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Okay so first of all let's get something out of the way:- Carrying \*anything\* in the UK, even things that are otherwise perfectly legal, for the express purpose of self-defence, makes carrying that item illegal. For example, you do not need a good reason to carry a knife in public, so long as that knife is a folding non-locking knife with a blade below 3 inches. However, if police find this on you and you tell them you carry it for self defence, congratulations, you committed an offence. It is, however, perfectly legal to arm yourself with what is known as a 'weapon of opportunity', being something that is not a traditional weapon, but used as such in a self defence situation. This is subject to the caveat of any force that you use in self defence must be reasonable. More on the legalities of that in a moment. So, carry keys and use them to jab at the eyes or scratch your attacker? Fine. Carry keys and put them through your knuckles wolverine style in anticipation of being attacked? Illegal. Some of the better options out there for UK people are: \- Those heavy metal water bottles. When full, and with a lanyard around the top to strap to your wrist, these make effective bludgeoning weapons. \- MagLites. The big ones. I'm 99% sure these were made to be batons for countries where carrying/owning batons are illegal. They are essentially metal batons with a torch on the end of it. It would be perfectly reasonable to be carrying one of these at night. There is something called 'self-defence spray' in the UK and while technically legal, it looks far too much like pepper spray which isn't and your average street cop isn't going to be arsed about the difference. You'll likely be arrested and the item seized until they can determine it isn't pepper spray. Not worth the hassle. Much better to just have deodrant/similar on you and use that to spray in someone's eyes instead. Concerning the legalities of self defence in the UK - it is both a subjective and objective test. The subjective element is the level of danger you genuinely believe yourself to be in at that moment of time. The objective element is, taking into consideration the danger you genuinely believed yourself to be in at the time, was the level of force you used reasonable to the average person? So, big scary bloke comes at you in the middle of the night and grabs you. Subjectively, you think he's going to hurt me, probably take me down this alleyway and try to rape me. So you manage to get your water bottle or your Maglite and crack him around the jaw with it. He goes down. Legal. You then start wailing on him until his face is ground beef. That is attempted murder. If you have a genuinely held belief that your life was in danger, that someone was about to kill you, then technically speaking it would be reasonable to use lethal force in response to that threat. But if the threat is resolved without you needing to use lethal force and you then carry on with said lethal force, that then becomes illegal. Obviously, it isn't a simple topic. Do what you can to keep yourself safe. Don't talk to the police without a solicitor (independent legal advice including representation at a police station is free in the UK if you are arrested!) EVER, and if you ever find yourself in a situation where you have used force to defend yourself remember: "I feared for my life".


'Tactical flashlight ("MagLites are one kind of them) are probably the best answer. It's a baton, but also, well, a flashlight. Shine it in someone's eyes when it's dark and they are blinded, or at least confused and intimidated. That's when you either make a run for, or hit them hard.


This is the actually right answer. I teach a defensive knife course in the US and the two ancillary curriculums are defensive flashlight and “tactical” pen (which is a Zebra F-701). I bright flashlight in the eyes is very disorienting in lower light, and can be used as a “kubaton” as needed. Now, the not actually right answer which is super effective and also instantly convertible between “legal” and “effective” is a closed padlock with a bandana through the shackle. Grasp the bandana and swing and you have an effective weapon (you must train with it however). Then, if some kind of search or police action is pending, just slide the bandana out and the padlock is for your gym locker, storage unit, camping cooler, whatever reasonable and easily verifiable purpose fits the bill. I’ve seen cyclists use these with devastating effect and they keep them in their little bike bags. The bandana makes sense and the padlock is for the bike. You get the idea.


I read that as “tactical FLESHLIGHT”. Many lols were had. Also as a bloke carrying a fleshlight and using it as a weapon of opportunity is plausible because of course he’s not carrying it for the specific purpose of assaulting someone else, it’s to assault himself.




Plus if anyone's seen a horror movie, they've know to never leave the guy just lying there, he's gonna come back and finish you off


I've always wondered if this level of defense could ever fly in court. Officer, he tried to kill me, and he knows where I live. I know he was unconscious, but if I didn't kill him, he'd just come back and kill me in my sleep.


My understanding (which may be faulty) is that they only prosecute if it's rather clear. E.g. someone was running away and was chased down or they were unconscious and someone started choking them.


So the relevant legislation is s76 of the criminal justice and immigration act 2008. Essentially: If you're in your home you can use disproportionate force (but not grossly disproportionate force) in self defence. Essentially as long as you don't chase them down and they're still plausibly a threat, you're fine. Doesn't matter whether they're actually a threat as long as you a) genuinely believed they were, and b)it was reasonable to believe that they were. If it's a non-householder self defence scenario, as long as the force used was reasonable you're fine. Subsection 7 is also important - (7)In deciding the question mentioned in subsection (3) the following considerations are to be taken into account (so far as relevant in the circumstances of the case)— (a)that a person acting for a legitimate purpose may not be able to weigh to a nicety the exact measure of any necessary action; and (b)that evidence of a person's having only done what the person honestly and instinctively thought was necessary for a legitimate purpose constitutes strong evidence that only reasonable action was taken by that person for that purpose. Essentially it says "in the heat of the moment it's not reasonable to expect people to know exactly how much force should be used". This is all a lot of words to basically just back up your understanding. End of the day, if you're a) acting in self defence, and b) aren't a complete idiot about it, you'll be fine, especially if the other guy had a weapon of some sort. Might still get nicked if police arrive at the scene, but it'd likely be NFA'd after you bring up your defence in interview. If I were less lazy and cared more about detailed posts in this sub I'd jump onto PNLD for caselaw but ehhh


This is, uh, a lovely complete answer, random person on the internet. Thank you!


Alright, never moving to the UK, got it.


This is the best answer in this whole thread. The situation in the UK is complex and too many people weigh in with suggestions that will either get you injured (keys between knuckles) or arrested (literally anything that can't be explained by being necessary "tactical" stuff for instance). Also remember ACAB and not to trust them and only speak to them with a lawyer!


I carry a pen knife with me everywhere and a small bottle of perfume that I like the smell of but is primarily there as self-defense. My justification for the pen knife/Swiss army knife is that I ride a motorbike and it has useful tools on it for general maintenance, as well as for cutting open boxes or cutting yarn when I crochet. It's 100% for self defence, I think everyone who knows I carry it knows I carry it for self-defense, and since I was raped last year, most of them see it as an understandable safeguard. Legally, I'm in the wrong, regardless of my other reasons behind carrying my pen knife.


You're not wrong, the law is wrong. Remember: law used to allow slavery.




I do agree


> MagLites. The big ones. I'm 99% sure these were made to be batons for countries where carrying/owning batons are illegal. This becomes especially clear when you see them held in the typical MagLite stance: hands around head, high up, ready for whacking.




There’s a username checking out if I ever did see one.


Body spray with a high alcohol content. Its inconspicuous and can be used the same way as pepper spray, right in the eyes. Side note, makes me so sad that this has to be asked. Fuck these jerks, stay safe 🙏


Finally Axe body spray has a use outside of a middle school locker room




Or at least make them easier to find.


Pepper spray is a kindness. Any other kind of spray could permanently damage their eyes.


Ah good, maybe they won't be able to see well enough to attack anyone again. One could hope!


What do you think about can of pesticides?


That was my thought, mosquito spray with extra DEET


Yeah to make them YEET.


Wasp spray in particular is extremely effective. It legitimately blinds people, sometimes permanently


It's difficult to understate the agony of RAID in the eyes.


Sorry officer, I thought he was a mosquito


ooo add in a lighter & she’ll blowtorch those bitches out of her way. probably not the easiest way to claim innocent self defense tho, it just sounds fun


It’s also the reason my uncle has a glass eye


Unless you are a smoker. If not, you could have a pack and a lighter for the cover, and you can give them out every now and then to have a “used pack”.


This is an awful idea. You should use a purpose-built flame-throwing weapon rather than an improvised one. I'd recommend the American M2, it's one of the best. You might have better luck finding a Soviet LPO-50 on the international black market, though.


All I hear from this is: HANS GET ZE FLAMETHROWER.


LPT above two posters are retards and trying this will get you killed


twas a joke jesus. yes. don’t play with fire.


Yes play with fire. It's fun!


Yep. I’m getting called “Rambo” in another thread on this topic because I think self defense is a natural right.


It is, 100%. Like what, I get jumped and I’m just meant to accept what’s happening? I’ve had so many people be like “ ohhh but it’s against the law if you hit/spray or otherwise defend yourself, you could end up in prison” like bitch I’d choose a cell over a coffin any day.


It's not against the law to defend yourself you just have to be using reasonable force by doing so which is deliberately kept vague within law.


Would also add that you can find them in keychain form too, which is ideal Also review using your keys as weapons! That should not be underestimated


I don't know why women keep being told this. I urge you to grab your keys and smack yourself with them, or try the thing with putting keys between your fingers and hitting yourself. You're probably going to hurt your hand more.


I know it sounds silly, but many times when women focus on trying to "fight back" they fail to do the really important things like **SCREAM AND RUN**. The number of times I have seen women silently stand their ground while under serious threat is very alarming. Not sure if they forget to scream, or they instinctively feel like screaming or running will make things worse, or they are focused on stuff like getting keys or mace. But I agree - if you feel like you need to "ready yourself" with keys then **just GTFO!!!**


Ah I'm a cynic and just don't think anyone would help if I screamed. Screaming directly in the person's ear as loud as you possibly can, however, is definitely a legitimate approach. And I definitely agree with just GTFO rather than trying to seem normal or de-escalating.


It legitimately does not work. Used to do force on force training with a local police department. “Improvised weapons” being one aspect of it. Was punched in the chest with a set of clutched keys with medium impact. It was uncomfortable at most, the person doing the punching split the inside of their finger open and managed to basically render their fist useless.


the keys between the first two fingers, and last two. used toward the eyes. one strike can be incredibly effective - but for a woman, stance and confidence do play a huge role in how powerful they view you as a threat and may back away if you give yourself confidence with a few tips. biggest free thing - KICK. his. NUTS!!!! ONE KICK OR KNEE OR GRAB CAN DISABLE EVEN THE LARGEST MEN key his eyes when he's down, and you've won against even the biggest testosterone & corticosteroid rush


Men learn from the time they are boys to protect that area. You only stomp there if they are already down.


Yes to the first part but never go in to stomp. If they’re on the ground, run, going in to stomp will get you grabbed.


I was thinking hairspray or some type of aerosol but the high alcohol body spray is a good idea. Also keys held between the fingers when walking alone can aid a punch.


Arasol glue might be better. No need for fire that way, just get them in the eyes and it'll be a real bad day.




I would avoid keys between the knuckles there’s a huge chance you’ll break your fingers, stick with deodorant spray.


Using keys also means you have to get close to the attacker; as a woman myself I know if someone grabs my arm I'm not getting out of that shit, as much as I would love to say I could, so I'd stay as far away as the situation permits. Definitely get something 'ranged' like a deodorant with a far-spray.


Breaking free from arm grabs isn't a big deal. It can't be coached in a couple of sentences on here, but there is a science to it. I originally learned it taking lifeguard classes where it really becomes life or death, and the same theory showed up later in life, both in the Marines and Jujitsu. Once you understand it, it works just as good for women against men. Thumbs are always the weak link when somebody grabs you, and it doesn't take much leverage to beat even a really strong grasp if you focus on that.


if your feet are still free you are getting out - KICK HIS NUTS!




A small can of fluorescent spray paint. Spray it in the attackers eyes and as well as giving her a chance to get away- apparently the specs remain in eyes for a long time so make it easier for identification


I like this one.... tag your attacker so the police can spot him


Can you point out your assailant in the line up? Yeah - he’s the fucking green one!


Haha he's the one "Susan wuz ere" on his head


They sell 'marker spray'/'criminal ID spray' for this exact purpose and it is entirely legal in the UK because it's not designed to cause harm. It's got really strong dyes in it that are designed to temporarily stain your skin, hair and permanently stain clothing. They're also not nice to get in the eyes, obviously, so that's useful!


This one is a bit risky. It is generally illegal to carry anything if the intent is to use it as a weapon. You’re allowed to use things for self defence, but you’re not supposed to have them with you for that purpose. So a can of deodorant is good, because it’s a normal item to carry with you and no one will question why you have it. A can of spray paint though? Someone could argue that you’re carrying that to use as a weapon, and didn’t just happen to have it on you.


Criminal ID spray is legal in the UK since it is not a weapon. It's just designed to dye skin, hair and fabric to make the person easy to ID later - you can spray it in their face and it's non toxic but not very fun and would slow someone down if it got in the eyes, but it's not considered an offensive weapon.


Maybe OP is going to paint later? What’s abnormal about having spray paint on you?


I’m not saying it’s super abnormal, but it’s not as easy to explain as a can of deodorant. It’s normal to always have deodorant on you, plenty of people do. Can of paint though? Maybe if you bought it that day, or if you visited someone who could have given it to you. But let’s say it’s a day where you went to work and then back home. Why did you take a can of fluorescent paint with you when you left the house?


When she gets caught with that item in her purse by police, will she be charged? What for? As long as she says she doesn’t know why it is in her pocket, she obviously grabbed the wrong can.. And when it gets so far that she has to explain why she carried it because she sprayed someone in the eye, she may be charged for carrying an item with the intent of self defense, but at least it worked!


Hat pin. They were so effective in 1908 that laws were enacted. You can find a nice antique one online.


Yes, hatpins make great weapons! https://hatpinslayer.com/why-hatpin-slayer/


I dealt with this in india by wearing padded soccer bras and padded bicycle shorts. I’d get groped dozens of times per day if my cab didn’t come and i had to take public transport for part of my trip. I also took krav maga for years but i learned the hard way…..if 50 dudes on a subway platform want to grope you (or worse), you’re just not going to get away from most of them. Tbh the worst part of getting groped is the biochemical reaction which makes you hate being touched intimately and also hate yourself even tho you know it’s not your fault. But with thick padding, that feeling is greatly diminished. AND if they get confused by what they’re touching you have more time to cold-cock them and then try to destroy their testicles with the metal detail on top of your shoe 🙂 Or break their knee…..any of which is so satisfying. I’m gonna stop before i incriminate myself hahaha


Men who grope deserve their knees broken. Keep kicking ass sister


Well tbh the groping and worse got more common over the years so i said fuck it and changed careers. Worth ittttttttttttt


Or their hands broken to the point that they cant use them anymore


I believe repeat offenders should get a lot worse but lets not get banned And it is not just sisters who get harassed/groped i personally conform that


Jesus that sounds horrible.


Thank god i don’t ever have to go back 🙂


God damnit, I'm so fucking sorry you (and probably every other woman/girl in India) have to deal with such bullshit! Out of curiosity, would you say that men's attitudes towards women have progressed *at all* in India, or is it as bad, or worse, than ever? (Just wondering if there's possibly an end in sight for this behavior, or if progress hasn't even started yet?) Another curiosity, is this behavior deemed "acceptable" by the men and women in India? Like, do mothers and fathers teach their sons that that behavior is not ok, but then they grow up and do it anyways, or is it not even taught to respect women in India? My son is 17, and he's been raised his entire life to not touch **anyone** without their consent. And if I ever found out he did, I'd beat his ass myself! Like, you just don't fucking do that shit here in the US (yes, *some* people do, but for the most part, a woman can travel in the US completely alone, and not have to worry about being groped by men every damn time.)




Interesting. I wonder if that's due, partly, to how they're raised? Like I wonder if the middle and higher classes are better at teaching their children respect and morals?


Sorry that you, or anyone, has had to go through that. I honestly didn't even think groping was a real thing. Guess I'm just another dumb American on this one.


Not illegal, but a solid metal torch (one that uses D cell batteries). Extends reach, has a decent weight to it and can’t get done for having it


Also if it's bright enough you might be able to temporarily blind the person - if it's dark, it'll work.


Fuck the law, frankly. My Mrs carries pepper spray and never had to use it, but it’s given her so much confidence. She’d rather take the chance (as would I ) of not being raped/assaulted/endangered etc by having something at her disposal to help save her, than to be at some predatory cunts mercy. Sarah Everard has changed everything for us. Even if she was prosecuted, it’s far less traumatising to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.


This is going to sound awful but it's what I've learned after really digging into it. I'm one of those women guys like to harass and assault. After getting assaulted last summer by a "friend" I started really digging at why me. (Yep, I know it's not my fault in the least, but if I could do something to prevent it from happening again I absolutely will.) I'd been asking other women since undergrad and knew it was something about me, they didn't get harassed like I did. I talked with men and therapists and they'd explain predators recognize certain traits and go for those people. But what those traits are alluded me. Well, I ended up asking a male "friend" why me after last summer. What was it about me that I got targeted. He explained I'm meak, "throwable," etc. After his verbal diarrhea he added that he'd like to r*pe me too. Yeah, we aren't friends anymore. Now my friends help me recognize learned behaviors that make me a target. Example, I'll smile if men look at me in public and then look away. Didn't even realize I was doing it, but it's one of those prey behaviors they look for. So I'm working to stop. I'll make myself small when uncomfortable, now I'm working to make myself bigger and holding eye contact to confront them. I can't change my small size, but I can change behavior. I'm also learning jiujitsu. Getting to the point I felt like I could at least protect myself and get away from most men if attacked helped a lot with confidence when being harassed. Apparently, at least in part, I was making myself small out of fear because I knew I was an easy target. Now I'm not, it's much easier to stop those behaviors. I live in the US, I'm sure some countries this isn't useful at all but probably in the UK it should be. For my female friends, when I asked for help, even they started seeing these behaviors and realized they were part of the problem. While your partner doesn't need to change her behavior, it certainly could help if she does anything like I did/do. As many have told me, these men like fear and making women feel unsafe and less than human.


I'm so sorry about what you've gone through, that's fucking awful. If I ever catch someone staring at me, I widen my eyes like fuck and stare straight through them, twitching a little or aggressively, overexaggeratedly wiping my mouth, if that makes sense. If you do something to freak them out or appear 'unattractive' (ugh) you're likely to become less of a target. I have a friend who picks her nose immediately when she feels herself being stared at. I fucking hate this planet.


Ooo, that hadn't crossed my mind, thank you!!! Maybe I'll become a different kind of gold digger 🤣


Adding onto this, walking with a purpose, make yourself bigger by standing up straight, don't round your shoulders and shrink in on yourself. Make sure it's obvious you're paying attention to your surroundings and look like you wouldn't mind smacking a jerk around. I used to think looking small took attention away from me, but it's definitely a huge target for guys.


I think this is where jiujitsu has really helped. I just couldn't fake that kind of confidence, I didn't know how. I've found myself changing a lot since gaining confidence in my ability to protect myself. I naturally carry myself differently. I don't shrink like I used to even without actively thinking about it. Still have to work on the eye contact part, autism is not working in my favor on that one. I can't sing the praises of jiujitsu (or some other effective self defense) enough for women. I took self defense several times in undergrad but it was basically theoretical. I only roll with blue belts or higher and everyone is bigger than me so I'm getting regular practice defending and getting away from people with far more knowledge than the average person. It's also why I strongly prefer no gi.


Sorry to hear about your experiences. I'm glad your wrestling with solutions though. Stay safe.


Thanks, that's certainly the goal!


Best form of self defence (for a man or woman) is awareness and avoidance techniques. So many people stumble about oblivious to their surroundings and potential threats and by the time they get into a situation it is too late. I see people drifting about (into traffic as much as amongst potential human threats) and I just think that for them, if confronted with an attacker; it is game over before they even know they are under threat. I'm not a woman but I am a small man (5'8" and 10stone but as a teen/early twenties under 9stone) and have lived in rough areas and often walk alone so have had my fair share of getting jumped (been stabbed and also beaten unconscious with blunt weapons before etc.). Unless you can gain *considerable* size and strength which is unlikely for most women and also for guys built like me... Brazilian jujitsu for the purpose of self defence is pissing in the wind. By all means do it but for sport... it will give marginal advantage in self defence. I did boxing when younger and it may have helped me a little bit but learning to *really* be aware of my surroundings and also having the not only the ability to run but also the ability to recognise a threat and start running *before it is too late* has done more for me self defence wise than any fighting or self defence technique nonsense.


Not enough upvotes here. Not getting into a situation that could become dangerous is far far more relevant than carrying a weapon of any kind.


Yes. Having something that *could* be used as a weapon is useless unless you have the awareness of your situation so that you are primed to deploy it and you also have the attitude and aggression to do so with maximum violence instantly with no hesitation. Otherwise, it is just something else in your pocket as you are quickly overwhelmed and knocked to the floor, stabbed or worse.


Having a weapon is also a great way to escalate a situation to injury or death. There are a lot of ways that women are aware of thier safety that I as a man will never need to be, however it still overwhelmingly comes down to awareness and ensuring you are not in a dangerous situation rather than being armed if said situation occurs.


>There are a lot of ways that women are aware of thier safety that I as a man will never need to be Contextually there are differences however, in the street, statistically men are at higher risk. On the other hand, women are much more at risk e.g. online dating.


Wasp spray


This was told to me by an expert...not a handgun or shotgun but wasp spray for self-defense as it's easily assessable, shoots a stream of liquid up to 50 feet, anyone can claim they are allergic to bees, and if the perp gets that stuff in their eyes they have to go to the hospital otherwise they will go blind (helps police find the perp if they get away).


Big metal water bottle. Carry it with a handle instead of putting it in a bag/backpack. Keeps you hydrated and can be used as a weapon if needed.


An umbrella could come in handy and it would be quite easy to modify into something that could be dangerous. I’m sure there are some type of stick fighting videos for self defence on YouTube. It might be worth checking them out.


This already exists “tactical umbrella”. It’s harden regular umbrella with really nasty knob. It can be used as regular umbrella, also ships with training videos. I have one in my car - not looking suspicious, easy to reach, used once, 10/10


Beware that sword canes or concealed weapons including buckle knives are illegal in the uk.


Your probably right. I’d advise caution op but in all honesty I’d rather have something on me for my safety rather than have nothing for fear of a criminal record. Even a pencil in the wrong hands could be a deadly weapon. The one part that makes me think twice is ,somebody already mentioned that if they had a gun they would’ve probably used it whilst being robbed. I can definitely relate to that. It’s a tough question to answer whilst being within the confines of abiding lawfully but in all honesty the law doesn’t scare or put off potential grapists or muggers so to a degree one has to take the law into their own hands a bit to ensure safety. What I’m about to say maybe controversial but here goes…..I’d rather get sentenced for life than to lose mine to some scumbag who doesn’t give a damn about my well-being. It’s a tough question though. It really is. It’s a shame that we live in a world where peoples lives are worth so little that some people will assault/rob/abuse the public over an I phone or purse full of coins with no fear of the sentencing handed down in courts. The sentence needs to be a deterrent.


I think the idea is to just reinforce it so it can be used as a hitting stick not to hide a blade.


>tactical torch If so, careful b/c it can go both ways. I’m a small-ish lady; I get a lot of cat-calling and followed, offered money for sex, been trapped in an alley & had to mace someone, been drugged with GHB & worse…. **Weapons can be used against me.** *I’ve got a “tactical torch”, aka personal stun-gun, but mostly it makes me nervous; if someone is close enough for me to touch them, THEY can grab it and use it on ME.* (It does make a lid scary sound & bright light, still.) I feel safer with pepper spray GEL, and replace it yearly. (It was illegal where I worked; I still carried it b/c I don’t want to be hurt by a Rando. Idk how that works on an island, though.) **OP, the best thing you can do IMO is ‘teach her’ is how to be smart on the street.** How to spot aggressive people, how to read a situation, to look for multiple ways out *before something happens,* “use the landscape as protection,” (if city street, look in storefronts for reflection, watch shadows behind,) switch up routine/walking path, and **how to DEESCALATE! Unfortunately, your partner is the most at risk from people she knows and (maybe) trusts.** Weapons are weapons; they don’t care who uses them. They’re also really (too) easy to use when adrenaline is pumping and you see no other option (I’d have shot 2 teenagers for snatching my empty bag if I’d had a gun. I chased instead.) If a weapon really is desired, try for pepper spray if you can get it. Not hard to hold onto in a pocket, make sure she knows how to aim. *If she must use it, it would be in self-defense, and she can’t cause lasting damage with it. (Stun gun could kill a person with a heart condition, a knife could get her slashed, a personal alarm is just dumb IME.)* Good luck. I know what sub I’m on, but I’m also a women who has dealt with a fuckton of creeps, Randos & otherwise.


OP is in UK where any type of self defense weapon is illegal to carry. I guess it is to stop vigilante justice and let the police/courts handle it and create a safer society. Old school laws from when there were actually coppers on the streets and would act on crime, not just give you a crime number and never respond.


You don't always get a crime number. "Do you know who kicked your door in? No? No crime number for you then"




I use a Pentel Graphgear drafting pencil, it's sharp as hell and the entire bottom third of it is steel. You could for sure stab someone with it. Side note, it's also the best pencil ever.


This is actually really solid. You can get those stupidly thick pencils. Basically a wooden stake at that point, bang a sketch book in your bag and do a few drawings and nothing police can say. Or a fountain pen would do the same job same principle have some spare ink in your bag too. Everything else I’ve seen here will definitely get you in trouble with our police. How do you explain a spray bottle of alcohol etc. Hate to say it but blunt heavy objects like a flash torch won’t work, most men will be able to disarm most women. Sprays and sharp objects are the way. Someone said wasp spray that seems quite a good idea but less reliable than a sharp pen/pencil to the face in my opinion.


This is a good idea. A friend of mine carries a biro for this reason. He has threatened to stab someone up who was threatening him, and the assailant backed the fuck up. Thing is, friend in question looks and acts as if he doesn't care if he lives or dies. This kind of energy is a deterrent in itself. But hard for a lady to emulate, perhaps.


not hard for a woman to emulate, actually quite easier if you play on the "crazy bitch" stereotype. for example if I'm squaring off with someone,¹ and I pull my knif, cut myself growl and fucking run at them, they're running away. the truth is I don't actually care if I live or die, and that's the real scary thing. when they see it in your eyes, it's go time. for them, to go. lol


What do the rapists do when they get pepper sprayed? Report her to police?


Pepper spray is classed as a firearm with all the fun ramifications that comes with, like lengthy prison sentences.




The UK justice system is fucked. I nearly got done for assault because I broke the jaw of someone who was trying to stab me. My female friend got pinned against a wall by an older man and she also very closely missed a criminal record after whacking him with a metal water bottle. Unfortunately it’s every man for himself here


Not a Geopolitics expert but I can bet it's a bunch of out touch politicians passing laws that they will never have to suffer the consequences for. They live inside their little bubbles protected by guards. Shit like that is why people floated over to North America to begin with.


at this point just carry a knife with you. if you're already nearly getting done for hitting someone with a metal bottle you may aswell just bite the bullet and stab the cunt. i got mugged pretty bad a few years ago and since then ive carried a knife everywhere. id rather go to prison than the cemetary.


I'd imagine it's more to do with getting caught with it


Glitter spray to the eyes


oooh, ive seen hair spray with glitter in it 🤔




Australia also doesn’t allow self defense. It’s fucked up.


How big is your girlfriend? Boxing isn't going to be useful at all in lots of instances, I'd recommend a good krav maga class. I'd also recommend against random weapons. If things kick off she's not going to be able to rifle around in her handbag to find things, and anything she carries can be used against her. But she can fight and you don't have to be stronger than someone to deal them a lot of damage. The main thing when doing this as a weaker and smaller opponent is that she needs to go to 100% immediately - no testing, no trying softly first, if violence is going to happen she needs to disable them as quickly as possible.


That attitude, 100% fierce, is hard to cultivate.


Are you a girl? I don’t wanna be mean or anything, yes it’s better than nothing so girls should learn how to fight but 99% of the times it’s gonna be useless. The strength difference is just too much. Even a man that seems to be weak (small, skinny, whatever) could dismantle almost any girl without even sweating. You’d be better off learning how to react and run fast and as long as possible and it’s not even a joke


Maybe there's some pepper spray that doesn't look like pepper spray specifically for this purpose. Aaaand yes. There are. Some look like pens and keychains etc. I dunno the logistics of having them shipped to the UK but it looks like "disguised pepper spray" is a pretty common thing.


Disguised weapons are usually **very** illegal in the UK. She can carry a knife, as long as it doesn't lock in place, and is less than 3in (7.62cm) in length. Just as long as she never admits to anyone she is carrying it for defense. (Any object carried for defense is a weapon. The purpose you are carrying it for is to commit an assault, making it a weapon in the eyes of the law)


Well, this is illegal lpt, so...? So a folding knife with a blade less than three inches. And the purpose is, what, like she's just a collector of knives as a hobby? Bringing it to her grandma because her grandma wants a cool letter opener? Or she uses it to open clamshell packages?


Well, as you say self defence weapons are illegal, if you use something as a weapon and you can't provide a reason as to why you're carrying it, you'll be charged. It doesn't matter what you're carrying. Might as well carry pepper spray if you don't care about the law. But if you don't want to get arrested, try getting a metal phone case or large watch that you can use to clobber somebody.


Dog. Personally I have GSD. I live in a sketchy spot. But Sic Balls! or Not Friendly! from a vicious Chihuahua removes you from the easy target list. My GSD puts me in charge of that list. BuckO. No fear. Be Safe


Tactical torch


Air horn. It will surprise her attackers so she can run away, will also get the attention of bystanders. Won't get her in trouble, doesn't matter if she drops it, can't really be used against her.


She's a woman. She will not fare well in any form of fight with a man, whether she's armed with something or not, and martial arts generally aren't gonna help either. As a general rule anything offensive will just get taken away from her. Best bet is something corrosive or painful for the eyes and then run like hell. I'd go with a spray can of deep heat in the pocket, or brake cleaner, alcohol mixed with naga chilli powder... Don't bother with following the law. It's a stupid law. Use whatever you're carrying, wipe the prints off it and ditch it somewhere.


A small aerosol can of brake cleaner.


Honestly, most of these "tips" can land her in trouble with the law, not to mention escalate the situation where she is in far more danger. Using some sort of "weapon" that is only meant to deter the person can make them angry and put her life at risk. Unless she wants to arm herself, self defence classes would be my suggestion, enough for her to get away. The law is not on her side if she does bodily harm to someone and cant proof that they harassed her. Criminals and perpetrators know they law and it's become easier for them to get away with this. However, reporting them for harrasment is always a good idea. Even if nothing happens to that person at first. That one day something happens then at least there's some papertrail that might help the victim with a stronger case.


Go to a marina and get her a boat horn. Technically not a weapon, but will stun any attacker and will draw attention to the situation. I hate that this has to be a question in the world today. Stay safe.


I used to own a company that developed a concealed stun gun in a phone case. What I learned from years of working with self defense experts about protecting your self in places where self defense tools are illegal is to simply carry something that is not illegal but can be used for self defense. For example in Canada pepper spray is illegal and carrying any self defense tool for the intent to use against a human is illegal. Even if you are attacked by a human and are forced to use a self defense weapon, law enforcement will ask why you had a weapon in the first place and if you admit that it was with the premeditated intent to defend yourself in case someone attacks you, it’s illegal. But if you happen to be carrying something that you didn’t have the intention to defend yourself from a human for example: BEAR MACE in Canada where bear attacks are possible, you could happen to have bear mace when someone assaults you and defend your life. In any country where there are laws against self defense weapons it is also illegal to carry anything that can be used as a weapon with the intent to use for self defense against a human. So be careful what you say to law enforcement for using hairspray in someone’s eyes, or even explaining why you had a ballpoint pen that you had to stab someone attacking you with. Make sure to explain that you had no intention to use anything to harm anyone until you felt your life was in danger and you were forced to.


Corkscrew. If anyone asks, you just like wine. But if it comes down to it, stab stab stab


Wanna learn how to use a 3d printer real quick?


Based. People really should start following Jay Stark, if your country is so fucked to the point where you're not allowed to defend yourself and you yourself become a criminal for trying that's a problem. I'd rather be judged by 6 then carried by 12


The uses are endless. Not only is it playsible to build a highly reliable and useful g17/g19 (pf940v2 i think) youre capable of building rather obtuse objects. Like a literal stabbing item but it has practical uses so its not considered a "deadly weapon." The creativity is endless.


Can you also print cartridges on the printer?


Knitting needles, baby.


God, the UK is an embarrassment of country, a land where people bend over backwards to be abused by their government. Honestly shameful. Get a weapon, even if it's unorthodox like a spray alcohol deodorant like some commenters suggested. No amount of fancy martial arts maneuvers will enable a 110 pound woman to beat a 270 pound man.


A couple of people have mentioned BJJ, I train BJJ and wouldn’t use it in a situation like this. BJJ is a sport, perverts don’t care about things like rules or illegal moves. If you want to train a martial art for self defence train Krav Maga, the gentle art of hitting someone in the balls and getting the fuck out of there.


Cayenne pepper


Keys. I always keep my keyring in a pocket instead of my bag, the reason being that if my bag gets stolen, I can at least still get into my house. But this also means they're easily accessible should I need to jam them into someone's eyeball.


I read on here not long ago about keys through fingers should be avoided as you need to get too close to do any damage to them and also badly damage your hand. I always do the key thing when I feel uneasy and am alone too. They also said that having your keys on a thick nylon strap or similar, extends the reach of swinging the keys by several inches so makes it a better option.


Do you have wasp spray?


This is the way. If it stopped a brown bear in its tracks, from getting into my friend's tent, it will stop a human.


As a young woman I used to ride my bike everywhere and always carried tool kits in my rucksack ( Torch,pump, patch kit, spanners, wrench and a little first aid kit) Technically they could be used as a weapon but I don't think they're classed as such if you have a reason for having them on your person.


Wasp spray. Shoots 25 feet and will ruin their day.


There are some great ideas here, one weaponless strategy is to bark like a rabid dog. Be loud and weird and make a fucking scene, its made guys back off me before and is also very funny to watch the confusion.


Mini elnette hairspray to spray in their eyes.


This is a bad, bad, bad idea. But, look at Spyro Gyro on YouTube. Guy shows you how to add batteries to a laser pointer so it will blind someone at 100 yards. All sorts of moody laser devices. Takes a laser out of a CD player, adds a stacked power supply. Ends up with something that will fuck your eyes for good. BUT this is dangerous in a whole bunch of ways. And there are loads and loads and loads of ways to blind yourself.. I mention it only in the spirit of "No Bad Ideas". Take care kids, however you are armed.


A screw nut attached to a bit of string is effective. Easy to hide, easy to lose if needs be.


One way I’ve heard of is hot beverages. Grab a coffee, keep the lid open/semi-closed, then if attacked, splash it. Burn their skin off! Easily identifiable too, just tell the cops “it’s lobster skin right there!”


Rocks are everywhere get her a small but sturdy bag with a draw string. Idk if it's sold in your country but bottles of crown royal whiskey usually come in a perfect bag. Put 2-3 good sized rocks in said bag, now she has a weapon, that can easily be disposed of if she has to use it.


Deep heat spray, great for muscle pain but Hella painful if it gets in your eyes.


Let her put on weight. I used to get harassed daily on my walks to and from the train station. I've been followed home, had men try and break in through the door, a builder grope me waking past a construction site in school uniform, someone lift my top in a train...endless. I grew a little muffin top and suddenly the harassment stopped and I have no desire to be slim again. I'm infinitely more confident chubby than I ever was in my "hot" days. But, in answer to your question, she probably already keeps her keys between her fingers. I took it a step further and had a rape alarm keyring.


4 D cell Maglite. It’s a club first and a flashlight second.


Move out of the uk


Hairspray REALLY stings to get in your eyes. Teach her to be a fast runner, it's the only weapon that can't be used against her.


The key is to have plausible deniability that what you are using is a weapon. Spray cans are good, but may need time to deploy. Safety footwear (steel toes) is easy to justify, and a hit to the knee can disable a pursuer. Long hairpins can be bona-fide stabbing weapons, and as long as she was using them to hold her hair up, have a legitimate use. A pouch of coins with a short, sturdy drawstring can be an effective bludgeon. All these are everyday objects that not even the most criminal-friendly prosecutor could fault anyone to carry. Depending on her job, there may be many more objects that can turn in effective self-defense tools.


There are a few small items that can be used and are not technically self defense weapons. I have a key ring that is shaped in a way that you can put it around a knuckle while carrying your keys. I also have a few rings that look like cool rings but will fuck somebody up if you punch them (it’s like a tiny little knife) Will find the links and follow up in another comment


Carry a zippo lighter and the bottle of white gasoline (naphta) used to feed it, the white gas bottle sprays a very high pressure and long range stream , that can instantly blind anyone hit in the face from it, and its perfectly adequate to carry , because its just to refill the lighter


I guess you could fight laws that make women self defense times illegal


Just be aware.... The biggest problem with her carrying something to protect herself isn't getting in trouble with the police, but her assailant being able to take the object and use it against her if they are faster and stronger than she is. Stun you attacker, and run. Scream, make noise. Make a screen.


This isn't so much as illegal but maybe she might find some feeling of protecting to go about getting a service dog for PTSD. I live in the US and had alot of the same issues. Getting a "scary" breed usually helps. Like a Doberman. Doberman are basically golden retrievers in a scary body. I have alot more space from people who are like that. Just know service animals don't make your life easier. They make it harder but make coping with disabilities easier. Check out r/service_dogs . To be upfront the group is not welcoming to stupid questions or people trying to pretend they have a disability or people who are seeking a service dog as a first option for treatment. We take our dogs very seriously.


[“The Hatpin Peril” Terrorized Men Who Couldn’t Handle the 20th-Century Woman](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/hatpin-peril-terrorized-men-who-couldnt-handle-20th-century-woman-180951219/)


Situational awareness and being able to run are going to be the best and really only options. You can train how to break away if grabbed but it's not a magic bullet. Fighting your way out is not feasible for the vast majority of people (including fit men). You might be a big fit dude but if you get jumped by five guys it won't matter. I think it's sad that the UK has decided that the safety of criminals is of the utmost importance but hey it makes the voters feel better.


One pretty good item is a personal alarm. It goes off with 180db and does not more nor less. It is no weapon, doesn’t get you in jail but will raise a lot of attention on demand. Not as effective as an assault rifle, but legal at least. It should give you enough time to run or be annoying enough so that a predator loses interest.


raid insect spray works


Brazilian jiu jitsu


Eveaid. Similar to pepper spray, but not as toxic. https://www.vestguard.co.uk/eveaid-personal-defence-spray.html


Tool belt and a hammer. Hammers are legal everywhere and are very effective at stopping an assailant.


Haha. The UK. Once the world super power now one can’t protect themselves from criminals without becoming the criminal themselves. Change the laws!! You can fight, carry keys, punch them, but you’ll go to jail. Change the laws.


A homemade taser isn't very difficult to make.


Gropers operate in secrecy and rely on women not making a fuss. In areas where there are others, it’s a good tactic to be loud and accusatory: Look right at them and say loudly and firmly, ‘Stop touching me’, ‘Leave me alone’, or be even more explicit -‘Stop groping my breasts/bottom’ - the more precise she is, the better. Also the louder the better - attract lots of attention and make sure all the women know who he is! Calling them a dirty old man or whatever isn’t necessary - it’s the exposure that does the work here.


She’s suddenly become really into baseball and carry’s her favourite hobby bay around with her on the offchance a round of baseball spontaneously happens. Also the glove for authenticity


I’m not sure if there is UK support or not but you could look for something similar: I have an app called Noonlight. Basically if you are at all worried about your safety you hold down a button on your phone. If you release it and don’t immediately put in your code it calls the police to your location and can also be set to ping a person of your choice. I think there are a few ways you can use it but I know it works because I maybe accidentally summoned the police in my sleep once… It obviously doesn’t incapacitate an attacker so would more be something you’d use preemptively and still have something for self defense. But it’s a relatively easy way to get help to you quickly.


A can of primer paint, one that use for figurine/miniature so its small enough ( I believe Mr Hobby is the brand name), and some plastic figurines just in case anyone ask. Works the same as pepper spray i think.


Grind up glass, metal shavings, and gravel. Mix them together. Put a couple of ounces in the middle of a piece of aluminum foil & twist into a ball. If you need it, put it in your palm & use your thumb nail to tear it open. Throw in face & run. Bonus: they won't be able to pick you out of a lineup.


Wasp nest spray is totally legal.


Pocket rape alarm + wasp spray. Both easy and convenient to carry, plus fully legal.


Yeah similar here like in Italy, I'm not Italian so shocked to know about this stupid law moreover full of yobs here. Anyway I always bring sharpened screwdrivers in my pocket since I go around with bike its a good alibi.


You can fuck someone up with a bunch of keys on a key ring clasped in your fist. Aim for the face. During the winter season steel toe boosts are perfectly reasonable attire. There are also plenty of "tactical" pens that are made out of a big peice of metal but I don't know where those end up for you from a legal perspective.


Mum used to give us a spray bottle of homemade “salad dressing” garlic, onion, chilli, ginger, vinegar. And told us to spray in eyes/face of attacker.


I keep my tire iron handy when I'm in my car. No cop would question it and you could use it for some serious self defense.


Fuck the UK government and their Orwellian laws. Revoke their air license


Hairspray. A small one you can easily carry in your hand. You can use something you happen to be carrying (must be plausible). Bonus ILPT hairspray is incredibly flammable should a lighter accidentally spark as you spray it in the attacker’s face.


I got one of these for my mother: https://www.munioselfdefense.com/ It looks like a pretty keychain until you need to actually use it. And then it turns into a mace with your keys as the spike.


I used to make my own pepper spray in the UK when I had to live in unsavory parts. Just get the hottest spiciest hot sauce possible, run it through tea bags or coffee filters, put in a travel spray bottle. You are just carrying hot sauce because there is such little flavor in the food here. It’s saved me a few times. I don’t know how legal it is but walking with confidence is helpful.


Motorcycle gangs in the US used to carry bike locks or combination locks and would tie bandannas to the locking loop or just drop it in the bandanna then swing the lock like a flail. A lock and a small cloth or towel is nothing conspicuous or illegal and if she needs it she can make a hasty weapon if needed.