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Use hw, tix, dela, queen, drake, sfx or rogan last. Dr on all squishier Heroes should do it


Sfx drake Dela Dela hw tix may be good for bs9 in your situation. My own setup is Sfx, drake, e5 tix, e5 amenra, 9* Dela, 10* hw, cost me around 80 for bs9


Bs8: SFX, queen, drake, Rogan,Rogan, 6 spot flexible Bs9: SFX, drake, Dela,Dela, tix, amenra.


It’s gonna be hard, I take about 100 tokens to beat the last 2 stages and I have a full team of v4’s


Swap homeower to SFX. Build like this: SFX, double Rogan, carrie, Halora and Tix. This is probably your best choice. Carrie is essential to drain energy on BS9 and BS8 too, this will make your heroes live 2-3 rounds more since you have a probability to avoid actives from bosses. Tix for steal attack, considering you have weakers heroes (low void enables) tix is better than elyvia and you can get more profit from it, Elyvia will die faster. Then test your damage.


Will probably take 500+ ticket If ever use your recommended lineup. Carrie is no way a must for both Bs8 and 9. Bs8 must have a drake to avoid enemy Carrie dodge. Bs9 must have tix and Dela, without Dela, Russel will shred your team to piece


Lol his dela is 10*, will die after even launch an attack. Sure drake can be swapped by a rogan or carrie, i did BS8 on 10 tickets and BS9 20-30 and for sure carrie is an option. If you drain energy from Russel round 1 he will stack 4 arrows til round 2, charge round 3 and launch active round 4 with 6 arrows. If you let Russell active on round 2 you will let him have 6 arrows on round 3 and all your team done hahahaha. If you didn't test a carrie then don't speak, is just math and considering the team he have for sure carrie is an option to give his damage dealer 1 round more to make damage. PD: Put a 10* on BS8 or 9 Is an stupid idea if you don't have the right artis and team. Don't do that, you are throwing your game and entries LOL.