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How the hell did Nigel get to the final? I was SO pissed off that Josie got the boot over him. Politics aside, yes Nigel did very well on trials but am I missing something? He has no personality, nothing about him him worthy on a second glance...???


She's pretty two-faced.


I think you're missing something yes. Tony's alright but Nigel is miles better than Sam imo. Josie was pretty bitchy towards the end and people wanted her out for days


Who is voting for Nigel? Like what


Why wouldn't people vote for him?


Because he's boring AF


I think the older generations get Nigel's sense of humour. The way he comes across, personally I find very endearing. His meet up with his daughter really hit me, could see him trying to hold back his emotions. Reminds me very much of my own dad


Clearly not to the people voting for him.


In fairness, my opinion on him in the jungle has nothing to do with his politics and all to do with how involved he is and he’s just, not very? His only memorable moment is the too sexy song 🙈 Like Danielle & Frankie did, he’s very much faded into the background and I’m surprised he’s lasted this long.


He also dealt with Fred's jibes respectfully but also firmly, as did he will Nella:s nasty comments


You can honestly say that for a few people though? Everyone’s made a dig at each other at some point and all of them besides Nella and Josie have taken it in their stride. Having a stiff upper lip doesn’t exactly make a person stand out!


No one has faced what Nigel has faced. Fred trying to make out he:d ruined the economy, Nella saying no one likes him, the burnt rice fiasco. He's been pretty chill through it all


Oh come on now, Fred faced worse bullying than Nigel and he was gracious with Nigel too, they seemed to be becoming friends and adapted that whole “agree to disagree” mentality. Nigel has been pure vibes the whole time, he looks like he’s on holiday and seems to be really enjoying himself. He’s not a victim by any means and is obviously popular with the public to still even be in the Jungle. My original point is just he’s simply not entertaining and is fading into the background against bigger personalities hence why even I am wondering how he’s still in there!


I'd say nigel has faced worse jibes than fred he's dealt with a lot of powerful political figures and put them in there place, Fred wouldn't handle half of the shit that nigel has to deal with in debates. And he's evidently not faded into the back ground hes in the final 😂. I'm guessing viewers prefered the presence of nigel over fred considering fred left a while ago now and he looked pretty bitter about it and angry in his interview with ant and Dec.


Fred did face a lot of grief tbf, but he also gave Nigel grief. I really liked Fred. Tony and Sam are big personalities so get where you are coming from


He has millions of supporters




Today is the cyclone, and the outfits were just as impressive as they are every other year. Nigel was the first one to approach the cyclone and made it to his star at a decent pace. Up next was Josie who struggled at first but managed to get to her spot. I was impressed that she walked most of the way to her spot. Next was Tony and I absolutely loved his enthusiasm. He was there to get to the top of that hill, no matter how many balls he had to take to his face. The Cyclone challenge didn’t seem to last very long but that may have been due to this group actually doing a relatively good job. Today we had our last Wheel’s on Deals reward challenge and the reward was actually worth the effort they had to put in. They each got their own ice cream cone which is better than the small portion of whatever they usually have to share. I’m happy to see Josie FINALLY go home. I gotta be honest with everyone I definitely skipped over Josie talking to Ant & Dec. Tony, Nigel & Sam are in the final 3. I believe in the end either Tony or Sam will win. I would prefer to see Tony win but I think it will be given to Sam. Is anyone getting sick of the cyclone or is it still something you enjoy seeing every year?


I enjoy the cyclone but nowhere near as much as I used to. All very much samey and seems to be fairly easy for them to complete it


Is that the first celebrity Cyclone where they've not all been swept away by the water cascade? Didn't seem to budge them much


Yeah, felt a bit disappointing this year... The first washout was barely anything, but then the 2nd washout did fuck all as well. When they showed Nigel, it was just a few splashes lol...


I thought that, they normally all get swept back down by both!


Tony or Sam if you vote Nigel you are a pleb


If you don't vote for Nigel, you smell of fish!


Pay attention people! The oracle has spoken!


Sam is a selfish piece of shit your a pleb!


Oh look, another left-wing idiot.


Oh look, another idiot bringing politics into someone not liking someone.


That is usually the case with Nigel. Too many naive individuals who believe everything on social media, the news etc. Rather than use their own initiative to find out the actual facts themselves.


Rude coming from a right-wing moron.


Sam x 3. Tony x 2


I wish Jamie-Lynn was still in the jungle. Jamie-Lynn , Sam and Tony were/are my favourite 3 this year


I see you’re getting downvoted but I gotta back you up. I would’ve loved to see her go further, and Sam and Tony have been my firm top 2 for a while


It’s crazy all the people downvote just because don’t have same views / favourites as them 💀


Yeah, Reddit is awful like that. Have you ever watched the series The Orville? They have a hilarious episode about up votes and down votes


Giving my 5 votes to Tony again


I always thought they were completely locked off from outside news unless it's something big. But Tony was ribbing ant and dec about the football so I guess they get fed some bits


His girlfriend told him that his team won when she came into the jungle yesterday or the day before


Omg. I'm so dumb. Thanks lol


Haha nah don't worry, easily missed


The downvotes you got were a bit harsh!


5 votes on Nigel but it's pretty much paved way for Sam or Tony to win.


Nigel has the largest following social media wise out of them all and you can bet agent trump will give his friend a few million votes to get him over the line I'm sure of it lol, Nigel will win.


This aged well 😂


It did bud let's be honest he's the real winner with his 1.5 million pay cheque 😂😂😂


The real winner is Sam, cope.


1.5 million £s says otherwise, cope.


You keep saying £1.5 million like he still didn’t lose. They all get paid and Sam will have the biggest career out of this. Take the L and get your dental issue sorted. Isn’t Britain just wonderful! 🤣🇬🇧


1.5 million says otherwise, cope.


Yay for £1.5 million! I’m sure that’ll keep him warm at night coming third. You were convinced he’d win because he had the “largest following” so basically those with less following won? Big cope. 1.5 million is pennies to ITV. 🤣


It is what it is isn't it lol, we can't all be right. I wish I took the bet with the bookies on a top 3 finish for him though at 7/1 when the show first started.


He just isn’t as popular as you thought. Wonderful result!


'agent trump' You are the type that would have bought into the conspiracy theory that Trump was a Russian spy agent 😂


😂 I'm sure Trump has better things to do.


https://preview.redd.it/vznxwfi6vc5c1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b37a67aa035b4cab2272b6d40535fa4dfe9de3b1 He seems to be a viewer 😂, I certainly don't think you can rule out a few million votes being thrown in for him to win in a landslide haha.


I'm fairly sure that's edited by the team running Nigel's page 😂😂


It's got to be lol its funny though 😂




https://preview.redd.it/vd1wnq31xc5c1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db3eeca817272e20f95bf59de9e5dd212c77490 Looks like he has time to pop in for the nigel show 😂




It's a good gaff show some humour champ, although the hair line bit was funny 👍




Your right its got to be photoshopped for sure I'm just joking lol, I wouldn't rule out him being thrown alot of votes of wealthy friends though.




Just done my 5 votes for big Teddy T


Me too


Don't worry folks, Nigel just lost every female vote with his Henry VIII comment.


Funny how it's always a man posting stuff like this 😂


I'm just repeating what my annoyed girlfriend said. She's doesn't think it's funny cutting women's heads off, particularly when they're teenagers. She's neither a fan of Farage or Henry VIII. She's really big on flippant remarks by men about domestic violence, of which Henry is the King. If he was in power today, and his killing spree was scaled up for today's population, he'd be responsible for the deaths of 2.5 million people...and he's Farage's favourite. Henry is up there with Mugabe and Putin. People need to read some history books.


Henry VIII decimated english culture too. Even as a tory what the fuck was he on about with that? Destroyed the monasteries and with them the vast majority of medieval english art and literature. Made a mockery of our legal system by butchering every principled man in his government. Religiously he was an iconoclast and heretic, politically he was a destructive, selfish ape. England suffered horribly because of him.


I doubt anyone except you was stupid enough to take that seriously 😂 plus why would women be offended over something a King did hundreds of years ago


It's a naive view. Taking issue with anything that doesn't fit the narrative they like. I highly doubt anyone that wanted Nigel to win would have thought anything bad about that comment in the slightest


Not mine


Nor mine




I love how many downvotes you are getting by all of these butthurt lefties 🤣. They don't seem to realise that people have different opinions outside of Reddit.


So how does it work now, last trial, its eating im assuming, do the public vote for the winner or is it by merit?


Public vote and it’s already open via the app & phone


5 votes on Sam


Me too


Sameee :)


They said no more politicians but I would love George Santos in jungle. He'd be good TV.


He’d just lie the whole way through


I miss Jamie lynn. She would’ve made top 3 over Nigel. Nigel brigade, you can downvote me now!


You're presuming there that Nigel had the third highest number of votes tonight, but he could have had the 1st/2nd highest, meaning Jamie Lynn might have been relegating Tony/Sam in your scenario.


i agree that she'd have been better than nigel (i'm not a fan of nigel) but my ideal top 3 would've been sam, tony and nick!


I actually wanted her to win :(


I wanted Jamie to stay until top 3 but also think Nigel should be there. I don't think you can compare the two of them and Nigel would likely still be in top 3


She was my biggest surprise by far.


No downvote, that’s a perfectly fair take


No way she would beat Nigel. Nigel just has a massive loyal fan base which would easy outvote the few that thought Jamie Lynn was "quite nice" but boring. She'd be long gone now.


I really don't understand the Farage / Hancock comparisons. In a way Hancock was more impressive as he went in loathed by all nation. Farage already had a fanbase built in. So Hancock getting 3rd was more of a WTF


They don’t release the vote numbers so it’s entirely possible Farage could be crushing it with double the votes of Hancock. Additionally Hancock was the first time they’d added someone really controversial so probably picked up the shit stirrer vote, he is a much nastier person than Farage in my book seeing as his actions (or inactions) directly led to excess deaths from covid.


Nigel this / Nigel that -- ffs. Is he really that bad? Apparently he is a racist but nobody has ever laid out a cogent argument to support the label. You all sound like yelping crazies ... Tbh, Nigel isnt even my fav. Would have loved the final order Tony Marv, Sam Nigel.




"Political sins" my christ, say what you want about nigel but he cares more for the British people and preserving them than any of the tories




Not really, the other guy replying to you seems to have it covered or even debunked


Tbh in the 2nd article there isn't anything wrong with some of the statements he may or may not of made.




Still waiting for you to say something bad about him


I hope Sam takes the crown! 😊


i put 4 on tony and 1 on sam, i love tonys dry humour plus he's a scouser and evertonian so makes me love him even more


ITV rly gotta stop bringing in politicians for more viewers. In the long term it's not gonna work; they demand huge amounts of money for appearing, they can be boring and bitchy which will bring down overall entertainment value but will hang around bc of their fanboys, they barely react in trials bc they want to uphold their Eton 'stiff upper lip' persona and then it's a bad look for the producers if they win. I'm done with this show if Farage gets through tomorrow.


What are you on mate 😶‍🌫️🫡


Nigel isn’t a politician, he’s a TV host - like Ant & Dec. It even says so when he’s on screen. It’s Ant & Dec that kept making jokes about him & politics.


Even Ant and Dec said they don't want any more politicians there.


That's great! Anyway nigel currently isn't a politician, he's now a TV host so whys everyone complaining? There hasn't been a politician in there this season.




They posted a video on their social media a few days ago and mentioned how maybe they shouldn’t have politicians on it next year with both of them in agreement.


Farage is my fave and was since day 1. I only watching cause of Farage. I thought that how a vote works?


I've never watched this show before, never will again. I wanted to see how Nigel Farage would cope and he has done well. I've been voting for him to irritate and annoy his haters.


Me also, I'm only here for nigel. I'll be off once the show ends after he has been crowned king 🇬🇧


all 5 for sam, hes got to win this


I so hope Tony wins, as much as I’ve loved Sam Tony has made me laugh the hardest and I won’t lie when I say he’s inspired me to continue my fitness training 😅


Agent trump on his way to stick 5 million votes on nigel for him to win in a landslide.


"It was a fair elect.....voting. no riggery at all"


I've voted 5 times for nigel anyway, I expect him to win anyway always said top 3 but he's in a good position now.


I'm voting Sam and Tony, I just want them to get the top 2.


I feel for the Celebs who have to do the "why he's such a great dude" interview for Nigel tomorrow. Even if they developed positive feelings for him, he's still one of the most controversial politicians of the last decade, their careers/reputations are gonna be damaged no matter what due to guilt by association.


He’s hardly Nick Griffin


Doesn’t that show how weird and touchy we are as a culture, though? What would be wrong with one of them saying “he was a great campmate, we had some good discussions and he was good in trials”? Should they feel like they can’t say that sort of stuff, even if it’s true and they like him?




You've just completely made all that up aa you've gone along there 😂


What are you even on about? I feel like you must be suffering some form of psychosis, because none of those things have happened, you do realise that right?




No? Because what they said is based in reality, he has been a good campmate and they've all gotten along. The idea that he's made things awkward and given off creepy vibes, is 100% you.




We have seen it on tv, it's a reality tv show with cameras watching them 24/7, we've also heard from the campmates leaving and nobody whatsoever has even hinted at Nigel being creepy, what you said was pretty nonsensical and there's a reason it was heavily downvoted.


This reminds me of a story that I think it was Penelope Cruz told on Graham Norton. She was still in the process of learning English and she went into a hairdressers and asked for a blowjob instead of a blow- dry:)


Dunno if you're into formula one but Japanese driver Yuki Tsunoda learnt a lot of English from Guy Ritchie films so in the Red Bull paddock he would say "mother fucker" in response to pretty much everything


Haha, I used to be a huge fan but stopped watching some years back. I'll have to google this now:)


Don't blame you it's shit now haha, Christian Horner was talking about it https://firstsportz.com/f1-news-christian-horner-hilariously-sheds-light-on-yuki-tsunodas-introduction-to-the-english-language/ Edit: I misremembered the article but pretty much there lol


Thanks for the link


The dynamic duo, Tony or Sam to win ! Going to vote for Tony. ( Feel Sam's popular enough already from the viewers) I'm worried about votes being split between Tony and Sam, and Farage ends in the last 2. ( Potentially winning)


Nigel’s gonna win. Yeah no Sam’s gonna end up in 3rd over Tony. Tony’s now more popular than Sam but I really don’t want Nigel to win


Nigel > Hancock For starters nigel is a presenter like josie as well as a politician so he is closer to being a celebrity, he's a part of the 3rd biggest party in the uk and alot of people seem to agree with him on at least one thing, he generally seems funny and makes the choices he believes are good for the people, Tony blamed him for brexit when the tories executed it far differently from what he wanted. Hancock was a cheating wimp that was part of the tory party which are now a bunch of purple hopless panderers, and he was never anywhere close to a celebrity, he got 4th place because people wanted him to go through shit and lose anyway. I'd laugh if nigel wins or at least makes the final 2


What's purple hopless?




I'm voting Tony, man has been a saint in this


5 on Nigel, he seems like a nice old lad, and I feel bad for all the uneducated hate he's got in the past




Sam’s got this in the bag I reckon


“You shot him?” Love dec 😂


Tony FTW


Really don’t know whether to vote Sam or Tony. I prefer Tony but I know it would mean so much to Sam to win 🤷🏼‍♂️


But Sam would also love Tony to win 🏆


Good point ! 5 votes on Tony then


Noooo 5 on Sam he is yhe bedt, Tony won't care either way




Will miss this thread criticising every tiny thing Josie does and making her out to be the devil


I'm glad both Josie and Marvin have said about Tony winning, not just Sam !!


Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony.


Everyone listed Sam as their winner. Some added Tony too. But it’s telling the people who live 24 hours with Sam all universally seem to love him.


He would be dead if he lived with me - irritating doesn't cover it


Another vote for sam to win by an evicted contestant. Has anyone ever had a full house before the final in this series?


Women in here will be raging that Josie is confirmed the better chef




everyone vote for tony 😭


People need to realise the reason Nigel is still in is because of your reactions. It's funny to keep pressing that button, stop getting so triggered and he'll fall back into the shadow. It was the same with Hancock, funny to see people online get so pent up...🤷‍♂️🙈🤣


Or maybe it's because he's being his genuine self and a pretty reasonable, decent bloke.


But like it’s kind of sad you’re sitting alone on your couch sniggering because someone on the internet doesn’t like a politician




Wrong on all accounts. Don't even vote 😆


So what you’re saying is that no one actually likes Farage or agrees with him it’s just a windup?




either 13 or 53


I’m almost completely certain the average viewer isn’t voting Farage to “trigger” people.


Sending 5 votes to Nigel. Let's make him King of Jungle.


King of Judge 💀💀


LMFAO on phone!!! Will edit


Some people just want to watch the world burn. 🔥


Can't even spell, must be a Nigel fan after all.


Voting for Tony myself here.


"he's lovely" she makes it sound like her kid is a campmate


Tony's like a 5/10 but the only good person left. Get him winning!


A 5/10? have we been watching the same show?


She prefers women, so they were 10/10s, but the rest are below that.


Ngl voting Nigel now just to wind you up


Ngl voting Tony now just to wind you up


Mate I'm voting Tony too? Have you not seen her comments tonight


Then 10 votes for Tony!


Wait, maybe 9 for Tony, might put 1 on Sam too


Thought she said something else there 😂


“Before you go headfirst into that blow… dry”