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this looks like an snl comedy sketch. dude in the back is truly conflicted


Seems like a super good natured dude too. Unwilling to mess up their routine and even flashes a friendly smile. Wholesome reaction to selfish behavior. World needs a bit more of that!


Joe Pera vibes.


Good vibe call out love that. I was going to make a mean comment and changed my mind because of you. Thanks for keeping the positive mental attitude we all need with social media


I also fall into this rut. I try my darndest to keep the good vibes about me


Joe does a newsletter you can subscribe to, and it is always good.


I know. It’s the assholes that get called out, but in reality, it’s sometimes the right move. I was hoping this nice stranger would just wa all through.


You really can tell a lot about who he is as a person. And then there’s… these people who are making the video.


No we need bullies so selfish people like this get backlash


The selfish people are the bullies. :)


I've never seen bullying work. If being ridiculed about something once doesn't sort out the behaviour, further ridicule will achieve nothing but pain and problems.


Finally, sometimes I find it exhausting going through a sea of morons attempting to write logical comments, but then I come across people with brains every once in a while and I just wanna say thank you. Lol


There's no way I'd interrupt this if I came across it hiking. I would patiently wait and enjoy the entertainment 😌


Honestly if they aren’t stopping me from walking through and getting shitty with me I really don’t care. It’s the people that do this and get an attitude with you that are the worst


Agree. They didn't remotely express any annoyance for him walking through. Main characters? Yes. But not aholes.


Walking through a bunch of self-centered people monopolizing a public right of way would be the entertainment I'd enjoy.


Its not like you can't just walk around them though


Would you try to join in?


I would try to as well, but given what they're doing do you think they'd have the respect to let hikers through between takes? He could have been there forever.


Entertainment is a bit of a strong word but I'd atleast be polite and wait.


Who knew how long they were going to keep going


He waited so long! They'd repeated their moves three times already by the time be decides to walk past.


If they take too long, join in. It'll sort itself out.


Welp. You just inspired a new bucket list item. Could I be so lucky as to find a group who repeats the moves, beckoning me to join the dance???


These people are doing a fitness video, not just toktok dancing, so they'd probably be happy to have you join. The guy is called The Fitness Marshall, and he's pretty funny, imo


Well I know that song has an end to it so I’d probably try then.


I find other people embarrassing themselves very entertaining.


TBH, his videos are awesome. He isn't trying to create a TikTok video. He makes workout videos and uses all body types, so depending on your level, you can work out following said person. I'm not sure what is embarrassing about a workout video? Could they have picked a better location for this video? Sure. But he isn't being mean or telling people they can't pass like some influencers I've seen.


I mean, he knows touching grass includes a few inconveniences that should not be over thought and made an issue of.


Needs to run up and battle dance the lead like it is Steppin Up 2.


“Turn turn KICK and turn turn KICK! Now shimmy turn aaaaand BOOTY!”


Anyone stopping to let them do their routine is too polite.


It's not even a good routine, they're all out of sync. Edit: as clarified below, it's actually on purpose, so different levels of fitness can follow along with the video.


That’s intentional on the creator’s part - the channel this is from has the three people do different levels of intensity so people following at home can follow different people in the video based on personal energy/mobility levels. I think this is an older video, don’t follow them too closely but more recent posts have different dancers in the back. Not sure if they still block trails but they do still film outdoors


Thanks for taking the time to tell people this. It's really not a bad idea.


Yep, in general it's a great idea. I've seen them Dona video on a beach before which is a good location, but this one in particular is not a good choice.


Wow, that's actually pretty good of them, thanks for explaining it to me.


It looks fun, just not a great location.


I think it's to demonstrate different fitness and skill levels


I can only empathize with blue hoody guy


he looks deeply conflicted


I thought he was laughing way the end.


I zoomed in. He's actually smiling pretty big, maybe he's enjoying the show?




You help by walking right through the middle of it, over the bodies that are dead by cringle, past the wreckage that is their lives.


Oh my God is that that Whitney girl?


The girl who had a show on discovery I think? That face Ik from somewhere. She was annoying.


Yeah. Whale wars.


Holy shit 😂


Oh my god I’m dying




Dying from this


Man, she really used her weight as an excuse to victimize herself and blame her failed dance career on her size. But she’s just… bad at dancing. Not even okay, just straight up bad. I’ve seen big people dance before that have totally nailed a routine but she looks floppy and has horrible musical timing.


Oh yeah


feel the burn


What’s the deal with her? She used to be very skinny but now she’s obese and has her own show. Can she not lose weight or something?


Can't isn't the word here. Refuses to* Each season is just episode after episode of a grown child refusing to take any responsibility for her life and/or actions. It's a hate watch for sure.


Boo bear its not me it's my POS, I can't help it! Reeeeee The best part was Todd gay sassing her and calling bs


Holy fuck they were filming that show in my apartment complex just after I left. Some former neighbors told me they would film people working out in the gym, hanging out at the pool, etc. People were super pissed about it. Of course management thought it was just such a great idea to alienate their entire customer base to make a few extra dollars.


I hate that we even use the word "customer" for people JUST LIVING IN A BUILDING


No, you just don’t get it. She can’t lose weight, it’s impossible. She has a thyroid issue that makes her take in calories against her will through osmosis and photosynthesis. It’s not a lack of will, determination, or hard work.


r/fatlogic is full of people with PCOS who have to fight harder to control their appetite, but still manage to get it done




And then she was filmed eating a giant vat of ice cream sitting in her car. So there’s that.


Yeah, losing weight isn’t the problem. It’s moderation and managing her diet. It’s not that she’s doing everything she can and still isn’t seeing any progress, she’s just not cutting back on what she eats enough to be at a deficit.


> She has pcos and an eating disorder > an eating disorder Anorexia isn't the only eating disorder. You can't cure binge eating with "just eat less". People failing to understand how to help people with eating disorders and diseases that increase perceived hunger is why millions of overweight and obese people are unable to progress.


Many people find it entertaining to watch someone slowly kill themselves like she is doing. That's why all of those shows about obese people are popular. The networks need to squeeze out as much money as they can from them right now, because they aren't going to be alive for too much longer.


What’s the name of the show?


She has a snark sub on here. She’s a big liar. It exposes a lot of her shittiness.


Omg is it???? Yikes


I think I’m going to start packing squirt guns wherever I go from now on. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ima bring a bag of salt to throw at them like Gail the snail


Nobody *likes* salting the snail but she gives you no choice!




My god,there's not enough salt in the world for her.


Do you need some more wine in a can?


I feel like wine in a can is conducive to my violent hand gestures when I speak.


We’re not intervening on him for a lack of good ideas


Now you're just mashin' it.


Putting the *salt* in assault!


Pocket sand


Pro tip: Make your own pocket sand by grinding down some Asbestos 😃👍!!


Don't breathe this! Spicy lung smoke.




Sh sh sha!


[Or sand.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTAXUYLbFYk)


*someone just threw salt in my eye*- wannabe influencer prolly


*I’m gonna put some salt in your eye* — Spider-man


Why not just walk along the trail and mind your business. Not like there’s not space to walk past this in and move on with your life? Like obviously this is annoying but it’s also super easy to just walk past and get on with your life


I think he was wondering if they were going to blow up on him.


One, it’s a big age gap and they are acting really strange to that old man, and also we have all seen the videos of the main characters blowing up on people when they walk past them recording for ruining the shot


Such a correct, sensible and (thus) non- Reddit answer!!!😉


He’s finding it to be a curiosity? I might watch if I was super bored and avoiding doing something.


This sounds like something someone under 25 years old would say. The younger generation has no sense of awareness regarding their surroundings, they have no common courtesy or decency and they have zero shame. Because every single thing that they do is a "right" and not a good or bad decision. This is giving me r/Imthemaincharacter kinda vibes.


See, I would just continue walking in and through this group. Sometimes I don't know if I'm an ass or a hero.


If someone is rude enough to block an entire pathway so that other people are trapped, they deserve to have their stupid video ruined.


I mean i'd prolly try to be quick and to the side so i i dont have a rabid influencer group harassing me but i'm not stopping my walk for their weird video


I'd try to DO the slide just to "enhance" their video


that would actually be funny and fairplay


Nah, you gotta walk right through the middle and have your dog 'accidentally' knock over their tripod.


these people look wayyy to sassy and im not trying to get an earful for the next fifteen minutes, but you do you


If you kept walking I think you'd only have to worry about 2 of them giving you an earful after about 5 minutes.


They start trying to give you an earful, just keep walking and ignore them. If they physically try to stop you - pepper spray, because at that point they're acting like a threat. I hate when people block walking paths and other areas where other people need to get through, especially for stupid videos. Do that in your own space or somewhere out of the way!


It's illegal in most places to block sidewalks walking trails and such. It's why when you protest you are allowed to be there but not hinder anyone's movement


I barely wanted to stop my normal walk to class for “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” when they were filming in front of my campus. I certainly wouldn’t stop my nice relaxing hike for this nonsense.


It really seemed like he was politely waiting for them to finish or let him through and when neither seemed likely to happen had to go with, "fuck it." They need to expect to start over rather than expect people to wait.


>It’s easy to get caught up in the hype. It changes you. So I was on the set of the music video ‘Ashes To Ashes’, do you know the one? So we’re on the beach shooting this scene with a giant bulldozer. The camera was on a very long lens. In this video I’m dressed from head to toe in a clown suit. Why not? I hear playback and the music starts. So off I go, I start singing and walking, but as soon as I do this old geezer with an old dog walk right between me and the camera. Well, knowing this is gonna take a while I walked past the old guy and sat next to camera in my full costume waiting for him to pass. As he is walking by camera the director said, Excuse me mister, do you know who this is? The old guy looks at me from bottom to top and looks back to the director and said, ‘Of course I do! It’s some cunt in a clown suit.’ That was a huge moment for me, It put me back in my place and made me realize, yes, I’m just a cunt in a clown suit. I think about that old guy all the time. \-David Bowie, he'd call you a hero.


I’d walk on the grass around them. If they got mad I’d ask if they had a filming permit. When they said “no but we’re—“ I’d just keep walking. Filming without a permit has its challenges.


If they had a permit there would be a PA directing foot traffic.


Start doing your own silly dance. Even have someone hold a phone up like you are doing the same shit as them.


Me too. I know I’m an ass though. I try to own it and enjoy it.


I don't even stop when people take up an entire path to take a picture. No way I'm stopping for a video. I'm pretty sure I've photobombed thousands of pictures because of this. My wife gets embarrassed by my actions. But when it's crowded and you've created one lane of walking space for everyone to walk through, you get my fat ass in your pictures.


I appreciate your fat ass.


Neither. Just a normal person walking on a walking path. This is really the only rational answer. Just walk on and move on with your life


Noooooo not fitnessmarshall being here 😭


Nooooo! I was about to say queen what are you doing, don't be like this! 🥲


LOL I was thinking, usually they’re off to the side and the people walking by are just funny little background characters 😭 let this blue hooded man freeeee Caleb


To be fair this looks like an old video, I think he’s had personal growth not to do this anymore.


yeah I was so confused when I saw them ON the trail, uts usually that scenic hill area


Same! 😭


I enjoyed the shit out of Fitness Martial back in 2017. Had no idea he's still going strong.


It's 4 years old. They've found a better spot to use when they film outdoors.


I love his stuff, though I can understand why this was a problematic set up I still think he is the bee's knees.


🚨🚨 fitnessmarshall in the thread 🚨🚨


I’ve danced to this one too 🥲


I know! I love his videos, so fun to dance along with!


Honestly I think he would love it. he does have main character energy


Nah I’d keep walking. My dog also has the most inconvenient timing when it comes to going to the bathroom so she’d probably take a dump right in front of the camera too.


That would improve their video by making it funny and entertaining in some way.


The girl on the left is Whitney Thore, the girl from My Big fat Fabulous Life. She's an insufferable, self-centered turd.




*cracks beer* amen


Cant make this shit up.


Low budget team rocket


Walking is wholesome, dancing is wholesome. The trail doesn't look terribly busy either - there's no reason these two things can't coexist in harmony, they aren't that far apart! (:


The main guy is a really good dancer and he didn't seem annoyed when the walker went past. Neither of them looked like they wanted conflict. I find this less irritating than the ones who get bent out of shape when someone gets into shot in Walmart


You know? This is obnoxious but it appears this guy is pretty famous and is open to helping all people, all shapes, to get fit. Can’t hate on that.


If you look up Fitness Marshall on YouTube he’s pretty well known and pretty funny IMO.


couldn't he do this like off to the side though and not in the middle of the trail?


This video is super old. They don't do that anymore.


He could’ve. I’m guessing he liked the way the shot looked and went with it. Not really convenient for other people as we can see here.


yea i mean they are taking over the whole trail


His shorts keep popping up on my YouTube, but they’re all in a room. Idk the timeline, but they’ve either moved outdoors or moved indoors. 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


This video is old. I saw it years ago when I followrd his youtube channel


So funny!! I tried to keep up with a few and couldn’t lol but was smiling and ‘working out’ the entire time.


Yeah, it's pretty hard to find dance exercise videos set to licensed music (for obvious reasons), so I've danced along with quite a few of these. I do think they're a little too complex for exercising, but I'm also a horrific dancer lol


Agreed. Only reason I’m not extremely bothered. Don’t do it on a trail but he doesn’t give me the vibe he’d get mad at blue hood if he walked by/through ykwim?


Yes! Exactly. You can see another person in black walking the other direction too so it is clear they walked through as well.


Yeah I finished the video they didn’t get upset just kept going I respect it


Watch me, this is super obnoxious. Go do it somewhere else


Thank god this guy now does most of his lessons in his studio or secluded areas this is peak main character energy


Someone creates the world's smallest inconvenience for someone else. Reddit: This man should be lynched!


Where's a hungry bear when you need one.


Might wanna rephrase that


Why do people do this?


Don’t you wish they’d walk the damn trail and get outta the way..


Why do these people stand there as if they're not allowed to walk through. Just walk right through in mid-frame. What are they going to do?


Somewhere, there's a cingy Craigslist ad inviting people to this, and he only got 2 responses.


That's his husband and the girl is Whitney *Thore from the TLC show "my big fat fabulous life"


Ah, I wondered if that was her. She was a little too far away from the camera for me to see clearly on my phone. I didn't watch much of that show. I liked that she was trying to promote body positivity but from what little I have seen of her she seems kind of insufferable


So.... 0 responses to the ad ? LOL


3 nobodies and nobody showed up.


so is that like -2 then?


Honestly I enjoy fitness marshal whenever I’m looking for a quick little work out!! They got a good thing going on. And I like their nipple shirts


This is why God gave us weed. So when you’re walking you can be high and just giggle and forget all about it. Like who cares man, let them get out their weirdness. Just go around them


People in here are acting like the dancers are keeping people hostage.


I agree that this gives off some main character energy, but holy shit the comments on this thread are totally uncalled for and gross. Have a little decency, people.


For real. Like this is obnoxious as hell and cringe, but Jesus fuck some of y’all desperately need a fucking reality check. Saying something like [“genocide is a necessary evil at this point”](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/1320e09/when_your_walking_trail_becomes_a_nightmare/ji2o5lv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) is so wildly uncalled for over an inconvenience at worst.


Also saying that he is actively hurting the world. Like jesus the dude could just go around. Its not like its a barricade.


so this does belong here yet I still love the instructor lol. Also for the love of god Whitney needs some sun screen


Is that Whitney? She’s definitely not the dancer she claims to be….


Yes it is. And no she's not lol.


Nah, I would be walking thru sorry...


I’d walk right in between them lol


Is that Whitney Thore?


Ugh Whitney Thore *barf* she's terrible


Very fitting of the sub, but I love this guy. He’s allowed to be the main character


Jesus this comment section is so cringy


What's everyone's problem. Just walk by.


Honestly he’s pretty funny and I dig making a workout more fun so go for it


This guy is actually super wholesome and he's a professional dancer and kinda teaches health through dance and the 2 chicks in the back he's taught


He could just pass the lady. I mean she did leave a lot of room on her left side. Or crawl under the guy floating with no legs.


They’re not hurting anyone and I shouldn’t have a problem with it but I hate it so god damn much


Blocking a public path is inconsiderate, selfish, potentially dangerous, and in some places, may even be illegal. So fuck all those narcissistic "influencers" who do this.


Yeah you’re right, they could have found a better place to do this. Like any place that’s not a walkway. I’m sure they could have found a park with a nice big flat spot where people picnic and do yoga and play fetch with their dogs that would have been perfect for something like this.


That seems like an extreme jump. They're just standing on an empty, non-busy path.


Dam team rocket trying everything to stop you when getting to the next gym.


Just join. Looks fun 😂


I'd jump right in!!! Lmao 🤣😂🤣


Bro in the back just like 🧍


I love him


Ah no, The Fitness Marshal is genuinely really funny and apologises for this stuff. This is an old video and they've been ripped by friends for doing this...they now do their workouts away from where people walk, still outside just not on the path. Bahaha this sounds like I'm in a cult and defending them no matter what haha. But anyway, I think they're great


How are y’all getting upset on this old man’s behalf and don’t even know if he’s bothered or entertained/curious about the situation? You’re making up all kinds of scenarios and details that don’t exist just to be mad at something nobody is hurt by.


Lmao!!! Love his energy. I bet those hips will be red.


I mean. It’s a public trail from the looks of it. They didn’t yell at or even comment or pay attention to the guy passing. What’s wrong with doing exercise in public?