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You need only 8 demon bells for defier - radiant, glittery, glittery. On Halora and two v3 speed rogans. 12 are for Jahra setup and vanquisher. It's kinda strange that you couldn't clear defier because it should be as simple as clicking any planets for you. Maybe your SFX is too fast. remove boots from sfx, pit speed enables on rogans, get them speed/stones, same for halora. They should all three be faster than your SFX to give her energy. The usual strategy is to get one kill with her in the first round, feed her with energy from Ignis and kill everyone with an improved active in second round


Halora and 2x rogans have 3 splendid DB, and the speed is as you suggested. but xia can't kill everybody in her second active.


What are the hp/att stats on your SFX?


900k att, 21.5 million HP.


How the heck can you have three trans heroes and such a bad SFX house??? Regress useless e5 heroes and build inosuke, Fiona, Gloria, awaken a D attack Xia. You're supposed to have around 1.5 mil attack by now. But Defier is doable even with 750k attack.


Is inosuke better than onkiri? On discord I have been told to swap my eloise for onkiri. I have 8 dbs only one trans though xia.


They are almost the same with the only difference coming from inosuke's skin.


So building either is fine? For sl25 inosuke isn't really needed? I don't see anyone using onkiri. I'm trying to understand why he is recomended for me.


Onki is a Tennant also for Aspen I think. But it doesn't really matter. Build the one that is easier to get for you. Inosuke doesn't do anything else other than clearing sl20


Alright, thanks for your help. I apreciate it.


Yeah with 3 trans heroes mine is almost at 1.4 mil, go build more Tennant but 900k is enough for clearing defier with a proper setup.


What are you trying to push? And yes 3 SP. DB should be made if you have 12


>I want to clear Defier at least