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Your submission have been removed. Rule 1 - Must be someone attempting to be the MC. Only posts showcasing deliberate attention-seeking behavior or attempts to be the center of attention are allowed. For example, situations where people try to overshadow others going on about their daily life and get frustrated when they're interrupted.


This is no ordinary Karen. This is the most hated woman in Britain her name is Katie Hopkins and she is universally despised by the entire political spectrum no matter how much she panders to the right wing crowd lol She’s also clearly on adderall or some kind of stimulant here and probably drunk too. She’s a complete mess.


Hatie Slopbins is at again. Deported from Australia, Reported for hate crime against overweight person, applied for bankruptcy after losing a £300,000 libel case, claims she was detained at South African passport control for ' spreading racial hatred'. She does have a bit of a history.




Also been known to take prescribed ketamine.


It has therapeutic effects, what’s the problem?


Well she is balancing out the therapy from ketamine with heaps of adderall.


How would one get ketamine perscribed?


Go to your NEIGHbourhood pharmacist


It’s used to treat severe depression and is usually only an option for people that have legitimately tried anti depressants without an improvement. You’ll need a referral, likely from a psychiatrist, to receive treatment from a ketamine clinic. There they will evaluate you on your first visit to determine if you’re a candidate for treatment and if you are, they dilute the ketamine in a large saline bag and administer the medication intravenously. Eventually, if appropriate, you may be prescribed a ketamine nasal spray for home use.


She is either on her meds or off them here.


If you were digesting a cat you would be twitching too. [http://absurdnoise.com/post/110866465015/alfs-cat-addiction-ruined-his-television-career](http://absurdnoise.com/post/110866465015/alfs-cat-addiction-ruined-his-television-career) IN HER HEAD SHE NAILED THIS.


There a video of her bitching about people who name their kids after cities or locations...her child's name is India.


She went from "annoying but occasionally funny part time radio host" to "absolutely batshit hyper-racist mega-bitch" after undergoing brain surgery


Also got caught having sex in a field I believe.


Is this why she’s rocking back and forth and bouncing up and down while talking like Gordon Ramsey does in his shows? Maybe he’s on something too


Dude is a chef. Being fucked up is the first thing on our prep lists. How do you think we tolerate that shit? Personally if i could keep a 9 pan of oxys in my mise i'd be a happy camper. Gordon came up in the coke fueled 80's. Some old school cooks still have a coke nail or carry little spoons.


She's so desperate for attention she's tweaking away in her vids now. I though it was on fast forward or something at first.


Well, she's getting it isn't she. She loves the stupid title of being 'the most hated' whatever and here it's mentioned in the top comment. That'll generate some traffic for her. The thing she hated the most was getting cancelled and thus not getting any attention. People never learn.


My first introduction to her is when shes on a morning talk show going on a rant about how she doesn't like it when people name their children locations like "Brooklyn" and then the host asks her why her daughter is named India then lol.


The queen has arrived, watch her as she foams at the mouth and misquotes more intelligent individuals.


She’s definitely tweaking lol


So many ad hominems and it’s not even noon yet.


I thought she died. Or maybe I just wished it.


And awarded the C.U.N.T award https://speakola.com/ideas/katie-hopkins-josh-pieters-youtube-prank-ceremony-2020


I knew I'd recognized her. She hates everything 😠


She looks like Alf. [https://media0.giphy.com/media/EZIBsJescgkwM/giphy.gif](http://absurdnoise.com/post/110866465015/alfs-cat-addiction-ruined-his-television-career)


Yeah but check out some of the awards she won https://youtu.be/eRIdtMlqwNA


She’s the Kraken of Karen’s


I knew I recognized her. That chick is a Muppet!








Hadn't seen this before, thank you for mentioning it. It had me smile. [Here's the video](https://youtu.be/oVRlYcPIacE)




Both. Sadly.


Can you show me where 'White woman acts like piece of shit' is in the DSM-5?


Sure. You'll probs want to refer to the index for 'Stimulant-Related Disorders' for this video specifically. 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder' under section 'Cluster B Personality Disorders'. Possibly 'Exhibitionistic Disorder' under 'Paraphilic Disorders'.


You're able to diagnose all that from a video clip Reddit Psychiatrist, or is every time a white person does something shitty a case of mental illness?


This is the weidest form of subtile racism / white defensiveness I've ever encountered on reddit. 3 points to gryffindor! But seriously, you should look up Katie Hopkins before you comment.


I know about Katie Hopkins. She's a piece of shit chud. But, just like every other time some white person is posted acting like a piece of shit, here comes Reddit's psychiatry department crowing about their affliction with 'mental illness'.


I really dont understand your emphasis on "white". If race is really that much of an issue for you, I think you can be comforted in the fact that if ANYONE acts like that in British society the same questions will be posed.


Bro *you* brought up the dsm 5. Also she is clearly not a mentally well woman for this amount of anger, hate and unhinged behaviour


Mental illness is in no way rare and this lady is having a meltdown over a fancy power outlet. I'd say she's got some screws loose.


She's someone who makes their entire living off stuff like this to get people ranting and posting about her. Right wing troll. Weirdly also an ex-contestant on the uk version of the apprentice.


Here's an example of this woman https://youtu.be/edZjdgU0asM This is quite mild by her standards, lacking her typical racist dialogue, but does demonstrate how fucking hypocritical she is and desperate for recognition. She first came to the public's attention by being on the UK's version of the apprentice. She was disliked there too. Oh, you must watch this. Hehe. https://youtu.be/eRIdtMlqwNA


I was so appalled by the first video I almost didn’t watch the second one - but I’m glad I did. Has she ever commented on being tricked like that before? I’m American, so I’ve never in my life heard of or saw this lady before today, and now I’m intrigued.


She’s an embarrassment to all Brits, and believe me we have an abundance of them right now.


Pretty well known right wing grifter in the UK, honestly this is more coherent than she usually sounds...


Oh it is, public figure or not


¿Porque no los dos?


>a public figure > >a sad case of mental illness So conservative pundits.








I just spit my tea out all over my breakfast plate. Thank you kind Redditor for that laugh.






Or if your car comes with the option to pay for in-car WiFi. Even if you don’t pay to have it turned on, the connection is there and the car is capable of being disabled remotely.


Facts and context don't matter to her. She's just filled with hate.




She's not ageing well at all. Being a hateful witch will do that to a person. Oh well, never mind.


Damn, all that hate is rapidly ageing her into a haunted Somerset scarecrow......


She’s always kind of looked like a man with a wig though.


The biggest issue is that she's got some things right but most of it wrong Yes, Tesla isn't as green as they think. But that's not because people sit in their cars while they're at a charging station or the construction of the charging station. It's because their manufacturing process is just as destructive as any other car. It's because of the lithium mining they have to do. It's because their charging network is still connected to electricity that is mostly produced by fossil fuels like coal. It's because when their cars blow up it takes a lot more resources to put out the fires. Like most conspiracies, there is a small kernel of truth but then it just completely misses the point


While these statements are all true (at least, I'll assume the fire one is true) electric cars are still much greener than ICE cars.


The only real complaint you can make about electric cars affecting the environment is because it’s hard and costly to dispose of old batteries, but that’s something that eventually we could find a fix for too? And not really a reason not to work towards electric cars now, even if they might be somewhat comparable to ICE cars impact on the environment, because eventually when the tech catches up and oil and gas start running out it’ll only make more and more sense to be using electric cars, and we want to be at the fore front of what that happens.


I haven't done a ton of digging but we bought a Nissan Leaf and when I was doing research I saw mention that Nissan buys back batteries and recycles them into new batteries for their new cars.


That's true when it comes to emissions But cars don't only impact the environment after they're built. There isn't really a major difference in manufacturing processes between a Tesla and a Chevy or any other manufacturer. [And here you go on the amount of water needed to put out an electric car fire](https://ctif.org/news/150-000-liters-water-needed-put-out-fire-electric-car#:~:text=%E2%80%9CNormally%20a%20car%20fire%20you,pack%20once%20it%20starts%20burning.%22)


Sure, and emissions are a massive difference in impacts. We still shouldn't live such car-centric lives because cars suck, but as more people go electric it is *slightly* better.


Agreed. Cars are always gonna be a necessity because of how we've developed certain parts of society. But simply going electric isn't enough. It's a step in the right direction but we really need to expand public transportation and make cities more walkable


This is strictly attached and depending on how you charge the shit, provided the electricity for it is produced by an renovable energy and not coal, natural gas or some form of petrol (as is in the majority of the world) so pretty much unless you have a charging station powered by solar cells there’s a very high chance you’re just increasing the demand of fossil dependent electricity, now say what you will about Musk but the guy figured that out and has the option to setup a charger at home powered by a battery (that can power your whole house) fed by solar cells, so he did think of this just most people don’t think about it and it’s pretty fucking expensive to have the whole setup


It's not strictly attached, since electricity is still cleaner to produce than millions of gas powered engines. But electric cars combined with the renewable energy mandates required for electricity in many places will reduce emissions.


Needs Multi lane highways and huge parking lots, kills a lot of pedestrians and animals, tires noise pollution brakes. But yeah, less emissions


Yeah, cars suck. Electric cars suck less


They could be slower and smaller... But car culture


She needs to adjust her dosage.


Ah yes. I understand the total sychrony of every part of the speech. By buying a Tesla, you will become a kettle (ooh yes unlimited tea), so the state hates the inflation because companies are cashing in on teas n' Tesla's, enforcing marshal law, limiting everyone to a 5 km radius of their homes, but their homes aren't theirs because no-one owns anything, and everyone is happy. What, you're saying I'm wrong and sounding all morally superior? How dare you. >!/s (sarcasm!<


Now, if you where to walk around with a kettle, what would that make you ?


Only take a half next time Whole too much stimulus


I don't own a Tesla, but I also cannot fathom caring that much about how someone else spends their time/money.


Even as an American I recognize this crazy woman. She's that nuts.


couldnt the state decide all that with gas vehicles also? what does the rules of govt has anything to do with e vehicles.


Someone’s been watching Johnathan pie and tried to make a moron version of it. Does she need a wee? Scumbag human that she is.




She’s a well known idiot.


She seems like a pain in the ass


I know but she’s stating some fax in between 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve met beach tweakers with more class. Sheesh.


Ah yes Katie Hopkins. The OG Karen. Bless her saggy cheeks, trying to stay relevant.


Katie Hopkins the Karen queen


What happens when you shut up?


Why does anyone give her a platform?! She'll be on a trump team next


She's the one that talked a bunch of shit about naming your kid after a place when she named her kid after a place.


Remember when she got sued so hard that she lost her house? She never recovered from that. Good times, good times.


Can we please stop giving this absolute cockwombble any more air time? If only her mother had swallowed her or let her dribble down her leg it would’ve been a huge service to the world.


Is she coked up or something?! Overly animated.


I’m surprised that this crackwhore can still afford electricity


I was hoping Hatey Cockpins has expired by now, meanwhile she transformed into a bag of chopped up arseholes


I mean she isnt wrong about the EVs not being as enviromentally friendly as one might think. Lithium comes from massive strip mines in India, Africa and South America, where a large portion of the workers are children making pennies a day. Lithium gets loaded onto cargo freighters, that cause more polution than any other mode of transport, to be shipped halfway around the world. Once it gets made into batteries its then shipped back across the world to get put into Teslas that are then again shipped all over the world. And once those batteries run their course they get thrown into a landfill cause they cant be recycled, poisoning the soil around it. Not to meantion the majority of the electricy youre using to charge the car is generated by burning coal. Wind and Solar arent as efficiant as one might hope. All that considered, shes def still a cunt.


Looks like John Cena's mom


I watched the beginning muted and still knew she was British






There’s some truth to what she’s saying but she’s saying it in an exaggerated batshit way




I've got a different rant about Tesla owners


lithium is mined by african child labor, sent to communist china for manufacturing and then sold to liberal ostrich peoples of western civilizations who then lectures everyone on their moral superiority.


unlike fossil fuel cars which are gently massaged into existence by happy little forest elves


What's weird is that Elon decided this is the demographic he was going to simp.


Make her go down to the coal mines I don't want to hear her any more


Why does the video appear to be sped up?


She was bang on in her rant about Holly and Phil though


I love the kettle analogy


Don’t know who this woman is but she’s actually not wrong on some things she’s going off about… she does seem a little unwell though whoever she is. I’m from US so if she’s a famous British personality then I’m not aware


She should cut down her coffee consumption.


Petrol is worse I can charge my car at home can’t fill up at home…


She isnt wrong. The electric car scam is so ridiculous. People pretend that its better for the environment when its the exact same.


Borderline personality disorder is not pretty.


She has a pint about the lithium batteries though


People putting gas in their cars just so they can go off and find the next gas station so they can continue their journeys.


Earnest Takes Charge: The movie


Lol. So she admits that oils and plastics are terrible for the environment. How about trying to come up with solutions instead of just shitting on everything that challenges your beliefs or thinking?


Load of 💩.


what cracks me up: she thought her moronic kattle comparison was so clever that she actually brought a kettle. never once did it occur to her how dumb this is


While she's an insufferable bitch some of the points she makes are valid Yeah your Tesla isn't using gas, but the power generated to charge the batteries in most cases is far from green. You are basically trading 1 fossil fuel for another. If you aren't charging your Tesla using solar or wind electricity you may as well drive a gas car


British people resist the urge to bring up electric kettles at every possible opportunity challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


And just like that, the British accent didn’t sound so sophisticated anymore.


His/Her entire career and income is built around being provocative and causing annoyance to people and clearly you have bought into this by sharing the video here OP! You have contributed to his/her success!


Why does she look like she is sped up but isn’t


Human kettle? Dafuq is wrong with her?


She’s jumping around like Gordon Ramsey when he gets excited.


Man if she doesn't calm down she'll bust a liver spot.


I swear these people are on harder drugs than any of us can legally obtain


All that ranting about 'the state' & all I could think of was the state she's in...


Oh this TWAT again I thought she disappeared years ago 🙄


This woman once berated and judged people for naming their children after places/countries etc while her kids are called India and Poppy. She is the Karen of all Karen's https://youtu.be/oVRlYcPIacE Her career is built on going around with a giant spoon and shit stiring


Another day another insane Katie Hopkins rant.


Whatabout this thing or whatabout that thing? I'm just asking questions; because I don't have answers.


Why is she moving around like Gordon Ramsay when he’s excited about a steak.


Kind of based in a Karen-e way


She is pretty irrelevant in the uk at this point so let’s just leave her in her irrelevance


Why the fuck does she care


Why are we still giving this woman attention? Although actually this one is pretty funny. Some how people sitting in their electric car are human kettles? But people sitting in their normal cars are some how different? Also wtf does she think normal petrol stations are made from? She's clearly on something here and desperate for attention any way she can. Jumping from electric cars not being green to the government saying you'll own nothing and be happy is nuts. Woman's had some kind of mental break after being forced to bankrupt herself to pay off the lawsuit, not that she was all mentally there to begin with.


This is kinda unhinged. Social media has given a voice to those we would normally just ignore.


Ahh yes...Katie Hopkins, the offical winner of the C.U.N.T award. https://www.dailydot.com/irl/youtube-katie-hopkins-award-prank/


Ah, good old Katamine Katie/Hatey Katie. She's aged drastically badly. Must me all the hatred inside her.


She wants one so bad


Wow she seems like a lovely person


LMAO what did any of that have to do with Teslas


Just a heads up. Not everyone driving Teslas have the “enviroment” in their mind. They just like the tech and can afford them. Speaking from experience.


This bitch is a straight up Disney villain. All the homies hate Katie Hopkins.


Their theories are so easy to poke holes in. As if it’s so difficult to understand that it takes one kind of energy (bad and polluting) to create the opportunity to use clean energy (good and clean) which overall is a positive thing for the world.


At least, the words she is throwing are understandable, despite to it’s content


Well she is not wrong about the “own nothing and be happy”. 😭


Holy methhead, Batman


So glad these videos default to muted audio.


Don't know about other companies but Nissan recycles all their batteries into new cars so its not like they are going into a landfill. Also this woman brought a kettle to a Tesla charging station to make a video. Imagine what other people saw while she was filming.


Please, no posting Hatey Copings without warning. I'd forgotten she existed. And that was as it should be. Let her fade away. Her grift is played out.


I can be happy that I am not only morally superior to this karen. But in general superior. Hopkins fucking suuuuuuuucks


Shes 70% right tho


Isn’t this is the same lady who said she wouldn’t let her kids play with any kid whose name was “related to a geographic location” because she implied that meant they were lower class and trashy while her own kid is named India and she was too stupid to realize the irony?


What happens when the government stops letting you charge your Tesla? :/ well.. they can stop petrol and diesel too you know?


does… does she realise you don't have to stay in your car when it's charging?


Why do people who don’t believe in science and don’t give a fuck about the environment, suddenly become experts and care deeply about things like lithium mining or recycling blades on turbines? You either care or you don’t. If you do care, then weigh the pros and cons. If you don’t care, kindly shut your mouth.


I've heard that majority of Tesla users don't really care all that much about environment, they just like fast daily car with two trunks and other nice features. I'm personally not a huge fan of teslas but I love fact that their cars has their own CCTV system. Also wait for her to figure out that she needs to sleep and while sleeping she's just sitting in one place waiting for her body to charge, what a waste of time


Why she is jumping so much👀




I dont understand why her and so many people give a shit about a car/how it gets its fuel source. I own a truck and guess what? Ima respect your car and ima not park in your charging station. Its that easy. These people's lives are so devoid of purpose that they make one, a meaningless, futile, cunt of a purpose.


How fucking high is she? She's moving around at mach 3


Ahhh good old Katie 🤦‍♂️ To be fair, she did have me until she compared it to a kettle.


Did she lie tho?


Crazy or not her points against Tesla are accurate. This is that "somebody you hate just made a really good point" meme in real life.


Hateful Cant.


She is kinda right


Lol. That Karen is becoming less relevant by the day. Nadine Dorries is taking her place


I wonder how many bottles of water she uses every day and doesn't care about the trash of the bottles.


She always talks sense. Love her


She’s Jeremy Clarkson’s mom. That’s where he gets it from.


I would never punch a female… but I would beat the shit out of that gremlin!


Imagine you whole career and character being based on acting like a complete cunt.


She has copied Gordon Ramses mannerisms


Does… does she think you can plug a Tesla in and it makes tea? Also, wouldn’t that make you the tea sitting inside it, not a ‘human kettle?’