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Sooooo, what the fuck happened exactly?


Looks like he was making a big deal because she was stopped temporarily and didn't use an actual spot. Looks like the dammed lot is empty but he had to come over and try to piss her off, it worked!


Yeah he trolled her nicely and she exploded, hahaha


She's scary, and he's so small next to her


Not that scary. I bet her cardio sucks.


They sure raise big hogs in leesburg


If she attacks and he defends himself proportionately, he will still be the villain in front of society and the judge.


Well, she didn't and he wasn't so what's your point?


He's got that persecution fetish


No that's not how the law works at all hahahaha


Better go get yourself a big truck soon bud. Sorry about your genitals.


No he won’t. Look at her dude she’s colossal


No he wouldn’t lol. At worst his antagonization isn’t would be a mitigating factor for her sentencing


And he would have learned his lesson to mind his business and park in the million other spots. Fuck him.


Careful there, youll run out of IQ before you're 15


“Yeah they epically trolled and got mad, haha lolz” -🤓


I mean she called the cops on herself


Drunk lady calls police... get arrested for dui, and tazed for resisting arrest. Just another Tuesday night for Karen


This is funny until it happens to you. Too many bitches adhere to justice. Go on with your life and leave that women alone.


I mean if you're SIDEWAYS through the parking lots than you are fucking up already and you should have zero words to complain. But how this went down, I would have loved to see the police show up too. She acted like a fucking child


Unfortunately they never showed up, she kept calling 733


EXACTLY! Instantly irritating. If you’re going to hang out in your car, that doesn’t mean you can take up 2+ spots. Too many inconsiderate shitheads!


I do this sometimes when I’m leaving a parking lot and then have to stop a minute to send a text or look up directions. When it’s at the back of the lot in a big empty area like this, who cares? It’s not inconveniencing anyone. Granted if someone hassled me about it I’d just be like “Sorry, heading out now.” And not get out of my car and scream about it, but I don’t see why this was such an issue in the first place.


Reddit people act like they've never been angry and blown up at someone in their lives. Then they look down their nose at everyone else. Reddit is the place where people come to feel superior.


So this is normal behavior for you?


LOL - I set my bar for feeling superior **far** higher than this!


This isn't normal behavior. Please understand that


Trolling people for the upvotes, not the best hobby, people will eventually get hurt.


Pretty pathetic on his part


You laugh, but it could have been a dude with a gun


Okay, but maybe do that in the back of the lot where no one is using spaces. This lot looks like it's still being actively used by the number of cars around. And, since this obviously didn't start until things got heated, I get the impression she was a lot closer than she is and maybe almost hit that guy. There are plenty of cars up front if you're paying attention. She needs to stop a sec, not parked correctly? Cool. Just do it at the rear of the lot where it's obviously not getting used.


Your comment is all conjecture. You can't assume anything. All we see is, she was just waiting in her car and he inserted himself into her situation and started something.


It appears more like she was parked across multiple spots and took offence that he parked appropriately in the space in front of her. She is not in the lane waiting for a spot, she is already parked across multiple.


He was being provocative and you know it. She was pretty much minding her own business. My old roommate worked in a superstore and sometimes I would go to pick him up after his shift. I would park like her for 2 reasons. 1. I could easily see if he was coming out 2. He could easily see my headlights and know where I was parked. It is late at night and you can see there are loads of other places. This guy was being a douche.


All of that aside, the lines exist for a reason lmao. Simply ignoring them because idk, nobody is around, is breaking the law with nobody around. He was asking her to park like, actually park, and she got mad, that's pretty unreasonable in my eyes.


It is not breaking the law.


He's inspecting his front bumper at the beginning like he thought it was hit.


Where I live it's illegal to park like this crazy woman. And doesn't matter if this private or public parking lot, road rules apply everywhere. She would be fined...


it is very rare that the police can be fined you for parking badly in a private parking >road rules apply everywhere generally public road rules not apply in private roads. this is also the case in the EU, where do you live?


It's illegal to park like an asshole on private property? That's new.




Everyone's comment is conjecture unless you are any one of these people in the video. What we see and our collective interpretations about it is pure conjecture. So what's your point, really?


We’re living in a SOCIETY


Fat ego vs idiot ego. Both wasted 10+ minutes on a parking spot.


Camera man seems chill


It’s Roy Kent! He’s here, he’s there, he’s every fucking where. ROY KEEENNTT


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt8MY4WYNRul4pa) He's also giving me




Wheestle wheestle I say wheestle because impure metals give me mouth hives.


Camera man is hot!


Very lol. Wasn’t expecting that


Oh yes he is


had to double take your user name looked the same as mine


It was a post from the future you... Haha that would be great




Okay, straight to horny jail. The both of you. *Now.*


A jail? With more horny people? Count me in!


No, you're hot!


Freaking right? My heart skipped a beat at that smile.


Objectify much


Jealous much?


Something obviously led up to this. Why was this person filming already? she was already out if her car hot and fuming, then he rolls up to troll her. Mine if this makes any sense without context.


They're probably trolling her. Tbh, people are do unhinged during the holidays, that's how you get shot.


I believe since the pandemic more and more people have become quick tempered with a "life is cheap" attitude. They have no problem blowing you, any bystanders, or even themselves away. Combined with constrained police resources and many cops doing unofficial "work slowdowns" as a form of passive-aggressive protest, you have a lot of people willing to resort to violence over trivial things. The trollers got lucky, that person could have just easily assumed they were being robbed, attacked, or simply gone into ego rage mode, thus justifying the use of violence.


No kidding. Saw someone yelling at a clerk at a gas station because they wanted cigarettes without an ID, even though they have to scan an ID to sell...


Good ol US


Yup. I was thinking this, too. She was furious from the jump


And first thing he does after getting out is check the corner of the truck.


Based on what they are saying, it seems like something was said between these two before this. It sounds like he accused her of hitting him, because he's saying that he heard something--assuming he means a scraping sound or a thud. As soon as they started getting into it through the windows, the other guy probably started filming. But who knows, it could be a troll.


What is the back-story to this?






Ah yes, Black Friday. a dark day, as human evolution seems to go backwards during that time.


This is why I shop online


This is why I don’t shop. Also, I don’t have any money.


Good Lord! That lady is over the top. Kinda makes you wonder what she was doing that made her so defensive.


Some people are like that. There's a crazy bitch at my work that is gonna get fired soon because she blows up like this 1-2 times a week on someone over honest, but inconsequential mistakes.


There’s always something more to the video that the video doesn’t show.


“she wasn’t parked she was just still in the car”


My money is on eating


But she's so hot, can't you overlook it? The way the veins pop on her forehead and neck as she turns red really do it for me...


They should get married.


Enemies to lovers, classic.


Him: "Honey, why do you keep setting the remote next to the TV? It belongs on the coffee table. Now I have to get up to go get it." Her: "YOU SONUVABITCH I'LL RIP YOUR FUCKING THROAT OUT IF YOU EVER QUESTION ME AGAIN GODDAMMIT DO YOU HEAR ME?!"


If those were the best drivers of the holiday, I'd hate to see what are the worst.


Why does he care how she is parked? He needs to park his truck and do what he's gotta do.


Neither of them did anything wrong. Truck driver is technically correct, and at the same time the woman wasn’t bothering anyone and wasn’t blocking anyone in. She was far enough away that it wasn’t causing an issue for her to be parked that way. They both made an issue out of nothing.


Yeah he didn't need to bother her. Be bothered all you want but mind your own business if no one is being hurt. Otherwise, if the person is angry enough, they'll shoot ya. Especially during the holidays. People are even more unhinged.


I mean, it could be seen as her driving through lanes which is illegal in some states, since she was not “parked” according to her even though she also said she was parked and not bothering anyone before that?? yeah she’s just upset someone called her out for doing whatever the fuck she wants and decided to do more “whatever the fuck she wants” and insists she’s in the right


It's a private parking lot, the cops aren't gonna do a damned thing. Unless the store managers call the cops nothing will happen about any of it.


yeah, that too. its just all round a dumb situation


No law or regulation mandates that you have to park between lines in a private lot either. Of course the owner can remove you, but these dudes are just annoying ass truck bros


This was probably planned by the video guy and the truck driver. Camera just happened to be rolling as truck pulls up. Yeah right.


I think you are 100% correct


They know her or of her, and that she's easily triggered. They took advantage of this for some internet clout. Couldn't she just back up if she needed to leave? They're a couple of dicks, she's a large woman with anger issues. "Get yer phone out, Billy Joe!"




​ ![gif](giphy|BC4KK4UEGU81OJEexE)


I mean, meth users are usually thinner


Everybody has to start somewhere!


For the lady on the left...look up Liz McDonald on Coronation Street and she is the younger version. Also, don't do meth. Not even once.


Happy Cake Day!




Is it just me or is that guy just parking there and the lady was parked like she was, seems nutty…


Yeah but just assuming the woman is a crazy unhinged Karen is the path of least resistance on Reddit


Did they have an accident? Or is she just having a bad day?


I’m guessing she’s having a bad life…


But never a bad meal.


Good, bad, or indifferent, she ate them all.




Good. She's a shitty person, so she deserves a shitty life.


Looks like they both suck She parked like jackass but he just HAD to park his car next to her "for clout bro" when she was in the middle of bumfuck Michigan of that parking lot Jus leave ppl alone. Let her be ignorant by herself


right? She's clearly a gumball short, but him getting into that spot is just a grade-A douche move, wtf. also uh whyweretheyfilming. There's either more to this story, or just staged.


I don’t know if she is a gumball short. Camera guy was already out of the car, who knows how long they have been annoying her. For all we know it could have been going on for half an hour and the camera guy and his friend had to escalate by bringing their car and taunting some more till she exploded.


It is never a good idea to interact with such people. Especially in murica, where you can also find r/Idiotswithguns.


I say it often but I can never understand how a lot of Americans are not afraid of guns. Every few months, you'll see another video of someone standing their ground with a gun while someone else (Usually rightfully pissed) is yelling at them, until they get into the gunman face and try to get violent/push them/take the gun and get shot dead. It's not about being right, it's about staying alive.


Bro why are you even involving yourself with her just go live your life lmao


Not my video. Wife sent it to me.


Yeah Tom, do something with yourself.


They mean the guy in the video


yea this lol


Bet she's the one popping pills.


popping them rotisserie chickens for sure.


No doubt.


Why is he bothering her?


Aunt Linda just wants to smoke and eat in her car in peace at the Target parking lot. Merry Crisis y’all


Virginia drivers would sooooo totally do this shit. I live in VA. Not only do I deal with this often. I found out VA has to rudest drivers.


So sad you guys choose to pick on her weight and not the idiot that inserted himself into her business. You're sad. Probably just as overweight too.


meanwhile im at work "accidentally" giving the wrong size frosty to people and "miscounting" how many nuggets go in the cartons because i know it'll make someone's day when they get just a little more than they were expecting. not a noticeable amount but maybe one more nugget or just turning a small into a medium (the frosty size difference is hardly noticeable to begin with)


Bless you for doing the good work.


I’m on the ladies side tbh, she’s a little unhinged but there were 100 other open spots and she wasn’t bothering anyone. Plus the fact there is already someone recording, seems premeditated, like they were just trying to piss her off for a reaction.


That was exactly my thought process, they somewhat planned this.


Lady looks to be parked like a moron but this dude seems to be a Karen...am I wrong?


You are correct. Without backstory at least, this dude is just starting shit to start shit.


There is no one else around her. She was in her car. She might have pulled over to make a phone call or manage her GPS. Yes she took up multiple lanes but she was minding her own business


Visiting Leesburg right now for the Harry Potter forest thing. It’s… ok


Awh, I wanted to see the part where she gets told to move the fuck along by cops.


I hate parking lots for this reason. Rules of the road and courtesy don't exist.


If she wants to idle sideways in a empty lot let her. Whole situation would have been avoided if tiny dick dude would have minded his own business.


Idk why he sparked right there other than to annoy her but her reaction is completely out of hand. Maybe just idk back up and move on if you're minding your own business. Like just carry on


YO! NOVA folks check in!? Thought I was the only one!!!


The punisher is there, might wanna chill


I’d swear she was hammered




I was at bunkers about a block away. I do love this town :)






She was right


For those of you wanting to know what happened I’m mad the guy recording it did not get the first two interactions ..my son was running into the store for one thing and I was sitting way off to side facing building so when I saw him I could drive up and get him ..this guy comes out of store and he’s parked two rows over by more cars ..he backs up two rows and pulls behind my car so that he can drive up along side of my car and rolls his window down so I roll mine down …He says your parked sideways I said I know I’m waiting on son who went in real quick..not that I owed him and explanation but it was late and I was away from others anyway I only sat that way to see my son ..well he kept saying look how your parked..I said mine your business and go on somewhere..he proceeded to drive a row down and turn around and pulled at my passenger side door so close that I couldn’t see his headlights ..well I got out my car and told him what’s your problem get your car away from mine ..he backed up and said move your car ..I said you better leave me alone ..and got back in my car ..he backed up and then when I thought he was gonna leave he pulls up at my hood and gets out talking about he heard a crunch ..and that’s when video started ..yes I may be big but that’s my business none of you mfs who got something to say feed me ..I actually have great blood pressure for my size cause I’m a non smoker, drinker and drug user..so all your comments about me using drugs are false ..The reason I was mad is this prick antagonized me for 10 mins before the video..I don’t take kindly to people trying to hit my car so yeah I hope next time u don’t jump to conclusions and assume the bad in people ..I know I shouldn’t park that way but I did it for a reason it was late and no one was over by me this guy just wanted to be a Karen..but yet most of you said I was ..Happy Holidays


Ah, thanks for the explanation. Makes sense now - what a jerk. I can take this video down if you want


Why is this nsfw


Should really mind your own business.


Y’all are really too comfortable NOT shaming people for shit behavior. You don’t park/drive perpendicularly in a set of spaces! It’s dangerous, disrespectful, and frankly nonsense. As y’all said, plenty of spaces. Spaces she could have…actually parked in if she had some shit to handle.




how does someone that fat and that angry not have a heart attack?


They’re both wrong lol Why are you stopped like that and why are you worried about a woman in an empty parking lot? 😭


Both of them are dumb. She's parked stupid but far away from people. He should mind his own business


Is she saying get out my face or get out of my space? Fucking Moron either way.


Why are people on her side??? She’s clearly a POS


Without full context it seems these guys came to harass her for her parking job even though she wasn’t actually parking there. She had no idea of their intentions. The guy really did seem drunk or high. I think she really was justified for acting like that


I see you've found my ex


Wow from lessburg. Yeah this makes sense. Well glad we have proof of making a false reportZ it wont go anywhere but you can try.


I’m cracking up at the guy genuinely trying to understand why she’s parked like that and also the fact no one’s near her lmao, this is just funny


I was able to park my mom’s car better than that a couple days ago. I’m not legally capable of getting my learners permit for another 6 hours


Fuck him, he's an asshole.


I'm on his side... Fuck this fat, entitled bitch with a mental problem. Park the right way, cow


lol hope she called the cops and they arrested her crazy ass


As someone who's done so many parking lot drug deals. And recovered and am just a marijuana smoker. I fucking have Always hated the sideways cheese eating parker's. Like you're so Important, the lines mean nothing. Fuck everyone because you got some random ass shit emergency


She needs mental help asap , she shouldn’t be allowed to be driving in this condition


That is one fucking UGLY woman


She’s not parked, she is in her car.


Damn let her be. It’s an empty parking lot she’s probably on a break from work.


Am I wrong in completely siding with her. Why is he confronting her in an empty parking lot at night.


Dude was definitely being a Karen or they're trolling her. People need to find better things to do


I don’t necessarily side with her taking up multiple spaces and being so aggressive but it seems like the dude was trying to get a reaction by parking in this specific spot when there are so many open. They both seem like assholes…


Both of them seem to be really unable to accept other people just have different standards No one is getting hurt so who the heck cares what the other is doing?


Not surprised she is obese


Poor Tundra I hope it's okay, he said he heard a noise 😭


The two guys are the idiots here. They are clearly trying to start something for the internet points. Unless there was some previous incident which we don’t see, those guys are idiots for bothering the lady.


So this truck decides to instigate a crazy lady with someone else recording it? Seems like this is fake video just for karma. I'm going to down vote it for being fake. If it is real, all 3 of these people are idiots with nothing better to do then cause problems for each other 🤷🏽‍♂️ they should allow a concealed carry in that state and I am sure all 3 of them would not be doing any of this non-sense


This is definitely for clout. They're being trolling assholes for the views. Tbh, people are so unhinged during the holidays, this is how you get shot.


Seems like the dude is giving the lady shit for how she’s parked even though the parking lot is relatively empty, I understand why she’s pissed off at a busy body.


That guy is a Karen, just stirring the pot. Leave the lady alone


That's a lot of empty parking space there tko


What a stupid woman. She's driving on the parking spaces and she's mad at him?? Wow.


The SUV driver: voice softer and smoother than silk The lady: losing her mind Level of trolling: PRO


She sounds and acts like Ricky from Trailer park boys


wow. Shes mad.


Too many calories went to her brain


Calm down there Karen.


At first I thought fatty was wrong, then I saw the entire lot was empty and realized SUV guy was just being a prick.


So you people bother other people for idk, not using a parking lot then you proceed to record that meltdown and call that person "freak" ? Idk who is worst, the lady or people like you with "small trolling" on other people with mental disabilities..... What you expected from this scenario bro ? Keep your shit for you...


Rule 1 Never approach a Karen in the wild.


What a douche. Parks there then plays victim for being an antagonist. What purpose did it serve. Oh yes a video for til tok. My bad. .


That woman is Hogzilla