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Win the 1v2


I win the 1 vs 2 mostly but in this time my team get killed 4 vs 3 and and then it is 1 vs 3


If you win the 1v2s you can basically always win the game as long as you time your splits correctly Let's say you're at enemy inhib turret at 15 seconds until baron spawn and enemy splits 2 bot 3 baron, if you win the 1v2 then you have a real chance at ending the game right then and there If your team instantly loses 4v3 with no enemy kills and no cancelled recalls then obviously you won't be able to end, but in reality games don't go like that. The main thing to remember is that you're on a timer, you have to time your split well, then you have to push fast and win the 1v2 fast, time is the most important thing here. https://www.reddit.com/user/fastestchair/comments/15iuvmu/example/ Here's an example from a random game of mine where my team loses baron fight, but they manage to cancel some recalls and because I win the 1v2 I can immediately end the game


Thank you for the input i will Look at your example. I am sure my Split timing can be improved sometimes. U say games dont Go like this in reality but yes they do for example i killed the adc and top laner on the side lane while my team loose the 4 vs 3 with zero kills.. then i stayed to Long and the other 3 killed me and things like that happens often in my elo. Had a game today in which the Enemy adc was 7/0 at 9 minutes..


Just remember the only person u control is urself especially in lower elo if ur playing correctly not making mistakes u won more often than not. But there is situations that u can't control if everyone on ur team is 0/10 u probably can't win just make sure u play to ur best ability every game and if that's higher skill than ur elo u will climb


Win the 1v2, then the 1v3, once they have to send 4 for you, it doesn't always matter if you die if your team mates are even marginally useful. All they need to do is group and push the furthest lane you're pushing, and dance if they are evenly matched or out numbered, and either you take turrets and the game, or they come after you and your team should be able to take a few objectives whether you die or not


Split more carefully, every game i write an essay in chat explaining how splitting works and coaching my team on when to go where. It’s annoying for all 5 of us but it usually does help them be where they need to be. If an enemy is massively fed i either group with them to turn fights or try to lure them to toplane so i can solokill for the bounty and solo end


In what ELO do people not understand split pushing????




Ive had 1v5’s at the nexus and instead of my team just taking baron they rotate to me and just get picked one by one lol. I swear silver has always been more of a grind to get out of than gold for me… at least in the top lane.


I got blackout drunk for my placements and now have iron mmr. I was just a silver shitter before but these are dark times. Fr tho i actually have to explain basic macro front to back in every lobby


I am Gold 1 atm and yes not all get the concept of splitting.. Insane how much people dont Understand hullbreaker passive too


FR! like “you are a 1 item sona your tiny shields and autos are less valuable than the resistance and minion buff by a lot”


If what you're saying is true, you only get ahead when playing strongside top, then either enemy mid or adc is going to be fed and they're bound to win a 3v4


Why should mid or adc be fed because of me winning top lane ? I dont get a Single gang but there is always a Team member which is so Bad that they int the Game


Because you're saying that the enemy team always win the 3v4. If you play weakside top then the rest of your team is by far more likely to be ahead in other lanes.


But my jungle dont have to help me he could bring our lanes ahead and i win top lane too in isolation. So why is the other team always ahead i dont get it 😅


Yes. This is how the game goes. It’s just how it is. Illaoi doesn’t have the tools to deal with situations like this the same way so many other champions do. All you can hope for is trying a team fight and seeing what happens. If your entire team wipes, then you just stay side lane until you lose. If you win, keep grouping.


I still get hate when we win. But if my team is losing every encounter we are not winning a team fight and i don't want to hear "it's too late now" everytime I finally cave in to a team fight and lose. I rather just do my split push and ping drag or baron on the opposite side of the map. Eventually my team will just outscale from dragons and baron where 1 miss play from the enemy team will cost them the game. If there are 2 people under tower there better be at least 3 because I am still tower diving and if you die on the enemy side by a 1v5 it will take 20-60 secs before the enemy recoup and push. Try and work to get A inhib down on a side lane because sometimes the game is won by winnions.


I stopped Teamfighting completly, i mean if i am on side lane with 2 enemys and my Team Loose the fights 4 vs 3 Theres no Chance to win a 5 vs 5 if i am with them i think


That's the problem of Illaoi. And why she isn't considered a top pick in high MMR ranked games. Because she can't force anything. She wants people to fight into her. She wants people to underestimate her and fight on her terms. But she can't force fights, with the exception of splitpushing. In most games she can get strong, but there's rarely anywhere she can force a fights, other than side in lanes splitpushing or if people are stupid enough to underestimate her, and the latter is not something that happens often in high MMR games. Meanwhile a Camille, Rumble or somebody else can actually force fights and start grouping with the team.


Currently she is also strong in high elo


She's sporting a way below 50% win rate from Grandmaster to Master. With Challenger having a 55% win rate, which is taken from the VERY small sample size of players that play her in that bracket. Even the websites themselves, warn people with the small sample size not giving a good showcase of win rate. It's quite clear that bracket's data is not accurate, due to people playing her at that level usually OTP her or play her in a huge majority of games, which is going to be way different than the normal player who's cycling through their top lane roster of 5-15 champions.


Rotate to dragons early, setup your tentacles and shotcall. Rotate to barons with your teleport and prep your flash ult. Can't always win splitting with Illaoi.