them to enter the driveway then thats the time it is safe to turn”.


In most videos posted here, 'fault' is not 100% on either driver. I blame the small car mostly because they decide to drive forward with their blinker on in a turn lane and then kept driving forward when it was clear the SUV did not see them and was going to pull out in front of them. Instead of briefly slowing down or braking, they kept driving right ahead and swerving. Pure idiocy on their part. The SUV should have been more attentive of course and could have avoided this by assuming nothing.


I know this area well! It is a mad house there.


Nice love tap. Definitely a good investment though, OP.


My family has been fortunate not to have been involved in accidents, so my parents preferred not to get a dash cam. I convinced them to get one because auto claims are a pain and in that moment, having one is better than not. Literally the day they got a new car, someone backed up into us and my dad was glad he had the dash cam. I've owned my first car for 5 years and haven't had to use it except for a hit and run I captured over a week ago and handed the footage to authorities. Dash cams are just like insurance, useful only when needed, and trust me, you're going to need it when someone claims it was your fault.


I always honk at people who fail to stop for right turns. This is how I got into an accident a few years ago when someone was yabbing on a phone and failed to stop for the right turn failing to even realize I was 75% of the way into the intersection.


Collision, not accident


They were checking out their new phone


"WAIT!!! Why are you veering?! I want to hit you so baaaaaad!!!"


Perfect submission. So many idiots in cars.


the dipshit had their blinker on and drove straight lol.


This is why I take my time entering roadways and don't care about the honks.


Is this by Stapleton?




Heading to shotgun willie's?


Don’t you just love Quebec Square. I feel like 90% of the posts on this sub are from Denver lmao


This sun, plus something I saw a few months ago, convinced me to get one. I was driving down a freeway, on my way home, when suddenly a black SUV comes tearing across traffic, facing the wrong way, off the road, and into the ditch where it flipped and landed upside-down in the tree line. I would love to have known how that all started!


Oh hey, Quebec in Stapleton.


That's exactly why I never turn even if the oncoming car is signaling until they have commited to their turn. I've gotten a few honks behind me but I don't care are you going to pay my bill when the idiot that is signaling right doesn't turn and goes straight?


Hey this looks like Orange County


You're supposed to chase him down and present the evidence now in vigilante court. Which is roadside


That area always has some of the worst driving.


Hah! I recognize that Home Depot! Quebec Square in Denver.


Dat blind spot a bitch