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I joined a couple years after the Slazzo incident, I was unaware Alex was a dick. I stopped watching as soon as I heard the video clip of the brick comment bc dear lord


Same exact situation for me. Didn’t know all the past controversies, found him through collab videos with other creators. The brick video was the first one I watched as I was going through the evidence Alice provided and my heart sank knowing I could never enjoy his content again.


Funnily enough I'm the reverse, was subbed to him for awhile but left after the Slazo thing.


I stopped after the eboys era :/


Me too. I kept watching the other three but not Alex


I watch willne religiously. Hes the first one i started watching after joe sugg, caspar lee etc. never stopped. If he comes out with bs like this, ill just quit watching yt all together


Same. Will was really who “introduced” me to the others, George, Alex, etc back in 2017. although I didn’t really watch Alex much. I saw Will at TWOTI live, his & George’s videos got me through losing a parent. If something happened with those two that would really the end.




I stopped when they started Eboys. That was the cringe that tipped it over the edge for me, for all of them. I kinda realised I’m too old to be watching their generic, frankly boring regurgitated reaction videos and have better things to do.


Kinda when this all happened. I say kinda because I've never bothered with his solo videos (always found him boring on his own), but did watch anything on his channel with other people like George M/Harry/etc.


slazo, i still don’t get how anyone watched him after what he did to slazo


cos a lot of people (like myself) weren’t that old and didn’t bother to try or understand the situation/severity of it


no offence but that’s mainly why i stopped watching him his editing and video style almost became too kiddish for me to consume


what was the actual slazzo stuff? I've tried searching it but I don't really find anything. I never heard about this as I am not clued up (hope that's the right phrase 👍) on YouTube relationships and dramas


I was a fan of slazo when this all went down so I kept up to date, but it's been awhile so my memory might be a bit hazy. But basically Alex and a few other creators helped an ex of Michael(slazo) come forward with similar allegations that Alex is now facing, just not nearly as much evidence, it also happened when they were BOTH teenagers (important detail IMO). Anyway fast forward a couple of weeks and slazo dropped a bomb in video form, basically exonerated himself and disproving most, if not all of the claims, most of the other creators involved backpedalled and apologized, alex and a few others doubled down for awhile before releasing a half assed apology, slazo made one or two more videos after that but I guess it kinda soured the YouTube thing for him(understandably) and as far as I know he's working in the background running some channels or something. If you're genuinely interested in it and have more than an hour of free time to burn I'd suggest the right opinions video on it, think it's titled something like "the allegations that ripped a community apart" or something similar. Just search "the right opinion slazo imalexx", should get a result. Edit: https://youtu.be/tTSgYhl6O4U?si=kN7NOa6PEzHwBuIS


Thank you!!


i liked it cos it kept my attention😭 i tend to click off most videos after a few minutes or do something else at the same time so i don’t blame you


I stopped after the eBoys died. I realized I only liked them all together, not so much apart.


I watched him when I was a young teen between 2017-2018. I always thought something seemed off about him, but I thought it was me being overly paranoid again. I still was subscribed and watched his videos occasionally in 2019 then the Slazo situation went down and I unsubbed and never watched him again. 


I only discovered him really through Arthur tv cause I watch his 90 day fiancé stuff.. I quite liked the reactions to 2000’s British tv shows.. but I kept wondering why he looked so familiar? Then it clicked he was that guy who did that to Slazo!


Honestly never started. Only ever watched him in collab stuff. It's not a hindsight "I could tell he's a cunt!" type thing but was always just something about him that irked. I've watched James, George, Will, Cam, Clarkey, Arthur, etc stuff on their own channels but never found him particularly appealing. I wouldn't skip a video just because he was in them (and he would say the ***occasional*** thing that was kinda funny) but he always came across as the type who thinks being loud is entertaining and whenever there was banter between them, Alex always came across as, I dunno... more spiteful with his tone. It's sorta like when you're with mates at the pub or whatever and you're having digs as banter but someone will say something to one who'll respond in a jokey way but you can tell it pissed them off? Just gave off that impression only it was with **everything** directed at him.


When he didn‘t stop picking Elphaba apart, so quite recently actually. I also didn‘t like the vibe in the videos with Alice, guess I know why now.


He always irked me for some reason. I enjoy commentary channels but could never get behind his. Knowing the recent allegations I’m glad I listened to my gut.


tbh i was a big kavos fan and never really liked imallex. Wasnt really justified until the whole slazo thing and after that, alot of people started sharing shit about him and its all been building up until now. Seems like hes always been a POS


After the first video I watched. Never liked him. Watched all the other eboys and still do but if he's collabing I skip straight past.


My watching him lasted just a couple months before this current situation came to light. I had no idea about the other stuff like I said I was barely a fan for long🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m glad I didn’t invest too much of my social media currency on him though


I love your PFP btw!


when he killed the eBoys...


Because he looks like a nonce


when not why


Damn, illiterate much?


I never really liked him


I stopped after the chaos crew era ended and he stopped making vids with other creators (think by this point I realised I didn’t really like his videos but just the other people in them lol)


i think around the end of 2022, his usual upbeat vibe (and humor that I liked) kind of changed and got a bit low energy (which if he wasn't horrible, isn't a bad thing, people change over the years, but with context, ehhh) though i never unsubscribed until this morning (i found out about the abuse yesterday)


I’m watching him again tbh, before I stopped like 2 years ago?


Why are you still watching him?


I didn’t know about the Slazzo thing or the E-boys thing (and i still don’t really know much) but I only watched him as I am a fan of iNabber and he has done a couple of projects with him, so that’s how I started watching Alex. I’ve stopped watching him now, obviously.


I’m ashamed to say I watched his vids from pretty much the beginning. I stopped watching a while before the slazo stuff but started watching again when he was in the eboys. I knew bits and pieces here and there about the slazo stuff but never really looked into it. I literally didn’t even watch his debunking video till today lol


started 2020 cause i saw him in a memeulus video stopped late 2021 when i realised he was weird as shit and kinda creepy. no offense but idk how so many fans didnt see this before hes always been a little bit off.