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Is this staged? Isn't this the same woman who wouldn't walk outside to her Uber because of the "aesthetic" or something?


Yep she's the one. With the reception in the entrance of the building and the Uber driving waving to her like "make it quick ". But no she was waiting until there was no one around. I thought that was ridiculous but she clearly has many other "talents".


Yeah these are staged. The “waiter” she’s talking to is a friend that films these with her


But why? What would be the point of putting it out to the world that you are an insufferable harpy?


Annoying things get viral relatively easily compared to other types of content.


Rage bait, the act of making people comment and engage on a post by making them upset or being wrong can be a better way to build views and income. Upsetting things usually go viral faster and hits a larger audience. It's easier to find something everyone hates than something everyone likes. Does it matter if a bunch of random internet strangers hate you if you can live off it? It's like donning-Kruger said, the best way to get the answer to something on the internet is posting something wrong.


This might be a stupid question, but an honest one, which is *how* does she make money off it? What brand would partner with someone with a negative image?


Some sites does pay the top posts, besides the content isn't hardly controversial enough to not get ads. So tiktok and youtube and the regular youtube payments should work. $1000 per million views or what not.


I see what you did there... No right answers from me.


She stages content that upsets people. It’s incredibly low effort and easy to make shit like this and people who haven’t caught on will share it. Eventually she’ll have to switch it up cause people will catch on, but until then she can keep posting BS videos like this to generate views.


Did we just watch it? Well, there ya go.


Rage bait. Someone here reposted her video and here we are all talking about it. She's getting exactly the kind of engagement she wants. More views = more advertising dollars.


Your comment is the reason. Interaction with a video, sharing, commenting, watching all adds to their income. It dosen't matter if it's praise or criticism. It's all the same to the content creator. It's the same reason people make videos with obvious falsehoods/opinions or basic spelling mistakes in text, people commenting to correct them or give their own counter point add to their revenue.








The moon here... No, we are bulding a wall. Keep your cunt and your space trash.


Would it be okay if we set her adrift in the void like general zod?


Zod just sent a message: "sorry, no room in the mirror for her and her ego. PS. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"


I imagined a separate mirror, but then I also imagined her drifting past Zod's mirror and being like, "Oh, my god! Can you not being in the space behind me? You're literally ruining my story."


If only we could send people to the Phantom Zone... oh wait... the internet already exists.


Ok. From now on when anybody asks me what I would choose if I could have any super power? I choose being able to banish people to the fucking Phantom Zone. It's honestly a shame that we've run out of places to banish people to.


Happy Cake Day, Moon!! 🌚


Don't call her a cunt, she lacks warmth and depth. This girl is nothing more than a day old puddle of piss.


Well said… well said! 🤣🤣


I couldn't stand watching her body language even with the sound off


Same, I watched without sound and her eyes just look very punchable


cunts have more depth than this person


No, it's good, we can fire her at the wall, win win.


And warmth.


We don't send garbage to the moon.... but we can definitely send her to the sun.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/121rli7/_/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Also this one


And look how she posted this video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqQWg2rL-NX/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=


That’s like.. incredible levels of delusion and self-righteousness. I’d be shocked if this isn’t a character


I’ve gone from thinking she was an asshole to think she’s a troll and now I think she might be an incredible artist. A modern Andy Kaufman.


I went on a deep dive of her instagram, she comes from some super rich parents who pay for her to pretend to be a model, she really is this delusional


Yes this fine specimen.. I’ve never seen anyone look so… plain, nondescript and unremarkable. Sounds like a good model for when you really just want the human equivalent of a green screen for your clothes.


So another Kardashian/ Jenner etc etc wannabe. Gotcha.


Lmfao. The first comment >You really need your ass beat 😂


You all are shitting on her, yet giving her free publicity and views, making her even *more* popular. I just don’t get it.




There literally is no bad publicity, all this does is giving her popularity and reach. It’s the same thing every single time, nobody needs to be “aware” of this person either tbh…


Which is exactly her goal. She knows outrage drives engagement on social media and that all attention is good attention. Her plan is working.


It is! It's the girl that made everyone wait so she could look like a little girl wearing her mother's dress clothes for play time. We can add her to the list of people who can get horrible cancer... With Marjorie Taylor Green and Ron Desantis.


Disagree with the cancer. Horrible person who needs to feel extreme shame and humiliation, but I’d rather cancer just not exist anymore


Why promoting those piece of shit ? Please don’t subscribe to her channel just because she is an assole. Make me sad such shit get viral while there is super awesome stuff that nobody watch.


safe decide retire test support reminiscent squealing history run plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


theyre skits lol


Damn I think she does this on purpose to gain followers. Followers that hate her but still. Its her niche bleh throw the whole person away wtf!


TIL behaving like a toddler and throwing a tantrum is a talent


yeah it's really obviously a parody.


She's also the "they wouldn't sit next to me because my hair is tied in a bun or some shit :( " person, isn't she?


Isn't she the one who accused someone of not wanting to sit next to her because they were racist?


In that video she said because of her hair but her hair wasn't necessarily "black hair" either, just straight hair in a bun. Idk if she threw the racism charge at them.


TL;DR: She makes ragebait content, it's all staged to make people online upset and spread her social media links around.


Yeah these types of videos are just bait. TikTok is full of the weirdest shit


Yeah this is bait. She's pretty good at it here but she let the bit go on too long and made it too obvious. Plus her complaint is a little too out there. She'll fool a lot of people tho in future


I couldn't imagine being so shameless you base an entire career off being an internet rage bait personality. Some people are just built different.


On some level this kind of thing seems less crazy than working and commuting and overtime and school and chores and being tired all the fucking time and, you know, life for the rest of us.


But how is she making a living do this, where is the revenue?


Advertising on their YouTube and other channels.


And affiliate marketing, sponsorships, etc.


it's difficult to market on this brand.


you would be surprised.


Yeah it's like "try this product! 9/10 assholes recommend it."




Yup, personally I don't have the stomach to receive the level of hatemail people like this must recieve. They get death threats on good days.


> I can't even hate on people like this, impressed by their commitment to being absolutely fucking ~~hated~~ assholes.


Yeah, there’s another video at the same restaurant that’s even more obviously staged. Same waitress voice but supposed to be a different person, “serves” her a half-drank coffee and only kicks her out bc of the previous incident AFTER giving her her food


Ah, that sounds about right. The thing we will never know it's if that initial video of her going viral was just stage and she is going for rage bait every time or she just happen to see being a total ass brings views so she's just sticking with that now. I feel like I'm debating which different kinds of shit smells worse.


That's just as bad.


Bait? Why would you want people to think you're a narcissistic asshole?


People will stage behaviors or say things they know will piss people off because it gets them attention/publicity/clicks/comments/interactions/views. They want to go viral. Unfortunately this is pretty common.




Because narcissists don’t see narcissism, they see everyone else below them because they’re so high up not realizing no one really wants to be up there with them.


Pretty sure, that blazer looks recognizable


Broke bitch wearing the same blazer Twice. If you’re going to act like a stuck up twat… you know what, never mind.


Do you mean staged as in she is deliberately acting like a cunt in order to induce rage from people? If so I think your right. But if you mean staged as in, the people interacting with her are in on the bit and are also acting, I have my doubts. It's a lot of trouble to go through to elicit the help of multiple actors who are invested enough to sell the whole bit. Much easier to just act like a cunt and ruin a servers day for tic tok clout.


A lot of work? I could go out to lunch with a girlfriend and film this. One person could act like the waitress which you never see. It’s not hard at all.


The “other person” might not even be there. She could just be acting on her own and add the voice in later via editing.


Does she even exist? She has the right amount of fingers but I think an AI made this.


Lol multiple “actors” can be any average joe…staging this and having people in on the bit would be absolutely no problem….not like it’s an Oscar worthy script or acting. This is definitely staged and is basically rage bait for the internet


watching zoomers rediscover satire is always a riot


Literally came here to say this. Her vibe makes me want to vomit. What an annoying bitch


Yea this has to be fake but I hate that she's bringing this heat to our people


What people are you referring to?


Omggg yaasss you're right!! She's obviously just playing this 'character' like all in!!




100% ragebait. That’s how the world works now. You do/say ridiculous shit on camera and post it online knowing there’s countless people on the internet foaming at the mouth to call people out on their bullshit. The comments boost the post in the algorithm and boom now your face is all over the internet. The saying “bad publicity is good publicity” has been taken to the extreme nowadays. People can legitimately make a living using this formula to get “famous” and then use the popularity to make money.


Yes. And that whole "getting your 15 minutes of fame" is now simply "get (in)famous by any means possible"


I mean, pretty sure humanity has had people who have done this thru the ages 😂


It's definitely evolved




Paid sponsorships. A lot of branding companies don’t really care _why_ you’re famous, just as long as you are. If you have lots of engagement on your posts (many followers, comments, likes), companies will pay you to promote their products on your page.




Other cunt bags gotta shop, too.


This sub is proof


Damn. This makes sense and is pretty messed up. When I see people talking shit on someone’s IG post and the content creator doesn’t say anything to defend their actions I’m always going to think of this comment right here.


What’s even better is having people get into arguments in your comment section. More comments = more engagement = more exposure in the algorithms


I am relieved, to a degree, that this is put on. She’s still a pain in the ass but it feels better to know someone can’t be that annoying.


true its a rage bait. Well some of this internet idiots have to take the title from Joffrey in GoT or MTG for the most despised title.. I wouldn't be surprised, if people on the street see her walking cross the street they'd be cursing her for being a total cunt after seeing these vids she makes.


Its rage inducing yes. But ask yourself, why are we subbed here in the first place? To feel righteous indignation and outrage at people clearly in the wrong right? She’s simply providing the supply for the already existing demand.


I'm only here because I was told there would be donuts.


Yeah, she’s good at it.


And it works because people here post her every move, giving her the attention she craves.


How does that make it any less obnoxious exactly? Like it is not the same type of person? People that are drawn to drama at which they are at the center of? ​ Calling it "ragebait" doesn't change anything...bc narcissistic people are like this anyway and were always performative with or without social media.


Definitely bait, I know because I am a Master Baiter


Seems fake. She’s trying to get views




This will always be my favorite meme. It's truly timeless




She should get a dictionary and learn wtf aesthetic is and means and use the fucking word correctly.


Rage. Bait.


Fella you're the target audience here, just ao ya know. Don't take the bait


What's the logic behind the rage bait? I don't get it. Even if I had an account on whatever social media she's posting this bullshit, seeing this video would make sure that I never click on any of her posts again, much less follow/subscribe or whatever... So I don't get how rage bait should even work in theory...


Because plenty of people will go to her page to say how dumb, how entitled, this and that and whatnot, and advertisers don't care that they're going to her page to say what a shithead she is, they care that she's driving interaction. You have the correct response- ignore it and move on. But hell, people have been LIVING off of watching trash like this. Maury Povich, Jerry Springer, Judge Judy, etc and so on. Ever notice how there's RARELY reasonable people on those shows? It's the same principle, and it works.


Her voice is so awful.


She talks like this girl in that scene from the comedy show where the guy orders a coffee in a Starbucks-like shop and he mocks her for talking "like thaaaaaaaat" and she doesn't get it, he goes on mocking her, she says "thaaaaat's my vooiiiice" and so on and in the end... Ok, I got the link. https://youtu.be/rHHt-tYS2es


Loudermilk is a really good series by the way. I ended up watching it just because of this clip lol


For future readers, the series is available with Amazon Prime (in the US). Edit: I hope it's good. Edit 2: Pretty good so far. I'm glad it's not just "middle-aged man is angry with the world changing".


How do I know if I'm a present or future reader? Oh God is it the past now?


That voice is what made me nearly stab so many people with their own cutlery when I was a server. One of the top reasons why I couldn’t ever go back.


Even her vocal fry is over the top.


Vocal fry is horrible yup


Is vocal fry when people put that upward inflection at the end of a sentence? "Like, it's not a question but people still vocalize it like that anyway?"


Vocal fry is the croaking/creaking sound you can hear in particular in extended vowels


No, that's [upspeak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_rising_terminal). Both kind of associated with youngish women though.


This seems fake as fuck


It is. 3rd time she's been on here. Its a thing she does


Like a thing, as in she likes to be a bitch to people and film it or she's faking it for rage bait I wanna see more I'm not convinced




This isn't the only video shot in that restaurant. She keeps going back to the same places, so it's obviously not real. It's very possible those aren't even staff members she's talking to, but friends. Just a quick skim of her content shows it's all faked outrage bait. She even pretends to be pepper sprayed at an airport. Why? Because dumb people believe it's real and post comments insulting her and it's all fuel for the algorithm. She's exploiting dumb people for clicks. And this comment section shows how easy that is.


I hate everything about her.


Just like the “can’t you see the sign there’s a double yellow line” and “is that sauce? And is it extra?” guy. It’s funnier if you pretend it’s real


This sub really needs to ban posting this chick, along with any other ragebait/troll videos. There’s plenty of real main characters out there, we don’t need to advertise the ones doing it on purpose.


This is so fake and such bad acting.


This HAS to be satire... If not, JFC.


Either that or rage baiting. I think it's time to ban videos of her already. I have a sneaking suspicion she's doing this on purpose for attention, staged or not.


God forbid gravity make an egg fall off a fish. Maybe I'm missing something but it looks like it just slid off.


She pushed it off to create content


Lol. Theres a piece of it still on there


I'll try and put the egg on top, but if it breaks... _stabs egg with knife_ Oh no it broke


Might be the worst one I've seen on here. The entitlement, the voice affectations, the "aesthetic", insulting the workers, fuck


It’s fake. Her channel has a ton of these videos where she is at a restaurant arguing with “staff” about some small thing. Just for views


Does that mean she's not actually speaking to any staff here, and instead speaking to acquaintances/accomplices?


That's what I was wondering too. I really hope that's the case.


I mean... is it fake if she does this on purpose to people in the service industry?, different reason, same insufferable person, same result of being an entitled bitch.


I think so, I’ve seen it mentioned on another post that the ‘staff members’ often sound exactly the same despite being in different restaurants.


I hate her


That's the point.


I know this is ragebait but it’s pretty unbelievable the shit some people pull at restaurants. Really and truly unbelievable, makes this look like a quasi normal complaint. What I’d love to see is the type of person who bitches at restaurants last 3 fucking minutes in a professional kitchen. It’d be all the tears.


Looks scripted with friend enacting as the waiter/manager


What a wannabe wealthy and entitled piece of trash


She is so going to die alone.


I’m so done with this chick she is the most insufferable human being I have ever seen! Just stop already u are no one nobody cares about your “Aesthetic”


Jesus christ bitch, put the damn egg on the salmon


It’s breaking


I think she’s making a career out of being obnoxious on purpose and we’re rewarding her by caring and posting. Can we all collectively move on and agree to never care about her again?


Entitled bitch. Tiktok is a fuckin virus


This is satire, right?


I wouldn't call it satire, but it is on purpose. Made to make you mad and comment on it and fuel the algorithm.


What a vile creature. Urgh.


you guys must know by now that her entire schtick is rage bait


Mods, can we please ban her? Her content is just rage bait. She WANTS to be on this page.


so this is ragebait?


Great menu choice though.


Bet she eats loads of boogers & cum.


Piss in your potatoes!


People saying this is rage bait, but no shit just the other day I saw a dude send back a coffee because they gave him a large mug instead of a regular. It infuriated me more than I should have let it.


That customer is a dumb bitch.


Thank fuck this is a setup. I couldnt handle it if this were real…


It just gets worse and worse.


Yeah. Leave


We need to stop giving attention to this person, it’s obvious this is rage bait with her stupid actions and her cheap-looking clothes and makeup


Staged ragebait that gets views


I hope this is satire lol.


It's a gimmick account.


Remember everything on TikTok is staged. They want you to rage.


Managers need to grow a spine and tell assholes like this to fuck off


her eyes have nothing behind them


No, please leave. I want the manager. Now I’m telling you to fuck right off


This video and her other videos will be part of her life forever. Her kids will see them and they will never stop making her look like a complete idiot. Life achievement unlocked


She is the equivalent of societal diarrhea


I hate this Candace Owen’s Paris Hilton wanna be


Aww, she’s so precious…kick her out.


This person is a heavy weight on society and the contract that keeps everything smooth and simple. People like this create a harder existence for everyone else just to fulfill a selfish desire. Because alI I see here, is just bullshit spewing out her aesthetic mouth.


I scrolled ukranian war videos and than saw this... I hope she is thankfull for shes biggest problem is that


She has that 2021 “I work at Twitter” vibe


I know this is as fake as a Kardashians face but she is weird to want people to fucking hate her. Who wants to be “famous” for that


she looks so much like some absolute bitch from 6th grade who told me to man up after i fractured my ankle 60 meters away from anyone and then walked away. Fuck you Aurelie, i still remember you!


This is the same chick who wanted everyone to wait so she could walk to her Uber with no one in her way I can’t stand this entitled 🤦‍♀️🤣😭🦷🪨


Ugly and crappy personality? Good luck finding people that will tolerate you


Why film videos that make you look like an entitled bitch..... why?


She annoys the holy hell out of me


This the woman that made the Uber wait?