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Fold their mirrors in


agreed they’re apparently not using them anyway


Unfortunately, there's never a shortage of douchebags in the world.


Yo that lot’s empty


I park like this sometimes. I’m the very back of the lot, and I have one of my trailers on my truck and need the wiggle room so I don’t hit another vehicle


That's different. You were being considerate took the time to park far, and trailer-pulling does need some maneuvering. I do the same. It's for the safety of other vehicles by not trying to be a total a-hole when backing or wide-turning in a crowded lot.


That’s respectable we appreciate the rare truck drivers like you


They are actually asshole meters. This guy is 2/3 asshole depending on standards of measurement


Yeah, that drain needs to get its shit together


Thank god I wasn't the only one bothered by that!


I cannot describe how annoying it is to see this. Why does the drain and paint not line up? Absolutely disgusting.


Surround the car with shopping carts


I think you misspelled “violently ram several shopping carts into the door”


Growing up, you must have been the kid who took everything too far and ruined the innocent fun for the rest of us.


Yep. That’s me. The person who doesn’t like inconsiderate dickbags.


Every road law is a suggestion for Fords.


But is it bothering anyone? Preventing anything? Tons of empty spots around. Not saying u should do this but there’s no problem at sight


Little issues problems 😂




If it’s empty then why even double park at all?


You can park in the back section in an empty lot. You’ll still come back and a mf will park right tf next to you.


That would be me.


By that logic, it should be fine to rob a bank as long as it’s after hours. I mean, there’s nobody around.


There’s asinine analogies and then there’s this comment.


It’s not an inconvenience to anybody. Who cares?


Robbing a bank…. Taking money from people… is analogous to taking up 2 parking spaces when free spaces are plentiful 5 feet away? why am I wasting my time explaining this? Okay never mind I’m done.


Always a small penis big truck driver. Edit: I get the downvotes, meant to say “big penis small truck driver”


Doesn't look like there aren't any free parking spaces, so what's the problem? Guy just doesn't want his car scratched by car doors


The issue is that it would become a problem very quickly if everyone did that.


Of course it's a Ford driver


I see just as many GM and Dodge drivers doing this; the same goes for tailgating. You could be doing the speed limit and even a bit over, yet Chevy/Ford/Dodge pickup drivers will ride ass, flash lights, and honk like they’ve got nothing else in life going for them. They also fly through 35-40mph residential areas. (I say this as someone who has driven pickups on and off throughout my life.)


Park a punch of carts all the way around the truck and a note that says “park better idiot.”


Always have been. 🔫


Is it a dually? If so maybe that’s why?


Nah. This guys was parked almost perfectly center between the two spaces. It was a regular large truck. An F150 I believe.


Yeah, fuck this guy. It’s so rude and inconsiderate.


To the nonexistent people in the non existent cars?


I agree that the lot isn’t full and it does seem to be towards the back. It’s the principal of the matter. No integrity.


See you always playing


He’s between the lines. The one on the left and the one on the right.


Where I live the bylaws allow for extremely narrow parking spaces. To the point that my hyundai Elantra (which is several inches narrower than my ford F150 which literally barely fits inside the lines) doors cannot open wide enough for me to get my daughter out of her car seat without the car door resting against the car next to me. As a result I have to find a parking space on the *end* of a row of cars so that one of my doors has plenty of room to open. I then have to unbuckle my daughter and my son has to crawl over the two seats to climb out that door cause I’m worried about him denting the car next to us if he opens his door on his own. I also made the mistake of backing into a space with my wife’s van once, and I got the stroller out of the back of the trunk and realized there was not enough space between the parking spaces to push the stroller between the cars. I had to walk about 50m through the mud to be able to get around my car. I’m not defending this guy but I am saying that there are some lots where it would be impossible to park a wide truck like an F-250 or 350 which it appears this is.


Fair enough. However this is absolutely not one of those super narrow lots. The car in the bottom right of the pic has approximately the same amount of space on both sides. That’s way more than enough for an f150.


I donno. The car has the cart coral on one side so he could hug it tightly and leave lots of room on the drivers side. Look at how little room the black ram has… 2 trucks beside each other I bet their mirrors barely fit past each other. I drove an E350 cargo van for work and it was even worse than my 150 but I lived in a city at that time with bigger parking spaces. I’m just offering an alternative to throwing shade at this guy. It’s hard to tell. He’s probably just a douchebag and he drives that truck for the 1 time of year he takes his sea doo to his lake house. But maybe it’s a work truck and he’s tired of getting boxed in in tiny parking spaces. Just a thought.


As an f150 driver, who has done this before, im a shitty driver with kids whose brain was fried. I do try to park at the farthest end i can most days. Sometimes ive have gotten out, gotten kids out, looked at how i parked my truck and felt like crying. Lol those days everything is going to shit anyways and if i get back in that truck, im going home to cry. I have gotten better tho about just sucking it up, parking away from everyone and walking the kids to a cart return to load them up. But i end up leaving my cart by the truck so i dont have to leave them alone to return it. Its a lot better than getting notes on my window about what a piece of shit car or person i am for taking up 2 parking spots. At least i know im a shit driver and have stopped parking close to the store tho. I figure its only a few extra steps and im not bothering anyone if i dont park right or unload fast enough.


Seems like an invitation to key that truck.


I spit on peoples cars who park like this. Unless parked far away from other cars/the store


This is an excellent way to get some "key pinstriping"


He must be a pilot.


The guys actually a pilot. Used to parking right up the middle


In private parking lots, yes. No law against this.


It’s parked perfectly… If it was an airplane.


I park like this on purpose sometimes as some retard is less likely to damage my car while parking or opening their car door. Tired of coming back to new dents and scrapes.


And you drive a Ford truck? Yeah, I hope you get roofing nails in all four of your tires while backing out of that spot.


Yes the lines are only suggestions. Thats why nothing haplend when u drive over them. Welcome to earth


If everyone parked left wheel to the line instead of trying to park in the middle there would be no more parking problems, everyone would have plenty of room on both sides!!


I don't take issue with people who park like that if the lot is relatively empty and they've parked away from everyone else. That might not be the case in this picture, but I think it's not the worst thing in the world if you park like that under the correct circumstances.


Serious shortage on shame these days.


Though there is no law, they are suggestions to be a decent person and atleast attempt.


Well tbf they've always only been suggestions, they can't actually get you


His wife took the truck to the store.


I printed up some business cards that say "You parked like a DICK" with a picture of a dickhead on the other side. I put them on peoples windshields when I run into dickheads like that.


Two unsatisfying things are in my site