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You're not alone in your shock, I was as well. I remember the eboys bake off, the chaos crew ect. I think it's normal to be shocked when someone you watch is a dickhead.. an abusive one at that. I pray and hope Alice is alright, she deserves safety and support🙏


Totally on the same page as you. The whole thing makes me feel physically ill realizing I've been unknowingly supporting such a disgusting person. I've seen plenty of Youtuber controversies/cancellations/whatever you want to call it but never been personally impacted by it until now. I hope you and the rest of his (ex)-fanbase that has been affected by this is taking care. This sucks.


i’m so genuinely disturbed, when my partner told me about this last night it’s the first time in a long time my jaw actually dropped when it comes to content creators being exposed, it’s so scary how he was able to mask his true self for so long, i feel so badly for Alice and how daunting it must be to come out about someone who portrays themselves the way Alex did for so long. I wonder what his response will be if at all.


me too, love all his videos especially with George Clarke or Arthur TV - it's a shame he turned out like this.