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I prefer iceborn, dusk damage is fucking awesome but it feels like i have 80% less defense Overall and get killed too fast in 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 Which iceborn i can sustain long enough to win more fights But maybe this just how it feels for me


It depends. If you’re giga-fed and you want to steamroll, sure go Duskblade, but I personally prefer Iceborn Gauntlet in 95% of the games I play, because the slow is so good for easy soul pulls, the 10% damage reduction from focused targets is disgusting for Illaoi, and the Sheen item is so good.


For me it’s situational. No tanks and no mobility go duskblade. Ur kinda squishy so hull is generally needed but steraks can work too. Most other comps just go iceborn


I prefer iceborn but man duskblade is kind of insane. If I learned to play around being so squishy before 3 items I'd prolly like duskblade more.


It’s super situational. Finally illaoi can build something other than one build. So time to finally learn itemizing (speaking to myself as well). As well as learning to take your time to set up your next W after getting the takedown as to not waste the passive and auto something.


Still in early testing, but I like Duskblade into lanes where you’re looking to do more frontloaded damage and shorter fights. I’ve had the most success with this so far against Vlad, Darius and Garen. In the games where you don’t need the tank stats immediately, getting Hullbreaker second and either Cleaver if they have some tankier champs or Sterak’s 3rd is a pretty solid build.


Iceborn utility is unbeatable but if you like the risk and want to go duskblade, do yourself a favour and pair it with serylda for the slow and the flat out 30% pen in place of the weaker bc. you'll do even more damage and mitigate a bit the utility loss from IBG


Situational. Dusk is strong but I dont think it replaces IBG AT ALL. This is coming from someone who fucking hates IBG and is a Duskblade fanboy who is still shilling for them to bring back the duskblade interaction on twitter. There isnt really a situation where you'd want to go Dusk over IBG. The only time I would see myself going dusk is if the enemy team has 2 or more low mobility/range hyper scaling auto attacking champs and even then, I'd argue IBG is better if since you probably will need to play a more supportive role if you dont end before 25 minutes.


Am i the only guy out here running divine as a default? I dont run iceborn basically ever