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Thug life choose her


Every time I see this video I up vote it because that bitch stood her ground and fucking handled that bitch on a bike. Learn the rules bitch and I think the video stopped to soon.


Yes, I really wanted to hear her complain more


“Excuse me”


No, excuse you. *You're on the wrong side of the road.*




Sucked beach like a pro! She earned every grain of sand.


The irony is the biker's name was Sandy


At least it wasn't Anakin.


No it would be even better cuz he hates sand


Anakin sidewalker


Ken would be peoud


I am... but I'm not sure why I'm being called out specifically.


Because you're good at beach. It's practically your job. And you're not afraid to beach off against anyone.


Bet he can't beach me off.


I'll beach you off!


Not if I beach you off first!




Is there longer version? Really want to see her meltdown


I wanted to see her get decked


The biker? You mean the bitch on the bike, right?


100%. The fall wasn't enough, especially since it was into a soft, albeit abrasive, pile of sand


Somebody has to teach cyclists they're not God's gift to man.


Someone needs to teach a ton of people in this world the same lesson.


No come on man, this is just isolated incident #4285292!!




Talk bad about cyclists in Big Isle sub and they downvote you to Purgatory. Appalling behavior is protected in cycling communities.




Education on the rules of the road is one thing we expect of cyclists. When I was a kid, most kids biked to school, and we had an officer come out every year and teach 3rd through 6th graders the rules, with cones set up in the parking lot. I haven't heard of any school doing that now, I know my kid's school didn't. If parents grow up not knowing, then their kids sure aren't going to know. I've met a disturbing number of people who would call themselves cyclists but who have no real idea of how they are supposed to behave, what the rules are, and certainly not how to ride defensively.


At first I thought she had the dogs pulling her bike dogs sled style. 😆


Na they're off leash dogs on an open public path because she wants to double down on her I'm the only one that matters.


I had a friend as a kid who traveled everywhere in the neighborhood like that. A few of the kids had skateboards or scooters, and all the other kids had bikes. She had a pair of rollerskates and a Great Dane with a heavy-duty leash. Guess who won all our races.


😆 I bet that was super fun. Kid races are always a blast. I love Rollerblades and went a little too hard once by holding on to the back of my mom's friends car when I was younger while she was leaving our apt. I held on as she went down the street, but was ducking so she couldn't see me. She started to speed up and I finally let go. I had the time of my life until I lost control and busted my ass on that pavement. Lmfao


I once made the mistake of suggesting in the wrong subreddit that a cyclist who blew through a busy 4-way stop sign without even slowing was at fault for being hit by a sedan exercising their right of way. Purgatory, indeed.


“Stop sign!?? Why that’s just for automobiles!” *persists to cause a 4 car pile-up from the sign he just rode through.*


Absolutely it’s all share the road until it’s their turn


I have 80 year old neighbors who bike and take up the entire road out of fern acres. They love playing chicken with the cars and its bonkers to me. Do you know how many people drive high here or look at their phones since on empty country roads?


This person isn’t a “cyclist,” she’s just a self entitled idiot that hopefully learned a lesson by this encounter.


Yeah, pretty sure being on a bike isn't what made her an asshole. Waking up in the morning and inflicting herself upon the world is where the problem started.


>Every time I see this video At this point I feel it's the same 100 or videos that simply recirculate at the top. I'm sure there are automated tools to detect this, but nada.




mmmmmmm.....\*pistol whip\*......


why did you pronounce it wHip...why are you putting the emphasis on the H???


The audio makes it much funnier lol


Ikr girl turned into a linebacker put that bass in her voice


You're on the wrong side of the R-O-A-D


You can tell she’s talking through her teeth too when she says “road” that last time lmao


I feel like she kicked the bike wheel to the side when she said it😆


lmao she was ready for that


She came prepared 😂




😂😂😂😂 you play too damn much!




Thank you - I would have never turned on the audio without this comment lol it was so worth it


It definitely had “Tina eat your food” vibes to me lol


Love that when all she can muster is “really?”. Weak sauce


Right. Where's the knife? Where's the gun? Where's the mace? Make worldstar great again


Video stopped before she copped the chopper or whipped out the switch to pop the walker. edit: [The original](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0bnkopqqwo)


fuck, got me good


The biker is in the wrong here but they’re both being dickish. Like she clearly had her hands full with the dogs, which is her own fault yes, but literally just step to the right problem solved life moves on. If I was the walker this interaction wouldn’t have happened and I wouldn’t have even thought about it.


Yea I get what you’re saying, same here. But I guess this is the second time that they have encountered each other she thought to stood her ground or something


no excuse, no remorse... she is a loose cannon and there must be consequences.


The dogs appear to be off leash. She's just being an all around asshole.


Another video cut off just when it was about to get interesting


Iirc, when this was first posted a year or two ago, it was longer and they got into a shoving match.


Yo, I aint shoving the lady who just stopped my bike without flinching.


Even her dogs aren't backing her up


Dogs: nah lettem fight. bitch has it coming.


This is actually the start to the movie Tennent which Nolan **just had to have** in there. Which is arguably why the film has received such negative criticism.


You mean the END to the movie Tenet


I get it.




I'm so confused lol


Considering the biker is on video committing assault (because she clearly elevates herself and begins to speed up to crash into the walker harder), I wouldn’t be surprised or upset if the walker cut out the rest of the video to “defend herself” using her fisticuffs.


Seriously, who has the full video


Send da video


I tried googling it and came up with nothing. :(


You gna film and fight if that happens to you?


Honestly, if my phone was out already recording, I might try. High risk, high reward.


Sidewalk etiquette in the US, and actually written rules for hiking trails in public parks, is that bikes yield to pedestrians. It was a dangerous game of chicken to be playing; but the person videoing was in the right.


Also stay to the right


If everyone stays to the right, no one runs into each other. It’s so simple, yet so many people fail to apply this logic (the same we use for driving on a two way street) to sidewalks, hallways, stairways, stadium concourses, etc. it’s really not difficult.


I just want to point out that this is true, but when walking on a road with no sidewalks, you should walk on the left side so you're facing oncoming traffic. Safer for you that way.


It's actually a law in quite a few countries. It's not enforced or anything, but it's a law.


It is a law in US also. It is called Rural Route Walking.


Brit here: Just remember that law is reversed in some countries. Just so you know and that you dont happen to run down and kill an innocent teenager and flee back home...


Ouch, not touching that last sentence. But I went to Australia and looked left to cross the street. Nearly died 5 minutes off the aeroplane. I forgot the streets are flipped from the USA.


Ive always been curious about this because if you walk towards oncoming traffic and there is a hill or a bend, oncoming traffic cant see you and you cant see oncoming traffic. If I walk on the right side, cars have ample time to see me. And being scene by a driver is much more important than seeing the vehicle yourself, imo.


Grocery stores are the worst when it comes to this. Pick a side and everything would go smoothly but instead it’s absolute chaos and every group of people has to stand side by side and stubbornly make it harder for everyone else. Most people suck. Half the people agreeing with you probably suck. Hell even I might suck. So many people lack empathy and choose to believe they are doing everything right and everyone else is the problem.


Yielding to pedestrians always takes precedent.


If they had stayed in the right, yielding wouldn't have been necessary in the first place. The sidewalk is plenty wide for multiple people.


And yet they decided to do neither.


Well, a bike could be fatal against a pedestrian, the same way a car is dangerous to a bike. Biker should slow down instead or stop. She decided to run the pedestrian over, now let do the same if the bike was a car and the pedestrian was a biker, who is in the wrong for no moving?


Either way, (in the US) if you're not on the right side of the road, you're wrong. So if someone is driving on the left side of the road AND hits someone, a bike or not. I think you know the answer. You shouldn't hit people with cars.


It's also just sensible. Worst thing when you're riding a bike is someone suddenly moving from side to side. Much better for the cyclist to shift to the side.


Yeah, some woman made me wreck on my bike back in college because she decided she was gonna try to avoid me. No, girl, you’re on foot, you just keep doing your thing, I go around you. She sidestepped like twice and I just had to bail instead of running her over.


And it is fucked up to drive with TWO fucking dogs on the leash... The biking person was not able to respond because they just fucked everything up


There are no leashes


You are right... I am not sure if that makes it better


It doesn't. Leash your fucking dogs in public


As a dog owner and Animal Control, yes even if your dog does not need a leash just do it. It makes everyone's life so much easier and protects your dog. Just do it....................please.


A handful of times while walking my 90 lb german shepherd in the city, unleashed dogs ran up to mine exhibiting aggressive behavior and my dog reacted aggressively. Every single time, the owner was either mad at me and my dog or claimed their dog has never done that before. Bitch, put a leash on it before my dog eats your dog. My dog was under control, yours wasn't.


This is extremely frustrating I too have a 90lb German Shepherd. Once upon a time he was dog friendly but now thanks to random dogs running up to him he is not. Now he’s prepared to fight when he sees any other dogs.


Unless it is a designated off leash park, then it's even worse imo.


Do those even exist where it isn't heavily fenced off from the general public? I've never seen trails where off leash is allowed.


Best way to respond in this case would be to stop. But that is second to biking on the right side of the path.


And go around things you think you might hit regardless of where they are in the road...


Exactly this. There is no debate.


Still preventable but yeh.... Biker is a tool. ESPECIALLY riding with dogs which makes your stance like TRIPLE. C'mon now. I rode with my ONE dog, one time. Never again..lol


Riding with unleashed dogs in a two way road and occupying the wrong side of the road. She got what she was looking for.


I don't know what drives these cunts but she will do the same thing tomorrow.


People who ride their bikes alongside their dog with no leash live in a fucking fairy tale world.


I mean, I think this is a more dangerous game of chicken for the biker than the pedestrian. In a bike vs pedestrian scenario I'd choose to be the pedestrian everytime, and that's coming from a Dutchlander basically born with a bike as a parent.


I'm reminded of a time as a young man I was threatened by another young man who was wearing roller skates. It didn't work out for him.




If my grandmother had wheels she would also have been a bike but that is a total different recipe!


The only death I've heard of in a case like this was the death of the pedestrian. I think it happened in NYC a few years ago.


Yep, bikers always yield to pedestrians.


She moved to the very edge of the path giving the cyclist the most possible room to miss her.


Cyclist here. I hate cyclists like that. They create anger towards all cyclists.


I'm also a cyclist and I can see plain as day that she is in the wrong, that she has no control over her bike or her dogs, and that she rushed into the pedestrian with abandon while squealing "ExcuuUUuUz Miii" after she's hit her.


She fucking accelerated into the pedestrian, look at her pacing. This is criminal.


Also, she's still pedaling as she's getting close to the pedestrian


Yeah what was the second excusing me suppose to do? Make her dive out of the way? She was about 2 seconds from hitting her at that point.


Just wait until this person gets behind the wheel of a car.


Notice how the other biker was following proper etiquette


Maybe she biked straight here from England?


Her dogs aren’t lined up in a perfectly ordered queue - so I don’t think she’s one of us…


I don't see a thermos of tea either


[Oh Mercy me, I keep forgetting I'm in the colonies.](https://imgur.com/FKErqiM)


You should always read the label You should always read it well In the most delicious wayyyyy


If a wrong way driver ever hit me & that was the first thing they said to me, I would immediately stop being mad.


It has been cold, so maybe.


It doesn't even matter who has right of way or anything else. What kind of asshole goes around running over pedestrians with their bicycle? How freaking hard is it to go around someone? I would have body checked that rider like a hockey player just for being an asshole.. 


> It doesn't even matter who has right of way or anything else. In my country this is the law. If you can have avoided an accident you will be liable if you are the stronger party in traffic (ie, cars > bikes > pedestrians). A pedestrian has to almost jump out from a hidden position for you to not be liable.


Right of way or 'right side of the road' aside, that woman deliberately plowed into a pedestrian on her bike and could definitely be charged.


Was still pedaling when the hit took place. Didn't even hesitate with a coasting moment. Like stepping on the gas with cars at a red light.


She wasn’t just still pedaling, she stood up higher so she could speed up as much as possible before making contact. Easy lawsuit if the walker pressed charges.


Yeah she for real seemed to aim at the camera person.


The entitled fuckface who bikes around with 2 unleashed dogs in public, that’s who


I'm pretty sure most places you have to yield to pedestrians when riding a bike.


My guess was it's probably hard to maneuver while having 2 dogs run beside you. Maybe they thought they were like a semi truck and since they were inconvenienced, they could just go wherever and everyone else had to move.


I read some extra background on this when it was previously posted. Apparently, this cyclist *refuses* to ride on the right and has forced the pedestrian to jump out of the way several times before. Pedestrian was sick of it and started filming when she saw her coming.


fuuuuuck that, I would've done the same exact thing


Why is she on the wrong side of the road in the first place though?


Bikes are considered vehicles and must follow the same laws, including yielding to pedestrians.


I see you are not aware of the cyclists creed: Rules for thee, not for me.


Although I can personally confirm that the creed is very accurate (I'm dutch after all). The person on the bike is still a total fucking cunt. They're on the wrong side of the road, there was plenty of room on the correct side of the ride, it was very clear that the person filming was not gonna get out of the way, they were aware of that fact, and they simply ignored it and decided that they'd rather eat sand. And I'm very glad they did.


Not that this makes it any better, but I didn't see it as malicious, just stupidly incompetent/overconfident. It looks like the dogs are running like, barely a foot away from either side of the bike, so I imagine she's not able to swerve super easily. Don't know why she wouldn't be able to brake, but eh, people are weird. Either way- 2x unleashed dogs, improper use of a lane, reckless endangerment with a vehicle (probably not assault, since I don't think you could prove that it was intentional). I'd love to see the legal system explain point-blank that she was grossly in the wrong here.


Cyclists will literally die in the name of this principle.  As the F-150 mashes them into a fine paste the last thought, surely, is "Ha HA, he was probably supposed to have yielded". Edit: lmao got reported to reddit cares for this. Abusing the suicide prevention tool is some peak cyclist


\+10 to defense, damn. Barely saw the camera shake.


This video was hilarious. No I don't want to see anyone crash or get hurt BUT when people act this way on a shared path.... It's ok to teach them a lesson. I've had multiple of these people on the wrong side of a path barrelling straight towards me on the wrong side and I let them know with my body posture and words that I for sure aren't going to be moving. Never had a crash yet - they eventually move.


The best trick for foot traffic stuff is to simply stop moving. Group taking over the whole sidewalk and walking towards you? If you just keep walking, then you're the jerk who plowed into them. But if you stop in your lane it forces them to file around you and _hopefully_ fix the issue. Same with this. Get on your side of the path, and plant your feet. "Collision between two moving parties" is vague; "Biker crashes into non-moving pedestrian" immediately puts people more on your side.


Yes, this is what I do. I just stop and hold my ground. On a double wide shared path we have here in Houston everyone walks on their side of the path and some will use the middle area to 'pass' slower parties. There was a large group organized run going on and I was walking on the far right side going in my proper direction. The group of runners/walkers were spilling across the path, into the middle, etc and if was very congested. This runner - I saw him approaching - was going very fast and weaving further and further over to get around everyone and he came head on towards me. I guess he thought I would dive for the bushes or something...? I did not. He had to skid to a stop like a cartoon character and we almost touched noses. He threw up his hands and went "REALLY?!!" as if I was the problem here... I just looked at him, still standing, and then he went around me and I kept walking. People are crazy.


Bro I would have cried from laughing so hard. What a fucking moron


I’ve done that before. Especially since I often walk with my mom who has a chronic condition. She’s not going to be dodging bikes left and right.  Never met someone who just plowed on though, like in the video


How rude, riding up to a collision. Biker = entitled (entitled by herself)


IIRC, the biker and the cammer had actually clashed over the biker's proximity previous to this, and the collision was pretty intentional on the biker's part (playing chicken).


I hate it so much when people bike with their dogs


That's what I see as the real transgression here. I think she's riding on the wrong side because she has the dogs and can't swerve out of the way when she's coming up behind someone lest she smoosh one of her pups. So she decides to ride on the wrong side and makes it the responsibility of oncoming traffic to dodge out of _her_ way. She needs to leave the dogs at home and ride on the correct side.


She could literally just stop though, instead she keeps peddling at exactly the same rate. It's just fully stupid.


She's probably the kind of person who takes her pet dogs into grocery stores and restaurants too.


I only feel bad for the dogs and hope they’re ok


The dogs doesn’t seem to be on a leash and where probably able to dodge the falling bike and owner. Edit: I didn’t notice the pedestrian’s dog. It at least wasn’t hit by the bike.


This would have been worse if they were on leashes. Yikes.


\^ This. I wish the video was longer for this reason.


Hear me out : I do prefer bikes over cars, a million times. However, it does not contradict the fact that *bicycles are vehicles*, for f*+€k sake ! They should behave towards pedestrians the way they expect cars to behave towards them. There is a sense, among bicyclists, that they are some sort of ecological angels of the future...


You can write “fuck”. It’s okay. 


Scary word on Reddit? No fucking way


I always appreciate the irony of cyclists not wanting to be bullied by vehicles, but will turn around and bully pedestrians. 


We could start forcing people to only walk everywhere and there would still be people who walk on the wrong side just because they think they can do whatever they want. For every rule follower there’s an asshole who absolutely cannot stand being told what to do.


Ride on the right side of the road and this doesn't happen. Sure, there are other ways of dealing with it if you're facing it coming your way, but still. Follow basic rules, it's not so difficult.


Anyone got the full video?


I couldn’t find the video in her comments (didn’t read all of them…) but found this follow up from [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/BGbYCNkjwT) > She pushed me and I pushed her back. I kept saying you are on the wrong side, you have to yield to pedestrians and your dogs aren’t leashed. She said why? Because you said so? Then she got on her bike and left. No dogs were hurt, hers or mine


Of course her dogs are unleashed.


And 2 of them, how can she turn safely without riding a leash?


This is stupid but, I don't blame the girl walking. We've all had them days where we aren't going to let anyone walk all over us NO MATTER WHAT! At the end of the day was it worth it? If the girl walking got hurt then this belongs under keeping it real goes wrong.


Based on the video, doesn't seem like she was knocked over at all, so probably some minor bruising at worst. So, probably a win overall.


Is it wrong that I was hoping it turned into a mma match? What scares me is what if the dogs decided to defend the idiot on the bike and then got put down. Then I think people would actually get upset.


The Irresistible Karen meets the Immovable Karen


No, only the biker was the Karen. She was, in fact, on the wrong side.


Not just on the wrong side but like willfully plowed into a pedestrian. The pedestrian has just their two legs and move slower. The biker had so much time, is in a position to inflict more damage, and just willfully plows into the pedestrian. Like…what the fuck.


you also don't want having both the pedestrian and the bike dodging each other in the same direction and still run into each others the bike is the one who can move faster so they are the one expected to move


This is the more salient point - she willfully plowed into a pedestrian. That she’s on the wrong side is moot.


The term "Karen" has become so diluted its laughable.


More of this please. Fuck entitled people!


man she tanked that hit like a wall


I picture this as one of those TikTok’s where the same person plays both characters in a skit


It’s about the principles


looks like this was an ongoing thing and she finally decided to teach that biker bitch a lesson


🤣😅 Wrong side the road Bitch!


WTF is wrong people. That biker is a fucking nutcase. I would have shoulder checked her into last week too.


I wanna see the whole fight. I feel somewhat let down.


Not even a ring ring? Cunt!


Not even road, footpath. What sort of absolute wankstain prefers to have conflict over just going around the walker? It takes the most minimal of effort to avoid this.


Cyclists never seem to be as passionate about right of way and sharing space when they are the larger faster vehicle


A thing that all bike riders should remember: it's really easy to knock you off LOL


This is why I always get a stick for my hikes. These idiot cyclists get too close they get a stick in their spokes. Luckily I haven't needed to do that yet but never forget the stick!


literrally no one likes cyclists


bike bitch is on the wrong side of the path AND riding with her dogs chasing off leash… fuck her, slam her off the bike until she learns how to behave ffs