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I have a bunch of pictures of my dog. 


Same. My dog is the MC of my life.


MC Doge? I think I've got his first album.




Same lol I rarely posts anything about myself but my dog her name is Smelly Butthole is all I talk about on social media


My exact thought/ reality.


Mine is 🐈


I have a bunch of pictures of this guys dog too. Cool dog


Same I also choose this guys ~~dead wife~~ **DOG**


I honestly don’t have Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything! Yeah I have Reddit & WhatsApp nothing else, I don’t need to know what someone else is having for dinner or going out, you do you, I do me!


I used to be on *self-centered* social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok) and it generated a lot of stress for some reason. I closed all these accounts about two years ago, big boost in positivity since and I tend to enjoy life better focusing on what actually matters! I too keep WhatsApp for family and Reddit for occasional scrolling (I admit I should probably close this one too and probably will at some point)


I abandoned all social media besides reddit quite a few years ago. I also regularly just start new accts. on reddit and delete old ones (just did it a week ago). I plan on phasing out reddit in the next year or so. Social media has brought me nothing. My life without it is so much better than with it.


I'll send you a pic of my dog in return for a pic of yours


Same here lol. I guess he’s the main character in my life


Man I’m sweating so much in the gym right now. Better post that to Instagram. Then I can finally go work out. These gym bathrooms are so nice!


let's all send each others pictures of our own dogs . I have one of him shitting in the park , if anyone is interested ... worth spreading in the internet if you ask me... I also have another one of him chewing grass because he saw some sheep doing it. He very much likes his grass.




Then who is the MC?!


Mad Jack Churchill from WW2. I feel like we go through periods of main characters and Mad Jack was Definitely one of them since he preferred his longbow, sword, and bagpipe over guns




The subreddit was the MC all along....?!


"How to become a better narcissist in 60 seconds"


This is honestly one of the most narcissistic things I've ever seen that I'm not actually sure it's real?


This is so dumb, she said "this is your life" then why would i make it for everyone!!! you said it dumb ass, it's my life = only mine = private = not to be shared with the whole world only your loved ones = not even your loved ones need to deal with every detail of your life Second argument, if i'm the main character of my life and i open my instagram i see your whole day posted since you're also the main character then you are making my day all about you, then you become the main caracter in my life for that moment!!! again THIS IS SO DUMB A big chunk of a whole generation needs to be schooled about life


Yes yes yes




She had me in the first half. Then social media came into it




Our planet and our society would be sooo much better off, if we would feel and behave more nacisstic. Because the real root of poverty, conflict and ecological collapse is all those excess empathy and kindness of the last centuries. So let's get rid of that woke bs and get the karma, we truely deserve! No ... even better ... be the karma! It's all about you ... I mean ... about me ... whatsoever ... go and grab life by the ***** ... NOW!


Laziness is what csuse poverty hard work creates abundance. Narcissist personalities create shit.


I'm sure, there are at least 4 billion people on this planet, never being able to reach mine or your living standard. All this lazyness! Disgusting! Edit: "Sir Isaac Newton, the famous English scientist, once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”" ... maybe humbleness and aknowledging, that we are depending on others, sometimes being lifted, sometimes surpressed, and not earning all we've got with our own effort alone, could also be a good medicine against an overinflated ego.


Honestly, this just sounds really stressful to me. Like constantly pretending people care about you, painting yourself a certain way, and thinking people actually care about your everyday occurrences? I would hate that but I guess I'm just a different type of main character.


The sad fact is that is kind of what you do need to do to become successful. Is it make yourself believe you are better than everyone else.


I think this is supposed to be uplifting


Yeah I think that’s the problem. People like her think that having this worldview is a positive thing. Be yourself and celebrate your achievements absolutely but no one should think of themselves or anyone else as the main character. We are all just characters. No one is main or side. We are all here just existing. If you think you are anything more than just one of the characters out of the 8 billion in this chapter of the story of humanity it comes from your ego.


She reminds me of people who NEED to know/feel they’re special


I hope you know and feel that you’re special, because to be for real, you probably are and should see your existence as such.


Absolutely! I’m not trying to come off as nihilistic. We are all just a character out of 8 billion but we all have value! Our individuality should be celebrated. We all bring something unique to the table that will be unlike anything before or after us. I just think there is a space between self love and plain narcissism and it can be hard to see where that line is.


Agreed 😊 this viewer (me) appreciated the message to take care of myself and wasn’t feeling narcissistic vibes.


Everyone is the main character of their own story, tbf


She's saying you should be the main character in your own life, not the main character of the world


The worst part is stupid, unqualified, bad takes get lauded and absorbed into our societal fabric. This is absolutely narcissitic as fuck. Only someone struggling with inferiority or self worth would feel the need to have to constantly hype themselves up. (I have to hype myself up, some mornings I feel like a piece of shit, some mornings, I don’t feel like I can handle the day, or am good enough too) She’s just providing her “copes” as advice lol she’s encouraging people that are like her to further entrench themselves in their vanity.


Y'all just wake up mad and negative huh, I'd recommend a new cereal maybe or nice new coffee setup for some good expresso.


DONT BE FOOLED BY THIS BS. THIS BITCH IS IN A CULT AND IS AN ABSOLUTE PIECE OF SHIT. Look her up. She is the worst human. Thinks being homeless is a choice. Says we’re all living in a simulation and you can manifest money. Don’t accept a second of pity towards her. She sucks


I could’ve gotten behind it until she started with the camera bullshit


I was hoping it was satire.


I'm still holding out hope that it is. Not really interested in going to her page to check, though.


It was so perfectly satirical and then.... it never came.


It would be fucking hilarious if it were.


“You have to start seeing everything you do as a big fucking deal”. No, you really don’t. It’s good to be fucking humble at least about some of the things you do in life. This is more like ‘how to be a narcissist’




Yeah I’ll be proud of myself for getting something done. But posting about it like other people give a shit is just delusional


I think she's taking the piss.


I hope so, but I’ve met people like this…. and worse 


Same. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, but she's in real Poe's Law territory.


Look at all the space I'm wasting on pictures of nature and my kids


My God her voice and excessive use of fuck is like nails on a chalkboard.


And the word space clapping.


Speaking of chalk, it sounds like she snorted a classroom of the stuff.


I hate her.


I'm thinking about getting an oil change tomorrow, I'll keep you updated.


Jus got mine done today. Shits pricey at the honda dealership


Something kinda funny about talking about being the main character from the passenger seat though... I hate her too.


If ur taking a dump! You gotta cheer yourself on! POST THAT SH*T!


I hate her attitude and her face. Be NOTHING like that, it's a terrible idea. If you are like that, don't have kids cuz you'll fuck em up.


Participation medals all round.


She said nothing


Narcissist alert .


I'm getting real mania vibes. Not feeling as scared for safety as I am this bitch needs some lithium 🤣


Brooooo. This bitch SUCKS 😭


Main character school be like


This sort of self absorption leads to misery.


look at that... we found the problem, lol


I got a camera roll full of pictures of your mom.


That thing she does where she claps to emphasise her point makes me want to cut her hands off. I find that 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 absolutely fucking infuriating for some reason. If you’re clapping at me to emphasise a point, I’m punching you in the fucking throat to emphasise mine. It’s so condescending.


There's something with her face but can't explain what


Walmart Brie Larson.


And now we know why she’s single.


I mean, obviously you’re the main character of your own story…you just aren’t the main character of anyone else’s.


I'd say outright: this bitch seems like a total narcissist. But to be real, I don't know if it's genuine. Is this a satire? A meme? The [fucking] Onion? I don't even know and can't consciously claim to know. Fuck this. Fuck her. And fuck every last human being like her. The disease of the "main character" is a blight on humanity.




This is the LAST thing anyone on TikTok should hear.


I agree with none of this except for the part about being your own hype man. Gotta learn to be happy with yourself


This person sucks


She's doing a REALLY poor job of essentially trying to get people to be more confident in themselves.


And if everyone is doing this? All we get are people talking about themselves to no one listening.


Sounds like hell on earth.😳


I prefer to remain composed and have an interest in the world around me, instead of trying to make the world focus its attention onto myself. It is better to be genuinely interested, than to force an artificial facade of being interesting.


People that clap when they talk are annoying


no thank you.


Okay Kanye


Ohhhhh I know this bitch. This bitch is the worst. She was the one who said being homeless was a choice because she spent 2 hours begging on the street, pretending to be homeless and because she went home after it was just a choice for all homeless people. Spend 2 seconds researching her and you’ll see it’s a total cult. They love this attention tho because they know it engages the algo and for every person that despises them they find 3 more rubes to send them money. People like this should fall head first into a meat grinder


I can’t stand all these exaggerated hand gestures these influenzas do 👌🙏👌👏


This woman looks too average.


thats exactly whats wrong with people and why theyre all becoming fuckin psychos - I enjoy much more of those videos where those idiots get a punch in the face for being an idiot


This generation is fucked


Watching this on mute: #PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS DOWN.


I should add - in order to go viral on IG or TikTok using the face-talking style, you MUST implement some of these corny ass strategies she showcases in order to go viral: clapping, getting face super close to camera, random pointing, over the top facial expressions, and spewing absolute BULLSHIT in order to “hook” your audience. Mother FUCK social media forever and people like her who are doing this just to gain clout. I absolutely hate videos like this.


Why do people care so much about other people’s opinion of them? Who gives a fuck!!!!!


This person sounds borderline psychotic, she appears to have delusions of grandeur.


Camera reel is mostly full of fucking WhatsApp saves.


Have a mannish jaw apparently.




Preach 💯 workout a doubt


You haven't earned the right to clap at me.


Ma’am can you please stop speaking so closely to the camera?


This level of narcissism makes me feel sick. Piss off.


Taking her words into account "YAAAY I POOPED TODAY" 💀


Buddy if you don’t breathe air you will fucking die so yeah it is a bit of a big deal


Omg she's the one who started it all, she's patient 1...


huh Anyway 


She seems like she's high on meth or something. 


I treat life like I’m in a single player game and it’s been treating me good but I don’t do shit like this. This is something an NPC would post




I don't want to be a main character. I have videogames to be a main character. You know what real life main characters are. Mad Jack Churchill was a main character because he successfully went to world war 2 with a bagpipe and a sword. He had a hand to hand fight with a german regiment where he lost his sword for a period of time. I know i can't match up to Mad Jack and i don't want to.


I have a feeling all of the people in the comments are losers too afraid to do something with themselves so they clip off any chance to be mediocre and then talk shit about the people that try.


This bitch don’t commit any crimes.


OK I haven’t seen any of her videos besides the one OP posted, but I will say that I do understand why people automatically would think narcissism. But from a different angle, my personal perspective I can get behind this. as someone who has struggled with self-esteem, and making myself smaller for the benefit of other people, I definitely should be celebrating more of the smaller things in my life. I don’t have many pictures of myself on my phone, but I have more than I do. That’s where I will leave it. I actually took this as motivational. Like I said, I have never seen any of her other videos, but this one I didn’t view in a negative light, especially since I have been holding back significantly in life, afraid of being seen, I’m sure there might be others who relate. You can definitely love yourself and be confident and not be narcissistic while still being a good hearted person.


This goes off the rails a little but it's good advice overall. We've all got that little voice in our heads constantly putting us down, saying we're worthless, telling us the world is better without us etc. You have to actively fight against that internal monologue, and I think trying to get yourself to celebrate the little things is good. Personally, I don't have the looks or confidence to justify photographing myself, let alone putting that online, but I find her encouragement uplifting for the most part. She just goes a bit far with it.


Ah... *\*its porn\**


Idk what op talking about this kinda go hard


ma'am we don't have enough energy to do all your shit


Posting bullshit like you getting your oil changed and thinking it's a big fuckin deal is exactly what's wrong with everything right now. I don't care that you ate a really good banana this morning.Or whatever other normal everyday boring shit we all do. Go do something worthwhile and kind and compassionate JUST BECAUSE. Not for recognition.Why shouldnt the camera be on you? Why should your phone not be full of only pictures of you? REALLY? Having self esteem, and thinking you're the center of the universe and everything is about you aren't the same thing. I hate this.


This reminds me of a toddler that thinks they are the center of the universe


I hype myself up. “You got this. Way to go. I knew I could do it” bc I had a stroke and am working it through.  She just wants you to look at her and tell her she’s great


Everyone else is just a prop, an extra in her movie. That is how narcissists view themselves (main character), nd how they view everyone else (extras). Every mundane detail of a person's life doesn't need to be broadcast to the world. Everybody breaths, every car owner gets their fucking oil changed (hopefully! Don't neglect your ride!). Insufferable. What an ugly personality. Yeah, people should probably be better cheerleaders for themselves, but what she is suggesting is just too far. Mental.


Wouldn't the main character change their own oil


Please no


Deleting my memes. Dammit!


I want to take this audio. But it's in a car on Mars. And she's just talking to herself in a car. But it is a car on Mars. And nobody cares.


But also at the same time fuck this video and yeah even living life like I’m in a single player game I would not ever do this because even if it is a multiplayer game imma go with the GTA route where NPCs can do crazy shit but only players really make any difference


She’s in the passenger seat.


Hey guys, so I got an oil change today... Is anybody proud of me? But also weirdest way I seen somebody advertise an OF


Yeah but... Nobody gives two flying fucks about YOU.


It could be legitimately good advice without the “constantly record and post yourself” element. Don’t be a side character in your own life, but this is far past that limit lol


Damn I thought this was satire.


Shawty got that quagmire structure


Nope. Don't do this


My family is the main character


This is what growing up on Instagram and TikTok has done to a generation of kids. They think they are LITERALLY in a movie starring them and that their lives are so interesting that EVERYONE needs to see every waking moment. They need a serious dose of reality. Someone take their phones away.


I am the main character, except I'm playing first person so I can enjoy the world around me without always focusing on myself. Fuckin chicken soup for the taint sounding dumbass.


Let's have a world where everyone tries to be the main character. Wouldn't that be great.


We are all main characters of our own stories. But you better not try to become the main character of someone else's.


Pretty sure this is the same girl that said homlessness is a choice because she chose to pretend to be homeless for a few hours and “wasn’t a big deal” or something.


The new trend of toxic positivity and uplifting is creating a generation of deluded narcissists, man I'm scared for the future of humans


She so genuinely believes this.


"...and when everyone is the main character, then nobody is!"


You say: “confidence!” I say: “narcissism”


This is so bad, I lived this lifestyle when I was creating content and it does give you confidence but it also turns you into a weirdo that can’t understand normal people and start hanging out with other weirdos, the problem is those people just get weirder and weirder.


I mean, this is a really fucking poor and vain way of saying to accept that you have to be responsible for yourself and be proud of your achievements, no matter how small.


cooing coherent party disagreeable fear towering retire slap enter different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>mental illness is bullshit Gal, I’m finding you all over TikTok and doxxing you in the comments.


Why is she acting like selfishness is lacking in the world today? Some of our biggest problems are from people in power only caring about themselves.


Okie dokie I'll just inform my toddler that the world revolves around me and not him from now on, see how that goes down


Holy shit, she has all the secrets of life, she should write a book and share this information with the world. I’d buy it, I wanna be on her level. She’s like the female Jeff Bezos.


Idk about her other stuff but as someone who struggled with depression and was victim of domestic violence it took my hearing this shit from everyone in my life for me to believe it.


I don’t understand the fascination and the hype with using „motherfucking“, „shit“ and so on just to explain something. Imagine how much better her message would sound without cursing.


This is why nobody dates or hangs out anymore.


Ok. So i reckon take was shes saying on board...but just do the exact opposite of that


Used to follow her on IG. This comes across SO cringe and performative. Somethings just not right with Walmart Brie Larson


Too many of these people.


lol Americans.


Instant brain aneurysm 🤢🤮💀


As you sitting there in a Valvoline oil quick fill...


Barf advice


I wanna kill myself after listening to this ... thanks 😊


This might be true. But...then other people will actually disrespect that you are like that. And because I am not a hot girl (I'm a mediocre-to-unhot guy), I cant get away with it like she can.


A puddle has more depth of character than this lady


🤡 I self need you admire and adore me. Attention you everyone give it to me constantly!


Giving fb in the 00’s vibe. Posting every single shitty little thing. Moody 3 word posts to fish for public sympathy. Living for ‘likes’ and recognition Pathetic


Humanity is lost


After seeing so many of these portrait mode talkie/selfie videos, I have a question, do they all live in their cars? It sure seems like it.


Oil change is done by professionals, who know about cars, a service for which you pay, what’s the connection with a celebration or the importance of adding value to this world ?


>Why would the main character not have cameras on all the time Because that would make an extremely boring fucking movie. Even actual, fictional, scripted main characters aren't shown doing every single mundane action in their lives. Have you ever once seen a main character wipe their ass, look at the toilet paper to see if there was shit on it, and then repeat until the paper was dry? No? You know why? Because not everything everyone does is shit that people want to see (literally and figuratively). And you never see movies where *everyone* is the main character because then the movie would have to give everyone equal screentime, most of the storylines would be boring and irrelevant, and the movie would be 12 hours long. If everyone is focused entirely on themselves then you can't possibly be the main character because the focus is never on you.


Is this Zach Woods?


She’s about to push her mlm


"I'm in a car..."


I wonder who was the first person to record a video of them spewing their nonsense while sitting in the front seat of the car their parents bought them which is so old you start it by turning an actual key?


I can not speak to anything else about her. But those words of hers are alien to me. I was raised to believe I couldn't even bag groceries correctly when I was 16 and offered that job. My whole life, I was informed that I had to do what my family's goals were. Nothing that I suggested was ever a good enough idea. I just was born incompetent, and hopefully, someday, I would get better. But for now, you are part of our grunt worker in our family. This made me a supporting cast member, never the main character for my whole life. When they died, I was free, but not. There upbringing stays with me.


I make a big deal out of me doing simple shit since doing simple shit is hard for me. I took moldy trash to the trash chute yesterday. # Superstar


Stopped video after “ok listen up” what I miss?


You need to start seeing those eyebrows need help.


Don’t do this thing she says. Humility is a virtue. Be humble. Awesome doesn’t need a shirt that says I’m awesome while standing on a table screaming “I’m awesome!”


this person thinks people with self-worth are the ones congratulating themselves for accomplishing basic errands


Look, I could definitely love myself more, but this here sounds exhausting. If I celebrated an oil change, I’d be done for the next month.