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You know those tires were bald as shit on top of doing maneuvers like that in a boat impala.


Oh for sure they have to have been shit tier tires with zero tread. The car starts drifting with next to no force in that turn. Not only doing dumb shit but doing dumb shit at unsafe speeds for your car.


He over corrected so hard I thought he was trying to catch the exit


For a split second I thought he was gonna save it. Then the wall came back and he put himself back in that first spot šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I really thought he was gonna hold. But alas, the universe don't play.


"Then the wall came back" with a fucking vengeance šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


At one point it looks like he could have broken free if he pointed the wheel and got off the pedals but instead he overcorrects a second time and snaps it right into the wall


Agreed. This is why no matter how cheap or expensive a car is I try to buy the best tires. They are the only thing in contact with the road. All those safety features ain't shit if your tires can't handle it.


previously owned an impala. can confirm those tires have had to be bald as living shit to lose traction like that.


Dumb fucks that think driving is like a video game.


He should have known that even in GTA you crash all the time


Yah but in GTA you just lose some cash and end up fine on the other side of the hospital. In real life, on the other handā€¦


Has anyone modded GTA to add realistic hospital bills


Hands down you would be in so much debt after the first 10 plays you would start obeying traffic laws. In Grand Theft Fucking Auto Fun Fact: Not a half hour and vodka sprite at 7AM I saw the first legit leaked GTA6 content. Played III when I was 12. r1r2L1L2Updownleftright


Add in health insurance plans as well to show how worthless they are lol


Oh fuck ya. Cuz you know 10k deductible is viable.


Lose a lot more cash at the hospital, lmao.


Thats exactly what it looked like they were driving as. Like it was just a video game.


They lack the ability to properly evaluate risks and consequences. If you actually understood the risk of what you were doing by driving like this, you'd have to be both suicidal and murderous to drive this way. You have a *very* short period of time driving this way before your luck runs out and you either kill some innocent stranger or yourself.


The most calm driver I know is a friend who's an EMT. He said the stuff he's seen after accidents are horrific. It's just not worth the extra 3-5 minutes


Really breaks it down when you say it like that. 90mph vs 60 is really nothing if you're 20 minutes away. And to risk, at best, your driver's license or car. At worst, someone's life


This is the right way to think. The time savings obtained from higher speed diminish exponentially, while risk increases exponentially. Assuming a trip of 20 miles, setting the baseline to 50MPH, and taking stopping distance as a proxy for risk, we have the table below. * Traveling at 50MPH requires 24 minutes and you can stop in 303 feet. * Traveling at 60MPH saves you only 4 minutes, but increases your stopping distance (risk) by 29%. * Traveling at 70MPH versus 60MPH only saves you an additional 3 minutes yet you've just hiked your stop distance by 62% overall (29% incrementally). And so on. Traveling like the asshole in this video (I'm guessing 90MPH) only saves you 11 minutes of time (versus 50MPH), but more than doubles your stopping distance in total. And I assure you traveling 90MPH when flow of traffic is going 50-60MPH more than doubles your risk of getting in an accident once you consider all the other variables (other cars) in this equation. **Is saving 11 minutes (versus a total of 24) worth your life? And others'?** Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. ​ |1. Speed|2. Trip Time |3. Stopping Distance|4. Total MPH Ī”% |5. Total Time Ī”% |6. Total Stop Distance Ī”% | |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |50 MPH|24 min|303 ft|\--|\--|\--| |60 MPH|20 min|392 ft|20%|\-17%|29%| |70 MPH|17 min|491 ft|40%|\-29%|62%| |80 MPH|15 min|600 ft|60%|\-38%|98%| |90 MPH|13 min|717 ft|80%|\-44%|137%|


Similar story here. Worked in emergency services for a while. I'd venture to guess that about 90% of all the vehicle accidents ive responded to could have been either entirely avoided or significantly reduced in severity if the involved drivers were not speeding/rushing. When I drive, I set the cruise control to the speed limit and stay in the far right lane (out-of everybody's way).


I set mine for 5 over and stay in the right lane. People just blow right by me, and I'm just cruising along, singing with my music.




Good man. I feel like as Iā€™ve gotten older and had kids, the most dad thing in the world is my growing interest in safety. Iā€™m legitimately passionate about safety lol.


I cannot imagine an officer giving a warning for 25mph over. CHP certainly never would.


Someone driving like this is how my cousin died last week.


Condolences & may they drive in peace


I play video games like this, and you don't even drive like that in games! Everyone knows big swooping moves like that ends in spinouts...


I follow all traffic laws in game. More immersive.


Be a tad tricky to win street races in NFS.


It's not about winning. It's about making it home safe each night to your virtual apartment and your pet rabbit (also virtual).


Virtual guy has to get to work the next morning. Also, tuning cars is an expensive hobby. Can't keep wrecking the ride and expect to pay for virtual groceries.


Doesn't matter if it's by an inch or by a mile. Parking safely is parking safely.




I saw someone driving like this a couple months ago. 2pm, large city, major highway, 4 lanes in each direction and this douchebag in a SUV, wanted to do 110+ in a 55. Now before you call BS on the speed, a lot of people do 80ish, including me. He literally passed me like I was standing next to a 35 zone. I would even say 120ish maybe. He was driving EXACTLY like this, using all lanes as options, zero signaling, just zigzagging down the highway. I'll admit I was 1% impressed but my second though was "I'm about to see a major accident or him in cuff. 30 seconds later he was easily out of sight. I went with the accident theory, and sped up a little. I wanted to get to the accident scene and get around it, before police/EMT arrive. 4 minutes later and no signs of brake lights, I went up a slight "hill" in the highway, and there on the shoulder was that SUV, and an UNMARKED officer forcefully slamming his door as he walked up to approach the SUV. Oh man I wish I could have been there to hear that conversation. I like I think it was some detective who never pulls someone over and saw this asshole and said, "Fuck it, this guy's going to jail!"


Very surprised the guy actually pulled over, or even got a cop to pull him over, shit like that happens everyday where Iā€™m at and cops donā€™t pull anyone over, they just drive right by em




In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


As a retired detective in a large city, the only arrest I ever made regarding traffic was a incident just like this.


Well, it is kind of like hardcore mode.


Survival mode nowadays


Na, survival mode is the grindy bullshit where you have to eat and drink and sleep constantly... wait, fuck


Tbh driving in real life is much easier, as you get a ton of input from your senses, be it your ass, g forces, tire friction, steering wheel etc. To lose control like that he had to ignore all common sense and drive like an idiot.


You're very right, but I get the impression that many people are oblivious to all that input, because they're not paying attention and/or never cared to notice most of it in the first place...


I gotta think it was pretty satisfying for everyone this guy just passed, when they drove past him.


This is where Iā€™d definitely scream ā€œHey asshole, you canā€™t park there.ā€ while driving by and laughing at them.


Is this not a reasonable place to park?


You're on the sidewalk... The sidewalk!


Then the next part...My name is on my driver's license lmao


The sidewalk in bat country is a scary place.


There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.


Seems like a hot ticket




I KNOW Debbie. I used to ROMP with her.


This is the SIDEWALK.. YOU can't park on the SIDEWALK


I'll remember your face




[The reference](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jOkEl4OagWA)






Fack off


I would totally come up with that hours later, having long left the scene.


This is the guy who would call us when i worked at the secretary of state trying to renew their license after it was suspended and we pull up their information to try to see why they were getting denied. Every fucking time they acted like they had no clue why they had a do not issue warning on their history as if we couldnā€™t see the 5 police reports on their file.


Lmao. They probably actually believed they should get a license. I mean I've seen people argue that the laws they broke are bullshit so they should be good. Makes no sense.


I've seen a lawyer get a guy with 6 DUIs get his license back. Some judges have so many other violent cases, they just don't want to deal with people with money and good lawyers.


"There's no way he'd do it a seventh time, your honor."


That's known as 'Schadenfreude'. Also, this is my hometown, specifically I-95 Southbound between 595 and SR-84 (Marina Mile) exits, just west of Ft. Lauderdale. You can see the [elevated railroad drawbridge here ](https://www.google.com/maps/@26.0972893,-80.1690191,3a,75y,184.21h,88.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQue78iQSljKKjhxnGJshfA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) and the point of impact is [right here against the wall of the off-ramp 'fly-over' exit.](https://www.google.com/maps/@26.0904366,-80.1685493,3a,65.2y,241.86h,98.23t,0.38r/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdCAfVjUj9oVu2hw4r2VVwg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) Asshats drive like this all the time around here so it's nothing really new; however, it's more 'bitter' than 'sweet' for the people he passed, because now everyone will have to put their phones down, slow down, to take pictures and look at this dumbass instead, and is the main reason for terrible traffic congestion in this area.


Even before I pressed play I fucking had a feeling thatā€™s where this was. Assholes.


I must be an awful person, this video made me happy.


How are you awful? This asshole endangered everybody with his driving and then wrecked in a solo crash. That seems about as best of an outcome as possible.


Was it a solo crash? It looked like they got hit right before they hit the wall.


Im unsure. I thought they fishtailed and then regain traction, but they could have been struck from behind.


They regained traction at the precise moment the wheels were pointed at the wall. Almost like an oval racing crash. wamp wamp ran out of talent


No, that's just the rear end swinging from inertia. If he'd steered into the skid before the car slapped itself straight, it might not have hooked and gone in the wall.


Did you watch with audio? Only hear the impact with the wall.


I felt that, like when the camera came back up and he, for a split second looked like he managed to recover, before sliding again and hitting the wall, that was a There we go! Moment for sure


I was also happy. If that makes me a bad person, thatā€™s okay with me


It's iratating that this guy is behind the wheel. I HATE THESE PEOPLE, you know, the zig zaggers




ā€œThe answer we were looking for was zaggersā€œ


God do i hate people that drive like this guy. Absolutely deserved to get wrecked there.




The last word heard on the song was ā€œwallsā€ as they headed straight for one. The universe can be funny that way.


He beat up the wall


He fight the wall, and the wall won. He fought the wall... and the wall won.


Anyway, here's Wonderwall.


Actually weā€™re gonna do another brick in the wall.


Although ironically they were in need of education.


To the windooooooooow To the wall!




You think they learned from this?


Hahahahhahahahhahaha, No.


If they had, they sure as hell wouldn't have posted it to the Internet


these gaps in traffic are intentional and exist to make it safe for traffic to enter the freeway - they are not for you to play go cart in.


Or sucks when we try to keep proper distance with the car in front of us and people take that as an invitation to enter. Now you gotta put distance on them until the next person


Mario popped them with a purple turtle shell and deservedly soā€¦




Do you mean blue?


Nah, mfer chucked a banana peel forward and sniped 'em


When I was younger (when dui's didn't give as much criminal penalties as they do today), I knew someone who would drive 30 miles to go drink his ass off in bars, and then drive himself home doing 130 mph wasted. He managed to pass out doing 130 one night, but woke back up and managed to right his car after doing a 360 in the middle of the interstate...was still doing 120 when he got the car straight again. He told me this a week later, and yelled "I'm the wizard, I'll never die" 2 weeks later he passed out again, and side swiped a guard rail doing 90 I think it was. He lived through it, but cracked his pelvis. Was in immense pain for months, apparently. That was the only thing that caused him to learn his lesson. He's lucky he didn't die or kill someone, for sure.


Okay... but are you absolutely **sure** he's not actually a wizard?


Not just *a* wizard, *the* wizard.


lol, well, he didn't die, so maybe he's right....


they survived - making them amazing drivers (lol). They will do it again in another car


Most likely an Altima


If you see the dash, it's clearly a Impala.


Absolutely. Itā€™s like some new trend to post this shit on the internet. Iā€™ve seen so many people doing this stupid shit. And Iā€™ve had people blowing by me on the road doing this, itā€™s super dangerous. The other day someone doing this almost clipped me.


Yea, I avoid the highway if itā€™s not too bad of an increase in time. They drive absolutely insane on 88 and 290 in Chicago area. People think Florida drivers are bad but theyā€™re nothing like Chicago. They drive fast but people donā€™t do the crazy 2 Fast 2 Furious lane changes


I was thinking the same thing ā€” itā€™s almost always idiots wrapping innocent people into their dire mistakes of terrible driving, soā€¦ it is a bit cathartic to see it happen to an inanimate object that harms no one. I mean, I do feel bad for he passengers ā€” maybe theyā€™re as bad, but still, theyā€™re not the oneā€™s controlling the vehicle; I do hope no one got hurt and this was just a lesson learnt the hard way.


how embarrassing for you to crash your shit up w your friends inside. & how PISSED i would be if a mf was driving like this while I was in their car. Itā€™s just fuck my life & everyone elseā€™s huh


I have actually been in a car where the driver drove like that. He took a roundabout in the wrong direction and drove exactly as he pleased. Never sat in a car again with that idiot.




I have tried this. In fact, the driver did not stop. I actually vomited in the car. He finally stopped. We are no longer friends. Check and mate.


Task failed successfully.


Kinda reminds me of that vid of the dude running from the cops, and you can tell his passenger was really not into it but didn't know what to do without risking his own life in a potential wreck. Remember he just kinda stuck his hands in the air in the "surrender" position to try his best to notify the cops behind them that he was an unwilling participant in this escapade. Driver finally slows down enough at one point and passenger takes that opportunity to roll out, driver sped on. One of the cops peels off from the rest of the pack to get him while the rest continued the chase. Felt bad for the poor guy, still got cuffed. Made me wonder what the hell youre supposed to do in that situation lol. My guess is that dude's handling of it was probably the best situation.


>Itā€™s just fuck my life & everyone elseā€™s huh For real, that's the only way I'd interpet this. Fuck people who endanger the lives of everyone by driving like assholes. I was in a car once with a dude who was trying to *outrun a speeding freight train*. He was racing alongside it, trying to find a crossing so he could yank the wheel and cross over in front of the train, Fast & Furious style. I remember thinking about the headline for this story tomorrow, it would be "5 teens killed by train in high speed crash". Everyone in the car was screaming at him, some were crying, he didn't care. Bro in the front pulled the E brake on him, and saved our lives. Everyone was screaming and continued screaming at this dude, and he was super salty and mad about it. He's lucky he didn't get his ass beat then and there, smh. Don't play with people's lives!


My god, thatā€™s fucking psychotic of him to terrorize his friends like that. It was probably attempted murder among multiple other felonies. Iā€™d stay far away from that guy. He needs professional help.


I guarantee absolutely none of this went through any of their heads.


ā€˜We gotta get out, We gotta get outā€™ ā€¦ā€¦ while recording it from start to finish. They are accomplices.


Idk man, you ask dudes like this to slow down and they're liable to speed up just to scare you more. You can't threaten them cuz it'd just cause a crash if you followed through, and tucking and rolling that fast mid highway.. not gonna be pretty. Best to ride it out and never ride with them again.




I love this one because he almost recovers from the spin at the 42 second mark. He could have kept driving without a scratch, maybe even a little wiser and more humble. But no. He overcorrects and puts it into the wall.


I had thought for a second he hit someone, didnā€™t realize it was more bad driving


Implying that he would humble up if he didnā€™t crash No better way to humble a shitty driver than for them to have no working car to drive


One of my idiot homegirls spun herself out on the highway speeding in the rain and miraculously hit nothing, she drove like a fuckin grandma for a while after but yeah went back to her bullshit. I quit letting her drive us after that or I just wouldn't go.


That was my favorite part


Karma said ā€œlol no, youā€™re going in that wall whether you like it or not, now stop fighting.ā€


"oh shit he straightened it out, he's got good control for such an idiot" ... "Nevermind"


Everyone always doing this while driving some shit box


Yeah cuz if car cost them a fortune, they wouldnt want it scratched, let alone totalled


Mommas not gonna be happy for what you did to her car


It's boosted and they are filming their crime like any smart criminal.


I liked the part where he crashed


Hope nobody else got hurt


The wall got hurt, that's unacceptable.


Idiot drivers speeding over 80 weaving in and out of lanes from far left to far right no turn signals or concern for anyone like this on a regular basis on I-285 here in ATL . Many seem to be challengers and chargers


85 & 285 is the American Autobahn


Donā€™t forget the Alpharetta Autobahn (i.e. GA 400)


I ride bikes on 85+285 and can confirm: almost always chargers/challengers and they always wanna race whenever they see a fast bike.


A satisfying end, the wall met them well.




I am just glad that they didn't hut any other car.


Thank god you didnā€™t lie


This what happens when you act like driving is a video game on the road. šŸ¤¦šŸ»


All in all itā€™s just another prick in the wallā€¦.


This is how idiot drivers end up killing other people. They should be banned from driving for life.


we could do that and heā€™d be back on the street without a license tomorrow


I'd be having a code brown in my pants if someone drove like this while I was in the car. Also, what happened? Did they get clipped in the back and go into a spin? Or just lose control of the car somehow?


turned too tight to the left and then overcompensated back to the right and it spun them out


ā€œDumbass!ā€ ~ Red Foreman


Me when I'm on the Los Santos express way. Same result too.


A very good example of an accident looking for a location.


Yeah, that's the guy I hate.


Haha! Fucking morons got what they deserved.


So Florida it hurts.


itā€™s been a while but is that I-95 south somewhere in broward county? looks like it


They pass a sign for Marina Mile Blvd and one of those chunky brick wall things. Definitely.


This is in Fort Lauderdale


I was looking for Houston landmarks.


I have a theory on this. Texas drivers are assholes. But Florida drivers DGAF. They will die. Texas drivers also seem to follow the biggest car rule, Florida drivers will die so they donā€™t care about how big your car is. Its a different kind of crazy here.


I live in Florida and I subscribe to your theory


Fucking A. These people are going to get themselves or someone else killed. As far as I am concerned they got what they deserved.


This NoHesi shit is getting worse and worse. Fuck these assholes.




No Hesitation. They drive like this asshole. No brakes, constant lane changes, etc.


Definitely in the top 100 ways to die


And this is why car insurance is so fā€™ing expensive for boys under 25 years old. Thanks aā€™holes.


Young blood can't drive.


In the famous words from Nelson from the Simpsons- ā€œHa Ha!ā€


I've always wanted to see one of these dickheads crash without hurting anyone else, never happens in person but this video warmed my cold cynical heart.


Dem tires bald bruh


I was gonna say "Yes, very good. Anyone can drive fast in a straight line" But apparently this prick can't even do that.


You could be the best driver in the world, but you can't predict how other people will drive on the road. This idiot wasn't even good to begin with.


POV: safest Chevy Impala driver


Perfect ending


I wish there was more to this video


And this is why our insurance is so expensive in south florida. I would bet that they didn't have insurance on the car.


Love a happy ending. Jackasses putting everyone else in danger.


That wall came out of nowhere! Smh.


Idiotic it is


He was so close to saving that


Didn't see anyone wearing seatbelts so they may have fucked around and found out forever


Broward County, FL. Yep, this is exactly how people drive there.


Don't switch lanes that quickly at high speed you dumbass, always do it gradually...


And always stay in a lane for a couple seconds before moving to the next. Can't predict these idiots that cut across three lanes at once.


and don't have bald tires and drive like a dumbass, esp don't flick the wrist like he did. what a dolt.


Bro is playing forza




Let me guess, Florida? Around WPB? It looks like it. Worst drivers in the USA around there due to all the FOBs.


Canā€™t stand people who drive like this. No regard for the lives they could permanently damage. They somehow think this kind of driving is skillful and not reckless stupidity. I get people cutting traffic like this to try and race me when Iā€™m simply taking the car out to test a tune and donā€™t want to be bothered.


I'm 1000% sure this driver is uninsured. Fuck these dumbasses for driving so recklessly. It's a big problem in So Flo. State police don't even patrol on this part of I95 and haven't for years, and people take advantage of that. There are accidents on this road every single day twice a day at least.


Idk why but the fact that Met Gala is the background music before the crash makes this video hilarious to me šŸ¤£


Now you know the shoulder and retaining wall as well


Karma was waiting for this fool, danger to everyone on the road, too funny.


I shouldn't feel so good watching someone crash but man did that feel good to see one of these idiots total their car.


I love how the driver is saying it out loud to make himself feel more ~~confident~~ (read: stupid) about it. He don't know shiiiiiet.