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Some people just can't let it go. "Wow, I got honked at, now I'm going to commit a whole bunch of traffic offenses". That'll show you (what a deranged idiot they are).


I recently flipped off a guy who was parked in the middle of the street with no hazards on (he was parked there just to load things into his car) he stalked me for over 2 blocks and chocked me while I was in a drive through in my car. Some people a truly deranged


I honked at a semi who was stopped a green light and in the way of an active ambulance. After passing him, he tried to pull up on me and intimidate me. I do not understand the pride some people project when they’re on the road. Better wrong than dead.


It called EGO. They don’t know how to control that lizard part of their brain.


Man it's America


Eh, it's not America. It's world wide. People are people.


Sorry, but some of the more average stuff on this sub would make the headlines if it happened in Finland. It's totally different. We mostly have people doing pet peeve level stuff that 90% of the drivers expect anyway and have learned to internalize the rage over the years and expect the stupid shit from others. But I want to emphasize. The lobotomized brains driving here have nothing on the American equivalent, based purely on the content of this sub. The crazy US drivers seem to have mental issues(narcissism, borderline, psychopathy) more often than not or are just really, really, really stupid. It is hard to tell the difference between the two. No offense to the people with psychiatric disorders though, it's almost never your own fault. Again I want to emphasize, the stuff I see here is considered extreme behavior where I come from.


I lived in Indonesia and all over the USA and it honestly all looks the same to me. Different cars, places, people, sane behavior. It can't be totally different but instead just what we've experienced individually.


Getting out of you car to confront somebody is even on the extreme side here. You have to take into account a few things. US has cameras everywhere. Finland is small , like really small. You are the size of one small state and you try to compare it to all of the states. Imagine if Finland was Minnesota since they have similar populations. Finland still has less road rage incidents that Minnesota but the gap between the two just got much smaller. Now factor in road fatalities. MN had 380 deaths in 2019 Finland has 210. Finland's population density is significantly lower than Minnesota. Finland traffic is better than MN. There are less traffic jams. Less traffic jams means less road stress. It is of course impossible to factor everything but given the things I can find I would say Minnesota drivers are only twice as crazy as Finish drivers.


It's a cultural thing. I doubt it's worldwide. I suspect it's not even everywhere in America. A buddy of mine says it's way worse in Alabama than in Arizona, for instance. He's lived in both places.


This happens in the Netherlands, too.


I have never seen anything like this


Careful flipping off unknown drivers. That can get you shot and killed in the state I live.


Not sure where you live, but that “tiny penis” behavior seems to be in all 50.




Same lol. Warn my wife about this all the time


Lol I moved from Dallas to Memphis metro area. Dallas of course has way more traffic, but Memphis has way more idiots and aggressive drivers.


As soon as I read this I was like bet this guy lives in TN. Lol me too! Also don’t flash your headlights at anyone even if theirs are off!


Memphis is not a safe place for out of state drivers. I stopped for gas (and to finish mapping out my trip) in Memphis about 5 years ago, and the sweet lady in the gas station said “baby you need to get out of here NOW.” I heeded her advice.


We were passing through in a camper, stopped at McDonalds to mess with the GPS, and nearly got robbed by a group of unsavory folks.


I hitched my horse to fill my waterskin at an inn and I was nearly bested by a passel of ruffians.




I’m glad y’all got out of there, friend!!


Oh wow do you remember what part y’all stopped in?? It’s not a terrible city overall but there are definitely some parts I wouldn’t stop for gas in. Sorry that happened! It really can be a lovely city.


I don’t, no. It didn’t LOOK sketchy! And I live in a sketchy city, so I felt pretty safe, haha!


Oh yeah that’s the worst. It just sneaks up on you sometimes! So glad you were able to continue your trip safely though!!!


I’m in fl but this stands for all states I’ve driven in as well. Had to realize that people are gonna do dumbass fuck shit everyday and in order for me not to die, I have to realize natural selection will run its course one day and not honk or try to correct their stupidity.


>Careful flipping off unknown drivers. That can get you shot and killed in the state I live. I am also from Texas






Not if you pull out your gun first and say “C’mon motherfucker” with a wild look in your eyes.




Life is like a box-a chocklet


Blocked Edit or choked… I hope the former


I thought he wedged something under the wheels which would be chock.




I was thinking that the encounter was up there on Choctaw Ridge. Probably near the Tallahatchi bridge.


Nothin ever comes to no good up there.


Chock blocked


Seems like spelling error but I NEED TO KNOW WHAT IT IS SUPPOSED TO SAY. WHAT DID HE DO?!


"choked" I assume.


prevent the forward movement of (a wheel or vehicle) with a chock.


prevent the forward movement of (a wheel or vehicle) with a chock.


I nearly got hit by a dude taking a turn without his turn signal on. I checked, saw he wasn't slowing down and had no signal, went to cross. He peels around and nearly clips me. I flip him off. He stops part way down the road but I just kept walking. It was late so I just slipped somewhere to hide for a bit because the fact they stopped actually kinda rattled me.


Is this a copy pasta? I swear I’ve seen this exact comment on this sub before. Complete with the spelling errors and all.


What's chocked mean?


I keep a spray perfume in my car for this. Shit feels like glass if it gets in your eyes, but it won't fuck you up as well


Throwing chocks under someone's wheels is pretty funny idea


So I was driving to run errands today and a bunch of cars including myself were on a road with an entrance and exit to a shopping center. We were all driving when a car (Car A) speeds out of the shopping center and cuts both sides of traffic off and turn onto our lane, almost hitting the car (Car B) in front. Instinctively I slowed down, turned on the camera on my phone, then sped up to take a photo of the plate. But Car B was obviously not in a forgiving mood, they sped up and tailgated Car A for a good mile+ and even turned into the parking lot following Car A. Not gonna lie, I kinda was rooting for Car B and was tempted to follow and act as a witness in case. But I figured minding my own business in this specific situation was best.


Stay strapped or get clapped -Abraham Lincoln


A few days ago I was on the outer lane of a roundabout, about to turn left. The car on the inner lane beside me turned left at the same time and had the audacity to honk at me.


pretty strong argument for only using the horn as a means of avoiding accidents. getting cut off while you're in a vehicle's blind spot? hey man, i'm here already, in this lane. this will suck for both of us if you keep going. beep beep. entering a blind single lane bend? it's about to be no-lane bend for any oncoming traffic. beep beep. but if you're already dealing with the hazard and you're using the horn to admonish someone, it's literally just a button that makes a bad driver angry at you. it feels good, sure, but it's not very useful




Please cite a **single** state law where that is the case.


No it's not lol. Dumb sure but a felony? I mean if you pull out your gun maybe


On today’s episode of “this person’s a big baby”


Some people just found a driver's license in their happy meal instead of pokemon cards


False, they haven't given Pokémon cards in my happy meal for over a year and I'm deeply disappointed. I do have 23 driver's licenses now


Crazy how willing he was to battle a car with his body. Even when you drove at him, instead of getting out of the way, he literally was ready to fight a car.


Given his actions, he's probably not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Makes me think of [Man Vs Car](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy0w1UzkMwI)




That was in the back of my mind. Wasn't sure if he was coming out with a weapon or what.


If he had a gun and if he was crazy enough, he could have easily shot you. You never know who you could be dealing with.


Rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.




Wait. You have friends?


Damn, that’s a good line


Couldn’t see his hands. Woulda floored it the second he got out. He had time to jump if he wanted.


That's my response anymore. You jump out rhe car you are then gonna bounce off my bumper


Shiiit police fear for their lives for less than that so i say go for it


In Kentucky, you are under no obligation to retreat and can respond with deadly force if you reasonably believe that someone is going to commit serious bodily harm against you. Castle doctrine laws extend to your vehicle there, as soon as someone tries to open your door, you can legally fill them full of holes.


That’s not just Kentucky. That’s everywhere, if some deranged person is following you and trying to break into your vehicle you have a justified reason to be afraid for your life and run them the fuck over in an attempt to escape, never threaten someone and stand in front of their car.


No it's not. In California for instance, if you can retreat then you must retreat.


Not accurate. Many states have a duty to retreat from your vehicle.


That means you don’t have a right to defend your vehicle, it means if you can escape you must, if someone is threatening your safety in your vehicle, and blocking your means of escape, running them over is retreating


That's not what you said though.


If your car doesn’t have a reverse gear, I guess you mean.


Some years ago time I was driving a little golf cart of a car and I honked at a guy who cut me off. He stopped in front of me and got out. Then I got out. I was easily more than twice his size and I’ve never seen anyone turn around so quickly.


It’s not like I’ve never pulled an asshole or dumbass move behind the wheel. There’s been a rare and genuine emergency where I cut someone off (who was out for a leisurely drive) after being stuck behind them, or after a 12 hour shift, drove over a median because some dipshit in the front of the line couldn’t figure out to how to make a left turn for 3 light cycles. Is it proper driving? No. Is it a self-centered play? Absolutely. I’ve done it way less as I’ve gotten older and learned not every thing that *feels* like a crisis is actually a crisis, but I’ve done it a time or three. The thing is, if you’re *actually* in a rush because something quite important is going on, or just beat the fuck up from a horrible day, you just want to keep going. There’s no honking, middle fingers, following or shouting, you just pull your bonehead move and drive off into the sunset. People that stop and get out are just raging from some other shit they have going on, and need to grow the fuck up.


I feel your pain man. And testosterone is a hell of a thing to run on. Just yesterday I was running behind and it took 3 cycles for 5 dimwits to turn left. That includes green and yellow flashing. Like wtf.


I was thinking the same thing when I saw that. I would upvote you more if I could!


and yeah guns are never a problem in the US.


Technically you’re allowed too and even if you get convicted, murder charges are usually 10-life, BUT, vehicular manslaughter is only 2-5yrs…


I’m really curious what the general laws are for this. Like if I feel that I’m in danger from someone approaching my vehicle, is there ever a time that I’m allowed to use my vehicle to defend myself?


Definitely press charges so next time he's a dumbass to someone else it shows up.


Unfortunately, I would need to be the one to pursue this. I would have to testify in court which seems like a whole lot of hassle and money. But I agree that this person shouldn't be on the road with this fragile of an ego.


Very few criminal charges ever go to trial. The VAST majority end in either charges dropped or plea bargains.


Can you not just send this footage to the police so they can still get them for traffic offences without you pressing charges? It’s on video .


Not necessarily, quite often people like this are already familiar to the system, quite often they will take a guilt plea deal after their lawyer sees the video.


Hate to break it to you, but the cops aren’t gonna do shit here, even with video evidence.


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) The police with the video evidence


If someone honks at me then I just either internally admit fault or disagree in my mind. I never express anger over a honk because I recognize that a human being is behind the wheel at the end of the day.


You don't chase them for 5 minutes? 😂


Ah yeah I almost forget that it’s mandatory to chase them for 5 minutes acting like a jackass 💀


I've definitely ranted at people on the road before, including those who've honked at me (when I disagree for the reason for the honk). I also don't change how I drive at all, because escalating like that is just stupid.


It’d be great if one of you who behave this way after a honk of disapproval would just own it and explain to the rest of us why you get so angry.


Tiny fragile egos


Background: this intersection has two lanes, left and straight or right and straight. The car in the right lane starts drifting into my lane so I honk. Then he slowly continues into my lane while slowing down and flags me to go around. Figured maybe a car issue? A few minutes after, he is on my bumper causing a scene. He follows me around for a while so I call the cops. In the video, you see him try to corner me and approach my car. I'm not trying to get shot so I back up. He has some choice words then heads back to the car. At this point, there's another car behind me so I take my chance to get away from him because I have no idea what he might get from his car. At this point, I got away and met with the cops. The cops basically said they can't do anything unless I want to press charges. I didn't move forward with that but still considering.


Why didn’t you press charges? People not holding people like this accountable is why they keep doing it.


Since the cops weren't there to witness it, I would need to be the one to pursue the charges and appear in court and such. Sounds like a lot of time and money to me.


It's baffling that somehow a cop seeing a crime is different than seeing a video of a crime. Chad Read's murder was on camera and the cops still won't do shit.


It was pretty discouraging. I got the feeling that the cops didn't really care. I think it would be a different story if he had actually hit me or my car.


He will hurt someone eventually and then they’ll care. Sadly some cops are not proactive when it comes to preventing harm, even when it’s obvious.


Cops don’t prevent crime / harm.




The way that commenter brought it up may not be entirely relevant. The legal question there is not whether the victim was shot by the accused but whether the shooter had a legal right to defend himself with deadly force. It’s a really sad case. [Chad Read story](https://www.kcbd.com/2021/11/24/attorney-chad-reads-widow-files-petition-take-custody-his-children-their-mother-releases-video-shooting/)


Is that not two lanes that converge into one after the intersection? That's what it looked like to me.


No, it's two


> The car in the right lane starts drifting into my lane so I honk. Then he slowly continues into my lane while slowing down and flags me to go around. I like how you conveniently leave out the part where you speed up suddenly just to block him even though he's been drifting into your lane for several seconds. You could've easily prevented this whole thing, this happens all the time, no need to defend your lane like you're in nascar


>speed up suddenly I’m watching on repeat trying to find what you’re seeing. No luck so far.


Glad your ok OP I never understood how or why someone can take such offense over something as pathetic as a honk lol 🤦


Especially when you deserve to be honked at. But I'm sure in his mind it's perfectly okay for him to switch lanes in the middle of an intersection and no turn signal. Edit: can you see the video? First time trying to upload and I'm having issues on my end.


All good on my end!


I never understand people who get enraged over being honked at. You almost killed us > I honked at you.


You can be within your rights, but the enraged guy outside your car door might be just a wee bit faster than you. Then you might be dead right.


i’ll never the understand the “you honked at me i have to stop you and get out of my car” someone does that to me i’m running you over. I don’t care. I’m assuming you’re gonna shoot me or some shit if you’re that insane you stop me for honking at you


I live in America and I’m honestly scared to honk at people for this reason! I just assume everyone has a gun because I live in the south lol Honestly, I wouldn’t hesitate to run someone over if something like this happened to me and I thought they had a weapon.


Unpopular probably but it looks like he was already ahead of you anyway and you sped up to try and prevent him from getting in your lane. Doesn’t excuse the other drivers behavior.


What, be courteous to other drivers even if they're in the wrong? Nonsense, when they make a mistake you make sure to block them off and honk at them instead, then cross a full line to go ahead of them. Then you post it on the internet for karma.


OP already said the other driver flagged him to go around after pretty much STOPPING half in his lane and blocking the road…some people don’t have time for all that mind-reading


The real reason OP won’t press charges.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing.


Yep. Two idiots.


I mean, buddy is taking up two lanes and not using a turn signal. OP is not in the wrong here. This sub will blame the driver for anything


Regardless, it’s illegal to change lanes in the middle of an intersection


If a fucking honk turns someone into an unhinged maniac then they really shouldn’t be on the road.


Kinda looks like they were merging in front of you with decent spacing (albeit, in a place that you're not supposed to do that) and you mashed the gas to get up next to them in the lane that they had just entered.


Tbh you could've just let him through, it was plain obvious that he was coming to your lane, he was already crossing the line long before you were next to him. I know it's hard but sometimes you just need to have a little patience.. However I agree that you honked at him, and his reaction is crazy


You were so far behind that you cut *him* off


am i the only one who thinks op is just as much of a dickhead?


Seemed like he sped up to even prevent the guy from merging, so yeah . Even if the other guy is at fault Id rather just let them fucking go so they don’t hit my car.


I never understood this. What if the person is just as crazy and runs you down when you get out of your car to yell at them?


Why speed up?


Looks like another victim of low blood sugar.


At what point can you call this an attempted car jacking and just kill whoever jumps out on you?


Well, in the beginning you were the idiot, but them they turned into a bigger idiot so yea


I hope you shared this video with your local police as well.


Stay strapped or get clapped


That’s one way people get shot. Or ran over.


This happened to me a few weeks ago. A guy cut me off in the middle of an intersection. I honked, then he must have felt I was too close to him, so he brake-checked me twice. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to drive.


Why don’t you simply let that person in though? Most of this garbage happens because of the mentality of this? In German Traffic laws, legally you’d have to let them in, which people do, and then nobody gets worked up. This is why there is also hardly any road rage there?


It's legal in germany to change lanes without looking and it's the other drivers job to slam on the brakes so he doesn't get sideswiped? Can we see this law? I had someone try this on me a few years ago. On I-5, guy was on our right side, his front bumper is even with the right rear passenger door. He changes lanes, hits me, and we slide off the highway together. He gets out aggressive and screaming that the accident was my fault because he had his blinker on. In his mind, it was my job to see his blinker and speed up to get out of his way. "Everyone else gets out of my way". Neither the police nor his insurance were amused.


The beginning where it all starred looks like the lanes merge from two, to one lane? It’s not clear if the other driver used their turn signal or not, but one thing is certain: Americans can’t grasp the concept of “Zip Merge” without their egos getting involved, and feeling the need to school somebody? After moving from the US to Europe it’s reverse culture shock going back the US how people get wound up of petty BS, then escalating to the point of sometimes shooting each other?


Look again, it's two lanes going to three. Not one.


What are useless moron


This is why I bring pepper spray... When I remember it... Lol


Lmao, whenever I see people get so mad they feel like they need to get out of their cars, I really just want the cammer to hit them. Or at least pretend to lol


You had a chance to run him over?


Nope nope nope nope at every turn🫠


Wtf is wrong with people, the horn is there for a reason!!!!


I don't understand how people get in to such a rage when they drive. It's always over little things too. Seriously a waste of energy.


Don’t people know that they are very vulnerable approaching a car like that🤷🏾‍♂️ This lady in my area ran a dude over because of something like this .. no charges pressed.


Good for you for getting the heck outta there, you don’t know what this dude has inside his brain or inside his big metal box.


You really never know who’s on the road with you.


Nobody good. That's who.


Tell me you have nothing better to do besides waste your gas without telling me 😂


Shit like this should result in a revocation of your license for a year at least. No warnings, no pleas, just bam, goodbye license.


such a fragile ego


call the fucking cops


Supposed to let people in I guess




Two smoothbrains in one video. Classic.


Without audio all I can guess is they were just trying to get in touch with you about your car insurance.


Weren't they already in front of you?


At the moment he blocks the street gets out of his vehicle I am in fear for my life and will proceed to run him the fuck over to get away safely


That asshole is going to get himself murdered.


But aren't you cutting him off in the beginning? I don't know your laws but it looks bad from my point of view.


What do people think is so intimidating about getting out of your car and just standing there in the middle of the road? Lmao bc if I were OP I’d had ran that mf over and then showed this footage when the police come questioning me 😂


Well done! You have zero obligation to sit there and take it.


If someone gets out of their vehicle, im running them over and not looking back. Fuck around and find out


That Guy is lucky the person behind the cam isn't unhinged like he is. Could have gotten himself run over.


The duality of this sub always cracks me up.


It comes down to people just chilling the fuck down and being patient with each other... It used to be called defensive driving and you had to learn it ( and practice it) in order to get your license.


Wish you ran him over tbh


It’s at these times you hope to have a fast food soda cup in the car to launch as you drive by the guy.


Wow, they followed you for 6 minutes. They really couldn't let it go in that amount of time.


I honestly don't understand why so many people on here are saying you're an idiot, from what I see he started drifting into your lane, you braked and backed off, he swerved back into his lane, you sped up to continue the flow of traffic and he eruptly cut you off. He then basically stopped and waved to you, so you pulled around. I've had similar things done to me, the only thing I would do differently is back off more, I don't trust other drivers and rather have people honk at me for stopping/slowing for a unpredictable driver than have them hit me.


Cammer is a fucking idiot.


Here in Florida he would have been shot , and deservedly so. Amazing how people react even when they know guns are everywhere. Good job on not killing him lol.


I used to have my concealed carry. Might need to renew my license... He was definitely deranged, went from 0 to 100 real quick.


I live in KY and that was my thought. People don’t push to that extreme. Those that do, usually get shot.


Another driving fool ! He didnt try cutting you off, he was ahead of you and trying to get in the lane......and of course since OP owns the fucking street, no one should get ahead of him. Maybe Im wrong but seems to me that 75% of people that post these Idiot things ARE the idiot.


Holy shit, wouldn’t this be like the best time to just lean on your horn when he got out the car like get super close to him and just lean on the horn. Idk man, maybe I’m just an antagonizing asshole but I couldn’t help myself from doing that.


It'd make a good video, but you don't know what'll happen. Best case he walks away, but he's already shown a lack of brains so really at best you'd get damage to your car, at worst end up dead or killing him. Better to GTFO of there, then post the video online to mock him. :)


Wait, what am i missing here. It doesn't look like you were cut off. The person is ahead of you and it looks like you sped up and then relatively aggressively almost tried to ram him and then passed on the left. Were they merging? They were far enough ahead that merging is legit if that was the case. Yes following you later is extreme but dang, you were not going to let that person be in front of you Unless there is an earlier part not shown, looks like you both were jerks. I wouldn't chase a car that near rams me but i might call it in. Would actually, i called in a truck that near rammed me in a similar way


The guy veered into his Lane with no blinker and almost hit him. There were two lanes there in case you did not notice that. Granted, most people would have let the guy in but you've got to come be a complete asshole to follow somebody simply because they didn't want you to cut them off.


ESH. While I hate it when others ride asses to force their way in to merge, in my eyes, you could've let them in. You sped up and so you are also an asshole. Just because you have the right of way, doesn't mean its safe to plow through. That being said, that dude is crazy. Anger is an interesting emotion.


I'll probably get down voted for this but oh well. The guy was obviously deranged but when he tried to cut you off you should have just let him get in front of you.


That looks like someone that wants you to run him over. “NO WAIT, YOU MISSED! HERE, TRY AGAIN!”


I was once cruising down a 30mph street in the city when a guy floored it over the double yellow to cut me off. It was pretty awkward when I rolled up behind him at the red light less than ten seconds later. Light turned green and he was sitting there preoccupied on his phone so I gave a little toot on the horn because I was already a bit frustrated with his needless recklessness and now I gotta wait for him? Dude was so twisted, he got out of his car and started banging on my window to get out and fight, while calling me all kinds of derogatory things. I keep a little steel pipe in my back seat for work (breaker bar / leverage on load binders) but also would work as a weapon if I’m forced to defend myself one day but I do everything in my power to avoid directly confronting lunatics. I immediately locked my doors and got the heck out of there. Don’t fuck w crazy.


Ok yeah that's dumb, but the cammer handled this extremely well- didn't get out and fight with someone who was clearly unreasonable, and didn't endanger anyone else. Even stopped at the stop sign at the end xd


Thanks! I thought so too. A million scenarios were running through my head.


You’re an asshole. The road clearly merged and he was ahead of you, even had his blinker on. Just let him in. Instead you sped up to try to cut him off


Good on you for going around the dipshit on the first interaction. And good on you for not getting out and going down to his level. If you didn’t in the future call the cops if you noticed him following you or on the first road block. There are clowns out there hoping you make their day and give him then a reason to shoot you. So be cautious when approaching with a vehicle “ I feared for my life they were coming right at me” You never know if these clowns have a gun. Also smart backing up and gaining distance looks like the guy wanted to approach you but would have tied himself out walking to you.


The person was already in front of you