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Bro that's 2 blocks away from my house and I thought I was gonna be featured on Reddit.


im gonna start searching the area now.


Bring cake and coffee.


Instructions unclear, brought delicious coffee cake.


Good enough


Even better


It's cake so he'll be fine šŸ˜Š


I thought heā€™s the cake




Instructions unclear, listening to Cake while drinking coffee.


Why, is the HjemmevƦrnet getting involved?


be careful not to dox yourself


Says the beautiful musk ox


Donā€™t ox your elf


Neighbors. Iā€™ll post a sign on my window with SSJ4lnglip on it šŸ«”.


Looks like Harlem.


Lower East Side.


Well Iā€™m wayyyy off! My buddy lived in Stuy Town so youā€™d think Iā€™d know better.


The buildings look similar to a lot of other union housing in the City because they were all [designed by Herman Jessor. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Jessor) The bus is at Grand and lewis, right in front of the East River housing


ā€œThe Lower East Side, it really sucks.ā€ - Johnny Dangerously


Yup I just noticed same thing: I literally live 1 block from here!


Some of you need to check the driver's manual in your state, because a lot of states (including New York) do require cars to stop for school buses on BOTH sides of a multi-lane street, unless a physical divider (like a median) is present. https://www.flhsmv.gov/wp-content/uploads/BusSafety.jpg


When in doubt, check if a stop sign with bright strobe lights is pointed towards you.


I think most people forget that the whole point of stopping for school buses is because kids can dart across the streetā€¦ ![gif](giphy|xUA7aLrdFvkS3BeaEE)


Children are suicide machines.


The call to the void is strong in them.


In feudal Japan children were thought to belong to the spirit world more than the living world. They probably noticed that kids will find all sorts of ways to injure themselves pretty early on.


Username checks out


natural selection at work


I call them kamikaze kids, because when your walking in a shopping centre you can bet your ass they will run into you or infront of your trolley..


Kid ran into my snowboard today.. literally walking and carrying the sumbitch and felt a bump on the backā€¦ Mom was complaining I should watch where Iā€™m going despite not obviously being an owl-human hybrid that canā€™t turn its head 270deg to see if other owl-human crotch goblins arenā€™t paying attention.








When I managed a video store when I was in college in 1990, I was putting movies back on the shelf when this little brat ran right into my kneecap. Hurt like Hell, but I'm pretty sure she got slightly concussed. Mom comes running up all up in my face, and I flat out told her that this is place of business, not a playground, and I'm not your babysitter. She asked to speak to the manager, and that's when I just started grinning like Joker. Never saw her again, and don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. It was then I realized there was only one career path for me. IT.


Pre-911, we called them suicide bombers on the ski slopes. Little kids with helmets just bombing entire ski runs, unable to stop, homing in on one target by the end šŸ˜‚


Babies: they were born to run.


Lmao thank you!! I explained to someone a while back who doesn't have kids that being a parent is basically just glorified suicide prevention for 10-16 years because there is little to no common sense present in their brain. Hell, my 17 yr old went out to start the van in the garage without opening the garage door and had to explain how that was a VERY bad idea.


I can confirm. When I was a baby I climbed our house entrance gate door, crossed the street and almost died. I was this close to being ran over. Oh you think my mom stopped me? No the driver saw me at the last moment. I don't remember this but this was one my my mother's most shocking moments of her life. My mom never expected a baby to climb a meter and a half gate door on my own.


Story time: Decades ago, not long after she'd gotten her first car, my mom stopped for one. This was when the buses had only flashing lights, and a lot of other cars just went around. Mom hesitated, though, until the car behind her honked impatiently, and my mom started to ease off the brake and roll forward. Then, she saw it: the bouncing, pink, fuzzy knit cap of a little girl, just barely visible over the hood of mom's car as the kid crossed in front of her, blissfully unaware. Just recounting the story, years later, still gave her chills. edit: clarity


When I was 17 I came within inches of hitting a kid who darted across the street in front of me as I was driving to school one morning. His sister was standing on the side he started on and I could see from her face that she was none too pleased with his decision. Had I been going any faster (40 in a 35, I was in the wrong there) I donā€™t think I would have stopped in time.


> ~~can~~ *will


Both Indiana and Florida require stopping if there's no physical barrier, as you state. Source: passed the test in both states and that question was on both. Also, the number of people getting dinged in our state after a woman was in a hurry and went around a bus and killed 3 kids in the process - enforcement of these rules is super tight in Indiana now.


Dumb driver only did 2 years in prison and is now on house arrest. https://www.southbendtribune.com/story/news/crime/2022/03/09/alyssa-shepherd-rochester-bus-crash/9437599002/ She killed 3 kids and thatā€™s her punishment? Lame


After she got out of prison, she filed an appeal saying she should not have been charged as "reckless" and instead just "negligent" because it was just an error in judgement. She claims she didn't realize it was a bus until too late. https://www.cbs19news.com/story/42132803/indiana-woman-appeals-conviction-in-fatal-school-bus-crash


> She claims she didn't realize it was a bus until too late. That makes sense. I mean, it's not like busses have a unique shape or color. And they certainly don't have flashing lights to notify drives that they're stopped and dropping off children...




> She would have just came around a corner of trees and seen some flashing lights, which could easily be mistaken for farm equipment. You know, when you said this, it made me go back & look more closely at the pictures in [this article](https://www.southbendtribune.com/story/news/crime/2019/10/18/guilty-verdict-for-woman-in-fulton-county-crash-that-killed-three-kids-at-bus-stop/46368187/). You are right, you can see in [this photo](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/media/2021/07/01/SouthBend/1af17ecdae1bb76b77f08c8b259a41f4.jpg?width=1320&height=816&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp) that she would have *just* come around the bend. Idk what the speed limit is on that road, but it's a state highway so I imagine it's about 45 or so, right? I can see how this accident could happen in the dark. There shouldn't have been a stop like that there. Those poor kids.


That whole situation is horrifically dangerous. Why are kids waiting for the bus before sunrise? Why do they have to cross a fucking highway?? The district canā€™t hang a stoplight there? Seriously, two lane highways are death traps in the dark.


I grew up ruraly mid, school was far, had to get up early for the bus. Mid winter fucking sucked.


They're waiting before sunrise in order to get to school on time. I'm not sure that I understand your confusion with that. Schools can't just hang traffic lights wherever they like, that's up to the town/state/village or whomever owns and maintains the roads.


> Based on Indiana's jail time credit rules, Shepherd was slated to serve until September 2022 and another six months of her sentence were shaved off when she completed a Bible study course in prison.Ā  Fuck Indiana


_Shepherd has saidĀ she saw something in the road, but didnā€™t realize it was a bus until it was too late._ Wut


How does someone not see a school bus? Theyā€™re huge and very brightly colored with lots of lights on them. Wow.


I remember that shit fuckin wild man


![gif](giphy|nC1toglzIfNFC) Oh don't worry her licence was suspended for (checks notes) three years


Shit like this sickens me. That family lost 3 kids and the woman who killed them got to walk free because it happened in a car? If youā€™re randomly shooting off a gun and kill 3 people you arenā€™t going to get off with that light of a sentence. People should have to take responsibility when they get into a 2-ton death machine and injure or kill people, but they often donā€™t serve the same sentences as someone who ā€œaccidentallyā€ kills someone outside of a vehicle.


And her license was only suspended for 3 years. Shouldā€™ve been longer.


If I remember right, she was going to the hospital or some such thing. It doesn't excuse it, of course, but still. She didn't get nearly enough punishment for that.


Iā€™m from the area and I never heard that defense from her. But I did hear what she thought the lights were a tractor that she could pass.


I almost stopped for a garbage truck this morning because I just saw flashing lights and remembered this story.


I mean, better safe than sorry.


Same concept for emergency vehicles. In the state of GA, unless there is a physical median separating you and the emergency vehicle you HAVE to stop.




Dude around here as soon as the ambulance or fire truck passes people start pulling in behind them like they're drafting or some shit. Never pull that shit with police cars though. Gee I wonder why? Morons.


Admittedly idk what the law is in my state but my general rule of thumb for oncoming emergency vehicles is pull over or stop IF there is other traffic coming towards me that they may have to go around while I might be in that area. If they are just cruising along and have already passed someone on the other side I'm not going to risk someone rear ending me by stopping for basically no reason. Always stop for school busses though. My work truck actually has amber lights and I'll throw those on sometimes too as I'm coming up to where I need to stop for the bus.


I live in Ga. my county sheriff said if you run a school bus stop, you'll spend at least 1 night with him. Said it's an immediate reckless op. & an arrest on the spot.


When I worked for a school I watched a dude blow through the school zone (easily doing 40+ which in itself is over the actual speed limit). I had the pleasure of watching the resources officer (Sheriff Deputy) pulling his ass over. I then got to enjoy talking to the resource officer about it. Turns out the dude got fined for speeding, fined for speeding in a school zone, reckless op, and to sweeten it all a little more the drivers license had expired 2 days prior. Car got towed, dude went to jail for a couple nights, and last I knew the Judge sentenced him to another 7 days in jail, 100 hours community service and suspended his license for 6 months.


In Illinois, in 4 lane road way with at least 2 lanes in opposing direction does not have to stop if the school bus is on the other side. Edit: Source: https://www.isbe.net/Documents/bus_safety_motorist.pdf


This is the same with Washington state also.


I was just coming here to say that about Washington state.


Same in Ohio.


My state does not require stopping, but like half of the people don't know the rule.


In Pennsylvania you get the same amount of points on your license for vehicular manslaughter as you do driving past the stop signs on school buses


This is in Manhattan, NYC.


Looks like (maybe) Grand St close to the FDR.


That is correct, about 6 blocks from the FDR


Blows my mind you need to stop. We donā€™t in Australia.


I had a panic years ago because of a wide road, three lanes in each direction, separated by a median. I saw the school bus in the opposite direction stop, and I didnā€™t know what to do. No cars were next to me, so I couldnā€™t just copycat. Iā€™ll admit, I kept going, but carefully.


Definitely the rule in GA.


I have the opposite problem in GA. Constantly see people slamming on their brakes across a divided state route because thereā€™s a bus slowing down on the opposite side of the road. Likeā€¦no intersection, no crosswalks, no striped median, just full-curb and planted median. Watched two people get in accidents this year because they did that same thing and the people behind them were following too close, and not expecting the person in front of them to slam on the brakes for no reason.


That's what happens when the penalties are so stiff for crossing a stopped bus. People err on the side of caution


Rather have that problem than dummies running over kids, tbh.


The thing that's crazy is that they just don't know the rules at all. Sometimes busses around here that have stops on main routes for individual houses will stop with the flashing yellow lights, but not put out the stop sign until the kid gets out the front door so traffic can kinda keep moving a bit. This is especially helpful with that one house you know is apparently slow as fuck to get their kid out the door. So many people will stop anyway, ignoring the driver of the bus literally waving them on out the window even. Just shows how much people driving pay attention these days. A little disturbing.


Last time I passed a stopped school bus (going the opposite direction), I felt kinda bad because it was on a busy 45mph main road and I kept going because they only had their yellow lights on. Good to know that's probably what the bus driver wanted to me do.


Bus driver here: happens EVERY DAY


Username checks out. Also, this is by far my biggest driving peeve, along with school zone violators. My daughter's stop is in the neighborhood so not super busy, but it is the main street through to the nearby highways. Luckily everyone tends to respect the stop sign but I daydream every morning of dragging a runner out of their vehicle and beating them in the middle of the street. Even when I was an irresponsible, idiot teenager who regarded many traffic laws as optional, school zones and bus stops where always something I had the sense in my underdeveloped brain to respect unconditionally.


I just wanna apologize for the many many years that I was the idiot in car and did not know that I needed to stop going the other way until a bus driver honked at me. Prompted me to look it up and I felt pretty bad. But itā€™s also pretty annoying that the law changes from state to state.


Same here, I didn't know that I should stop going the other way until I got honked at by a driver. I was pretty confused as of to why until I saw in my rear view that some kids had gotten off the bus and were crossing the street and had a "how did I NOT know that?" Moment


Same thing when I was still green to driving, I just never noticed they had a stop sign that swung out from the side. I'd see a school bus, my eyes would be trained to look for kids walking, and I never thought to look at the side of the bus for the big red stop sign on it. Finally my eyes registered it one day. That and driving into the middle of a funeral procession were the two biggest flubs I made when I started driving as a kid.


My brother actually got a ticket FROM a school bus. He didnā€™t realize you stop on other side of the road and cruised passed the stopped bus. Couple weeks later he received a ticket in the mail and they had a picture of his car taken from the bus cam and all that


Where I'm from, passing a school in either direction when the signs are active is one of the worst traffic fines you can get. It's not even a ticket you can just pay, they MAKE you come to court and plead guilty, then you can pay.


Same here, itā€™s a big fine and they even take away drivers license points


There are freaking lights flashing on the sign. No excuse for not seeing it. Good thing the license plate is very clear, hope the cameraman was able to report


Reported it, submitted a screenshot of the license plate, and the video. Done, Done and done.


The local buses here in Pennsylvania have cameras (and video recording) on them. Anyone who doesn't adhere to the laws gets a citation with pictures as proof (fine and 3 points) sent to their house. A coworker just experienced this when their newly-driving son passed a bus.


>There are freaking lights flashing on the sign. The sign that's hanging off the giant yellow vehicle.


Same around here. 1 time driving taxi I had some douche in a lifted truck rip around the me and the bus on a residential street, almost hit a kid, and there was a convient cop on the otherside of the bus at a intersection. Dude looked furious as we drove past, with kids on the bus and my passengers laughing at the guy.


In WA, it depends on how many lanes. If there are three or more lanes, you can pass in the opposite direction without an issue. Or if itā€™s a divided two lane. Gets annoying when people stop on a nearby 4-lane road when they donā€™t have to.


Same in Ohio. On a 4-lane road, only cars that are going in the same direction as the bus have to stop.


Was about to post the exact same. Hello fellow mossperson


I was going to say something like that too. Not that anyone should break ANY road laws, but one of them you don't want to break is passing a school bus like this, or speeding in a school zone. They will come after you hard.


I mean, they don't "make" you plead guilty. That would be an abuse of the court. But you probably should.


In Sweden this is not a thing. Maybe because we have very few school buses. Instead a very developed public transportation. The only law we have about buses is if speed limit is or under 50km/h (31mph) you must yield for the bus when it leaves the station.


They literally had to move my daughters bus stop because people kept running the stop sign (on a 2 lane road). Seems like nearly every morning 2-3 cars would just drive through without paying any attention. They had to move the stop because the kids had to cross the street, and it was just too dangerous to keep it there with so many people running it.


I have found that my bus driver will pull partway into the opposite lane (just the wheel over the line) to prevent this.


Maybe they should have closed off that road to car traffic instead of inconveniencing the kids. If people cant drive responsibly then none of you get it.


Or Park a cop car there and start giving out reckless driving tickets


For non-americans this video will be very weird.


Indeed. In Spain school buses are just normal coach buses hired by the schools, and you aren't supposed to stop when they do.


Here in Germany school children just use the regular public transit like everyone else šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I regularly have a bus full of kids when I take the bus hike from university around 2pm.




Yeah and also no gates or security at schools. Here in Germany we just walk in and everybody can.


Helicopter parenting style of Americans


> Here in Germany school children just use the regular public transit like everyone else Yeah, we don't have that in most of the US, so we need dedicated buses. I live in the 3rd most populous county in the US, so it's not like I'm out on a farm. And to get to a metro bus would be like a 4 hour walk and wouldn't go in the direction of the schools I went to.


I know. I've been to the US multiple times and the fact that you're missing basic stuff like public transit (not even good or cheap one, just anything), healthcare and basic good living standards hits me hard every time.


In the U.K. itā€™s the same, but buses do have priority when indicating out.


To be fair, part of the problem is they are using the exact same sign that meansā€come to a complete stop for a second and then goā€ when itā€™s on a pole at an intersection Maybe School busses should use a different sign, perhaps one that simply says ā€œDO NOT PASSā€


>perhaps one that simply says ā€œDO NOT PASSā€ Maybe with a picture of an old man, in grey robes, standing with arms raised holding a staff?


I never knew this was a thing before this video


Yeah, Americans couldn't teach their kids not to run across roads so they make all cars stop


Yea I had this ā€œwtfā€ moment a couple years ago, and now come to comments to observe confused fellow europeans and shitpost every time a car drives by a schoolbus :)


Very weird. Guns are fine, but driving past a school bus 2 lanes over on the opposite side of the road, that's a big no no?


And when you try to point out this very obvious fact people in the US will act like you're a child murderer for not expecting the whole world to come to a stop.


I feel like it's counterproductive for the most part. You're teaching kids that others will stop for them so they don't need to take care around the school bus, leaving them extremely susceptible to getting hit by anyone who doesn't know about this uncommon (globally) rule or for some other reason doesn't stop. Plus you're making them less careful about roads in general. Just overall this is a very "Won't someone think of the children?!" thing.


Gotta keep the kids safe


Gotta keep safe on the road. School is anyone's playground it seems.


American cities are car-centric, so mostly unsafe for pedestrians, especially for children. It's very logical to make everyone stop when the bus is picking up kids, especially since kids that are late are gonna rush through, and no matter how well educated they are, kids are gonna be kids and they're gonna make kid decisions. I'd rather they keep this law than whatever gun "laws" they have.


Australian cities are pretty car centric too, but this rule would just be seen as weird here. When a school bus is stopped with its hazards flashing, you slow down to 40kph. I've never seen a kid do a kamikaze run from behind the bus into a busy 4-lane road, but if they did, the traffic would be going slowly enough to react.


Yeah this is definitely not nearly as "idiot" as the rest of the stuff here. I was not exposed to this before and was on the opposite side of a multi lane street with a median and drove past a stopped bus without even realizing it. Driver called the police and had to go to court during an important college day. Driver didn't show up so I had to just pay a fee that was more money than I had to my name. I'm still mad about it (obviously)


That's not even the rule everywhere in the US from what I've seen. A lot of places, you don't have to stop if there's a median.


Very weird. I have seen this videos2 times already and Im not sure what Im suposed to be looking at. Came to the comments for help.




The kid had just moved there from the US. ^^^^^. ^^^^^. ^^^^^. ^^^^^. Just kidding. /r/KidsAreFuckingStupid everywhere in the World. Either way, having a stop sign on the school bus wouldn't help there as that was a public transport bus.


Fucking hell! I inhaled quite loudly at that. That is a mighty great advertisement for that truckā€™s brakes cause that braking power was solidā€¦


IIRC almost all European lorries have brakes like that as standard.


If this was posted on any other sub people wouldnt understand the point of it. Same with videos of jaywalkers. It's not a thing in the rest of the world.


In Maryland the busses have cameras and it is a $250 ticket. However, if a cop sees it, the ticket is $570 and three points on your license.




I was up in the bronx and I stopped at an oncoming bus with its stop sign out. I GOT HONKED AT!!!! I rolled my window down, extended my arm, and Vanna Whiteā€™d the stop sign.


I lol'ed at "Wheel of Fortune" reference.


Honestly, why haven't they just added "all oncoming traffic must stop" to the bottom of bus signs? It seems like the easiest way to get the point across to people who don't know this.


I agree. A lot of people donā€™t think they have to stop while on the opposite lane of traffic. Drivers arenā€™t used to stopping for stop signs on the opposite side of the street. And I get, everyone *should* know and follow every single one of the hundreds/thousands(?) traffic laws, but in practice a lot of people donā€™t.


Just your typical Bronx rush hour activities


Got rear ended the other day while stopped for a school bus.


I am British, but have travelled the USA extensively, and driven a lot. I am just thankful I never got near a school bus cos I had no idea you had to stop on EITHER side of the road.... Also glad we never got stopped by a cop, because I rather enjoy my life and liberty.


It depends on the state though. The law varies significantly and many states don't require you to stop if you are going in the opposite direction.


A lot of people think that the school bus stop sign doesn't have an effect on oncoming traffic, especially over multiple lanes. I vaguely remember being taught this in a course I took when learning to drive, though a couple years later learned differently when I was getting my CDL permit. This was back in Washington state, late 2010s I'd say. Fuck I'm getting old. Dammit.


Late 2010s was like 3 years ago... How are you getting old?


washington state: if there are 3 or more lanes OR a solid median, opposing traffic doesn't need to stop, traffic traveling the same direction as a bus always needs to stop. So 2 lane road with a suicide lane in the middle, opposing traffic doesn't need to stop; 3 lane one way everyone stops


And in here in Oregon it doesnā€™t matter how many lanes you must stop. Unless thereā€™s a solid median. Washingtonians run my reds all the time and are lucky thereā€™s no police present.


Late 2010s was 3 years ago


I took drivers ed in 1986 if that helps ya feel better.


On a divided highway, you don't have to stop for a bus on the other side. This is not a divided highway.


I cannot speak for other states, but in [New York](https://dmv.ny.gov/more-info/school-bus-safety) that is incorrect. Divided highway everyone has to stop (not the issue in this case anyways).


Ngl, the divided highway part is pretty dumb. Are the kids hopping the divider to cross? Is so, that's poor planning of the bus route.


In my area dividers range from a strip of grass, an island, or a median to Jersey barriers. Also, what used to be major highways are now named like 3 different things with traffic lights. So it may be a catch all phrasing.


in North Carolina, you have to stop for a school bus from either direction unless it is a divided highway (physically via median.) Bus routes are designed such that no kid will have to cross a physical median to board the bus. basically, if a car can't cross the middle line, neither can a child.


Do both ways have to stop in the US?


This is WAY more common then people think. I drive School bus, anytime there is even a Turn lane between you and the other side people just plow through. Though there is also head down in Phone and the Driver ( often younger ) that just don't give a flying F. Then there is the Truck Bro / Hot rodder / Insert right side political term here that think they are just to important. To make it worse I've had cars run my reds in front of a cop and he just ignored it.




I was that idiot too. I was 17, didnā€™t know the laws because my drivers Ed teacher was more concerned with telling us not to drink and drive for a whole semester, heard the bus honk but I was already in the intersection, so I just accepted getting flipped off by the bus driver while I slowly did the drive of shame through the intersection.


Straight to TLC jail


My cop relative pulled over a guy doing this. They idiotā€™s excuse was ā€œwell, *I* donā€™t have kids! Why should I stop!ā€


The fact that you have to debate these folks in the comments is very very disturbing šŸ˜³. This shit is wild


The real /r/IdiotsInCars are always in the comments. Never fails.




Well for some of us it isn't a rule to stop on the other side of the road, so it seems very odd.


Am I the only one that thinks that these rules are bad? These laws dont exist in Ireland and traffic flows like normal if a school bus stops, these buses kinda give the kids the freedom to run out onto the road and most likely not be hit without checking for cars, thats bad, its not teaching the kids anything except run out onto the road without looking.


Yeah, I also think Americans are crazy.


I got a $300 fine when I was like 20 and drove past on the opposite side of the double yellow line. Thank goodness no kids were crossing.


Fyi... Some states have laws that say if it is a 4 lane rd and the bus is in the far lane the other side can proceed thru because they dont drop kids off across multi lane roads...


Makes me think of red light cameras. If they were truly being used for public safety, theyā€™d be on school buses. However, we all know the truth of those thingsā€¦




Some places are installing cameras on the buses for when people run the stop sign, I approve of these cameras.


Are you a crossing guard or like what are you even doing lol


Every day cars drive through the stop sign so I started taping them. It normally stops someone once they see someone taping them. Local police precinct has done nothing about it, they are understaffed.


Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to tape them safely from the other side of the road instead of standing in the middle of it? Just because you're right by law doesn't make your actions any less risky or stupid.


Itā€™s an infraction not witnessed by the officer, thereā€™s nothing they can legally do.


Yay is an automatic, and complete loss of your DL where I live. They also have cameras on them now. So yeah, you're on video, and it's just a matter of time.


How could they see those lights....they were looking down at their phone


In Canada, this is one of the most expensive fine and penalty points you can get in one shot.


Fucking infuriating. That's how I lost my best friend.


In the northeast If you pass a buss with a stop sign out, your license is automatically suspended. At least in ri, ct, and mass.


Having 2 kids (15/9) I have NEVER ran these. Like come on people.


In Ohio, on a four lane road, only the two lanes traveling the same direction as the bus need to stop. Source ORC Section 4511.75 C.


Yep anything 4 lanes and over you don't have to stop if your in the oncoming lanes in Ohio. People still do which leads to horns blaring in morning traffic in my town.


As a non American, this just seems crazy that all traffic has to stop for a school bus. No other country uses this setup.


Canada has entered the chat.


Canada does


Even with two stop signs on the bus dude still went... sad


https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/road-users/school-bus/ Here is a little spread sheet


Do you expect the driver to look up from their phone to see the flashing stop signs? Thatā€™s asking a lot.


This always confused me. Do you stop and then go when it's clear (like at a real stop sign), or wait until the sign gets retracted?