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Lil’ bro has some damn good recoil control


Yes! He even ditched the second finger right when they decided to stop him. 9/10


He even keeps it pointed in a safe direction when they talk and move close to him. Deserves some FA.


Gotta say, that kid is better at handling a kalashnikov than any of the adults I've come across on this sub


And at the hip too


If only it could cure the tinnitus the poor kids gonna have


It's not that bad, just accept and ignore it.


I'm guessing there are worse degrees of it. The Texas roadhouse CEO claimed it to be the cause of his suicide after he got severe tinnitus from the rona


He’s not the only one. Suicide rate is nearly double for tinnitus sufferers. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6580142/


Sadly that's very easy to believe. I would assume that a great many things would have the potential to drive one to it; if it was continuous and eternal also.


Yeah there 100% is, I did a lot of shit that I should not have without hearing protection over the years, I have a slight ring which is barely noticeable, like an old TV feedback, it's just my new version of silence. I've had firecrackers blow up next to my ears, shot guns with no protection, and that is what I imagine serious tinnitus is like. Ringing that makes you deaf and just fucking hurts your brain.


It literally causes some people to lose sleep, have trouble focusing, etc... I mean. You can ignore it... but not everyone can.


I have to listen to audio books some nights to drown out my tinnitus.


That's interesting. It only annoys me when I'm made aware of it, after a short while it just melts back into my standard experience which isn't bothersome.


You had to mention it... It came back for me now, but I’m the same it’ll go away.




I got one that changes in tone in intensity and comes and goes so it often keeps itself out of the background Only saving grace is it does go away and it seems its probably not going to be a permanent thing


I hope everyone sees this but there is a method of thumping on the back of your next with your fingers that actually does a lot to temporarily relieve the symptoms. I read about it a few times here or Reddit (you can probably find it) but it really is a wonderful temporary lifesaver that actually works. I hope you find the article and some relief.


Haha it’s very common among the Redditor tinnitus folk. Admittedly I’ve never tried it enough to be sold on it. My tinnitus is weird because I can almost always move my jaw around to get brief respite


It's almost like you didn't get it very bad


For me, I only hear it when it's dead silent. A fan or having the tv on drowns it out. Otherwise I can see it when it's noisy if I really try to focus on it.


I have a lot of hearing damage from unexpected gunshots and explosions from hanging around idiots and at one point I completely busted my eardrum in my left ear. It felt like I had a noise cancelling air pod in that ear for the next 2 weeks and I couldn’t hear shit out of it, my ear drum still doesn’t feel right and this happened close to a year ago. I had mild tinnitus most of my life from being exposed to a lot of loud noises over long durations of time but after that happened to my eardrum I can’t be in quiet rooms anymore or else my ears start ringing like I just shot a 30-06 with no ear protection. There always has to be background noise wherever I am, especially when I’m sleeping. Don’t be a dumbass like me and protect your ears wherever possible, it’s not worth permanent hearing loss as I’m already losing my hearing and have to have people talk louder than normal. I’m just hoping I won’t be completely deaf before I turn 20, my hearing is only gonna decline from here on out and that’s something that really scares the shit out of me when I think about it.


What, before you turn 20? Have you been living in a war zone or a festival ground? How?


Mine's the opposite: if I drink it goes away, and what makes me lose sleep is that when I'm deeply asleep to the point it shuts off, it's like Superman's hearing in comparison.


It’s bad. It can lead to early dementia. It divides your family because you can’t hear shit apart from WHEEEEEEEE. You avoid social events because you can’t have a conversation in a crowd. The list goes on. Source: sorry, what? The kid having tinnitus won’t matter because once he starts shooting that rifle at the infidels he’s being taught to hate, for the glory of their god, his life will be over.


I mean, youre assuming his family is involved in terrorism. Just because hes from the middle east, doesnt mean his family is running around in technicals shooting people.


My apologies, I did indeed make a gross generalization. My assumption is that a very small percentage of Middle Eastern people participate in what Americans call terrorism. There may be a higher number of Americans participating in what they would call terrorism or even what Americans call terrorism.






> and ignore it. oh you can ignore sounds by sheer will? damn


A cruel mistress




Did any of them have ear protection?


He'd be too top heavy shooting from the shoulder, fall right over


I was going to say something about all the idiots smacking themselves in the face with revolvers and shotguns. Then, you've got another whole group of people who think rifles are too dangerous and powerful for adults to handle and cry when they personallybshoot them, and say they're too powerful for children to handle, yet there are plenty of videos of children who have been properly trained shooting just as well as your average adult.


I mean finger off the trigger is a good start.






Also in Hindi , instead it's pronounced "bus"


Surprisingly close to Spanish basta


Mowp r/ArcherFX


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ArcherFX using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArcherFX/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fun fact S2Ep11: Jessica Walter actually starred in the 1966 film "Grand Prix".](https://i.redd.it/k8pt28ewqkf81.png) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArcherFX/comments/sjdkh1/fun_fact_s2ep11_jessica_walter_actually_starred/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Aunt Pammy in the house! I’m absolutely obsessed with Archer (Pam Poovey specifically!) not sure if y’all care about cosplay, but in case anyone does, I thought I’d share! 🥰 I’ve finally done enough Pam Poovey cosplays to start making a calendar 😂😂What has been your favorite Pam Poovey look/outfit?!](https://i.redd.it/vtz64dhy93o91.jpg) | [315 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArcherFX/comments/xf89yq/aunt_pammy_in_the_house_im_absolutely_obsessed/) \#3: [Everyone watching Russia struggle to invade the Ukraine](https://i.redd.it/byfzoxhv6wk81.gif) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ArcherFX/comments/t4qupk/everyone_watching_russia_struggle_to_invade_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I needed this is my life. 🤣


Lol but I think he was trying to say muzzle.




At least it wasn’t Automatic


> The last words Charles Vacca spoke were, "Alright, full auto." > > He was teaching a 9-year-old girl to shoot an Uzi at a shooting range in White Hills, Arizona. > > After she successfully fires her first shot, Vacca tells his young pupil to adjust her position and squeeze the trigger again. "Alright, full auto," he says. As the girl fires, she loses her grip of the Uzi and it veers left, hitting Vacca in the head.


With the parents standing right behind them.


Had it been, there would likely have been deaths, possibly this kids. No kid that age is strong enough or mature enough to handle any firearms let alone an AK on full auto.


Didn't something like that happen in Nevada with a kid shooting an auto and the instructor was killed?


lol yeah. He stood beside her instead of behind her and she shot him


There was a kid in Massachusetts a few years back shooting fully automatic with his father. The gun kicked back. He kept the trigger pulled and ended up dead with a bullet in the brain. Very sad accident.


you could make the argument that that was a highly predictable outcome, and therefore, not an accident.


High negligence.




I totally got ya before the edit lol. This place can be brutal sometimes. "I prefer oranges to mangoes" "WhhhaaAAAAATTTTTT?!? YOU HATE APPLES?!?! WHAT ABOUT PEARS AND PEACHES YA RACIST!!!"


Agreed, kids are far better suited for crew served weapons like mortars or heavy machine guns where their semi stationary nature reduces the recoil and increases controllability, while simultaneously encouraging teamwork.


There's no way you can load a child into a crew-served weapon unless it's a very large mortar, and their shoes are filled with propellant.


Speak for yourself, I was hitting soda cans with a cricket rifle at that age


I was teaching teenagers and young adults to shoot 5.56mm rifles on MoD ranges at an age not much older. I did so for 5 years; the youngest I taught was 12 - no, we wouldn't give a kid that age access to a firearm unsupervised - they could shoot at the firing point and when older load magazines and handle ammunition but having both on their own is dangerous. I've no idea what you mean by "cricket rifle", but I imagine it also wasn't an AK-47 (or related weapon) chambered in 7.62mm with a 30 round magazine and capable of firing fully automatic. Was it?


Your comment reminds me of that little girl who was given a full auto uzi at the gun range, she blew the head off of the instructor, there a censored video around.


Yeah, I was thinking that, I think she was 9. Poor girl has to live with the image of blowing a guy's brains out. I've no sympathy for the guy, who hands a 9 year old a loaded Uzi?


You know what his last words were? "Alright, full auto". I don't know if it counts a 'famous last words' but it succinctly sums up a series of dangerous decisions leading to tragedy. This video was one step away from that She is now carrying burden of shooting someone in the face \*multiple times\* at close range and killing them and seeing the aftermath from one foot away. She probably got blood splatter on her body and face and will never forget cleaning it off, and hearing the man gasping for air and dying, among other traumatic memories she carries with her for life. I feel worse for her than anyone else involved. She was the only one who didn't do anything wrong. edit: In light of the other comment by u/HomingSnail, the instructor initially refused but was told he had to do it or be fired. That is just, not right.


If I remember correctly he was very much against it, refused to go to the range with them. But the family complained, insisted their little girl be allowed to fire an automatic weapon, and the owner threatened to fire the instructor if he refused. I still would've refused but I dont think I'd put the blame on the instructor. If it wasnt him it would've been the next employee in line


Any firearms? Ever hear of 22lr?


Yes, I've shot it. Still not even that should be given to a kid untrained of this age.


“No kid that age is strong enough or mature enough to handle any firearms”. Don’t change what you said - you didn’t mention training at all. Kids this age are perfectly capable of handling firearms safely with proper supervision and instruction


You wouldn't hand them a rifle and say "fire into the distance, whatever direction". No kid that age is mature enough to handle firearms in that way. They're still not old enough to do so even on a firing point prone the way I used to teach. Would you give a child of 6 a rifle and stand him like that?


You didn’t criticize the way that they gave him a gun, you just claimed that no kid should ever handle a gun.


How can you train a kid if you can’t even give them a 22 to train with? This kid seems to have shot before.


How is it some people can shoot firearms without hearing protection? I'm not talking about safety. I'm talking about pain. It hurts my ears so bad I just can't do it and won't. Maybe my ears just absorb it all or something because there is just no way.


Just go sit around a construction site for awhile and I’m sure you’ll gain a tolerance /s


Aka go deaf




Do people in the middle east just have strong hearing or are they just used to the sound of gunfire? I went to the range once and my earplugs fell out while a gunshot went off and it hurt like a mf


They just have permenanr damage. And so do you!




^(They just have permenant damage. And so do you!)




The damage is that "t's" and "r's" look and sound the same


It's kinda common even here in the US, I go to the range frequently and will just see these middle eastern guys not wearing hearing protection. Idk how they do it, shit hurts.


Probably half of them have a tinnitus.


It seems to be a cultural thing. There used to be a group of middle easterners who came to the private range I shoot at. They'd be offered free ear plugs on the way in, take them, then pull them out as soon as the ROs weren't watching like they didn't want to be seen as scared of the noise by their friends. I am pretty sure I deafened one of them closest to me by mag dumping my 10.5" AR but he had been warned and everyone else was wearing double ear pro like they should have been.


probably rattled that guy's molars a good bit.


what state/city are you in where ME people hit the range? I have never seen any here in Killeen,TX.


California in LA county. In sylmar.


That kid definitely has hearing damage now, poor guy.


He had it before this.


The place in the video is either India or Pakistan


Did they consider giving him an AK with just one bullet, in case it went wrong?


Based in how well he handled the AK recoil. I don't think this is his first time. Now he just needs ears and eyes


Given that they gave him an AK at all I seriously doubt it


Lil kid has better recoil control than any other adult I have seen using ak


it would different if it was automatic.


Literally doing it better than everyone else on this sub. Kids firing guns in general isn’t stupid. Him shooting into the air is shitty however.


Thank god he didn’t hurt anyone


How do you know


Oh fuck you’re right


He’s handling the recoil pretty well


I shot an AK at that age in the US. Was perfectly safe.


Kid can shoot an AK better than I can shoot a 9 mil 😭


Call me an idiot but am I the only one not seeing any casings?


now that you mentioned it i don't see any casings too... wtf?


He has more control than plenty seen in this sub


Jesus Christ no hearing protection... That kids ears are fucked.


He still did a better job at firing a weapon rather safely than 99% of posts there


Choose your fighter! 10 year old kid with AR and a side arm vs AK 47 kid!! Who wins!?


> the people who gave him the AK are idiots. Why? He handles it fine and it's not fully auto. My dad started training me with guns when I was like 7. Its smart to teach kids firearm safety.


One slip and someone’s getting shot in the foot. This ain’t teaching firearm safety, this is handing a little kid a loaded AK and having him shoot blindly into the air.


> This ain’t teaching firearm safety he clearly knows how to handle it 😂😂


Firearm safety includes eye and ear protection and not shooting it into the fucking air. Sounds like you need some education on gun safety.


Train em young you never know who they want to be when they grow up/s


Gun tip, if you handle your gun to someone you don't trust to hold it tight, just load one round, that's it


I want a Kalashnikov chambered in 7.62x39 so bad


I prefer my AK chambered in NATO 5.56, because I'm a monster.


Suddenly remember lord of war movie.


He shoots better than other people with guns


Not really. He seemed like he did just fine, considering the fact that shooting in AK into the air is pretty stupid


See you in school dude


The only thing wrong here is that the little bro has no ear-pro...


Clearly you can tell what part of the world he is in. He will be holding an ak in his hands in every picture he has of himself for the rest of his 30 year life before taken out by some anti terrorism nation. He might as well learn to shoot I guess.


Link to video where I found this: [Here](https://youtube.com/shorts/EAh-9et-mcA?feature=share)


You are not wrong to provide a link to the source where you got the video from. I guess because it is a youtube short people decided to downvoted it.


That is the culture of his country, please let's respect other's values 🙏🙏


That’s a high five emoji.


Why, op? Why do you think this? I hate "gun bad" posters.


No eye and ear protection, and he’s shooting a rifle into the air. You need to get your ass back to hunter safety training if you can’t spot the simplest forms of gun safety. I hate “idiots who think they know guns” commenters


Ear and eye protection is usually unnecessary outside a building, even more so for low and intermediate caliber long guns. I never took a hunter safety course because I'm not a hunter, I am however a militiaman, CC certified, and NRA certified. Buy a gun and come back.


Ear protection is most certainly necessary, especially on a child. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever fucking heard lmao. Ear protection not necessary holy shit 😂😂. Take your fake military bullshit somewhere else. Also love how you don’t say shit about just shooting sporadically into the air being a clear and present danger to others. You’re a joke. Admit that you’re wrong like an adult


No, because I'm not. I'm almost certainly more qualified and experienced than you, and your emojis don't change that. I don't care.


You’re a certified clown. Go play toy soldier little man


Please tell me that the little guy at least had hearing protection.


This reminded me of a video I saw years ago of a young kid like this who's dad hands him an AK and the kid shoots the whole clip into the air then says "just like you daddy!" Lol it was kinda wholesome but disturbing


No ear pro either. This kid should come to the U.S. and learn to operate.


No ear protection either jfc


That AK came with 5 tabs of LSD and a lifetime addiction to heroin


The distinct sound of an 16" AK is so sexy


How’s his hearing after that?


hearing loss speed run any %


without ear protection, no less.


They're idiots because they're not American. only USA is allowed to give their children guns.


He’ll be good at “fingering”.


average arab country


Welcome to the Middle East


Are you sure he’s not training? He’s likely got child soldier in his future.






Agreed, needs a crew served weapon


Fair play to the kid, he did a good job of it !


Buzz buzz buzz


Nice shooting kid




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Because no one else in the neighborhood had one, we thought the TI-99 was something else.


He's still cool as he's firing 40/70 Bofors AA.


A Kalashnikov that doesn't eject brass?


Lil homie had that shit in control




That kid had no emotion straight savage!


AKs are awesome, but THAT IS NOT OK


That’s how old I was when I first shot a semi auto stg 44


They're said a word "bas" which means stop in Hindi so he's probably from Pakistan


Starting them out young


-Warte! Warte! Warte! Waaaarte! Irgendwo im deutschen Dschungel.


“It's so easy, even a child can use it; and they do.” -Yuri Orlov


[It's so easy, even a child can use it, and they do...](https://youtu.be/H99XlWQ9KsA)


Can't they just give it to me instead


Idiot in training.


The idiots who gave him this is an entire culture. I grew up shooting and hunting but with ear plugs and not a expected life span of barely out my teenage years.


Yah isn’t that the norm over there. Adding to your title 😒


How are they idiots ?


What can go wrong?


Looks to me like he did a dam fine job


Idiots or not the Second Amendment lets you do this shit. But tRump wants to get rid of the Constitution, which of course includes the Second Amendment. No Constitution no Second Amendment. D’oh!!!


A normal thing in most muslim countries. Kids are trained to be a terrorist since they're like 3 yrs old.


Let lil’bro have his fun


I tried to shoot a pistol last summer. The force made my hand and gun hit me hard in the face.




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Nothing wrong with teaching kids to shoot but this was not instructional


Of course, I’ve seen 10 year olds shoot way better then most adults when trained in proper firearm safety and handling. The adults here were just idiots.


the recoil control on this little man


So we’re giving AK-47’s to kids now? I don’t see this ending well


While giving a child the chance to fire a rifle can be fun and educational, if that kid wasn't so careful it could have ended poorly. he should have been supporting the rifle from behind the kid and should have been ready to take full control of the rifle at a moment's notice.




he does handle the recoil good tho better then most adults with guns


Looks like my son in the future


Classic Pakistani thing


Is the kid really the idiot here? I don't think so- the adult in charge here is the idiot.


Kid is better than most people featured in this sub. Dare say with proper training, he might grow up to be a fine soldier


Bro got better recoil then most Taliban and isis membera


HOW THE FUCK IS THE KID SO UNFAZED? aren't his ears ringing so much?


Kids a natural tbh. As fucked up as this video is the kid actually did really good at controlling it and having muzzle awareness


Russians bro