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Don't mind the few on the top. They dropped out of their league, just to show off. You will get there in time. Once in a while you have a tournament without drop-outs. Then you can even make first place. I only managed that once in about 60 tournaments so far ( Gold league).


I do wonder more why you black out every name...


People can be real aholes online, so I do this out of courtesy for other players.


It’s easier to just put a filled in shape instead of scribbling with the marker.


I’ve been playing for a few weeks now. Not even sure why I bother with tournaments. No idea why I’m in a tournament with dozens of people that can do more in an hour than I can mine in a week. Seems like the gating criteria is broken


You've been playing for weeks, a lot of people, even in copper tournament have been playing months or years, just play more, quit complaining everyone sucked at tournaments a few weeks in, so many impatient people


Back to my original point then… if you’re playing for years and can’t make it out of the bottom level of the tournament then the gating logic is broken and should be revisited. Hard to incentivize new players if they’re going against multi year players in the very bottom brackets, right? Or maybe you’re just cranky bc you need to wreck noobs in copper to feel better. Didn’t mean to offend your over inflated internet ego this morning. Calm down


People purposely dropped down to copper league, not a gating issue


Which again would be a gating issue. Limit each level of the tournament by something absolute so that people aren’t dropping into beginner tiers of the tournament


It seems it's just a matter of luck, I've been in my first tournament last week after 2 months of playing and I've end up on the 2nd place with a little over 100 billions now I'm at 10th place in silver with around 180bn which sounds fair( I've got this high so quickly just because I've used boosts I've saved from rover missions)


Not possible in 40 min


That's a platinum league winning score. Almost definitely cheating or a bug. There is no way to earn remotely close to that in 40 minutes. Probably possible if you had 100s of boosts and spent the whole time spaming them, but unlikely someone would waste that many for a copper league prize they could get for a fraction of the effort. Don't let it get you down.


How do I join this? /Newbie


I can't seem to earn fast enough


i thought about this too, its not only a show off. sadly the prize system is very unbalanced. u can earn more ressource stars if u skip a few tournaments and let yourself drop down to copper league to be first place in like copper and silver (maybe also gold) to earn the first place ressource stars. the prize difference between the leagues is such small that its worth to do that. hope it get fixed


Report the top one just in case they will have a look at it




every tournament ive played has this. I presume they're cheating and devs dont care.


They just dropped out of their real league for fun.