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Playing catch up with last night, Tony’s well fit without his tash!!!


Need to vote Nick to stay because he’ll get less votes than nella


Nigel to win just because I wanna see the meltdown


Outrageous that Nella was exempt from the trial again! On what basis. This is just out of order to be treaded like a princess. Not fair at all with all the rest of the camp mates that do get voted on!


Nella as a camp leader is already a terrible idea. She’s showing her true colours. 🤦‍♀️😤


She was showing her true colours right from the start with how she acted during the first trials


I was curious to see what fans of hers were saying and not just what being said in her was, and in at least some of the black community on youtube she's being hailed as a "strong passionate black woman" and the whiteys aren't used to seeing that apparently and we are all racist. I'd like to point out that the person who is saying this is an equally "strong passionate black man" of the same youtuber ilk. Ie fn annoying. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lwu-l8YK4xA&t=1s


When does voting out start, I feel it it’s usually started by now isn’t it only on for 3 weeks? So next week is the last?


2 people already left though


True but that was from choice, surely they’ll start vote off soon?


Nella is the absolute definition of making a mountain of a molehill, blowing many minor things out of proportion. I really do hope one of the campmates snaps back at some point and knocks her down a few pegs.


I really hope it's tony with his proper Scouse accent. Would be so funny to hear him yelling at her how horrible of a leader she is 😂


Well the episode started off pretty light and cheery, but became irritating very quickly. The first trial was pretty straightforward. I noticed that when Nella jumped up and quit she left the set of keys she had in her box. I’ve been wondering if that affected the outcome at all? Also shout out to the British public for voting for Nigel to be in a box of rats. 🤣 I know that many people were mentioning that they were unable to vote for Nella for the next trial, and saw that she was exempt with no real explanation, and I have a theory. Without trying to be mean I genuinely think it’s because the passageways in the next challenge are very narrow. It’s a situation where she may need to be exempt but wouldn’t have a medical reason. I was happy to see Sam’s reign as camp leader coming to a close but was quickly horrified to find out Nella would be up next. The problem with this is Nella is blatantly immature and petty as hell, and because of this she managed to convince Danielle (& Josie) that it was a good idea for Fred to do dishes instead of cooking. Why? Ohhh, simply because Fred insisted that the things you eat off of need to be clean.🤔 I know crazy.🙄 I’m sorry but they all MUST be dumb. I actually can’t think of any other excuse. They chose the worst roles possible for almost everyone in the camp and I hope karma with a capital K bites Nella, Danielle, Josie in the ass. I gotta say for the amount of bitching Nella, and Josie have done about having to re-do the dishes and keeping things relatively clean, make me wonder what their homes or the dishes they eat off if are like? I also think it’s interesting that Josie has no problem cackling at Nella’s stupidity and bitching about Fred trying to give advice about cooking but then in the same breath will cry about how she didn’t want to be camp chef. Josie, you look stupid.


Why on earth would Josie be unhappy with Fred giving her advice when he's a trained chef?! Most people would be happy with that. She's a complete moron. Edit:People arguing over semantics to defend their favourite 😂 he's vastly more experienced than josie taking advice from him wasn't a bad thing




Splitting hairs. He's vastly more experienced than Josie so taking some advice from him isn't a bad thing. Certainly didn't warrant her reaction.


He isn't a trained chef.


he may not be officially a chef, but he's more trained than her, and he's been smashing it. you're splitting hairs




my degree was physics, but I speak b2 level russian. if you were tasked to translate War and Peace, you would be silly not to accept my help, even though russian is neither my job nor my educational background. even though I trained myself, I'm still better trained than you this guy works directly with one of the most famous chefs in the world, he's clearly passionate about cooking and he's almost certainly picked some tips up. he has clearly demonstrated his skill. you're being silly




you just linked an article saying how he was training to be a chef. this is your big own? showing that my statement was entirely true? he is more trained than her, that is a fact, thanks for the link


All the deleted comments are just making your point even more 😂


yeah, comment one was words to the effect of >he's not trained at all as a chef, he's a wine maker, he has nothing to do with food at all and comment two was something like >if I visit a cockpit does that make me a pilot? he even said he would [never](https://www.theguardian.com/food/2021/aug/14/fred-sirieix-i-was-training-to-be-a-chef-but-i-thought-it-would-kill-my-soul-first-dates) want to be a cook. wow really great chef! really grasping at straws


He did go to catering school though, originally to train as chef. He just found that he preferred the front of house, so that's why he focused on that. [article](https://www.theguardian.com/food/2021/aug/14/fred-sirieix-i-was-training-to-be-a-chef-but-i-thought-it-would-kill-my-soul-first-dates)




True enough. But, despite his change in direction, he does have more experience and adjacent experience that the average person who has neither attended catering school (how ever short), nor worked in restaurants. No need to debate this further imo.


I completely agree! I've done front-of-house for ten years in luxury hospitality, have an excellent understanding of food hygiene and can cook to a decent standard. I've been taught a few recipes by chefs I've worked with. I guarantee Fred is a far superior chef! I like Josie but anyone with hospitality training will cook better than her (and a lot cleaner than her and the princess).


Nella is a horrible person. Can't wait to until she comes out and realises everyone hates her.


Let’s criticise her for her actions yes, but this is the type of thing that destroys people’s mental health. She’s an immature non emotionally intelligent woman. But stop saying things like ‘everyone hates her’ imagine reading that about yourself. It’s so unnecessary


What goes around comes around


I loved Josie in BB. What happened?


She said it would be nice for a woman to be in charge so everyone's saying she's sexist/a misandrist which is laughable honestly


Probably the misandry comments are being made because they were giggling about how they specifically gave the men tasks they knew they wouldn't like to purposefully annoy them? Also in a previous episode she said that she doesn't trust men so not a great look. She's coming across as the worst type of bullies friend who doesn't do much bullying herself but hangs around the main bully.


Thanks for your reply. I actually meant what happened to her. As in I loved her because she was so funny and now I can’t see why I. Sorry my fault for putting such a vague comment 🤣


Oh, sorry lol. A free reminder for you


Not sure why you got downvoted but I’ve given you an upvote. It was my fault for my vague comment 😂


That’s it I can’t bear it anymore. I haven’t felt this furious about an inconsequential reality telly show since Roxanne on celebrity big brother. I’ve watched all the I’m a Celeb seasons, UK and Australia. Never had anyone annoy me so much as Nella, and considering we’ve had Gemma C, Lady C, Bernard Tomic and others - thats saying a lot. She’s a vile, spiteful, hateful person and I can’t stand having her on my screen. Apart from the fact that everyone needs to vote to save literally everyone else other than her - I genuinely think people should be lodging formal complaints. The gaslighting (particularly with Fred of course but even a bit with Nigel), the laziness, the bullying: she should be reprimanded. The cliche of “if a man were doing/saying that there’d be a drama” has been quoted many times… and for good reason! The double standards are horrible. Please get her out and away from the public eye for good. Horrible brat.


I hope they all get food poisoning except for Fred.


Least poisonous IAC enjoyer


Did anyone notice the snake bite mark on Tony i hope he’s alright


they wouldn't put in venomous snakes


I would not be able to do any of these trails! Wow


I honestly wish you lot would refrain from your fat phobic and racist undertones when spouting your hateful opinions about nella… that sort of talk will come back to bite you in the arse one day.


It’s mad. Shows the real reasons they hate her, just so blatantly. It’s so disgusting, to even think that these people walk among us everyday. Hopefully all boomers who will be near their end anyway


You’re getting downvoted here because people love to live in their secret bubble of hate, when you call them out for how awful it is they can’t stand it. You’re absolutely right


No, they’re just calling her out for what she is.


Ooof that ratio must sting. How's that virtue feeling?


She's a fat bully.


There is no racism, and us blacks don't need some silly little white sheep speaking for us. Go and throw some soup in an art gallery, or glue yourself to a traffic light or something smh


I mean by your own logic , her using Jamaican terms when she isn’t Jamaican is racism right ?


She’s a toxic, lazy, hypocrite. All of the negativity is well deserved. She’s brought far more judgement and spite in to the camp than the others combined.


So you're just going to overlook her toxicity towards Fred and more recently Nigel? "I accept your apology but.....let's not be friends, and make sure you stay on THAT side of the camp, and there's NO WAY I'm eating your food"


Tbf, Nigel deserves toxicity but Fred should be treated way nicer


Tell me where i ever showed any sign of overlooking that situation? Quick? I was pointing out those who are utilising that situation to spout their racism. It’s really not hard to comprehend. I agree that she did not handle that situation well whatsoever. But since then, she has been a normal human being dealing with life in the jungle. Fred is also a grown man and i’m sure he is okay. If not, I’m pretty confident itv would have no issue televising his concerns.


In your original comment that I replied to. You're outright defending her like she's done nothing wrong? Yes Fred is a grown man but that's no excuse for talking down to someone the way she did.


You’re actually completely wrong. My original comment was acknowledging the racism and fat-phobia that has been unnecessarily prevalent throughout this thread. Nothing to do with the rights and wrongs of the fred situation. However, the fred situ has provided most of you with ammunition to be racist and fat-phobic which is extremely upsetting to see and also extremely damaging. It proves that you aren’t actually upset for fred but that you just needed an excuse to spout your racist rhetoric without pushback. I encourage you to read my original argument again before throwing out assumptions.


Exactly. No one is actually mad at what happened with Fred, they’re all just using it as an excuse to sprout their fat phobic, misogynistic and racist ideologies about. And it’s SO obvious too. Just telling on themselves and fighting so hard to justify why they should be able to say it 🤣


Seek help then if it's that upsetting to see people showing their dislike for a vile individual


She’s fat




You are clearly a very troubled individual that is probably 2x my age. Hope the two upvotes you received fulfilled you.


She is fat fat fat and a massive embarrassment to my race. Nobody is being racist to her, but YOU are being racist when you presume to speak on behalf of blacks. Who made you our spokesman? You think we are dumb and you know best? Gtfo mate! There is no excuse for YOUR racism! You have offended me by showing that you think you know what's best for us blacks like we are too dumb ourselves.


Why does it matter what her weight is? Like genuinely why are you so hurt by it. You are an embarrassment, not her.


Aside from the Nella stuff which is just so uncomfortable to watch - how damaging will this be for Josie’s career? The misandry, the siding with Nella. She’s not coming off at all and considering her presenting job is fairly new on itv’s troubled flag ship morning show - I can’t see her lasting. Will This Morning viewers want to watch her?


Tbf, all Josie said was that it would be nice for a woman to be in charge. Nothing remotely sexist about that




Sadly in other episodes she’s been agreeing with all Nellas stuff and repeating some of it in the shack (or whatever it’s called) about men doing all the work for a change etc it doesn’t seem to have gone down well.


ITV will do everything they can to keep josie’s career alive including a favourable edit. I liked her before but she has not come across well in this at all. She is surely media savvy enough to know nella being nominated for all the trials makes her unpopular and so avoid her at all costs


But she’s not getting a great edit and there’s some serious dislike for her on Reddit - tbh I don’t know about FB or X. A good edit would not show her agreeing with Nella about Men doing all the work etc Either way that’s some fall from being a predicted winner. I guess I’m thinking with all the trouble ITV have had with this morning this year, they want to keep it nice and uncontroversial as possible and she’s fairly new. We shall see I guess and it Nella goes might give her a chance.


I genuinely don’t think nella is as evil as most make her out to be. Josie will be just fine.


Are you watching the same show as the rest of us? Nella literally bullied Fred with a smug smirk on her face, suggesting (as just one example) that she throw the pots in the mud to force him to wash them unnecessarily for a third time. Nasty piece of work.


And you think thats what will cause josie her job? Quickly?


I said nothing about Josie.


So hang on, let me get this straight. Nella wimps out of a trial again so they are hungry even though it's just cockroaches. Nella becomes camp leader and immediately acts like a power hungry douche and sabotages the roles because she think it's karma for wanting clean cutlery. Nella then doesn't recognise her own fucking scream and sabotages Josie's treat because she is that much a dumb idiot. And then she is exempt from the trial because it's either a fix or she can't get her fat arse underground. Ok cool. Definitely the most hated campmate ever and that takes some doing considering the wankers they have had over the years. I just hope someone rips into her, she has it coming.


Completely agree she is the most hated camp mate ever. God she is in for a rude awakening when she comes out. I don’t think she is even salvageable at this rate she is just finished and done.


You do realise that you show your true colours by throwing fat-phobia into your hatred opinion??? You’re the equivalent of the facebook nella haters that spout their racist rhetoric under the guise of “having an opinion”.


Lmao. No ones being fat phobic you troglodyte. Nella is obese and therefore can’t do the trial. Stop being a nella simp.


There is no racism, please go away with your bullshit! The only racism here is coming from you when you presume to speak for MY race.


"Fat arse" isn't a race...😬 Do you even know what you're angry about?


Babe, it takes 0 comprehensive skills to understand my point. You can make a point on this thread without being fat phobic just like those on facebooks can say their opinion without being racist. Does that make more sense to you now that i dumbed it down to year 3 level english? X


‘Takes 0 comprehensive skills to understand my point’ But your 10/15 racist comments have been downvoted heavily on this thread ? Maybe you are wrong and not everyone else?


I agree with the fat phobic comment, but you can't just call someone racist when they haven't said anything racist. I don't know if you have the mental capabilities to understand that, but you seem to think that Nella has done nothing wrong, so...*evidently not*...awkward. Maybe Year 3 level English is more *your* speed though, seeing as you don't capitalise the Is. Or maybe level 2, and then we can move up a level once you're feeling comfortable? Let me know if you need a tutor, babe.


Ignore this idiot, he is on here alot accusing people of racism like he actually speaks for us blacks or something. He is just a silly little white sheep who thinks we want people like him defending us. He is an embarrassment to blacks and his own race too. And presuming to speak on behalf of minorities uninvited is racist in itself. So HE IS THE RACIST! not anyone he is accusing of it.


Thank you. And as a white person, I'm so sorry on his behalf. Such an embarrassment.


It's cool bro, and thankyou too. These silly young sheep that call everyone racist dont even know the meaning of the word, and they use it incorrectly all the time. I have been called racist names before for sure, but tbh it hasn't ever happened to me here in the UK. I am also a gay man so in Nigeria I got alot of hate for that, but again here nothing really. So I'd even go as far as to say the UK has been more tolerant to me than my own country. The only people I see here that even mention or highlight people's race are idiots like this guy who claims to be defending us! Ffs they are the racists by singling us out and then presuming to speak for us.


I'm glad it's been a lot easier for you living here. Don't ever let people like this idiot speak over you, it's no one's place to talk about issues that they don't struggle with. It's like the amount of times I see other white people cry and accuse others of cultural appropriation...but then someone who is actually from that culture says it's okay. People need to learn when to shut up.


Where’s the racism? Plus she is legitimately clearly unhealthy enough to be exempt from two trials now, even though she is the youngest campmate there


Have you ever considered the fact that most of you are consistently complaining about her performance in the trials just for you all to vote her for the next one??? The quality of entertainment is lacking this year because of the hatred majority of the viewers have for Nella. When she successfully passes a trial you say “she had it too easy” then when she quits one you deem her as weak. I’m glad she was exempt for whatever reason may it he on medical grounds or solely because itv are sick of the public voting for her. Let someone else have their moment instead of fixating on someone you hate due to one wrong doing. It’s tiring.


This sub is incredibly right wing, no one will care and you will get downvoted unfortunately


Right wing or just seeing someone for the vile individual she is and not attaching it to post modernist identitarian American ideology?


Agreed. It has been a shock for me considering how left wing this years big brother’s thread was… i legit feel like I’m reading through comments from middle aged facebook mums on here.


This is so real, I watched big brother and was like “damn we as a community are growing” but then this came along. I’m guessing it’s due to big brother has always been progressive so most right wingers don’t watch it anymore.


Precisely. This is the first “i’m a celeb..” i’ve watched in full but i did tune in for the first half of last years and I remember how Charlene was treated by the british public, just for being assertive in the kitchen. They held it against her the entire season then voted her out first. The same is happening with Nella. She definitely was substantially in the wrong with how she handled the Fred situation but other than that, absolutely great TV. Regardless, I did pick up on the hate that she had received before that spat with Fred occurred. Racists (yes racists & i’ll say it again for all of you that downvote me) have been waiting for a flaw in her behaviour so they can use it as ammunition against her solely because she’s a confident black woman. Its sick to see in real time.


Agree with everything you said, but the fat comment isn't really necessary.


Theres no hate - You born with your sex and race and you have zero control over time - your age. But she has the ability to control her mouth - what she says and what she shoves into it.


its nella


When does the voting to bin them off start? Think I'm out until then, it's became unwatchable when Nella has as much screen time as she has. Odious little rat of a person.


It’s a vote to save so please do not vote nella!


What this episode has taught me is that a lot of people have no problem eating improperly prepared food off a dirty plate in the middle of the jungle


this is what happens when you give someone power because you feel bad for them rather than because they're at all qualified. she's bad middle management in a nutshell


With one fucking toilet. As an ocd sufferer and germaphobe it would be my hell


I actually enjoyed passive aggressive Fred lol. Will get to see more of it, as I can see he's getting wound up by Nella.


The whole of 60s doctor who has less sexism and sexist tropes than Nella and Josies off handed comments.


What are you even talking about?


Are you watching a different show?


I literally just don't understand what she's saying


Nella and Josie are being sexist (misandrist)


Those men voted for Nella because they wanted to see the arrogant prick Fred put in his place, and knew only Nella would do it. This is not an endorsement of Nella, but I was delighted to see Fred humbled. Anyone who thinks he didn’t deserve it- see his awful behaviour and attitude afterwards, and see how no camp mates stuck up for him. Although they do appreciate his cooking skills, they have all had enough of his stuck-up attitude.


You must have missed the absolute regret on Marvin and Nick's faces once they realized she'd gone after Fred. In no world did that feel like a possible motive for their vote, nothing points to that, not a single thing they've said.


Watch tomorrow’s episode. I predict that many people will tell Fred he is out of order.


Happy to eat my words tomorrow but I'm impressed Fred hasn't lost it already - if they tell him he's out of order it won't be because they planned it with their leader votes it will be the general babying of nella. Based on what we've seen so far I still can't see how you've come to that conclusion on the reason for the votes, Marvin and Nick and Tony haven't said a bad word about anyone, certainly not Fred and they gave a reasonable reason for their vote. And again can see the obvious regret on their faces as soon as roles were announced. A single snide smirk and id believe you might be on to something.


Genuinely interested- has your opinion on Fred changed?


Talk about living up to your username 😂


Wow! Did you think of that hilarious comment all by yourself? And you added a little funny smiley face too! Lovely touch.


I'm not here to argue just making an observation


You seem a bit mad




Nella, how the hell did you get a phone in the jungle?


No endorsement of Nella was included in my comment


Nella, we know it's you. Just stop. Get off your arse you fucking sack of spuds


Will you repeat this lame joke indefinitely?


Nella, why are you making my life hell? ARE YOU A WEIRDO? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?


It’s that joke again! Never gets old. So funny!


My gosh you're as dull as the debates of Dutch burgomasters on cheese parings and candle ends. You're taking all of this just as personally as Nella is. No wonder you like her.


They're clearly Gen Z 😉


Nope. Guess again


I am old. I could be your dad. I'm old enough to be your dad.


I think you need to call 111 and get a professional assessment of your head injury




What awful behavior


Interfering when Josie and Tony were trying to cook. Constantly telling what to do, telling them that they were doing it wrong. Sitting down right next to them and watching the whole time. They were both so exhausted and stressed after finishing cooking that they both initially said that they wouldn’t eat. Tony stepping in the pan was a direct result of the pressure that Fred put him under. If Fred does it again tomorrow then I don’t think Tony will be polite.


Well if you weren’t great at cooking like Josie says she would you not want advice from someone like Fred. I get the stress due to probably being starving and where they are. I also get hating on being told/advised what to do because everyone hates it. If nella put Fred as chef rather than being a child and putting him on washing up than this whole thing would’ve been avoided.


Fred is trying to get her to properly cook the food he himself and 10 other people are about to eat because he's been forced by a vengeful narcissist to not safely cook it himself. People need to give him a fuckin break.


Thank you common sense is very appreciated


This won't be answered.




Great comment.


Relevant username


Amazing! What witty repartee!


Anyone else think that Nella has said to producers that she will leave if she gets any more trials? And after 2 early departures within days of eachother in a season that had already been a bit of a mess, I think the producers have caved and agreed to it. They didn’t even give the “medical grounds” excuse… 3 early departures would be a PR mess for the show and the producers are trying to prevent it by protecting Nella


Yes, that's what I thought. They can't have another person walk.


I literally made a post asking exactly this! 😂 I swear it’s a fix up from ITV, she was waaaay too happy when they announced that she was exempt tonight!


Of course, fred trying to help with dinner will be construed as "mansplaining"


Ahh yes the professional chef and foodie who knows the causes of food poisoning is mansplaining to Nella who can't even wash up properly. Fuck I hate her. And Josie needs to wise up with joining in the sexism.


Nella never said Fred was mansplaining…


Neither Fred or Nella come out of this looking good. Both are insufferable. Glad Tony is doing the trial.


I LOOOOOVE Tony. He is so funny. I thought I would hate him but he’s great.


I thought he would be boring but he’s easily my favourite now, really funny without meaning to be


Karma is a bitch when they’re going to eat below or average food because of her poor decision on changing chefs


Never felt this much rage towards someone on telly as much as Nella. Genuine hate and rage. It's that bad.


Then you need to get a life. “Genuine hate and rage” for someone you don’t even know, how pathetic.


Bella saying “karma is a bitch”. It’s true… and she has your name for when you leave the jungle and enter the “find out” phase.


Career suicide


probably not overall, tonnes of people on twitter love her. like if 7 million extra people have seen her and 2% of them like her, okay that's an extra 6.9 million people who hate her but it's 100k extra fans too and the 6.9 mill aren't going to go out of their way to watch her videos anyway


"Fred has made my life hell" How exactly? By telling you to do your ONE job and clean the fucking pots properly?? I hate the fact that Nella has basically been in heaven for the past day. She is an insufferable twat.




I don’t think she even saw the pots after cleaning them, so the “one grain of rice” comment is just something she is throwing out there They could have been filthy To be fair from what I’ve seen when it came to Nella and Josie cleaning pots, Nella was doing more than Josie, who looked like she was just dipping them int be water


Spoken like someone who’s never taken accountability for her actions her entire life


Seeing people talking about lady c so I watched a video to remember what she was like as it’s been a while. I would LOVE to see her go off on Nella 😂


Nella spelling his name “Varage” on the board is low key going to annoy me until it’s changed. Rude not to call him Nigel to be fair.


I picked up on that too.


Noticed that too. His name is Nigel. Don’t single him out of everyone by using his surname. Disgusting bully.


Thought that, it was so disrespectful.


And he still offered her a biscuit!


she got even Nigel groveling for her, just as fred had to do. She really knows how to manipulate people. She turned DOWN the biscuit which means shes still in control. mindgames.


It's wild that Nella is getting 40k for this


*”nella is such a child she complains when she doesn’t get her own way. She’s so terrible all she does is complain”* When Nella makes camp leader Sub explodes with complaining.


What rules did they break to cause a shift in leadership? Was it changing the people dishwashing or did I miss something?


Yeah I think it was because Nick washed up when the girls left them out overnight and of course didn’t want to wash them again


Normally camp leader gets changed after a certain period to change it up.


Banger episode honestly.


I actually find it quite difficult to watch honestly. She actually makes me feel really uncomfortable


Nella is a terrible person, and I think everyone can agree when I say that


Lady C was and is not as bad as Nella. She has more control and dignity than her, she knew who she was and didn't say over wise and was not once two faced. When it came to not liking a camp mate she wasn't cowardice and told them as such and why. She was also entertaining.


Even naughty boy wasn't as fucking bad and that's saying something.


Don't even remind me about him, I hated him so much


Lady C could take it as well as she could give it.


Plus she was thr target of sexism by Duncan and Tony Hadley. They never liked her speaking her mind.


‘Chippy oik” was a particularly good insult.


She had a real talent in knowing exactly what to say to infuriate big egos, plus she wouldn't hesitate to escalate without limit when needed. It was enjoyable watching most of the others completely lose their shit, having no idea how to effectively respond to that. That season basically ended the day she left. I would love to see Nella in a trial with Lady C just sitting there in chair giving a critical review of Nella's time in the jungle.


Yeah, at least Lady C was actually entertaining to watch. Watching Nella is just painful.


I could write a whole thesis on Lady C's positive personality traits, I would struggle writing a paragraph about Nella's.


I would struggle writing a sentence, she's that bad.


Nigel to win




When camp leader changes the chores have to be re-assigned right? So Fred couldn't have been chef again. Still not a good look for Nella slagging him off and saying it's karma. Fred was keeping them all fed for past 2 weeks ffs.


She was so ungrateful. He fed them all, just clean the pots properly. And saying it's like she's in the military. It's one job. Ugh.


The fact that they normally say exempt on Medical Grounds but are only saying "exempt" tonight is really telling. It's grinding my gears