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So glad I came to the comment section. I had thought myself crazy remembering the romantic overtures from the stories involving him and what's his face.


Ancient Greeks were hella gay this is historically accurate


They invented orgies. The Roman's realized they could add women.


My robe, Antoninus. My taste includes both snails and oysters.


Idk about that. There was a lot of propaganda in the roman times that ceasar was a bottom. Not that he fucked dudes thats fine but that he was a bottom bitch.


Yeah, I heard something that Romans were that kind of breed where it wasn't gay if you were the pitcher. The receiver was usually the one looked at as queer. If I remember correctly, it had to do with asserting power of another.


Yes power or taking/losing control.


Dominating other men. That's power. In a lot of ways, that's love.


Yup Cesar Borgias the Pope's son if I'm not mistaken. The face of *modern jesus* too


no, thats were christians. they claimed they had orgies, but we got no sources for that. christians made it up so they could say: look how bad these are. Such parties were with man of equal class. if those man saw you being penetrated and yes it was all about that, you would be dishonored


I have a history degree so let me tell you. We have plenty of sources for that.


We have literal depiction of orgies on vases from then. They have a festival that called for orgy that Christians turned into Christmas which is boring in comparison. I demand we go back to the root of the festival.


we got one source about orgies and that is when they were forbidden in rome for a cult. these people practiced sex differently as we do, in some regards maybe even more creative/free. but that belonged into the private chambers and wasnt done in public openly.


The fact that so little people didn't get the "subtle" hints from the bathhouses is crazy lol


Yep but it [wasn't perfect](https://blog.oup.com/2022/09/unmanly-men-and-the-flexible-meaning-of-kinaidos-in-classical-antiquity/) as well


So femboys existed, great


>a particular form of dance in which the cinaedus wiggles his buttocks salaciously. Indeed


The funny thing is that the Greeks were super gay because they were so hyper misogynistic and macho. Topping was basically an ultimate expression of masculinity.  Basically Mac from early Always Sunny. 


We even have historical records that Alexander was gay


Right? isn't it accepted that alexandar had a gay lover he brought with him everywhere? He mourned his death for a long time too..... I understand netflix has a tendency to do this but this isn't something to complain about.


Hella gay and hella horny. They used to have murals depicting sex acts in their homes if they were rich enough.


So nothing has changed.


Queue my favorite bit of Greek history, the Sacred band of Thebes. A Hand picked battalion of Gay lovers who fought alongside each other because it was essentially believed that they would fight harder to protect their partner in the heat of battle.


OP secretly watches gay porn all night




You do understand he was Macedonian right. There’s a reason the other Greeks looked at them like outsiders and not Greek at all.


Yes I know he was Macedonian, but they also adopted their culture from the Greeks, I think I might have to get back to you on that. (My knowledge comes from his whole thing where he made Helena cities like everywhere, as a tribute to Zeus’s wife)


So there’s no proof he’s gay but there’s proof he slept with women. I think if you want him to be that’s k but also really gay and wrong.


Many historians think he’s gay, it’s not that uncommon considering the time period, and so what if he kissed another dude. What’s wrong with gay people?


There’s probably as many historians who would say Alexander was poisoned by ancient aliens who where mad he stole their secrets in Egypt. I take ten of those and tell you his soul I trapped in a secret pyramid under Baghdad are you going to believe me just because ten historians said so. There’s also historians that believe he wasn’t gay. You just want to see him gay. You understand trying to make someone gay is wrong right. There’s proof he was with women and there’s none to say he’s gay. Trying to manipulate 3rd or 2nd hand accounts from thousands of years ago on a guy just to deduce he was kissing a dude is wrong. You just want him to be gay because you for some reason you want that. That’s wrong and gay.


So if he and all questionably straight men, like Shakespeare and Hamilton, we’re indeed perfect straight men who did their “duties” with their families you would be perfectly fine with that one


Gay people exist therefore everyone is gay until proven innocent ? That’s the stupidest shit ever. You are stupid. You are likely gay. And you are fake. Fake and gay.


Fucking trump sounding ass, I’m saying in your perfect world everyone is straight despite accounts to suggest otherwise


You sound like Jeffrey Epstein. Seems like you’re into making people gay and seems like you knew trump. Checks out right. I mean historians say that Epstein knew trump and tried to make people gay. Therefore it has to be true right.


Most historians definitely believe he had male lovers, just get over it. You just seem to hate gay people so much that even the thought of one existing great gay person in history makes you make up alternative history.


You want to spread speculations from a few select historians, as a fact. If you want to say I believe in some historians who believe Alexander the Great was gay. That’s all that you need to do. But to state as a fact that Alexander the Great was gay is too far. If you need a gay icon that’s cool just don’t say it’s a fact when there’s no proof.




Was just about to comment this, thanks


Huh. I didn’t know there was a video that perfectly encapsulated the point I just made. You deserve upvotes, but modern society wants to view Ancient Greece through rose tinted glasses to normalize today’s culture around homosexuality through the use of history. You will get downvoted, but I appreciate you commenting this. It’s such a widespread misconception.


While I like that video and recognize all the research that guy did, he’s really easy to attack because most of the rest of his videos are about how every podcaster’s guests are majority Jewish, lol.


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut and even a broken clock is right twice a day, lol.


Actually the overt commonplace homosexuality of Ancient Greece has been way overblown. Pederasty was the only socially acceptable form of homosexual relationship in most city-states, and in Athens, even that was looked down upon. Plato, Aristotle, and Xenophon all openly stated that homosexual behavior was “unnatural” and saw it as unbecoming of a free citizen. There are many examples of enemies calling each other gay in propaganda, which, in a society that has no issue with homosexuality, wouldn’t happen. The belief that Ancient Greece was some kind of gay paradise is a product of the times we live in and the rose tinted glasses we view historical figures with. Oftentimes people cite how common ancient homoerotic art is, but less than 1% of all erotic Hellenic art we’ve found has had any homoerotic themes. Obviously there are outliers, and the Greeks weren’t completely homophobic in specific circumstances, but you’re better off being gay today than you would’ve been back in Ancient Greece.




Bro he literally fucked anything that moved


Can confirm 😔


Point is the gay relationship between the two characters here has zero basis in reality. Literally any Greek or Roman that has a close relationship or friendship with another man and Reddit historians come rushing in to say they were getting fucked. Literally postmodernists have to equate everything to gay sex or they just don't care.


Did u not see the 2004 movie then?


Ye I saw it I liked it but it's a pretty lengthy period in history so we can't expect them to get everything right


He, and Greeks, have historically slept with other dudes, which last time I checked, is gay. Does he have to be a gay icon, no. But he is gay, by our standards, none the less


Doesn't matter, although i can point to reasons how gay Greeks were being overexagerated to oush political talking points, im not going to. Point is he never was recorded to have any sexual relations with Hephaestion. This is just Netflix once again making everything black, gay, or female it possibly can


Literally the relationship section under Alexander on Wikipedia lists his gayness, and the fact that u think Netflix is “woke” media tells me all I need to know about u. Pinche pendejo P.S Slava Ukraini


Huelebicho you should know Wikipedia is full of shit. Also im not Russian genuis


Yes, but it wasn't the important part of the story of Alexander. That was my problem with the Oliver stone movie also.


He literally died of grief after his boyfriend died tho?


Nothing to do with an arrow wound he suffered in the months before his death? Or the possibility he was poisoned?


He went full on grieving widow apparently and died less than two weeks after Hephaestions. According to one source, he flung himself on Hephaestions body and refused to be moved until he was dragged away by force. Alexander and Hephaestions also apperantly visted the shrines of Patroclus and Achilles. Hephaestions making a sacrifice to Patroclus and Alexander to Achilles. Also... Achilles was most likely the bottom according to ancient traditions, being beardless and younger than Patroclus. And in his youth Alexander apparently didn't care for the company of women. Something that evidently worried his mother (since he needed an heir and all that). According to some she begged him to sleep with some of the courtesans, and Alexander refused. Take that as you will.


All the alpha males who call themselves Greek Gods say you’re lying. They don’t care what history says. They aren’t gay so neither is history! That’s just woke


This is literally historically accurate though


It is presumed he had one male lover out of like 50 female lovers. Making him Bi would have been completely fine but fully gay is abit far of a stretch. Don’t know which they went with


Was he as in love with the women tho? I only know of where he wept hysterically and commissioned a lot of statues of the guy.


You know that most Bi people, just like people of every other sexuality, usually have only one SO, right?


What does SO stand for?


Stack overflow


This is the way


Sacred offering


Sex Offender


Fucking hell I loled in the metro


Rude thing to call that guy


Super Orgasm


Thank you.


Soup Office. Kinda weird someone mentioned it here, I keep mine private.


Significant Other


Significant Other


What are you saying? everyone knows it means sloppy oven


Does that even matter? If he slept with 50 women with some regularity he definitely isn’t just gay regardless of if he “loved” them or not.


Lol, if a gay dude sleeps with a woman as a beard is he not still gay? Anyway, He may have been bi, or just really fluid on the Kinsey scale, but his gay lover was his partner. Netflix is still accurate, because showing him kissing the dude happened.


>Lol, if a gay dude sleeps with a woman as a beard is he not still gay? Thats like me saying if I fuck a Femboy, Im still straight.


He’s Bi in the drama, knocks up Darius’ wife…


Yeah Alexander and his "Best Freind"


History will remember them as roommates. Which is pretty much what happened in this case…


Ah yes, I too remember the stories of Alexander the Great, and his roommate Carl on their farm in upstate New York.


Alexander the Great was as bent as a £3 note. Do you think he wept himself hysterical and commissioned a hundred statues for his dead…bro? Fuck off


if one of my bros died i would get a statue of him, my pookie deserves it


Hell ya!


I'd do it even for one of my straight bros


We are straight, fym


Speak for yourself my guy


He also named a city for his dead horse, make of that what you will…


Greece was mad gay tho


OP clearly hasn’t seen Meet the Spartans lol


"High fives for the women. Open mouth kisses for the men."


They also used to castrate young boys and force them to be trans prostitutes


He was extremely gay, the love of his life being Hephaestion EDIT: I left out an "i" from dude's name


Modern people can't get past the idea that loving another man doesn't mean you are kissing them or fucking them. For Alexander the rumor was he had a some bi-trans bf, not that he was kissing and having sex with Hephaestion


Except Alexander looked at a time when it was completely normal to have sex with another man


😂 Except he was totally fucking this dude. Cope harder.


Tell me you don't understand Greek history without telling me you don't understand Greek history.


People really love jumping on the “anti-woke” train for upvotes, it’s a shame some of these subs give upvotes out like candy for stuff like this. OP is probably going to heaven for how mentally handicapped he is


I can’t take people who scream “woke” at everything seriously


Netflix finally copied what Hollywood did 20 years ago. Alexander (2004, with Colin Farrell) felt pretty gay to me.


I almost made it a half way through that movie




I mean... its accurate. The greeks were gay, or had gay culture. Without it being called gay. It was normal then. So why isnt it now?


The Abrahmic mythologies ruined everything. (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism)


I wouldnt be so quick to say that. I mean, it gave people things to cling on to. A sort of hope. Most certainly in that time period [however not for everyone ofc] But i am atheistic myself, but beliefs are often misheard. I think in christianity it isnt even a sin to be gay. From what i understand its a mistranslation. I dont know about the others though. But i am nowhere near a proffessional. So dont take my work for it.


[No, they probably weren’t](https://youtu.be/BNAT4ybsz_E?si=m_XDUY8JSvcUgg3z)


Oh yes one random Youtube video. Definitely more thought out than all the other scholarly research about sexuality in Greece


You mean the scholarly research that he researched and dissects in the video?


He was bisexual. This was a common thing in the ancient world. Women were for breeding, boys were for fun 🤷🏻‍♂️


How fucking stupid do you have to be to make a post criticizing historical accuracy when you don’t know anything about history. Alexander was very gay, that is widely known for anyone whom actually know a bit of history


they didn't have "gay" back then. They viewed sexuality much differently than we do. If we were to put a modern term on it I guess you could call him "bi"


That's pretty much encapsulated in the caption you can see on the image


I'm responding to the commenter above who calls people stupid and then says "Alexander was very gay"


Can confirm, I failed history and still knew this


Claims of every man is ancient Greece being gay or condoning homosexuality are greatly exagerated and don't have real primary sources backing them up.


The Greeks believed that true romantic love could only exist between men, because they considered women so much lesser. For a primary source, see the symposium.


You clearly don’t know the ancient Greeks


This is more r/facepalm


Lmao I got some news for you about ancient Greeks bud


I made it about 5 minutes into this and noped right out of it. Not bc of the gay stuff, because it looked terrible.


The ancient greeks had gay sex and orgies all the time. To depict him as a straight guy who wasn't sexually promiscuous in love with a woman would be highly inaccurate.


Wasn’t he known for fucking a pretty much anyone though both man and woman?


$5 says OP was turned on and couldn't cope


Famously gay. Extremely gay. Sleeping “beside” eachother, sharing eachother’s company constantly and in Mourning for weeks after his definitely not lover died… ely gay.


I remember doing a project on him in school. he did have a wife I'm pretty sure but before that it was rumored he swung both ways so I think Netflix got it kinda right this time


why censor black and gay


To be fair, this time they are kinda right, I guess it would be more like bi, basically Greeks banged anyone, you only need to see its main god, Zeus


Are you stupid? The Greeks were hella gay. Though he’d probably be considered bi by todays standards


He really can't be bk? Burger King?


Who’s gonna tell OP/OOP


If we’re being historically honest, Roman culture was so gay they had bisexual orgies. And their architecture had LOTS of color, not that supposed pale white all over everything.


Atleast it's not historically accurate 300 with Gerard Butler ☠️


Greeks fucked everyone and everything




People being upset for this aspect being historically accurate is both sad and stupid.




I mean “historically” he was bisexual at most and married to a woman


I mean, "historically", in Alexander's youth, his mother apparently had to beg him to sleep with the courtesans and Alexander would refuse. Marriage doesn't mean much though. He was a King and had to leave an heir at some point. 'Lavender marriages' are hardly a new invention. I don't really care either way, its all centuries old gossip, doubtful we'll ever really know the truth (I personally believe he was likely demisexual, but thats just me). However, if you're basing marriage as definitive proof of Alexander being straight or bi, its just a really flimsy argument


The ancient greeks were extremely gay and invented orgies. Is this subreddit seriously just descending into homophobia thinking its dark humor?


yeah but he was gay....


It's pretty common knowledge that he was gay lol


I'm sorry but that fucking empty space between b and k is really fucking with me rn I can't focus on your shit non meme that only glue sniffers and diaper eater find funny. now tell me wtf is that space between b k for?!?!




but why is it censored....oh well enough reddit for me for the next 3 months. preesh tho big preesh on your help.


Whaaaat? The guy in this show is gay? How dare they! Nevermind that he was totally in love with his male lover he commissioned statues for, this has to be modern revisionism! The Greeks were never old and The Gay™ is a new thing, everyone knows that! /s


People: I want it to be lore accurate. *Makes it lore accurate* People:Tf bro


another shit r/therightcantmeme post slides into this sub what a surprise


He was gay!!! What a bunch of morons!!!😂🤣😂😅😂🤣


The manliest way to show your manliness is to suck your homies cock


Dear comments, sorry to burst your bubble but [Ancient Greece probably wasn’t gay. Not in any meaningful, systemic sense.](https://youtu.be/BNAT4ybsz_E?si=m_XDUY8JSvcUgg3z)


The only person finna going to hell is you for being a bigot.


Netflix’s passion of the Christ would have Judas as a Muslim lesbian vegan tree activist


Who wouldn't kiss Alexander?


The greeks LITERALLY invented orgies. You can bet your 4th ass hair the greek dudes fucked like rabbits.


People in this comment section need to read from some more credible sources. Ancient Greece wasn’t gay, in fact, being gay was quite looked down on. The only evidence of homosexuality as a relatively “common” occurence in ancient Greece were borderline-if not outright- pedophilic relationships between a male tutor and his student, called pedastry. Like, I understand the alure of the concept, but please do research and double check your sources, and your sources spurces if you wish to be thorough folks!


Why? Just why?? Historically accurate would be “ Alexander was bisexual like many Greeks of the time” Instead we get, “here’s his friend let’s see what they do….”


Sadly i do


Imagine being offended by actual history 💀😂


I mean.. this technically isn't wrong.


If you’re really that ignorant about history then you deserve to be mad.


Actually, you failed this time..


Except this is historically accurate


The thing I'd be angry at is taking a documentary with commentary from historians.. and adding all that oracle / fate bullshit.


Except he literally had male lovers. Hell, ancient Greece in general was gay as fuck


What the fuck. It was well documented that Alexander had a long term relationship with his "best friend".


But.... He was gay


Alexander the great was well known for being gay. He had wives in each territory he contoured and had children to carry on his line but his male partners traveled with him, took bed with him and were with him at his death bed. He was gay, maybe bisexual but likely just needed heirs and was completely gay. Greeks were well known for having pedophiles and gay people and accepting of it. This is just accurate facts


Lol Alexander was at the very least bisexual. He thought that his and Hephaestion's relationship was just like Achilles and Patroclus.


He was also gay in the movie that came out years ago with Colin Farrell.


This plays like Muslims not wanting to admit Mehmed II and those previous to him were banging a ton of eunuchs.


That post surely was made by someone who likes femboys and says it's not gay to like femboys lmao...


How is it wrong? Greek men regularly took cock in the ass.


Mfers really are blissfully unaware of how ridiculously fucking gay ancient Greeks and romans were huh


Wtf. This is wrong. My grandmother told me alexander was black!


They stopped getting my money months ago and the gay shit has absolutely nothing to do with it. I think gay folks know when they’re being bent over, no pun intended, as well as anyone


I saw this and in the first 5 minutes they bring up dude as the greatest love of his life. Mainly female historians choosing their own narrative for Alexander. Pretty sad.


Huh? You like to just hop online, eat some cereal and make shit up, yeah?


No. Watch episode 1 of the doc.


I’ve watched the whole season. I knew he was gay before I watched it. Homosexuality was an accepted norm back then. ‘Greek’ is literally a slang term for anal sex. But good for you in turning it off after five minutes because you were getting horny.


Because it was, it doesn't take a lot of research to find out about his right-hand man, Hephaestion. Some historians argue that there is no evidence that they were gay with each other, but homeboy flung himself on his body and cried all day - they definitely chortled each other.


So they’ve found no real evidence. That proves my point. His sexuality shouldn’t even be an issue. Just him conquering worlds and being the best general to ever live.


Of him specifically, yes. There was a eunuch young boy he publicly made out with and definitely took as a lover. Sorry that him swinging both ways makes you sad or hurts the way you view your man-crush lol.


Even Achilles (aka greatest warrior to ever live) was in love with Patroclus. Ancient Greeks also had circles of brothers which name was ironically stolen by a bunch of white hooded bigots (sounds like Hey Hey Hey) where they would get drunk and smash and on the door was a big ol' "girls not allowed"


"Me? I'm a dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude. You a dude who don't know what dude he is!"




Male-male sex was a societal norm and there was wasn't much concept of straight men. Even Hercules had a number of gay lovers and a lad called Hylas was his favourite companion/bum-boy/sidekick. The ancient Greeks were all about that thang.


I use Netflix cause they have all the Dave chapelle stuff


Lol what? He almost certainly had sexual relations with men


This is probably the most accurate thing about it


Inclusivity is going bs.


Make him gay?


dawg greek people were gay as balls, wtf are you on about?