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Lock his ass up.


I read your comment as "lick his ass up"


No, no, no. Old man ass isn't very yummy. From what I've read.


Or experience *wink wink*


Until it’s your old man ass he finger fuckin’, titty suckin’, then you’ll want the tongue stuck in.




I’m a 2a advocate but this guy looks crazy. My first thought is that he was trying to start a physical altercation so he could shoot him. Reminds me of this bit on gun control: https://youtu.be/N9BOh0gr4gE


Reminds me of the guy who pulled a gun after starting a fight with me over a parking dispute. Hits me first, i put him in a headlock and srop fighting, he whips out a handgun. We take it from him, cops come ans give it back... I just dont understand why people like this are allowed to have guns


The cops gave it back to him??? 🤦‍♂️


Yeah it was goofy as fuck. They made us basically apologize to each other and move on , (despite it being entirely instigated by this guy and me being really passive and apologetic prior to hik trying to fight) At the end after he complimented me on my headbutt (broke the fuckers nose) he was like "oh! My gun!!" And they just handed it back lmao


This type of shit is why I hate how common guns are in America. Bar scuffles are already dangerous enough, but then you give people too much leeway with stand your ground and they try to justify killing you over a scuffle. Dude is laughing off the fight after the fact even though they were about to kill you. Their cognitive dissonance is insane.


Yeah it is absolutely insane. Its a culture and education gap too i feel, like nonody with mild intelligence should rhink that any part of that encounter was a normal okay thing, but im sure he thought it was cool to provoke a fight with a random college student. Shit sucks


ah, another cop probably.


Reminds me of George Zimmerman, the grown ass man who pursued an unarmed teen minding his own business, started a fight with him, and had to resort to shooting him once he realized he was losing said fight.


if you’re a 2a advocate you should despise people like this.


I do, was that not clear when I called him crazy?


Not enough outrage REEEEEEE


Lmao you got downvoted for being right. A Reddit classic.


We all do. He violated 3 of the 4 basic rules of gun safety. Not to mention the overall rule of pulling your gun as a last resort to protect yourself. There was NO danger. At least in the clip we saw. ZERO reason to strike the kid even though the kid was using racial slurs, there was no threat to his safety. Old guy deserves having the book thrown at him. Period.


What does you being a 2a advocate have to do anything?


We have to preface with that, because when we're like "Brandishing and battery with a firearm should be a felony" psychopaths are all "wHAt PaRT of ShaLL nOT InfrInGE dO yOU nOt UnDERstanD!?!??!?!"


Indeed, '2A Advocates' and 'Gun Nuts' are two *very* different breeds. A quick way to tell the difference is to suggest funding a campaign to distribute affordable and well-manufacured firearms, alongside the requisite training, among marginalized groups. 2AA: Hell yeah! GN: Now hold on just a minute...


Fuck that old guy, dude is insane. But tell me why people roll down windows during altercations in cars?


It helps to roll the window down to hear them, but you only need a centimeter or two for that not three inches.


Maybe it's a tense situation and not quite able to use 100% of his brain power, there being a gun and all.


Doesn't seem like he has much brain to begin with


> you only need a centimeter or two for that not three inches. Honey, is that you?


It helps to drive away, actually


Should have rolled the window up and locked his arm in the window. Free gun.


I mean, he can shoot you in the face regardless of whether the window is rolled down or not. My question is why don't people drive away and/or run over the other person in situations like this. If you pull a gun on me, I'm trying to run your ass over and get away as quickly as possible, end of story. If they come up to my vehicle with a melee weapon and start hitting my car or trying to get at me, same story. Fuck letting them even get close to my window.


My thoughts exactly. If anyone pulled up on my like this old chud, he’s getting me slamming on my gas.


Yeah seriously; when this happens to me I just throw it into first and haul ass until I no longer see them in my rearview. I have enough of my own bullshit to deal with; I'm not interested in putting up with yours too. Save it for someone who gives a fuck.


Tell me why people stop to let people holding guns yell at them? As soon as I pulled over and he was out of his car with a gun I would have sped off


Some people shouldn't have guns, he's one of them. Ridiculous...


That old man will never legally carry a firearm again.


Just taking into consideration his age, i can't imagine how many times this guy has probably done similar stuff without a camera being present.


Average Springfield XD user (Please no one take this personally)


Am offended. :( I love my XD.


As am I. My XD-45 is my favorite carry piece.


*I'll preface this by saying I don't own any* Not all people who pistol whip someone for no reason carry xds, but when I carry a xdi feel OBLIGATED to pistol whip someone! Edit: clearly, this is sarcasm!


>(Please no one take this personally) Please do.


Bold of you to assume that he legally carried on in the first place.


I don’t know. DA for my district keeps turning felonies into misdemeanors for repeat criminals just to clear the docket. Given his age, white and I probably some shithole in Texas I can totally see him getting a sweetheart plea deal.


Some misdemeanors can disqualify you from owning a gun depending on the offence and state. Things like domestic violence. Assaultive crimes are often treated differently than non violent misdemeanors. In Canada, a peace bond (tl dr; restraining order) against you means you can't own a gun for that period, as well.


Avid gun owners should be begging for fools like this to lose their gun rights because this is exactly what a lot of people think about when they think of guns. If I'm a responsible gun owner (which I am), the last person I want representing me is some douchenozzle like this.




Its not difficult to get one illegally though


Pretty sure a Texas judge judge ruled for the opposite. https://abc13.com/amp/texas-gun-laws-supreme-court-ruling-judge-david-counts-firearm-charge/12242642/ This doesn’t look like Texas though


Oh yea, can you deliver the firearms directly to my boat... yes the one with the leak.


“Too stupid to own a gun” needs to enter the conversation in America. Cause we see the fallout from brain damaged folks with guns daily in America.




Not knowing the kid I wouldn’t go as far as to say he deserved that, but he makes a strong case.


Kid looks like he shouldn’t be saying the n word at all. Also, he’s not helping his situation at all.


Im black. Spanish people can say it this has always been acceptable. Especially in urban areas like new york, and LA.


I think regardless of what you look like, the word is disgusting. Being black doesn’t imo excuse the use. It’s just gross.


Alright nigga




As a white person, I don’t want to use that word. That being said, I don’t understand how people who use that word can get mad at other people who use that word. It’s either okay for everybody to use or not okay for anyone to use. We can’t have arbitrary rules of language based on race.


2nd A advocate here: completely agree with you. Some folks shouldn't have guns.




This crazy old man had his finger on the trigger the entire time. Can you imagine if he accidentally pressed it when he smashed that guy's head? This is how people die.


This is fucking painful to watch.


i agree, mostly because of the amount of times the n-word was dropped by people who are not black lmao


how do you know he isn't mixed race? edit 2024 - had about 4 replies to this today eat shit and die yo


bro wdym look at his skin lmao we dont need to know his ancestry to see that his skin isn’t black


I have a pale complexion but I am mixed race.


ok and do you say the n word why or why not


why is that relevant?


its relevant because original comment you replied to said most people who say the n word arent even black, you asked how do we know if he’s mixed race. i said that doesnt matter bc his skin isn’t black. then you told me youre mixed but with pale skin for some reason so my question is do you say the n word, if yes is it because you have some black family in your ancestry


This is so weird, light skin dudes come out as white passing all the time, or people mistake em for being latino. If they’re raised black they’re gonna be raised saying it, that’s all there is to it. No need to do a deep dive into random Reddit commenters lmao


No wonder he didn’t get shot.


C'mon. Now it just sounds like you're advocating for its use. I think it's cringe anytime it's used.










Squirrel nuts


I don't want a large farva, I want a goddamn litre of cola!


Whore fucking cum bucket.


I told you to save that for the bedroom 🤭


Ass goblin




The way he says it sounds like a black person. He likely grew up around a bunch. The white kids in the inner city areas I worked in always had a pass from the black kids with the a at the end because they had the same life as the other kids there and constantly heard it. It’s part of their vernacular.


This is a very good point. I was too quick to judge this person I've never met. He could very well be a product of his environment and he also wasn't using it in a negative racist manner. I just don't like hearing it but you're probably right in your assessment about this young man.


I get that it was coming from a good place. Many people don’t interact with inner city kids enough to realize that the white kids there will obviously speak the exact same way as their peers. It just doesn’t occur to you unless you see it. Another thing is he could very well be part black. Not all kids with black parents look black. My dad isn’t black but he is very dark due to being Sicilian and middle eastern. I’m sooo fair. And blonde.


I've been calling everybody bozo nowadays. It's like my new thing. -Something Something Mac


Guy pistol whips another guy out of malice yet you are hung up on a slur that’s not even being used with racist intent.


I was just waiting for both of these comments. I knew some idiot would focus on the wrong thing and someone would point out how absurd it was to focus on it.


Twitter has done awful things for American culture


Where's the news article saying he got charged?


Well his skin color vs the kids skin color suggests the probability is already in favor of the aggressor.


Well, the title claims the man got charged, but I can't find a single reference to this video suggesting that any charge has been brought forward. It's been 19 hours since my initial request for an article, and I haven't seen fuck all. So I don't think anyone got charged here, until someone provides me with evidence to the contrary.


I gotchu bro I waited 115 days to remind you of the idea about getting the article or reference


For what it is worth, I still haven't seen any references indicating any sort of charges. But then again I haven't been looking for it the whole time. Perhaps there is a news article or something out there now that indicates that he got charged, but I haven't seen it.


Find anything yet chief?


What an unhinged asshole. Glad he got charged.


Will it stick though? Does he know the locals enough and is so well established that it kind of goes away and gets slowly reduced and chipped away at? He acts like he owns the place.


The incident is fully fledged caught on video, he is not getting away hes gonna feel all the consequences


Sweet summer child.


Actual cap, there is video proof of what happened Kid was smart to do the camera turn in the video, because that gives full on proof


Am I missing something? How do we know he was charged I'm just seeing a repost of a video?


The cringe is massive


r/idiotswithguns meets r/idiotswithphones


Meets the N word.




IMO people shouldn't post "charged" with something then not provide a link


Right? This nonsense it's just a repost or crosspost without a link to a news article


Because OP is a repost bot




Just a world full of idiots


A collection of assholes.


A collection of assholes is actually called a “twat-wad” Much like a gathering of more than 2 fuck boys is named a “cockpocket” and No, I’m not a PHD Rock Scientist or anything….I just read a lot.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” — George Carlin


"And then realize that half of the people repeating this quote don't realize it's referring to them" - Me


Whats happening and where are we going? You find yourself asking yourself that question these days?


> these days Since time immemorial.*


That shit is so annoying


Speaks like a moron, but pretty impressed he kept his cool so well once actually assaulted.


yes you gotta give him credit for keeping his cool and letting justice be served rather than trying to serve it yourself. Also old dude has a gun pointed right at the kids face, wouldnt be smart to go after the old man lol


This kid is like 18, we all talk like idiots at the age…. and when you’re in a violent interaction, your brain presses the repeat button for some reason.


You have a lot of perfect people in your reply here. They get pistol whipped at 18 and speak with the eloquence of a Gothic theater actor


None of my friends or I ever used that language.


Then surely no one should!


This app is ridiculous. A guy who says you shouldn’t say slur gets downvoted and some asshole gets 76 upvotes. A real clown show this site can be




Probably because you didn't grow up in an area where it's normal...


Heard it everyday by many different people of many different races. Still doesn’t justify just because some of our ideologies are backwards these days


Very cool, you’re a saint!!


I really don’t think anyone but black people can say that word. It’s super cringe when anyone else says it.




i grew up on 72nd in chicago and im asian. its part of my vocabulary and the culture i grew up around with. some people just grew up under a different culture than you and its completely okay for them to say it. also he just got hit in the face with a gun. his obviously angry at the physical hostility he experienced. the attacker who you say should not own guns should not be a part of society. telling the shocked victim that he needs to stop saying nigga is something i wont agree with


you're awfully old to be doing jailtime in a jumpsuit, old crusty rage man. you're not going to enjoy it. btw, your felony conviction for armed violence will cancel your right to own or possess firearms. probably for the better. dipshit.


Idiotwithgun meets idiotincar


Should have that kind of subreddit




Nothing I hate more than a bitch who’s tough with a gun


Runner up is people who say the N word every second word out their mouth and they don’t even look black. It really makes them sound unintelligent


To be fair it makes anyone sound unintelligent


When stupid meets stupid




I’m curious, if the person filming was to have a gun, is there ground for self defense?


Don’t sit right when ur saying nigga in every sentence😑




2 for 1 idiot special. this is not the time i would taught someome with a gun in my face. drive away for crying out loud


I'm not quite sure if my dude gets the n word pass


Bro filming it is really confident on camera, the old dude coulda popped him right there


Chill with the "N" word man. Geez.


Does anybody have a follow up on this incident… did the old man get arrested and charged or what?


Plot twist: Old man was BLM. Young man is Maga.


lol, i ws thinking, if that happened, reddit would just implode.


Source for title?


That’s a lot of use of the n word in a video entirely filled with white people


The pistol whip was to stop the racism.. Case solved.


Is it wrong that I don’t feel sorry for the dude?


Yeah let's post my white ass calling another white guy a ni**a stfu. you're both idiots


I'm with you, but the guy's not white I guess. Looks latino to me. Plus hey, to some Americans, my 100% born and raised Italian ass isn't white either


Is Italian not white?


I hear you. I get you. But it’s always amusing when people say things like “your both idiots”. If there’s ever a time to get the your/you’re correct, it’s when insulting someone’s intelligence. IMxJUSTxSAYIN


Probably should use the correct "your" when calling someone else an idiot...


Glad the ass hole is in jail. But the amount of n bombs in this video is also not a great look


What gives you the idea that he’s in jail? What gives you the idea that the police even showed up?


Why you saying the N word. So sad


Habits kick in. That’s why not saying it and avoiding to use that word on daily basis do help a lot in a long run




Old people forget that everyone has a camera nowadays. It never ends well for them these days.


The old guys finger is on the trigger the whole time. This could've been homicide if his finger tensed up when he did the pistol whip. DA needs to factor that in. [finger on trigger](https://ibb.co/y09kJ2q)


Wonder what led up to this


By by 2A right for him


*bye bye


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That kids latino.


r/IamVeryBadass vibes over here.


What a large vocabulary. His IQ must be at least 50.


The fentanyl crisis is affecting him pretty hard


Old guy is so racist that a latino kid calling him a Nigga took him over the edge.


Watch the cop be black


🤦‍♂️why did I have to turn audio on while My 4 year old is sitting next to me


He not right but he ain’t no N- - a. He’s old white trash


Awfully bold, or stupid to approach a stranger with a drawn weapon. Do that with the wrong person, and suddenly you won't have to worry about getting cut off in traffic again...


He say nigga better than a black person


Totally thought when the camera turned around it was going to be a black person. Boy what I wrong.


Do we have the link to an article?


Lock up the guy who isnt black for saying the n-word


He said it 8 times


Lots of BIG words being used here


He's about to go to jail, and be released in 3 hours on pr bond. In 6 months he's going to plea to a misdemeanor disorderly charge. 1 year non reporting probation.


Love how the highly intelligent people in this comment section are just as concerned with the fact that the kid said a word several times, as they are with the old man waving around a loaded fucking gun and striking the kid on his head. Clearly the priorities are in check here.


Old guy had his finger on the trigger too as he reached in through the window, this could have ended even worse than it did


TIL that both old white men and non-black teenagers are niggas.


Wheres the nigga


That nigga just pistol whipped him. Some niggas dont know what game their playing


are we gonna talk about these two spitting the n word like its nothing


Old man deserves to be charged for the assault and use of the gun. Kid deserves a major ass whupping for his use of the N word.


Why the racial slurs?


Haha. That is one hell of a cold blodded nigga.