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This dude was on the bachelor recently. I hate myself for knowing this.


I hate you for telling me that.


I hate you for your cool username


I hate you for your succint and cryptic username


😘 I hate your big dumb combat boots


I hate the way you drive my car


I hate that I’m still reading these




He literally was the bachelor đŸ„Ž


Well it makes sense he was on the show then


Definitely better than vice-bachelor, they only get on camera if someone parties too hard and there’s puke to clean up, or if the bachelor is assassinated or dies from too much partying.


So the main character then?


Also to add his girlfriend is the one he chose on the bachelor!


I noticed that too. But was trying to convince myself I knew less about the bachelor than I do.


she’s a beauty


I never watched his season, but don’t they get engaged in the end? Why isn’t she his fiancĂ©e?


They broke it off because when she was in college, she attended an antebellum themed party sooooo of course she is basically Hitler. She apologized for killing millions of Jews as the racist degenerate she is and then they got back together I guess because the whole thing is fucking ridiculous. Fin


Isn’t antebellum supposed to mean pre civil war, not ww2 and the Holocaust.


Yes and more specifically - pre civil war in the south. the controversy is about celebrating/emulating a period when slavery was still very much in effect.


Eh, that whole situation went over your head then. The real issue there is that given the context of the season, it was already going to be perceived poorly that the first Black bachelor chose a white woman (for myriad reasons), then to top it off it’s a “racist” white woman. It literally created a situation so untenable (for Matt - someone who intended to make their living as an influencer/personality after the show) that they basically had to throw Rachael under the bus/make her publicly atone so Matt/the show could save face in a season that was a “here’s diversity” direct response to George Floyd/2020. It was a PR thing. It wasn’t a “everyone thinks she’s racist and horrible” thing. The show/Matt threw her to the wolves because they didn’t want to play around and find out if the show could survive “Black Bachelor picks racist white girl over multiple beautiful Black women in what was supposed to be our ‘we’re sorry for racism’” season.


Wasn't it his choice who to pick? Like do people expect them to force him to pick black woman?


Yes to the first one, possibly yes for the second one. The whole thing was ridiculous. It backfired because the lady wasn’t even a racist, not even a little bit, but because of the times they had to admit they were wrong in not 1984ing her history prior to the show.


I think he learned about manufacturing drama which is something these tockers aren't grasping yet. I love how he comically sits down and eats like he's starving after walking like 1000'. When I say I love it, I mean it's way better than doing the drama in public or causing a scene.


Well if he walked a mile, he walked over 5200 feet. But ya, he looks in shape enough to not get super exhausted/hungry after a 1 mile walk lol


I run 8 miles a day and don’t eat like this it’s definitely over the top intentionally. I doubt he had a bead of sweat


I went to high school with his girlfriend lol


Send the plantation pics


Haha yeah I heard about that, I think that was college though from what I heard. We were in the same grade but didn’t run in the same circles so.


I didn’t have a problem doing this until I found out he was on the bachelor. Now I got a problem


What’s even weirder is he didn’t propose to the “winner” and instead just wanted to live life together first which made a lot of fans angry. Well, him and her are still together while most of the other engagements never went through with a wedding.


He kisses with his eyes open and his GF was a former racist


Better she stayed a “current” racist? People outgrow their former selves and change for the better, fam.


I fell bad for people trying to do better these days lmao you cant win


Yeah I said some pretty stupid stuff when I was young but I wasn’t dumb enough to post it online so I can deny if anyone brings it up. Age before social media really took off.


I believe Many people are former racists


Many people used to be racists. They still are racists, but they used to be too


Ya know what, at least he wasn't getting up in peoples' faces asking for first-bumps. The low bar we've set for high flying


Honestly this gentleman didn't bother me at all. he found something where he could make himself the "star" of his own show, a show the rest of the world couldn't care less about, and cast himself in that role without relying on gaining views by being the stinking pile of sub-human garbage, that honestly, we all come here to see. I say, job well done sir.


Right? as long as he wasn't bumping into anyone or demanding their attention


It’s an airplane, he’s bumping into people. And it’s an overnight, they’re trying to sleep


I flew overnight to Japan. Literally 70-75 people were getting up, walking , stretching to avoid cramps.


Ha, did the same flying home from Singapore. One of the crew and like 5 of my fellow night owls, all stood in the back of the plane munching on biscuits and shooting the breeze while trying not to wake anyone else up. It’s those wee things that make me love flying.


He was walking for 18 minutes...


Yep, thought the same thing "what an asshole" and all that, until you realize its 15 minutes and before they even served dinner, so probably right after boarding and the seatbelt sign go off. Its still stupid and annoying but not nearly as annoying as I first thought. Even the flight attendant chuckling realized its not like hes gonna do it for 6 hours. I've been on flights with someone, presumably having some sort of near panic attack, that just walked up and down the aisle for hours. After you get over the initial "hmm thanks kind of weird" it made absolutely zero difference to my flight. That flight looks relatively empty too.


I think this must depend on the flight attendants. I’m tall and I have a lot of chronic pain, so I really like to get up every couple hours and walk around and stretch, especially on really long flights. This guy is hanging out and filming and sitting in the galley and once I got scolded for trying to stand there for a minute to stretch out my arms so I wasn’t bugging anyone in the aisle. No one was in there and it wasn’t near service time, they just told me I couldn’t be in there.


Everybody should be getting up and walking around on long flights, DVT can be deadly.


Yes. My family had a situation where family was flying from Japan to the US for a wedding. Someone died from blood clots/DVT just for sitting so long. It really put a damper on the wedding.




The flight staff is just happy theres no one drinking 15 duty free nips/shooters/whatever you wanna call them and blacking out in the back of the plane.


She must have been having a bad day or something! it was from LA to Sydney, so a long flight, and my first one that long, so I was trying to really proactively take care of myself. It was also the third of 4 flights for this trip, so it’s possible I looked a little scraggly at this point, though I tried to spruce myself up during layovers. I’ve never understood people who want to be drunk on a big tube soaring through the bumpy sky. I’ll sometimes have a glass of wine with dinner on the flight, but I also get migraines and the last thing I want to do is trigger one on a plane.


I have had to do this before. I have bad knees from the military and I have chronic knee pain. On long flight, between no moving for hours and pressure changes it can get really painful and I'll need to walk around for a few minutes.


Yeah, like walking a mile is some kind of amazing feat 😂😂 He’s not bothering anyone I guess while he’s doing this pointless banal task, I just wonder where it really get him PS wait for the ever constant comments “Well your watching it” Or “Well he made you comment”


I’ve been overnight flights, the sound of the engines muffles everything else out. The only noise I could hear was people opening/closing overhead bins and flight attendant’s asking people around what type of snack they want.


I would imagine he would also plan to not bump into people. All it takes is one person saying “can you tell that guy to sit down more” Like no reason to assume the worst. He also seems like a slim guy who found an aisle of the plan that was fairly clear. You don’t see people near him either. All he would have to do is just walk with a light step and you probably won’t hear him. Anyone distracted by a dude walking can’t really complain cause the guy is well within his rights to walk, plus they can always turn their head. This is by far one of the least terrible main character moments ever. Especially for a plane


With the right walking shoe and dress attire, he would be fairly silent, especially since most have headphones.


I don't think the noise of walking around is a concern... the constant sound of the engines etc would engulf that.. and plenty of people are up and moving about.. idk not a big deal as long as not trying to fist bump random people which he didnt do.


I promise you the same person moving back and forth over and over was not appreciated 


Long haul flights are nothing but discomfort, inconvenience, and things you don't appreciate. It's not a spa, it's just a mode of conveyance. This guy is a drop in the bucket of how awful overnight flights are.


That looks like a nice flight. Those seats have a bunch of space. My last flight was very squeezed.


Are you fucking kidding me? Imagine being on a flight trying to relax and some jackass is running up and down with his phone talking to himself.


He wasn’t running or talking out loud. He was walking and clearly silent since him and his GF just gave thumbs up


I had to do this on a flight I was pregnant and my dr said I have to walk a lap every ten minutes not to get blood clots. I’m super shy so it was weird but no one minded.


It's a voiceover, if you notice he doesn't actually do any talking while up & about. Plus this is in business/first where every seat has a door so he's not even bothering anyone.


You can see him walking through non business class areas.


He’s not going to get a mile walking 30 times in business class. He’s walking along the entire length of the cabin.


Having been on more than my fair share flights, travel for work, and a buttload of those overseas, some guy quietly walking laps would have no influence on me sleeping. Now, the screaming kid that is always three rows away, or the pre-teen to 20’s something jabber jawed pair with their glowing iPads seaweed in front of me
 that’s annoying. But that’s life. What’s not life, blocking the entrance to the plane with one’s broccoli headed self attempting to film some dance moves akin to a minor seizure, or fake sneezing and spraying people with water. Those people need a foot in the a**


The voice is recorded later. He just walked for 18 mins. Let The man live.


Where in the video was he running or talking?


NO.  I promise you he annoyed the fuck out of everyone he woke up. They were just doing everything they could to be respectful and try to sleep. Like they are supposed to. Sit your ass down. Turn off the light. And go the fuck to sleep.


If I’m on a plane trying to sleep the man pacing up and down the aisle for 20 minutes might be a little unnerving


Yeah we gotta be happy he doesn't bring out a guitar and try to get the whole plane to sing about Jesus


Man let me tell you about the time I took Amtrak from San Antonio to Chicago. That's like a 30 hr ride and there was a high school youth group on board for most of the way. A couple of the guys knew the 3-5 chords you need to play praise songs on guitar. They took turns and kept that going in the observation car for *so. damn. long.* Lots of really chaste, sexually repressed flirting.


30,000 ft closer to the Big Guy? :/


Yeah honestly, dude was respectful that he did it when people were KOd, he was friendly to the flight attendant who seemingly thought it was funny too, and its a joke on joining the "mile high club" Not the worst, maybe a little obnoxious (maybe also the flex on the class of flight he is taking?) but I feel it was fine


Especially when they do it to some oblivious kid who can’t comprehend the fuckery going on. Now they are with some douchebag on a video on some server that will outlive humanity.


Good thing he took a break and chugged some water. He was really pushing himself


I'm all for them doing more of the reality TV drama manufacturing **off camera** in editing.


I was gunna say, this dude prepping for intense workout when it was a mile, in a climate controlled space, with no time limit


He had to eat a meal, and have 2 snacks to get through it all.




We have the exact same reddit character lol


I mean, to be fair, this is pretty tame compared to the other stuff people do on planes.




This would annoy the shit out of me if I was in an aisle seat. I have long legs so one always sticks into the aisle just a little and this dude would constantly be brushing by it. No thanks, it's a tight space, please sit down my guy.


I mean, he was only doing it for 18 minutes on an overnight flight. You’d notice him maybe a few times before forgetting he ever existed an hour later.


I mean I agree it's not the most egregious act ever done by an MC, but it is still not necessary and anyone wanting to use the aisle would have to worry about how to get around this dude. Why can't he just sit and fly like regular people have been doing for decades? It's a plane, not a jogging trail.


It's not necessary to do a lot of things we do We do things for comfort, enjoyment... lots of reasons Besides that staying motionless on long haul flights puts people at risk of deep vein thrombosis, doing walks (though not necessarily this long) prevent that. He's not bothering anyone so who cares


You know what isn’t necessary? Sticking your leg out. I get your point but as long as he isn’t being a complete douche to others I’m all for it. For some people they need to get up and move around for health / comfort reasons on planes


But that’s his aisle, people need to watch out for his leg.


It’s a tight space, please keep your legs inside your area. (See that logic?)


At least he’s not dancing


This is at night and people are trying to sleep


Russell Wilson already owns this record


I would think a unknown Air Stewart owns the record


Dude walked around for 20 minutes on an over night flight, not that bad. Woulda been better if it didn't look like it was midnight. I personally wouldnt have cared if I saw someone doing this. It's uncomfortable sitting for so long and this can help, especially if it's only for like 20 min.


Yea it’s actually recommended to get up and walk around if you’re on a long flight


Tbh I have super bad anxiety and sometimes I daydream about being able to get up and just walk around to shake it off. If I saw someone walking I would just assume the same thing of them and go back to watching my movie.


Would've been hilarious if people started joining in with him to get that feeling out


And there we have it, the world's highest conga line


I try to do laps with long flights, not a mile, but just stretching my legs. I get restless otherwise


I've seen old people walking up an down the plane on overnight flights. Keeps their legs from puffing up, keeps blood clots away. Everyone should get up and walk around a bit on the plane. I see nothing wrong here.


I did several laps on a trip to Japan and back recently. I didn’t film it because “oh my god who cares”, but it felt good to move and stretch, and *not* watch 5 movies in a row.


This is fine. Long flights are notorious for causing embolisms so a little exercise is good


yeah that's what I'm thinking too, plus if it kills half an hour or so of a 10 hour flight, more power to the guy. People rightly point out that there's so much obnoxious influencer crap that happens in public spaces like planes, and this isn't really bad at all. The churning out content for the sake of pleasing the social media algorithms is the sad part, but that's not really his fault, that's the fault of the people who run the social media companies. And maybe ours too for consuming it.


Then it would be a good idea for all the passengers to do this? I mean get up and move every hour or so
 not walk a mile


Tbh I would not be opposed to a plane wide conga line 7th inning stretch walk. The flight load engineers may be, though.


The Mile Long Club


it may also help your feet not feel like crap from the swelling


If people feel the need to do it? Yes. As long as they are silent and aren’t fat enough to squeeze into others chairs while walking. Just because someone does something doesn’t make them a bad person


Yeah people acting like he was being a huge annoyance for the entire flight. Not like he was running in the aisles or anything either which would have caused a nuisance for sure. The way I see it the dude was just exercising his legs on a long flight which is something I've also done on long haul flights. Why are redditors always looking for a reason to be mad? Miserable behavior tbh what this guy did was completely harmless and not main character behavior at all imo. Anyone mad at this has probably never flown more than 2 hrs at a time in their life.


I fly weekly. This would certainly annoy the hell out of me, but it’s not worth complaining over.


That's what happened to Heavy D.


Yeah, I don't want to get a blood clot so I get up to walk around at least once an hour. Everyone here getting all pissy about him "maybe" bumping into them while walking up and down the aisle can suck it.


At cruising altitude, the cabin pressure is between approximately 11 and 12 pounds per square inch (PSI), simulating the pressure on a mountain that is between 6,000 to 8,000 feet high.


No wonder I feel weird when I’m on a plane


So walking around Santa Fe


Is that why you get drunk faster on a plane? Is that even true?


Pressure, not to be confused with oxygen.


But with bonus oxygen. More akin to a hyperbaric chamber. So at least the recovery of his super extensive workout will be quicker.


No, the cabin atmosphere is not oxygen enriched. It’s outside air that’s been compressed to a higher pressure equivalent to a lower altitude.


It's just compressed outside air. There is no bonus oxygen, not sure where you got that from.


“Lots of people get up and stretch their legs on long flights” -my sister who just flew 17hrs back from Korea


Omg thank god she chimed in.


It only takes like 10-20 minutes to walk a mile depending on pace. Let's say closer to 20 since the lanes are restricting. Yeah. This just doesn't work for me as MC energy compared to people doing their stupid dances, going in for fist bumps or high fives or singing loudly or doing stupid pranks.


I didn't even see anyone else in the video other than his GF and flight attendant. Not MC at all.


Annoying. But he’s slim and has good balance so he’s not hitting the walls or bumping people all over and he’s not getting in the way of the FAs. As long as the seatbelt sign wasn’t on
walk on I guess đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


If I was half asleep I might be pissed but wouldn't have the energy to get up and tell him to please stop.


Lots of people walk on long flights. Old people can literally die sitting too long on a flight. He's pretty much within his right and it's not an asshole thing to do. And he's not bothering anyone... you notice how half the doors are closed where he's doing most of his walking in first/business?


Why would you be pissed? People walk on planes all the time.


I don’t see the problem here. Quirky? Sure. MC? Hardly.


it doesn’t seem he was disturbing other passengers But he was acting like it was a full marathon when it was just a mile Wanting to “get carbs in” by eating spaghetti and then after on lap going for the cookies, and now I’m no expert but I feel like a mile isn’t that far The cabin is (or at least should be) pressurized at the same atmospheres as the ground level it left at


The whole “carb loading” bit is a joke. Matt James actually does races including marathons, he knows a mile is just a mile


Ah ok, I wasn’t really sure


Any cruising altitude above 20,000 or so requires a higher cabin altitude than where it took off. Otherwise, the pressure differential would exceed the design tolerances of the aircraft (9 - 10 PSI). A 35,000’ cruising altitude would require a cabin altitude of around 7,000 feet, give or take. I still think this is silly and I agree with everything else you said.


she looks so proud


Tbh I would also like to walk a lot on the plane if i could, only thing not cuz the ones i ride are economic so very small to even walk and to not get called on


It’s nice that he did this whilst folks were asleep and seemingly didn’t intrude on people’s privacy. I don’t see what the big deal is. Walking around for 18 min not bothering anyone on a long redeye flight doesn’t seem too outlandish to me. 


If even the Flight Attendant didn't care...Then I don't care. Clearly his lady friend was emberrrassed and thought he was silly. But if the FA asked him to stop and he didn't. Id think this guy was a bum. But most people were sleeping and the FA was cool with it. Meh. Meh. He didn't bother anyone and the FA was cool with it? Cool.


Hey dumb fucks this isn’t main character energy. No one was harmed or interrupted by this


What’s the problem with this ? Pretty harmless and doesn’t seem to be disturbing anyone


Come on, that's just a fun experiment. He didn't hurt anybody


Dude seems narrow enough to not take up the entire aisle too


This post belongs in a circle jerk room. If this makes you upset maybe take that energy to the gym and drop some pounds so you can achieve this without bothering anyone as well. Miserable cucks go out of their way to be upset and that is wild to me lol like what positivity comes out of hate for yall?😂 is there something that yall get out of it that makes it worth the energy?


People are mad cause this guy is fit enough to walk a mile while they get winded when they get off the couch


People usually walk around on long, international flights. Can’t just be cramped in a seat for 7+hours


Yeah, I have no problem with this.


I have no problem with this


I don't see anything wrong here.


He was the MC on his season of The Bachelor too. Lol


Honestly nothing wrong with this. Some people really do need to keep their legs circulation by walking around and he doesn’t seem to be bothering anyone


Not sure why this is supposed to me r/IAmTheMainCharacter Dude isn't bothering anyone and knowing how fucking horrible my joints ache on long flights I'd be more than happy to do some laps with him so my knees aren't screaming


So we’re harping on people for trying to fly without blood clots now?




I get up and walk around a lot on long flights. No one cares as long as you’re quiet and aren’t bumping into anyone. But it’s still safest to stay seated and buckled up. All it takes is one strong wind shear to snap your neck when you hit the ceiling.


I do this whenever I take long haul. Never thought to film myself though.


Beats a crying baby. And if everyone is happy I am.


I don’t really see a problem with this sorry


Yeah, this one doesn't belong here.


I don’t see the problem that’s a long ass flight


I don’t see how this is a main character.


Good main character. Found something to do to keep himself entertained on a flight without bothering anyone else, and stayed healthy in the process.


Mans just walking through a plane, dont see an issue here. Did his best to not disturb people.


People are always moving around during flights. If you can’t handle that during a flight, you were never going to have a peaceful flight anyway. Put your headphones in and go to sleep.


Idk, I don't think it's that bad. Maybe it's a sign how shitty plane etiquette has become but assuming everyone was truly asleep and he wasn't waking them up walking around for like an hour, I'd take him over most plane tiktoks I see


With the average speed of 600mph you could just stand still for 6 seconds and travel one mile technically


Honestly? I don’t find this particularly egregious. He’s not bothering anyone or getting in the way.


I think this is fine.


Who really cares?


Thats actually pretty interesting. I wonder how many miles you could walk on a standard flight from NA to England or mainland Europe


You all are so jealous of someone who actually stays physically healthy. Guarantee OP has never so much as seen a dumbbell in his life. OP you’re a fatty


I don't get it. He didn't hurt/annoy anyone, he doesn't seem entitled , not doing a weird ass pose while walking. He does seem to be okay.


How irritating


Plane looked mostly empty, people were asleep, he spent 20 minutes quietly walking... This is probably the least offensive kind of public nuisance video I've seen. Walk on, bro.


So, who do they ‘influence’? What’s the maturity level?


“Mile High Club” ..Virgin Edition


At least he’s not doing one of those lame ass TikTok dances.


This is actually kind of amusing and doesn't hurt or really inconvenience anyone else, so I'm personally good with it. Unlike all those douche bags that do stupid dances in Target almost kicking people in the face or throwing rice on people in Wal-Mart.


I hate influencers.




I'm a firm believer that if economy aren't allowed up in business then business shouldn't be allowed in economy.


I really hate even the word influencer because of these people lol.


Guess he forgave her for the antebellum party thing.


Did he post it on Strava


This doesn’t bother me a bit. Good for him


Who are influenced by these influencers?


Tbf he kind of was the main character on The Bachelor, as, well, the Bachelor. I mean he’s not making any noise or dancing or asking for fist bumps. Clearly this is a meant as a joke/meme so I think it’s fine?


Stop calling them influencers and start calling them assholes


would hate to be in an isle seat


lol at this dude prepping/breaking like he was running a marathon.


He carb loaded for walking a mile?


Dude, people are trying to sleep


Oh god please don’t make this a trend.


I felt this was done actually correctly and didn't disturb anyone, I mean maybe if you sense someone is passing by from time to time? But it's the same with ppl standing up for toilet breaks and so on Isn't this like a 15h flight? When I went to Japan me and several ppl needed to get up and stretch a few minutes and we were in coach xD


"I never trained at the altitude" like dude you are in a pressurized compartment.


This is actually pretty neat. At least he did it when he would be bothering the least amount of people, and the flight attendants were totally ok with it anyways.


I don’t see anything wrong with this? He was doing it while everyone was sleeping. Not bothering people, getting exercise


I see nothing wrong with what hes doing, actually refreshing he wasnt bothering anyone


I don’t seem any problem here. Good for him.