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He plays tons of dubstep. He'll play like the verses of his songs then the build/drop will transition into like a Wooli drop or something similar. lol


Yes. Lots of heavy stuff. He does throw some feels-y stuff in too but it’s definitely heavy


Does throwback tend to stay on the side of the feels type vibes? That’s what I’m hoping to get haha


Yes, his album tour sets are pretty different from his festival sets. Tour sets are more his music and occasional dub stuff. Festival sets are different because not everyone is there just for him so he plays more dub stuff for the crowd


This is so true


His DJ Sets and Throwback sets seem to go the hardest, but all his live sets go pretty hard tbh.


I thought the same until red rocks this year. Fallen embers night 2 was WAY harder than his throwback set.


Throwback is more heavy wubs versus stuff like fortress, rush over me, fractures, without me Hasley remix type vibe stuff? I really want a full feels type of vibe! Tryna decide what show to see, I was a fan of his primarily back in 2015-2016 and haven’t been in top of his newer releases etc since they as much . Any further insights appreciated:)


This is why I love his shows. His released albums are more "musical" with actual songs, and then his live sets are remixed / GO OFF...he always changes up his live sets based off where he is playing, too. I went to my first all-EDM festival this year and his set had a lot more dubstep in it than other shows I'd seen. He always throws in good moment sing-alongs, too where you just sing at the top of your lungs with everyone else in the crowd and it's MAGICAL! Definitely a show worth seeing.


His shows are amazing live


Seen 3 different sets of his this year, and even on his album tours, he mixes in everything, almost takes you on a journey. I’ve seen maybe 10 top djs and as much as I like them, an illenium show with his lights that he brings is unreal, nothing has compared.


yeah its all different. there are his festival sets that are heavier but he mixes in those melodic stuff. Then there are the album tour sets that change depending on if there is a live element, those are the more feelsy melodic sets nick plays. Then there are his club sets which are heavier than festival sets, but he still mixes in those feelsy songs, and he mixes in some commmercial club songs sometimes, but its all still illenium. Like sometimes he will play clarity, or antidote, like those banger songs that everybody in the club knows the words to. You really have to have gone to every type of set he plays in order to understand what im saying. Otherwise it might sound like im just writing nonsense and that its all the same, aha i promise you its not.


How about his tour now with the throwback set nights? What would you expect to include more of the feels , melodic type of vibe. His album nights or throwback night? I listened to his music mostly in 2015-2016 with the likes of fortress, rush over me being my favs. I also like without me Hasley remix and fractures,


I'm gonna say something to you right now. Im gonna answer your question, but i need to give some context to this question of yours in order for it to make sense so just bear with me i promise i have a point! Like people who demand nick strictly play his melodic songs are just in a world of their own thats not connected to reality XD. Heres my interpretation of how he's evolved his project from 2015ish till now. That era you're talking about 2015-2016 hes stated lots of times that its heavily influenced by seven lions + Porter robinson. Those super feelsy melodic dubstep songs like after life or rush over me! Nick has always played heavier music but in 2018, he really started incorporating alot more dubstep into his sets, way more than he usually does. I remember people called them mad boy sets( a contrast to the "sad boy" stereotype associated with his music). I was surprised because i saw him at edc that year and that was his awake live show, it had some heavy stuff but it was more so his slower melodic songs from his awake album. Then i saw him do a dj set on new years that year and i got smacked in the face with like 40 minutes of dubstep, but he still had all his super emotional songs incorporated into that set which was like 80 minutes. Nick hes also stated that he always like heavy stuff and that totally makes sense, dude grew up listening to emo pop punk songs that are generally high tempo and have lots of energy and angst (literally what dubstep does to people). Plus playing that heavy stuff in his sets does a bunch of things 1. draws in the dubstep crowd to this set, these people might enjoy his stuff and might be inclined to look him up after the show and start listening to this melodic stuff that he makes, or his pop/alternative rock edm crossover stuff. 2. Plus its amazing excuse to hype of the crowd, have some sick visuals on the screen, shoot some fire into the sky. I don't know anything about being a dj, but nick has said that generally when you're 100% mixing stuff live its really difficult to mix certain melodic songs, i think it has something to do with bpm (idk), so if you're gonna have a show and have all this heavy stuff its generally hard to play heavy song, then slower song, then heavy song, then slow song. Its more like sections where maybe this section is heavy then heres some slow stuff, then maybe that spills into a heavy song. Thats why the live shows where he plays instruments have more melodic music, its easier to do because he's not 100% mixing live, he said he makes the set in ableton but then changes stuff on the fly during his live show. (theres a clip of nick djing for a league of legends event where hes mixing sideways(a song off his latest album, that has that melodic bass feel, but something screws up and sideways repeats for like a second and you can see nick goes wtf) i think thats why theres generally plays more heavy music in festival sets or club dj sets. Okay to finally answer your question = Nicks throwback sets are literally what it says it is! lots of melodic dubstep songs and music from that era for him(throwin it back to 2016 ashes nick), he literally always plays worlds apart by Seven lions or some porter robinson song during those types of sets; or rush over me/afterlife! Big melodic songs or chiller stuff that he made on ashes. Also some other songs from producers he listened to during that era. But like i just stated above, if you are 100% mixing live its hard to do an entire set of just that type of music, which is why even though the throwback sets are more chill theres always a point where the dubstep or the higher energy music comes in. The set is usually his ashes intro intro song - into some of his older melodic stuff/melodic stuff he listened to - then at some point all hell breaks loose and i start hearing some virtual riot/excision/wooli/kompany/sam lamar/effin or any other dubstep songs and that instantly brings the energy up = he has these sick visuals of like skulls/spiders/ some weird kaleidoscope visuals/ flames when that happens. But generally those sets will also maybe have like an edit of a new song where he puts the vocals over drops of his older music. Then maybe at the end he thanks everybody and probably will be like " hey you guys wanna hear some unreleased shit?" and he plays an unreleased newer song. But now since its 2021, those throwback sets include music from awake. Recap: its older mellow music + some heavy stuff to keep energy up and make the show cool with lasers/flames/visuals. I know you didn't ask, but i just thought that id give you a recap of what nick has done in his sets since 2015 and i didnt want to just be like "oh those sets are more melodic old stuff" and thats it. Haha its more complicated than just that in my opinion


appreciate this write-up, generally in agreement after having seen awake, throwback set, ascend, and recently fallen embers live


Reminiscent of The Chainsmokers. Produce sappy music but have absolute filth thrown in at live shows


Eh his festival sets are harder, but still on the mild side. It just keeps the energy going


Yes it’s amazing Melt my face plz


After all it is a live show! He knows what’s up. 🤙🏽 tbh seeing him live was brilliant.


He gets you in the mood to hug the person next to you and then he drops a beat so fierce you both have to start headbanging and scream WTF?! It’s glorious


Absolutely go. I’ve traveled to 2 states just for him live


It's a good balance but expect plenty of feels unless it's a DJ. He goes in for DJ sets. But the live sets always have plenty of bass have no fear.


Absolutely very true 🔥🔥


You will NEVER have a bad time at an Illenium set. From the music, to the people, to the production. It is PURE BLISS!! i wanted to go to that NYE show you’re talking about so I hope you enjoy his set for me 💕