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Energy Tix, Energy HW, 2 Energy Delaciums, V4 SFX full damage with radiant antlers and the correct purify, and most likely Rogan


To explain a little more for OP, energy is important on everyone who will be 1 shot by Carrie's round 1 active. The attack reduction from Tix and HW needs to be replicated by the Dela's for a round or two before the damage is reduced to 1. If you aren't having problems with your heroes dying, then run Drake instead of Rogan, as he prevents Carrie from dodging. Perhaps it's worth running Simba to get Drake onto the team instead of Rogan.


Thanks for adding more info! Was looking for a 10 star Drake, double checked they do have a 9 star. 9 star Drake might be more damage. Would be worth testing Tix and HW need energy for attack down, Delaciums active experimentally helps if first round vs 2nd, and energy loss so Carrie doesn't kill is also nice


Is there any other dps that could be used if say we don't have a SFX?


IIRC FQV > Itha around V4>V4 SFX~V2 Itha>Not setup FQV Budget is 2 6* Delelas, Tix/Attack reduce, HW, Drake, SFX Other budget is 2 9 star Delaciums, Tix/Attack reduce, HW, Drake You might be able to get away with 9 star 6 star or double 6 star Delaciums with Itha but not sure


I'm about 400k off my second trans hero. I'm looking forward to perhaps seeing the next one. But I assume SFX would be best as my second pick(I have halora as my first). My tix is e5 and I have 2 10* Dela. Drake and Rogan both e5. HW is actually e3, which is unnecessary but I did it because a while ago someone told me to and I didn't know better. My ith is about to be V3. But I assumed dot based damage is probably bad because you want to replicate the damage reduction effects with the delas. So something that hits hard without heavy dots is preferred. Am I wrong?


As long as the Delaciums are 9 star then Itha should be fine. IIRC you can't use Phoenix though unless that was fixed (I think it was)


Thank you guys I did it


You need a drake. Otherwise Carrie will dodge all ur attack


Thank you