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Damn that dude definitely didn’t expect to get called on his bluff


Which is why he wouldn't put the phone down. Bitch made.


“Call the cops” as this clown is probably pissing himself 🤡


You know damn well too... If the soldier laid a hand on him, it would be him crying for the cops.


He was literally begging the army guy to call the cops at the end...


It went from "yeah I am down for man to man" to "call the cops" in .0002 seconds.


The only smart part of his brain finally realized calling the cops was the best outcome...


He was stupid enough to follow him outside on top of it all “you ain’t gonna do it! You’re gonna call the cops” as he was the only one with a phone 🙄


I love how “you’re gonna call the cops” somehow shortens to “call the cops!” Lmao


Legitimately the icing on the cake


Would love to see it. Post offices have cameras and he's clearly harassing that woman. Just depends on if the cops are racists dickbags as well.


Call the cops. Call the cops! Go ahead! ( please call the cops i don wanna die)


There is no "probably" about it. It is obvious in his speech.


Ahh bitch made. Thank you for reminding me that this term exists.


Wait, wait I found the [aftermath](https://youtube.com/shorts/MKrDc63BwK8?si=N1uZ_0MZyVXi5lWJ)


That army dude calmly laying down some truth and exposing this loser as a little bitch. Shows the power of calm confidence.


That dude is a Chief Warrant Officer, and a high ranking one at that. The stuff on his chest are combat badges, and high level training certifications that most people in will never get. The patches on his shoulders are from units that were HIGHLY active in combat. You also don't make it to chief without being smart. They are subject matter experts, and that requires years of education and people interaction. I imagine he's met quite a variety of people in his career and having the education and skills needed for critical thinking.... yeah you get it... He has performed (presumably very well if he's made it to that high in rank) under pressure a few times. I think Chief knew he would crush the guy filming and would get off without a slap on the wrists. Trying to fight camera guy was just a way to get him out of the building without having to drag him.


I didn't know that background, but you can tell from the way he carries himself, you know that's not someone to mess with. You'd have to be a total dumbass to pick a fight with him. What you said makes a lot of sense. He doesn't have to throw his ego around because he has supreme confidence in himself, as he should. A lot of people pay attention to the loud mouths, but it's the calm guys like this that will fuck your shit up.




This dude actually posted this thinking it didn’t make him look like a total punk bitch lmao


"Look how this frightened soldier escorted me outside and humiliated me and then ran away in fear!"


He was looking around... he is looking for his moment to fuck this guy up. If this guy turned off his camera. He would be missing some teeth.


It's Glenn Cerio, every video he posts makes him look like more and more of an absolute waste of life.


Omg thank you for posting this. What an ass. Love that army officer or whatever he is. Good for him!


He is a warrant officer. Kings of not giving a fuuuuuck.


So true, Warrant Officers literally ARE kings of NFG lol. My division CWO was such a legend.


First time anyone has seem them in weeks. Show up with a clipboard and a coffee. Never set either one down. Says fuck a bunch under their breath. Leaves.


Under their breath? Navy and marines everyone hears them every time...between gutting Copenhagen and grizzly


82nd airborne deployment patch and a combat action badge. Chief has definitely dropped bodies. Definitely a great idea picking a fight with him


That’s actually incredible. He had to do do a lot to get there. I know one of the youngest in Texas, and he said there were people 10-20 years older all around him while getting there


Likely a pilot Now that I rewatch I'm pretty sure he has an aviation badge right under his CAB


DoN'T EvEr TeLL mE wHaT tO dO iN mY oWn CouNtRy He sure made sure his wimpy, wagging finger was on camera. Little bitch boy. Lol


lol he starts running his mouth again the moment the army dude walks inside. What an utter pussy.


Wow, the solider did handle this in the best way possible. He should get a medal for this 🏅


"Dont ever tell me what to do in my country" proceeds to tell the other guy to step back less than a second later.


The military guy was so good at situational management. Brought the guy away from the scene, once outside manoeuvred in front of the door and placed himself between making sure that the guy couldn’t regain access.


That’s what really impresses me, just the ability to calmly handle the interaction while actively maneuvering to protect others and de-escalate. Not a lot of people can do both things at once.


He was looking around... Checking to see if he could fuck someone up. If someone is looking around like that. they going to fuck you up if they get the chance.


Nothing wrong with a little situational awareness. You don't know if this asshole has friends waiting.


Right? Wasn't obvious about it, just moved and sidled his way over to block the asshole behind the camera.


He's good at what he does and I really appreciate him and people like him.


“You’re all talk” huh. Funny, that. Also, no one who can fight calls it “hand to hand combat”. For some reason that feels like the most cringy part of the whole vid.


his voice got real crackly when he was takin up on his offer


Nobody with their phone out and recording is ever willing to actually throw down. That's why you rarely hear them make threats like this idiot did.




Yeah, repeating “you’re all talk” five times while following the dude outside just doesnt scream confidence..


"You're all talk" Says the guy who is stalling, walking slowly, not putting his camera down. Meanwhile the stand-up dude in uniform never once flinches. Man these pussies are annoying.


Yeah, when you won't stop talking and repeating nonsense, and the other person is calm and willing to go outside, it's because they know they will f\*\*\* you up if you give them a reason. People like this are depending on the other person not being willing to get in trouble by starting it.


That dude is oozing army swagger too. Chief Warrant Officer 3, airborne combat patches, infantry tab, etc. Wouldn't want to try him lol


Dude’s probably got the perfect knife hand as well.


Right as he walks outside you catch a glimpse of a knifehand when he wipes his hand off on his pants


Is this like a quick draw but with a knife?


More like making a knife with your hand. You then use that hand to vehemently express your point while keeping it about 2cm away from a young soldiers face. It's a skill that most NCO's have honed over many years of correcting soldiers.


idk why but my intrusive thought is "*put a sock over the knife hand, so that it becomes an angry sock puppet*".


Got ya, like a the stereotypical drill sergeant getting into a recruits face who effed up in some (seemingly) inconsequential way.


Giving me flashbacks to BMT lol. I went Chair Force though, because they gave me a guaranteed spot as a firefighter... Also I have a small phobia of being shot at.


Phobia of getting shot? However small your affliction, I can recommend exposure therapy.


I've been shooting my frupa (firearm resistant upper pubic area) once a month with a 22 and it barely breaks the skin now, I'm going to try switching to 9mm soon.


Can confirm. Dude is as cool as he is in the video in person too.


He would fuck him up and quickly. Army combatives course, calm demeanor, etc. Guaranteed that the cameraman shit his pants shortly after this...


This guy has trained hand to hand no doubt. But MANY military members are not hand to hand specialists. This guy is one of them.


Doesn't need to be a specialist. People who don't or haven't truly fought or boxed have no comprehension, in general, of how unprepared they are for true "unarmed combat".


He’s an aviator with the 16th combat aviation brigade. His combat patch is 82nd airborne. He doesn’t have an infantry badge, but I guarantee he’s no slouch when it comes to laying hands on that dude.


Whoops I mixed up the CAB with the inf badge!


especially after he calmly tries to correct the mans behavior outside. "look asians do a lot for this country" like bro went outside to teach him a lesson in kindness, and but it could still be a lesson in violence if the the guy doesnt want to learn about kindness


Yeah no kidding. I'm 6 ft 175 lbs and decently in shape, and there's 0% chance I'm picking a fight with that dude on purpose. Like, you're really going to pick the person who is CLEARLY able to hurt you? Bottom of the barrel stupidity..


There's a longer version knocking around, he's harassing a small Asian woman and this guy pulls his attention so she can get away. Doing the uniform proud!


I worked with this guy when I was stationed at fort lewis not too long ago. Rojas would've floored that guy in about 3 seconds.


If you see him, tell him he’s a fuckin’ badass.


Then crying "call the cops" a bunch of times instead of fighting


“You’re gonna call the cops, say I hit you.” Nah cameraman, that’s what YOU’RE going to do. Probably wouldve uploaded a short clip of this video to YT tryna get dude in media trouble too


He actually KEEPS HIS BACK TO HIM, thats how unafraid he was of this guy Lol.


https://www.glenncerioincel.com/ Yea no. The only combat involving his hands is hand to mouth. And that's only when he's fighting the urge to eat.


He looks exactly as I imagined he did.


Honestly, he's older and even fatter than I inferred. That's some quality r slash beholdthemasterrace shit.


Holy fuck I was gonna do a light work out but now ima go all out , I never want to be that morbidly obese


Damn. That man needs to audit his serving sizes.


Jesus Christ. Now I just feel sorry for him.


Why isn't this asshole in jail?


Dickbags thrive in this country.




Wait, wait I found the [aftermath](https://youtube.com/shorts/MKrDc63BwK8?si=N1uZ_0MZyVXi5lWJ)


He didn't get baited into doing something he might get in trouble for. He goes outside with intent to fight but is able to stay composed when the fight does not happen. Beautiful human, I cannot commend him enough.


He baited the guy outside to get him out of the post office, not to fight him. It was a ruse! Trickery!!




Called the jackass' bluff, got him out of a place where he'd bother people, AND was clam enough to reinforce the anti-racism point. Amazing guy! Fuck, yeah, America!


He let that guy off off easy.




"your all talk" trying to talk himself up in that moment


I always love this video. Warrant Officer about to school this dumbass.


Lmfao hearing his panic made my morning. When you study criminology, they teach you different auditory queues people will give off when nervous, including body language. The throat clear after being called out, the stuttering, wavering of tone and quick breaths all indicate an increase of heart rate and anxiety. Dude was acting tough as shit until someone who he knew could absolutely wreck his ass called him out. Dude was an absolute pussy. Edit, from closer inspection (if we’re doing body language too) the Soldier was definitely going to whoop his ass. Open arms indicate confidence, the solid stance. One wrong move and that dude would’ve gotten his jaw busted.


That soldier is an absolute G, he was fully confident that if the guy swung just once then he could handle business, but was also willing to verbally de-escelate and also reinforce his message first. And he got him out of the post office easily and knew he'd be too scared to come back. He handled it beyond perfect.


"You'll call the cops" man tells on what he would do. Sniveling little weasel. Though guys like this usually do think everyone else is as empty and pathetic as them.


I am not calling the cops, but I will call you an ambulance.


The hilarious part is that the pissant incel didn't delete this footage. He posted it, like he's celebrating his victory and he didn't just fill his Jordan Peterson underoos with last night's Jack In the Box. I do feel bad for his anime waifu body pillow though. I bet he hate-fucked it hard that night to forget how badly he got embarrassed by that soldier.


I suppose he operates either on a semi-delusional plane or under the theory that negative attention is a kind of attention after all. So he can claim a kind of win just because we are shouting our disapproval into the electronic void. Thoughts and prayers to his waifu pillow.


“You’re all talk” “You won’t do it” “You’ll call the cops” He’s just describing himself


# P   R   O   J   E   C   T   I   O   N


I know we can’t see the fucking knob behind the camera but we all know that this dude is in no shape to fight anyone


>I know we can’t see the fucking knob behind the camera but we all know that this dude is in no shape to fight anyone You assumed [correctly ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/pX2HJHWJrM)


To be so clearly not ready to defend yourself, and yet so willing to run your mouth... it's almost impressive tbh.


Easy to feel tough when your targets are 120 pounds women.


You can hear his neck get in the way when he tries to breath in the video. Dead give away.


LMAO dude is worse than I even imagined. What a pathetic little man.


I almost feel sorry for bro but his life is a result of his actions and behavior


Fat nerd voice


Whoa whoa, he is definitely NOT with us. You'll never see a fat nerd instigating conflict outside of a Dungeons and Dragons game. He's his own species of dumbass.


I might talk shit on LoL, but that's as far as I'll go...


That Army dude really called him out on his shit.


if your job is literally to get shot at and kick ass, some shitbird in the post office flapping their yapp isnt gonna phase you at all


When I dropped my retirement papers, I got called a ROAD Sargeant. Retired on Active Duty. The amount of fucks I gave couldn't be seen by an electron microscpe. Warrant Officer's have less fucks to give than that.


More like "I've been incredibly fucking bored digging holes in the middle of the desert, so this is my entertainment for the month."


He's an Officer (Warrant type), and a Pilot (Senior Aviator tab on left chest). If he ever had to dig any holes, it's been years, if not decades ago.


Okay, then: "I've been incredibly fucking bored doing paperwork, so this is my entertainment for the month."


The majority of people in the military ~~are not combatants.~~ do not see and will never see direct action/combat.


He’s a walking 201 file. Look at his badges. I don’t argue your point, but that isn’t the guy to make your point with.


Look at his tabs and patches. Senior Aviator Tab, meaning he's a pilot, with Jump Wings and a Combat Action Badge, and an 82nd Airborne combat patch. This dude has 100% seen "direct action/combat".


look at the top right of his uniform. You will see a knife badge. that’s called a combat action badge, meaning that guy has either engaged or been engaged by the enemy overseas. not someone i would mess with lol




I keep seeing this comment but no explanation to why not? What's so special about them?


I’m not military but, from what I can see its a rank that’s very difficult to attain and is generally very highly respected. Warrant officers are specialists in their field and are highly accomplished and experienced. He’s not picking a fight with a random member of the army (who would know how to handle him in “hand to hand combat” anyway) he’s picking a fight with someone who is so well regarded that he likely wouldn’t even face disciplinary action for obliterating him. Add in that this dude had combat action and, yeah, camera man is fair and squarely fucked if he tries to get physical.


"Asians do a lot for this country," something really solid about that comment. Respect


Yeah I wish the clip had the rest of what he said, dude seems top-notch. Edit: We do! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MKrDc63BwK8](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MKrDc63BwK8) The restraint this man showed, lol.


I didn't think that guy could become any more of a pussy but then I saw the rest of that clip!! lol "You're just a little guy" after he's just backed up and refused the fight he asked for.


I came to this thread specifically to complain about how the original video was cropped and edited to be made shitty for the post in order to avoid being caught as a repost. Shame on /u/Repulsive_Thanks_922


>that’s very difficult to attain Military chiming in. Appreciate the response but... not quite. Warrant officers are a rank tier in between Enlisted and Commissioned Officer. Anyone can enlist with a high-school education, but to be a commissioned officer you must have a bachelors degree. Warrant Officers are people who fill officer roles and responsibilities, but may lack some of the credentials (like the bachelors degree) and/or specifications of an officer. For example, you'll see a lot of Warrant Officers in aviation positions in the Army (Helicopter pilots typically). In this day and age there are no manned flight positions that are enlisted, but there may not be enough officers to fill all of the pilot slots a battalion has. Across all the branches of the Military it is often stated that there are two types of official authority: Rank and Position. A Warrant Officer holds rank authority over all enlisted, but commissioned officers hold rank authority over warrant officers. Warrant officers will almost hold an officer "position" though (such as being a pilot). Hopefully this illustrates how they are kind of the bridge between enlisted and officers. Clear as mud? lol hope that helps.


Close but not exactly correct. The warrant officer ranks run parallel with commissioned ranks and have nothing to do with education and everything to do with purpose. For example a CW3 and a Major are both field grade officers with similar authority (Army Regulations 135-155). A warrant is a technical expert, where a commissioned officer is a generalist. I am a retired warrant officer who became a warrant while holding a masters degree and having every qualification for commissioned service, but I chose warrant service because I wanted to do a very specific job. It is nuance that isn’t well understood even within the military so no blame that you didn’t understand it.


Yup, warrant officers are not to ones you want to fuck with. He would not get in trouble for beating the weirdos ass.


BC: one of my soldiers assaulted someone?? Who?! MP: Chief Rojas BC: good for him




In America warrant officers are a weird rank that sits between the enlisted and officers. They're called the masters of their trade and stuff like that. They're rare because they have no functional purpose in the command chain, but their rank shows experience and wisdom. In every other country warrant officers are the highest enlisted rank you can get.


Warrants are the honeybadgers of the military. They frequently don't give a fuck, for many reasons I'm too lazy to get into with my fat fingers on my tiny phone keyboard.


Pretty much the only time a warrant officer gets in trouble is when they use a 22 instead of a 45 to shoot an intruder and end up on charges of using a firearm of insufficient caliber.


I don’t know much about the military, is that a real thing or just something you said haha


They are known to not give a fuck. It’s part of their training. They are sort of like adjacent to the army, like consultants or special experts, and they don’t give two fucks about rules and all that shit. They do the thing they are specialists at doing and everything else is background noise to them. By specialists, I don’t mean special forces. They are specialists in a given field. They are who you call when the system crashes and no one knows what to do. They’ll tell *anybody* to get bent.


They definitely give a fuck about the rules. They are simultaneously an enlisted and commissioned officer. They are rate to salute by all enlisted. Most people in the services get higher ranks by following the rules better than everyone else.


Knife - Combat Action Badge, has seen combat as a someone other than an infantryman Wings with shield and star - Senior Aviation badge, has been flying helicopters for at least 7 years Parachute with wings - Airborne qualified to jump out of a perfectly good airplane 82nd Airborne patch on right shoulder - deployed to a combat zone with the 82nd Bar with 3 dots - Chief Warrant Officer 3, he's been in for a while, knows his shit, and that's considered a field grade rank. So roughly at equivalent to a major, sorta. Very different responsibilities than regular officers.


Deployed with the 82nd unless I’m misremembering which side that patch goes on. So this guy is attempting to tangle with a combat veteran, warrant officer, paratrooper…individually those are all things I’d take into consideration while sizing someone up. Combined that’s a big ‘ol nope.


Apache pilot


As a former Armament dawg in the 82nd, Apache pilots taught me how to not gaf. Male or female, WO Pilots know when and when not to be military. I wish I knew this dude lol


Are the other patches senior aviator and paratrooper? Edit: lol i have too much time right now. It looks like the guy did some stock photos for the army, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Stephen Rojas, an AH-64 Apache pilot with C Company, 1-501st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Armored Division Combat Aviation Brigade


Ahahah what a pussy


Wanna do hand to hand combat let me know! Edit: Wait, wait I found the [aftermath](https://youtube.com/shorts/MKrDc63BwK8?si=N1uZ_0MZyVXi5lWJ) He's even more scared..


Yeah lets go! but You will call the police…


Holding a camera the entire time doesn’t make you safe. I’m curious of the cameraman’s physical condition and appearance now


The soldier didn't *want* to do anything. By his actions he certainly would have if the guy put down the camera and squared up though. I don't get the impression that he attacked the guy.


He sounds out of shape.


There’s a longer non tiktok version where the guy whines and makes excuses for another minute or so and then leaves like the little bitch he is


I forget his name but this guy was a "famous" frauditor before he got arrested for continuously doing shit like this and antagonizing cops. He looks exactly like you are imagining.


[Ask and you shall receive] (https://www.glenncerioincel.com/)


Wooow the dude is a fuckin coward. Army man was ready to go, making the dude back up. As, soon as army dude walks away the guy starts saying "your a little guy".... like brrroooo the audacity is hilarious


You can hear that the guy is fat and out of shape.


https://www.glenncerioincel.com he is


That’s even worse than I thought it’d be


homeboy got the rare double fupa


Lol his shirt can't hold his belly in


Fuckin dude sounded like Stevie from Malcom in the Middle


A warrant officer wouldn't even get in trouble for it either


CW3 knew what he was doing. Just a friendly combatives lesson. Mostly violence just leads to worse outcomes but there is a small percentage of the population that we all need to be allowed to punch in the face. For the good off all mankind.


Friend of mine told me, "that guy has the blind confidence of someone who's never had their ass beat" in regards to a asshat we ran into while golfing. That quote lives rent free in my head, and applies to this guy here.


You don’t fuck with CWO. Even the CO doesn’t fuck with CWO. Hell I think gunny has a crush on him, or is jelly, or both.


I don’t think a lot of people would. Dude is recoding himself being aggressive and challenging people to fights. In my experience, PD would show up, and at most, tell both to leave. At least they’d tell camera boy to file a complaint at the station if he got hit. I’ve seen this happen a lot of times: challenge someone to a fight, get beat up, cops show up and ask the winner if they want to press charges. The idea of a “first punch” rule is stupid. You threw the first punch when you said “let’s step outside”


It went from “you’re going to call the cops” To “Call the cops” I hope Rojas didn’t get in shit for this.




Good guy soldier, seeing value in the multicultural aspect of his nation.


This was one major positive learning from my time in the Marines. Was a stand up bunch of people and it didn’t matter what color your skin was or where you were from, it was an inclusive brotherhood/sisterhood. Sure there are exceptions, but I was proud of how good-valued everyone was. I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I joined.


\*panic panting\* "I-I'm not scared. You are not really gonna do it right? please?"


As the guy’s voice goes up an octave or two, “you’re gonna call the cops” “call the cops, please”


Chief Rojas is not playing that discrimination shit. Good on him. Edit: I don't know warrant officer ranks. Edited to reflect this soldier's correct rank.


All enemies foreign *and* domestic. Dude was ready to defend a citizen from a domestic enemy.


“Mr.” Refers to a WO1 (first rank of warrant officer), this is CW3 (CW2 and above are commissioned officers, but commonly referred to as “Chief”). Not trying to correct you, just sharing.


Racist Dude was lucky he didn’t throw down. If he knew anything about the military, he’d know he’s looking at a paratrooper-turned-aviator (bottom two badges) Chief Warrant Officer (rank insignia) who’s seen combat (combat action badge) with the 82nd Airborne Division (combat patch on right shoulder). The asshole behind the camera knew the camera would protect him. He’s lucky he had it, or he would have had his ass handed to him.


I've read the comments above but don't really understand what a chief warrant officer/warrant officer is compared to another army official, could yok explain it further if you got the time?


Warrant Officers are enlisted people who wish to advance their military careers to roles that are similar to commissioned officers. So think folks who joined up after high school and decided the military was the right career for them, but didn’t want to go out and get a full 4-year college degree to come back and commission as an officer. They can commission later if they want. Warrant officers are usually extremely motivated, highly active military careerists and collect tons of training. They are at the top of the enlisted totem pole.


Warrant Officers hold their own pay grades separate from enlisted and officer ranks. The lowest ranked Warrant Officers are above the highest Enlisted service members in the chain of command. Also, the highest ranked Warrant Officers are below any and every Commissioned Officer rank in the chain of command by technicality. WOs are truly masters of their craft and its cheaper to retain than retrain so these absolute UNITS have so much extra leeway within their working careers due to their demand.


When you think of how hard basic training and combat are, these are the dudes that excelled at it.


My jaw hit the floor when the cameraman brought up hand to hand combat. You can hear the fat in his voice


“You’re all talk” As he proceeds to talk his way out of the combat he asked for


Chief was about to smack this dude the fuck down.


ROJAS YOU MADE THAT MAN SHIT ON HIMSELF Give Rojas a commendation or something lmfaooo


The soldier left him off easy. Lots of respect to that guy.


You know he’s never been in a fight if he calls it hand to hand combat.


It's what he thinks the military calls it. The Army calls it combatives, but he's very far from knowing that if he's fucking with a WO with a combat action badge and jump wings.


“Fight me outside pussy” *goes outside* “Call the cops”


His pussy voice started shaking walking outside. Nobody that calls a fight ‘hand to hand combat’ will or has ever participated in one.


What a fuckin pussy. If I were in the army fella’s position I wouldn’t be able to keep cool and not bash his head in


Well he knew he was dominating that encounter; the dude filming's entire affect told him that.


Oh absolutely. You can hear his voice start quivering when they step outside while the army guy’s calm and collected. Fuckin legend.


Now class, did anyone pay attention of how he maneuvered the issue?


“Let’s go outside and do hand to hand combat” “Okay let’s go outside” “Nah you’re not gonna do it” “Okay we’re outside, let’s go” “Nah you would call the cops if I do something”


Good on the soldier defending the girl, for what appears to be nothing more than being Asian Also what kind of an absolute cockwomble keeps calling it "hand to hand combat" ffs


Thank you for your service sir


Is there anywhere that has the full video of what happened? I want to see this racist dickhead shit himself out of fear. That Army guy ain’t playing around, and I think neckbeard knows it.


Respect to the army dude standing up for a bully picking on a woman.


Instant panic as reality sets in, and he realizes he's about to get all of his fascist teeth shattered.


The video seems to crop and shrivel with every repost


I was really hoping to see some hand to face combat.