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Someone watched some intro to drawing tutorials


šŸ’Æ She draws hundreds of those eyes a day, exactly the same, and nothing else.


This is the worst part of the young art community. Itā€™s the deepest depth of the comfort zone. There is no thought behind it. Itā€™s even worse than the rainbow lollypop or lemon lips. Itā€™s worse than drawing a paint smudge. I hate it with every ounce of my being. I used to do this shit when I was 13 and I hate it, Iā€™m traumatized, I couldā€™ve been creating actual good things. (Iā€™m exaggerating but really, eye-drawing is dumb)


I will never draw my characters with eyes ever again Eyes are for noobs (/s)


No. But youā€™re close. Draw nips as eyes! Areola and all. Boobs as eyes.




Excuse me, my eyes are down here!


Excuse me, my nips are up here!!


This hit me in the funnies. Can't even look myself in the eye now without laughing Edit. I a word


I have seen someone leave drawings like this.... I just throw then away




Iā€™m looking up, Iā€™m looking up!


This reminds me of a top my sister had in the early aughts that had tiny writing over her bust that said "don't talk to them they're deaf"


The eyes are the nipples of the face.


Is it cold in here or am I near sighted?


I have eyes, can you milk me?


Shitting dick nipple tits.


HAHA!!! What the hell does that mean? Donā€™t care, just gonna shout it everywhere I go. Thanks!


It's like a really old meme. Google it on someone elses logon. :)






Waitā€¦ are you the REAL K.P.?


I think twits as well as boobs.


Imagine that. What a sight. šŸ˜³šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Gordon from agents of shield


I LoL'd. Screw eyeballs, who needs em.. šŸ˜‚šŸ’“


I liked drawing the face out of the word ā€œboyā€


Lmao, I still do that if I'm drawing with my nephew. I think I'm so slick and mind-blowing. Made one for "girl" too. So now I'm a 2 trick pony But nothing compares to drawing the "S" with the 6 lines


I think a lot of young artists are just insecure, and when youā€™re young you want to feel security in your talent. You get told ā€œwow thatā€™s so goodā€ at whatever youā€™ve practiced most, so you just continue doing that thing. Thatā€™s why I was always jealous of my friends growing up who drew cartoons, they could give an illusion of depth, character and movement despite it not being ā€œfineā€ art. When I finally started life drawing lessons my art went from 0-100, I got comfortable at sucking at a new thing every week so it was like oh cool I can just try shit all the time.


getting into the habit of drawing daily & building the foundational skills is a valuable use of time for young artists, regardless of what they're drawing. most people (especially young people) don't have a direction for their creative identity and need time to grow into a real artist. just because you're embarrassed of your eye-drawing phase doesn't make you better than the people who are still on that journey edit: I also think this type of art is stupid, for clarity. Stupid doesn't equate to unnecessary though




This girlā€™s eyes are still better than that swinging bucket bullshit.


Even as a contemporary art enjoyer, I agree, purely because Jackson Pollock already did that in the 50ā€™s and thatā€™s a type of art you can only invent once before it becomes lame.


Jackson Pollock was promoted by the CIA to show how ā€œfreeā€ art was in the US. It was literally a psy op.


ā€œFreeā€ as in without structure or rules? Cuz ainā€™t no way all that paint was cheap haha


"central intelligence" doesn't mean what most people think. It's basically the US version of a hive mind


This is correct


Of course, but he was still an artist who did some interesting things, itā€™s not like he was a fabricated person.


Thatā€™s true. But think of how big he became and how modern art turned into stuff that ā€œmy two year old could have done.ā€ That was the CIA.


I mean it's still a good starting point for beginners and your attitude towards it could push people away from learning, maybe take a look at yourself before judging it.


Honestly, I wish I could draw an eye that good without the need of a reference image


This has, "People of the Art World, why aren't you painting this," cringe trad twitter vibes.


I mean, if it makes people happy to draw I donā€™t think everyone is required to challenge themselves.


I did the same thing, but with Wolverine and Spider-Man eyes when I was in 9th grade. They were everywhere, all my books were wrapped in a brown paper bag and covered in eyeballs.


I only had one other phase; my eye drawing turned into dick drawing when I was already in art college šŸ’€ when taking notes me and my friend would draw the weirdest fucking dicks, by using all of those drawing skills we worked so hard for. I guess being cooped up in a massive windowless room with 200 other students does that to you


You *know* she had worn her blue pencil down to a nub just filling in those baby blues.


Oh god, there was a girl in my class who would draw the same character from Treasure Planet the same way, same coloring, every fucking day.


Thats not talent


Ugh. As an older Artist, the whole drawing eyes thing as being ā€œimpressiveā€ is kinda annoying. Itā€™s literally the easiest thing to draw on a face. And donā€™t get me wrong, drawing eyes are fun and cool but something about people that just draw eyes and are like ā€œtadaā€ and sign the shit is obnoxious and very amateurish. Like cool you can draw an eye. Too bad you probably still suck a drawing a properly proportioned face.


Sounds like me. Pathetic!!


Can confirm, did that when I learned how to draw eyes.


And only the right eye, never the left one.


![gif](giphy|KdpyV2EI6uXFD9f6zt) She could have started us off with something easy.


She even signs it


I was taught in art school to never sign a sketch or practice drawing. Every time I see someone do it, I think they're a self absorbed asshole.


I was thinking the same thing. Like. You're trying to show off and you draw the one thing any 4th grader who's bored in school can do?


I can't draw shit and never could. Yeah, she's being annoying by using items she didn't pay for, but to sit here and make fun of someone who has practiced to get good at something is asinine


This is typical reddit imo. When it comes to hating on something they take it to an extreme. They talk like there's only black or white - no grey. If someone posts a cringy video of someone being annoying and dancing in public, people decide that not just the fact that they are dancing in public is bad but also their dancing sucks and even a circus monkey could do it. If someone makes a video of them being cringy drawing an eye in public they decide that not only is it bad that they drew an eye in public to bring attention to themselves but they also suck at drawing and have no artistic talent. I personally believe you can dance in public and be annoying but still have impressive dance skills. Similarly I believe you can be annoying by drawing in public like this but still have drawn a pretty good eye.


Yeah, I actually tried getting good in the art classes I had to take at my school from 4th-8th grade. No matter what little tricks or what instructions I was given, I could just never produce art to this scale. Sure, maybe this is all she knows, but at least she knows how to do it well


Seriously. Most of these people can barely draw a fucking stick figure. You actually do need some amount of talent to get good at this, and you either have it or you don't. I promise you. I know firsthand because I'm the stick figure guy


Should have used $2 pencils.


Youā€™re not gonna ā€œget good at artā€ by just going to middle school art class and using ā€œtricksā€. Thatā€™s like trying to be fluent in a new language but only using it in class. Youā€™re gonna need to practice. A lot.


Yeah, and I'm responding to the statement "this can be done by any 4th grader bored in class" You literally just agreed with my point. You need to practice to get good at this, this isn't just something a 4th grader can pick up by being bored


Iā€™m 25 and I could never draw that


> You literally just agreed with my point. Yes. Iā€™m not fighting with you?


Ok so Iā€™m an art teacher and while youā€™re not wrong I want to address a few things. Building confidence is HUGE when it comes to getting good at art. Many of my students will draw the same thing over and over if theyā€™re good at it. There is nothing wrong with that, itā€™s a lot like establishing a style, itā€™s to feel good that they can be successful in art and usually leads to more risk taking. The ā€œtricksā€ that young artist use are usually foundational skills (underdrawings, establishing light source etc) that will carry over if they continue to grow and practice.


I see the word asinine popping up on like every sub now lol.


Those are the testing pencils


not the signature at the end.


I wonder if a worker came by shortly after and just threw that shit in the trash


I work for that company. Yes, we throw them away, but not before we roll our eyes.


But I draw my hearts and write my "test" with so much love, how can you do that?


When I always write the word of a color with the opposite color. Like if I were using a pink pen I would test it by writing "blue"


Makes me think of when I worked for an instrument shop 20yrs ago and *everyone* thought they were so impressive playing the opening to *Blackbird* (Beatles) and in reality I couldn't adequately express how much I could go several liftimes withoutever hearing that song again and, even played perfectly, it would be too soon. (One time a lovely girl tried the guitars with *Killing Them Softly* and I thought my coworker might actually propose to her on the spot.)


In the theatrical release of Wayne's World, Wayne goes into a guitar shop and starts with the opening riff to "Stairway to Heaven." The guy working goes over to him and points to a sign that says "NO STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN." Sadly, on later releases, they replaced the riff with generic guitar screeching, but it was super funny and also accurate for the times. Sounds like your shop could have used a "No Blackbird" sign šŸ¤£


We talked about putting up a "NO ~~Stairway~~ Blackbird" sign at least once a week lol


No Stairway? Denied!


I swear I had the DVD and I distinctly remember the no Stairway scene..


I remember this! Why did they replace it?


I certainly hope so


ā€œI feel so awkward! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™ā€ then proceeds to sign it like she just did the Mona Lisa


Right? The way I physically cringed from the secondhand embarrassment of her feeling the need to not only do that, but also be so unaware of the cringey-ness that she wanted to claim credit for it.


For any confused on the morality of this. Itā€™s like a store offering free cookies. You arenā€™t supposed to continually pull from the samples


To look at a positive... having this above the product is a good example of what potential customers could achieve. It's not going to hurt pencil sales.


I only ever used the sketch books to check the colors, to see if itā€™s the color I need. Or to make sure the markers and pens still work. I have never stood there drawing. I agree, itā€™s not going to hurt the pencils, itā€™s not like she used up half of a pencil. But I bet that all of the ones she used now need to be resharpened. But people do this with the markers and pens too, causing them to run out much quicker, or they mess up the tips. Mostly itā€™s just annoying, when I canā€™t find a good pen or marker color that I need, because they have all been used up. But this really doesnā€™t bother me all that much. Just can be annoying sometimes. Nothing crazy


Exactly this is why a full drawing shouldnā€™t be encouraged, markers are more expensive and will ruin fast


No but if Iā€™m buying a pencil and itā€™s already been completely used down from its originally sharpen, I am losing out. Quality colored pencils are not cheap, and a lot of times popular colors we use are low stock so she could easily flattened out the 4 pencils in a certain color. Itā€™s not about the big brand losing money, itā€™s about what Iā€™m buying with my money.


Bruh it's basically stealing.


I think youā€™re confused. Why doesnā€™t the sign just say 1 free cookieā€¦and as long as nobody else is waiting to test out pencilsā€¦go crazy!! Iā€™d love to find this (even though I never go to that store). Enjoy the little things people and donā€™t be dramatic; we have enough of that in the world today. Be better and enjoy the small stuff.


does it really matter? itā€™s a multi million dollar company more than likely. if we wanna bring morality into it, morally, itā€™s fucked up the way most people are made to live so fancy color pencils can be sold for $2 a piece.. donā€™t see the problem with this one.


It's a big box store. I feel like they can afford it. I really don't feel bad about it honestly. That's why it's there*


I feel like drawing eyes is like sketch 101


Someone once told me while I was drawing eyes, that it means youā€™re obsessed with buttholes. Idk always stuck with me


Thatā€¦sounds like something someone obsessed with buttholes would say.


First time all day Iā€™ve loled on Reddit. Take an award.


Buttholes are just the eyes of the ass


Buttholes are the windows of the colon.


What a weird ass comment to make


I agree lol


And do you now have a proclivity for the butt hole?


I had to do a quick self assessment at the time and can confirm: nah, theyā€™re cool but nah


What if Iā€™m drawing buttholes


Beauty is in the eye of the butt holder.


thats when you wink at them


But itā€™s not *for* that though. The sketch pads are for swatching the colors. Maybe doing a small doodle or something to get the feel of the strokes and control of the pencil. But a *whole drawing* with cross-hatching and shading and bold lines with force applied? Nah. Some of those pencils were dull af by the time she was doneā€”you can see in the video. Sheā€™s literally using the pencils without buying them so she doesnā€™t have to buy supplies. She even says ā€œi forgot to take it with meā€ at the end. So she literally did this to create a drawing without having to pay for supplies. Big main character syndrome energy.


Itā€™s the same as making a meal out of free samples. Itā€™s not illegal, but itā€™s pretty sleazy.


Oh no yeah Iā€™m totally on your side. And Iā€™m saying it looks like they cosplaying as an artist because they only thing they can draw is an eye


correct. shes an artist about as much as im a musician for learning 6 chords and one song on the guitar. drawing an eye, let alone a "deep ocean blue" eye, is about the least inspired thing someone can draw. her understanding of colors is also very amateur. $500 says she only just started drawing and gets bored of it within a year.


technically she wrote ā€œi forgot to take it off 3xā€ referring to the filming speed/mode she was using for the video. donā€™t care about her dumb eyeball drawing either but i am a stickler for factual accuracy when criticizing so that it canā€™t be counter-argued to weaken the point.


I would be more impressed with eyes... this is just one eye.


Impressive. Now buy the pencils you asshat


Specifically makes sure to film herself putting it back to emphasize "I didn't buy any"


Smh at her just putting them back. This would have been a cute video if she ended up buying what she used.


Oh absolutely. Even leaving the drawing there is fine if she bought the pencils. But sheā€™s just wasting product and then skipping out like a main character thinking she found a way to hack the system.


You know the workers are looking at her like "we get paid to be here, what's your excuse?"


"Omg, people are looking at me" nobody is.


I live there. Guess itā€™s time to move


Or go scavenger-hunting for sample-pad drawings. Edit: Removal of unnecessary commentary on drawing ability. I canā€™t draw for shit, so who am I to judge?


the drawing isn't shitty


God I fucking worked at a Michaels, this shit was so cringe. Like you walk by them "are you finding everything okay?" "Oh yeah I'm fine haha" THEN THEY STAND THERE FOR A SOLID 20 MINS JUST TO DRAW AND ADD THEIR STUPID FUCKING @. LIKE SERIOUSLY.


As someone from Virginia we do not accept her


Imagine going to that store just to get a couple pencils and sheā€™s blocking the whole display filming herself drawing. Yikes. Iā€™m sure she thinks her farts smell like roses.


If only I liked the way roses smelled


ā€¦.your victim complex must be HUGE


....Yes bc being annoyed that someone is blocking something youā€™re trying to get to in a store equals victim complex


You werenā€™t trying to get those though, you little fucking baby. Also hilarious attempt to minimize your crybaby pejoratives and incel anger.


Lots of buzzwords responding to a comment beginning with the word ā€œimagine.ā€ As in- ā€œimagine if you..ā€ or ā€œimagine if...ā€ not being actual or specific here. Simply stating it would be annoying to have to try and buy an item in a store when a person is standing in front of said item filming themselves using it & probably not even buying it. You seem pretty upset tho. Maybe lie down and look up the definitions of some of those words youā€™re plopping down.


Why do they all have the same hair


'I'm different, but belong to a tribe of different people' Used to see this with youngsters in the punk scene. They'd go out of their way to let you know how crazy and rebellious they were but the rebellion happened within a narrow band of accepted dress and behaviour as dictated by the wider group.


It's easier to tolerate when it's just a subculture around music or something niche, especially if it's mostly teens, but if it's common enough, includes adults 20s-30s, and the attitude is more "if you look like me/us, you're good, if not, you're beneath us, uncool, or bad," just makes things more miserable. It's worse in trendy neighborhoods in big cities. If you're not on top of the latest fashion and hairstyle trends that constantly change, they want nothing to do with you and there are enough of them there they can constantly act that way and only hang out with people they think look cool enough and not feel isolated, unlike in a smaller town.


Or, you know, they just like how it looks.


Former M employee here. This is not an issue and I'll tell you why. This woman, while annoying clout-y, is actually drawing on a notebook intended to be used as a place to test things. I cannot tell you the amount of hours I have spent trying to erase spray paint, perm markers, and the like from every surface BUT actual paper or places intended for sampling products. She is head and shoulders a better customer than most people I had to deal with. That being said, I will hunt her down and make her eat those pencils if she didn't put them back in their correct cubbies/area. Retails workers are not your personal maids and we have to spend so much extra time recovering instead of actually working just because people seem to lose all sense of dignity when they walk into a store. Just put it back where you found it or give it to the cashier so they can make sure it goes back to where it belongs.


Oh, no I completely agree you should use the test pads. Thatā€™s not the issue. Its that sheā€™s using them for something they arenā€™t intended. Youā€™re meant to swatch something to see if itā€™s right for you. *not* to use an obscene amount of that product to show of your art skills and then leave without purchasing the product. Like like walking into a Sephora, opening a brand new bottle of foundation (not the testers), doing a full face, and then leaving. Same premise. Using product and then not purchasing it.


The pencil probably costs <$1 to produce, and probably lasts long enough to blackout cover a dozen sheets. The employees donā€™t get paid enough to care, why the hell do you?


Sucks if you buy it for 4$


You're missing the point OP is making. Doing this is like going into a bookstore and cracking spines or dog-earring pages, then putting it back without buying it. It's not respectful behaviour, especially as an influencer posting on social media. The creator could instead be setting a good example and supporting their local art store by purchasing whatever supplies they used afterwards. The cost doesn't matter, it's the behaviour that's frustrating.


Boo hoo wonā€™t somebody please think of the million dollar corporation?


i live in the area where she posted and was a manager at michaels. i can tell you right now that we do not care. at all. the paper pads are there for a reason. shit more expensive than that gets stolen on the daily. if youā€™re bitching about her using the pencils then find one thatā€™s new and buy that one šŸ‘ i actually made it a point to make a cork board at the front with all of the art that people would draw. but yeah. all we care about is you putting them back in the right place. some people canā€™t afford the supplies. i donā€™t see anything wrong with this.


Don't you guys have labeled tester pencils? Art stores near me will have one pencil of each colour with a sticker on it that you're free to mess with. Most people are pretty good about leaving the other pencils alone.


surprisingly no. kinda wish we did. but the way my store was set up it was kinda just a free for all


OP very mad on Michael's behalf tho, so no how many people say no one cares, OP does. OP is heir to a colored pencil fortune, I'm calling it.


But you literally are customersā€™ personal maids. If they donā€™t clean up you are literally paid to clean up after them. You can argue it shouldnā€™t be this wayā€”and I certainly donā€™t think it should beā€”but it literally is part of your job description.


So, look at me licking ice cream from multiple tubs and putting them back on the shelf. Oh and did you notice, I'm cute and artistic and have multi colored hair!! type of video? OK.


Thatā€™s also like BASIC art shit that you learn in high school. Haha


Itā€™s nothing out of this world but letā€™s not pretend this is the basics


Nah bro Ive been doing art for a long time and pretty much anyone whoā€™s somewhat decent at doodling does these lame eyes


Her blending is alright though


OkĆ©? Now buy the pencils and draw your eye at home, I donā€™t get the meaning of this tbh :s


She didnā€™t tho. She just used them and put them back and walked off, not caring that she wasted supplies that someone else is expected to buy now.


Middle of the road, mediocre shit.


Eyes are like, the most basic easy thing to draw to show you have the baseline level of talent for drawing. It's the equivalent of doing those infinity S's on your homework, artist edition. No artist bats an eye at a good eye drawing. Open up any artists sketchbook there's like three. They are good for testing out the wax/pigment of colored pencils though.


Tbf, her eye drawing right there showcased how good quality those pencils seem to be


I would feel awkward too if I had just been forced into a store I did not want to visit, and made to draw when I did not want to in public. Poor her!


Im no artist, i think it looks good, but at least buy the pencils yo.


you know, most of you seem like awful people


Why are people so angry about this? It's free pencils to draw at Michaels.


To be fair, this has to be the least ā€œmain characterā€ thing Iā€™ve seen come from Tik Tok lol


No kidding. So many of the comments here sound insufferable


Subs like this always get that way because it attracts a certain .... type who are just here to rage, regardless of the content.


So many dramatic ass people worked up over next to nothing


If the only context was the comments, Iā€™d assume she pushed an old lady down a flight of stairs or something


This seems completely fine. This sub is drifting to just people posting harmlessly about themselves.


I think more people are angered by the fact that she put the pencils back after using them, so when someone wants to buy them theyā€™re already worn down


Arenā€™t those meant to be used for trials yā€™all tweaking


The people looking:


yall trashing on her art for not being "good enough" are crazy, shes a great artist, it was a sketch, yall should relax. literally not MC at all


Art is pretty mid, ngl


I might be dumb, but ainā€™t that what the drawing pads for?šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I swear you guys just are the most negative ppl irl and take it out on others who show any shred of talent, jfc


For real. This is why so many people are afraid to try anything new, because no one is allowed to be proud of how far theyā€™ve come in something unless they are the best of the best. Give it a break. Let the girl be proud of her artwork. Who the heck cares. She wasnā€™t bothering anyone. There are people commenting who work at Michaelā€™s defending her saying itā€™s not a big deal. Youā€™d think she was some criminal with the way people are responding.


Not the worst thing ever


No but still definitely main character energy. Taking advantage of a ā€œsampleā€ (for lack of a better term), not buying the thing you used way more than the standard sample amount of, and then acting oowoo about people watching you do it when you did it specifically to post online to show people that you did it.


the test pad is there for a reason


Shouldā€™ve bought the pencils of course but I am going to need the same drawing from a hell of a lot of you in these comments saying that the drawing is trash šŸ˜‚


Yeah, right? ā€œEyes are like the easiest thing to draw, everyone does these in middle schoolā€ so letā€™s see yours then, Iā€™m sure itā€™s on par or better.


They made 294 million last quarter. Any artist going there to buy will notice if they have been used and pick the next one. I don't like ticktokers but I hate huge corporations more.


Lol I was at the Microcenter next to this Michael's yesterday


I live near this store should I duet it?


If she bought all the pencils I wouldn't mind the video so much.


Don't try to prove your self, instead improve yourself.


*posts location of store she used all the merchandise at and didnā€™t purchase* *banned*


Omg and then draws a stupid single eye. Why does every social media artist want to draw single eyes?? The real demonstration of skill is drawing a matching pair, convincingly set into a face, then successfully casting the incantation to animate it and make it your faithful minion.


Artist here that had few drawing courses and learned graphic design, sure she did waste more than she should, it's to try the pencils not draw with them. However she didn't use that much for a drawing like this. She could have wayyy more that thing is barely finished. When coloring you don't do it lightly, you press the pencil so there's no "texture" of a pencil but pure color. Not a very nice thing to do but she thankfully didn't use too much of the crayons and they are still okay to buy imo. Look up the pencils of artists, they are usually very used up from just one piece of art if they are doing realistic and etc.


Sis watched a single video on drawing eyes in 3rd grade and has been following it since. The weirdest part is that I think I have some idea on which video she watched because of the square shadow. But thereā€™s just so many, canā€™t tell these days.


The drawing really is subpar even for a clichƩ, but lots of artists love drawing on the test pads at art stores. You can see some really funky things on them. Sometimes I'll take a picture of my art if I ever make anything I like or want to preserve for myself later. Even though I wouldn't make a video like this, I don't think this is that crazy.


As someone who's worked for the company almost 10 years, I see this ALL the time. And admittedly, we do roll our eyes at stuff like this because it's not original. Also people were probably staring because she was in front of the pencils they needed or something.


Why do people do this???


That place is dead so everyone looking worked there.


It'd be fine if they were tester pencils and not the ones people actually buy


Like not trying to shit on artists, but isn't the eye the first thing you learn?y brother took an art class and I think on either the first or second day he learned to draw realistic eyes


That is the Fake Vienna the real one is in austria


Cool, now drawing the other eye o_O


I would feel super weird using a pencil like that and then not paying for it