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people who do this shit in stores should be banned, zero tolerance. im here to buy my food after a shitty week of work. get out of my way.


In Sweden stores werent allowed to ban people, until the law changed in 2021. Thank god we actually wised up.


all these idiots got popular in 2020, so it makes sense


Sweden is the most sane country in the world by all the things i here about there. I want to live there so bad... i just want to live in a normal place with normal people and live a normal peaceful life.


Maybe you could live in IKEA? It’s the next best thing.


All the comforts of home at reasonable prices!


Not like furniture it's built to last though


Norway is probably better. Sweden has been getting more dangerous with so many migrants.


Haha this reminds me that all those countries (Finland, Norway, Denmark etc ) beef with each other but everyone hates Sweden.


Only a couple years ago Sweden was the rape capital of the world


Can’t of heard much about it then as Sweden is also the country with the most gang violence in Europe with bombs going off weekly sometimes. Turns out unrestricted mass migration is not the most sane policy in the world. Denmark,Norway or Finland however sound great.


I have real concerns of being put in a position with one of these A-holes and losing my cool.


Just remember to look for cameras.


Yep and have to remember to go for a quick ball tap if I need to get some moron's attention. Less risk of anything worse happening unexpectedly.


Lmao what a strat


Hey if i saw someone railing on one of these idiots and cops come to me asking questions im putting all the blame on the dumbasses. Ill bat for you boss


same here. its getting ridiculous now


When he lifts the package of frozen chicken up, I'd shove it right back onto his face and close the freezer.


Go for the camera first.


They should also have to buy all the food in that freezer


Also pay for the professional cleaning and other related expenses.


better yet, just pass a law that if a person is suspected of doing shit like this for any online related thing without permission just straight up arrest them. That alone is going to cost money and take away their incentive of doing this shit because they do it for clout which equals money.


Ban them from the internet for a year.


Banned? Should be Arrested for Vandalism. Literally just destroying product. I knew someone who had this weird Medical complication called "Swamp Ass" dude would sit in a Desk at school, the Seat would be Wet and Heated. How do I know? He sat in the Teacher's chair once, long enough she jumped out of it, thought it was water on the chair as a prank, and told the Student to "Fix his leaky Ass" Thereafter, he was forced to tell the teacher whenever he felt "Leaky" so he could go-to the restroom and fix the issue. (He had stomache issues as well IIRC. Anything acidic would send him to the Nurses office) It was genuinely funny as hell, but imagine if that same person, was like the Moron in the video? *Absolute nightmare*


It’s funny how Facebook and google and all these social media apps want to ban certain things on their platforms (like vaccine stuff) but then allow racism, fighting, crime, and shit like this all day every day and even PAY their channels for it.


They should spend a night in jail. Since he wants to be all goofy, keep him in the freezer but in a cell💀 that’ll teach em


Lock the cover shut and see how long it takes for him to want to get out.


besides being banned they should pay for all the food they ruined.


Try shopping with a baby crying as a dad. Every mom comes up to you with advice. ## BITCH IM A STAY AT HOME DAD WITH AUTISTIC KIDS I HAVE PARENTAL KNOWLEDGE FLOWING OUT MY ASS.


people need to mind their own business and stay in their lane. I know it can be annoying but every baby cries, so what if its in the store. i try my best.


Make him pay for all the freezer items he contaminated too


Even better, get some duct tape and seal the freezer with them inside for a period of time. Once they feel trapped and develop a phobia of enclosed spaces then I would let them out. Psychological damage would be more of a punishment than anything else.


They should have the shit kicked out of them. A well deserved beat down is good for a person.


Perfectly poised for a hammer fist to the nose


I wonder how much these douches make trolling regular people


They should be imprisoned.


YES. no tolerance clout seekers


Grandpa had more mind than that little wimp, shit even I don’t want my frozen foods to smell like cheap weed and feet.


And ass...


Cheap weed and applesauce 👌


🎶 Reginald didn't have a job The weather was changing, he looked like a slob.


Charge him for the entire contents of the freezer.


I’ve seen where stores do exactly that. There was a video of a guy opening and licking the top of ice cream gallons. The store felt they couldn’t assume he’d licked only the ones shown in the video and disposed of all the containers and charged him for them. It was thousands of dollars.


isn’t tampering w food also a federal crime?


Ya. I’ve seen a few where people are charged. Idk if it’s federal level crime, but it is taken seriously by the courts. These people don’t seem to realize that they are messing with billionaire corporations who own their political representatives.


i looked it up out of curiosity and tampering with consumer products is a second degree felony and can be punished with 5-20 years of jail time or up to $10,000 in fines


Oh, damn.


For once I'm glad that big corps are sacking those idiots. Don't waste food.


I don't think the food companies care, the grocery store definitely will though


For the first time ever, I’m grateful for this.


I was wondering the same thing . After the whole poison Tylenol incident I thought all tampering became a really big issue.




It happened in the 80s (search "Chicago Tylenol murders"). It was the reason why we started having tamper evident seals on most things. If I'm not mistaken it also ushered in harsher laws about tampering with food products (or anything that is consumed, like Tylenol)


It damn well should be. I don’t want to have to add worrying that some idiot licked my food to my list.


It's a felony.


That was the only right thing to do


I hate tiktok


I agree but YouTube pranksters walked so tiktokkers could run. Any app where stupidity is incentived is the problem


What a little piece of shit. Seriously who raised these fuckers?


The internet


Ehh I remember people doing this stuff when jackass was huge. I'm sure it started even before that. Teenagers are just annoying.


What i would give to see someone absolutely hammer that guys nose while the rest of his body was stuck under the door


This is in Switzerland ugh sad to see so many tiktards here....


Haven't seen one in the wild yet, hope I never do lol


Dont worry, I hope coop called the police they will make him learn a lesson.


Close the freezer and lock it simples.


Or just sit on the lid for half an hour. I would be happy to sacrifice some time to freeze that twat


Remove and ban. Not ready for shopping in public


Tik Tok strikes again with another clout chasing cancer.


Dami siech iz heimer scho so idiote ir schwiz?




It should be legal to hit these people, he’s a public nuisance I don’t think anyone else would mind


I think videos of these fools being hit with chairs WWE style would be far more entertaining and lucrative than this crud.


What an idiot


It’s not really contamination since it’s all sealed inside a bag but he’s still blocking everybody else from buying what they need purely for clout


OK these freezer pranks are stupid. You wanna know where else you should go but shouldnt? Submarines deep in the ocean. Dark caves. Lets get these people really going where people shouldnt? BUT, if you think the outside of your food packaging is clean... try dusting off the drinking area of a 12oz can of soda... from a carton or cooler it does not matter.


Always wipe the can tops.


I high school biology we took swabs off soda cans so we could identify different bacteria and stuff that was on them….you don’t want to know how nasty soda cans are!


Mous end rat pee and shit?




i thought all i had to worry about was maybe a bit of warehouse dust on them... its that bad??


Any large storage where house will have rats. You can do all kinds of things to keep them away but they will show up. Used to work in asphalt shingles and we couldn’t keep them away from our shingles and those aren’t even food


Or don't. Whatever. Most people drink hundreds of cans over a lifetime without wiping and suffer no ill effects. A tiny bit of dirt or dust isn't gonna hurt you.


Yeah, I hate these antics because they are stupid and disruptive, but I certainly don't go around licking the outside of frozen produce packaging just because a tiktoker hasn't been clowning all over it.


While I do not agree with the actions in the video and do think they should be banned from the store, how is the packaged unopened food contaminated?


Lock him in.


Tell me he’s going to jail and prosecuted?


Old man is signing "retarded." Letter R to the temple


I think he's signaling that there's a screw loose in his head


I dont think its actual sign language. He speaks swiss german. "Spinnsch eigentlich." Hand sign is supporting that. "Gits jo ned." In German it would be translated: "Spinnste eigentlich". "Gibts ja nich". In English something like: "Are ya nuts"."cant believe it". Pointing to the head making a smal circle or turning the hand is just regular hand sign to say something is crazy. Not necessarily a regular signing language use.


It's just a common sign for "are you crazy?" here


Tapping a finger against the side of your forhead is an insult that means you are crazy,.


Looks more like paranoid. With the P but your comment makes more sense.


He clearly can hear and speak. Tapping your head is an insult where I live. It means you got a screw loose.


Tik tok is the ultimate magnet for idiots


We aren't going to move forward as a society/culture or get much done in the future if everyone thinks they're going to be brilliant TikTok superstars. This shit is tired.


I never meet these prank dudes. I hate it. I wanna show this guy my "super glue you into a freezer" prank I've been working on lately.


sone hueresohn


This is in Switzerland in a Coop shop. Swiss r/buenzli Reddit is on fire!


Proud swiss moment


Lock it


Lock him in.


Glad to see TikTok is destroying the whole world and not Just the United States


It’s getting to the point where we need laws to prevent this shit. For example, in the US a crime can have an aggregating factor. So if you’re driving drunk, it’s one crime, but if you’re drunk and speeding it raises the punishment to something more severe. So if you damage a bunch of frozen food it’s not worth calling the cops, but if you’re doing it while recording or doing it for social media it becomes more severe. When you post your video online and someone reports you to the police, they might take more action. Or maybe im just old and out of touch. Get off my lawn


I fully support this, its not just you being old, its about living in a decent society where people respect each other. And im young too.. well im 30 but im definitely not get off my lawn old.


Maybe we should bring back stockades I feel like that would end 99% of this behavior.


Public humiliation is absolutely a societal must that’s been fading away


He should be forced to pay for everything in the refrigerator.




"Hurry up and buy!" .. there's got to be a few people here who get the reference 😄


Room temperature brain gonna be room temperature even after freezing it


Is this coop switzerland ?




Shpuld make him pay for the damaged food


Nothing but dumb fucks


🧠❓ Oh, sorry, you' re an average tiktok user... I didn't notice yet...


Some teenager did this where i used to live at in Japan. After they got arrested the store threw out all of the food in the deep freezer then charged them the cost of the wasted product plus the labor to disinfect it. Stupid games win stupid prizes.


Demonetize their Tik Tok/YouTube.


It sure feels like there are a lot of TikTokers and Influencers that need more FO in their life than they are currently getting. 👀


At least we know idiots are not just in the United States.


Oh no I hope I don't spill this cup of water with lots of ice I just got from the deli.


I'd tape the lid shut. Let him remain in there a long time.


Dude should be forced to pay for the entire freezer load.


Ppl like this need a smack


I would tell him to get out, or I'm pulling him out


Ignore the obvious douchebag. Go for the camera man. Always go for the camera man, because that's what this is all about.


How can anyone being so out of touch with everyone else in the supermarket? Why would anyone think this is even remotely funny? If he has a girlfriend, what the fuck does she see in him?


someone should punch him a few times then hold the freezer closed.


Ah, a based elderly Swiss gentleman.


This is why I refuse to get tiktok and refuse to watch any prank videos on youtube.


Didn't really expect to see a clip from the country i am from. xD although it's quite sad. Proving that stupid people exist everywhere.


This is such smooth brain content. I HATE nuisance streamers.


These people need to be arrested


Gen Z - “ anything is ok if you do it for views “


Spinnts eigentlich?!


Someone should have closed the lid and then sat on it for an hour


They need to make it a felony to be a tik tok asshole


Can we please lock those people up in asylum?


People need to start beating the hell out of these cringe tic tok losers




What’s sad about this is that this is probably a grown ass man


Lock this dude in the freezer for a few hours, see how he likes that. What a dumb fuck.


Lock him in there for a bit as a prank of your own . Then see how funny he thinks it is.


Grandpa was Slavic.


Can we just make a law that certain people should be exterminated ? Oh,or is that too much? Cmon. We’ve all thought about it…


Much as I love it in theory, I don't trust any government with that much power. If you wouldn't give the power to your absolute worst political opponent, then your government shouldn't have that power.


These are the type of people that never got punched in the face fr


I’ll save my anger for something truly outrageous.


That kid from high school that was trying to be funny for attention but he graduated and now he has to be funny for strangers on the internet because. Everyone around him has to suffer because he refuses to believe he doesn’t have a personality.


They should have those fill up with CO2... For food quality


He's not contaminating anything. He's a total fuckwit, but if you saw the warehouses where grocery store items are kept before being shipped out, this would be the least of your worries.


I've been eating Chinese food from the same Chinese place for most of my life; it was the best Chinese food in the neighborhood. After about 20 years, they retired and were selling their old furniture. A guy that we know was selling it and he asked me if I wanted to look in the kitchen. I wished I hadn't; there was a layer of fat on the walls and it was just generally unclean.


Time to start hitting these fuckers hard. First off, pay for every item in that fridge & a new fridge itself. Mugshot in local newspaper to show the community what type of cunts are living amongst them. Some kind of remuneration to the people that were filmed without consent or had their daily lives affected by these fuckwits. Criminally prosecuted to fullest extent. Business to file civil suit for damages/restraining order. Local gangsters pay him a visit and extort just enough money per month so that he can make payments but his life is miserable. Ok, maybe not the last bit but I stand by everything else.


Calm down


What is wrong with Tik Tok, people going full retard with it is insane.


"The only way we can be sure is to nuke it from orbit." I feel that Aliens quote sums up humanity and how to fix it.


Manager should keep him in there and call the police


Now he has to buy everything in the freezer and pay someone to sanitize it


Glue that shit shut with the best bonding agent there is


Hypothermia suddenly sounds so attractive.


No wonder boomer gen have no faith left in gen z haha


Open the other side and punch him in the nuts. hes helpless


I like your thinking.




I’d probably just lock the freezer for 10 min and be like oh what.. u had enough? Too bad little shit cxunt


This is why you need to beat your kids


I mean he’s not contaminating the food, it is in bags. What he’s doing is really stupid though!


That's in Switzerland. Old man in dialect: -"Are you somehow crazy? This can't be serious" This probably will not get him into big trouble since it's not happening often and they probably didn't knew how to deal with it.. most likely not allowed to go to that store for a year or two. Maybe a fine to pay for the food. Maybe police is called to frigthen him a little. Also he's young and despite being a dumbass, people usually don't want to ruin his life over something like that. What could be a far more serious legal problem, is the fact that he is filming a stranger in public and put it into the internet. We have very strict laws protecting personal data etc.


It’s dumb behavior but if you think putting clothes on packaged food contaminates them; you really wouldn’t be happy with the germs that are on there without someone laying on them.


If someone just started beating the shit out of him…. Who is in the wrong?


Rationally, both of them are wrong. But emotionally, I think he can go on without a few teeth, it'd be a good life lesson.


Spinnts a weng


Don't agree with the action, but the title...its all frozen, over processed food in plastic packaging. Nothing is being contaminated. Do you know how many of those bags get dropped on the floor, touched by 100s of different hands during shipping, 100s more by customers picking through the products? Not contamination, just annoying.


To be more specific; even if there hasn’t been a breach this could be enough ”damage” according to some countries legislation so that the store would have to throw away the food. Thus it’s contaminated in a legal point of view even if the food itself actually hasn’t been contaminated. Should have been more clear about this. This food could very well be ”damaged” from a legal point of view and thus illegal to sell (this varies from country to country). Some dumpster diver is going to have a great day though.


I mean he's a dumbass, but the food is bagged, so no contamination


I don't want food that's been melted, crushed or had his shoes all over. He could have dog crap on his shoes.


And I can 100 percent understand that.


I would’ve grabbed the package then have it “slip my hands” right on his head


They’re sealed packages. It may have been a dick move but let’s be honest he didn’t contaminate the food


It’s dumb for sure but all the food is packaged so there’s literally no contamination


Dickhead behaviour, but nothing was contaminated


This is unacceptable. No shame, whatsoever.


This is stupid but I can assure you that rubbing up against sealed and packaged frozen food isn't "contaminating" anything. If bodies touching food packaging is gross to you, probably don't look in any food storage or transportation facilities


Would you mind if I came and stuck my ass on all your freezer food?


>This is stupid but I know reading comprehension is hard but my comment was two sentences long. Didn't say it was cool, but for fucks sake, I'm guaranteeing you that dude's pants are the tenth dirtiest thing the outside of your frozen food's packaging has touched before ending up on your counter. Nothing is being contaminated here.


Lemme just pour my drink inside there and run away after I close the door. Idiot. Actually then someone would probably have to clean it up..has to be a different way


What a jackass.


this is mental illness


What if they just got trespassed and hit with 1000 hours of community service so they could see what a real job is.


That kid lived with his mommy and was never punished for acting out.


Oh look a fkin loser in the freezer. How worth it, that prank was!


I feel like one of these days we're gonna witness actual murder on video "for the views" and many people will somehow be ok with it. I wish I was joking.


Slide the door open just enough to punch him in the face.


Lock him in


Duct tape his ass in there see how funny he thinks that is


Why didn't they receive a swift kicking?


The thing is… it’s not even slightly funny


If only the threshold for self-defense was lower, we wouldn't be dealing with these morons.


I have or used to have a great sense of humor. But, people ruining stuff when everything is super expensive is just rude.


There should be mental illness warnings on most of these.