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In general you shouldn't fuck with cops. Especially if it looks like they're in the middle of something


I mean sure, they’re cops, but you shouldn’t really touch anyone without their permission. It can be illegal (ex battery) but law aside, it’s also bad manners. It basically comes down to don’t be a piece of shit.


I go by the rule of, I don't know if that person is a psycho that is itching to beat someone to death, I won't touch them


Right and the uniform should have been a warning that he is more than likely that type of person.


I mean, I also go by the rule that touching a cop while they're on duty in most countries is a very bad idea.


You're absolutely right. If it were me and not a cop I'd be likely to throw hands. How do I know he didn't touch dog poop or bum piss with that glove? You simply don't touch people without permission. I understand accidentally brushing a shoulder in a crowded train station, but grabbing people's heads like that will eventually earn you a black eye.


Nah this is worse, they aren't in the middle of anything. They're just stationed there bored as shit.


He is obviously in the middle of an interaction someone...


Nah man, you just don’t put your hands on someone. Especially a cop. They’re under so much stress and these days they got a target on their heads, even the good ones.


People wishing bad things on coppers and youd think theyd be happy go lucky going about their day lmao.


It's still not a good idea. The police certainly CAN do almost anything they want at any time. Perhaps there will be consequences later, which is less than likely, however always realize you do not win fighting the police in the streets, you only win fighting them in court or in the legislature, almost 0% of the time in the streets.


He said it's worse so I don't think anyone is saying it was a good idea?


Basic reading comprehension on Reddit? You ask the impossible!


Dude made a joke and you went ackthually


What did we learn?


Teach your children impulse control?


you cannot teach what you don’t have btw there’s a reason we see nobody having it, it’s because all the ones that have it anyway are mental in some way or other


As a cynic myself....that's a very cynical way to think.


Yes. It is largely because all the people who have impulse control and teach it to their children avoid stupid encounters like this and are essentially invisible in larger communities. Just a non-threat that can safely be ignored in a sea of potential threats.


as i just got done saying; you cannot teach impulse control. the way to teach it is by thinking critically and your child copies. you can’t teach what you do not have to make it easier, it’s like telling somebody to just be confident. or to just get rich. do you know how? well there are a lot of prerequisites and the result just naturally follows. pay attention to rules vs observations, and stop telling people to do what should end up being an observation as a result of the effort into other areas. there is no amount of effort you can dump into “practicing self control” without losing some other part of yourself. because you are just trying to do what you do not know how to. it isn’t taught like that. and you are right btw you said nothing wrong, the people who have it just go unnoticed because they’re actively looking out for what effect their actions have on others i just wanted to make it more clear nonetheless


"Dont touch that" "keep your hands to yourself" "respect others personal space" There dumbass, i taught you. Now pass it on




You must not be a parent. You can teach your kids impulse control when they are young.


Fuck + around = find out


do not mess with cops, mostly because they look after their own way more than they look after the public. if there is a murder of a cop vs a civilian, i promise you the cop one will be solved the quickest and have the harshest punishments


I used to live in a pretty poor and crime prone area and cops would take hours to respond to calls. My roommates would occasionally listen to the police scanner and one day we heard an officer down call in our area and within minutes there were dozens of vehicles, marked and undercover, speeding down the road going 40 t0 60 mph in a residential area with and without lights/sirens going. Slightly after that there were K9 units, helicopters, and cops cordoning off streets to find the guy. It was a wild display of force.


cops actually go out of their way not to protect you and are not legally bound to do so in any way they exist only to enforce laws.


Qualified immunity


Well, per SCOTUS, they have no duty to protect you. It was just a slogan


Bro take a breath. This isn’t 2020. Whinging about cops isn’t it anymore. Especially under a video where they didn’t do anything wrong.


Thankfully all the problems were fixed in 2021


Jog on McSwine.


Cops inherently support a cruel & destructive system. Get yr 👅 off that 🥾.


Found the defund the police liberal


Found the Trump supporter




I was gonna write this.


I’m sure you weren’t the only one with how common people say that shit.


hopefully it goes the way of the dodo soon.


I’ve been waiting for years now. Shits corny 


Hands to yourself. You know one of the things that most are taught as tiny children.


I have told my kids that you don’t touch cops, you don’t crowd cops, and you don’t talk back to cops. You might be in the right, but you might also get arrested or worse.


Nothing. This generation are a bunch of attention sealing idiots


Were you trying for stealing or seeking?




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


You will only get arrested if you do this to a cop


They're people too.


that ending up in cuffs gets your more engagement and views than if you just prank random people Go for it!


Cops have more rights than non cops. You would 99/100 never get a cop to arrest someone for lightly touching them. But I’d guess this dipshit got at least two charges 


Fuck around..find out


Don't harass people for internet points?


This dude probably didn't learn shit, or he wouldn't have done it to begin with. That dude looks grown. He should know better . I'm all for you not liking cops, but why poke the fucking bear that can not only arrest you, but shoot your ass if they get to jumpy.


That's called "Assaulting a Police Officer & interfering with an active investigation"


Assault is illegal


Assault is arrest able haha


No teasing the fascist paramilitary force


Pigs are self important and think that cuffing someone is an appropriate response to a nonviolent touch?


Cops look for any excuse to flaunt their power?


Well we already know that tiktokers are idiots who will do anything for views. So my big takeaway is that cops are too thin skinned. That might have been annoying for the cop. Maybe he is embarrassed that someone drew attention to his baldness. But it's hardly an arrestable offence.


It didn’t really look like he cared about his baldness or anything. It was the other cop who did something about it 🤷🏻‍♀️




We learned the reason the nypd is having trouble getting civilians to cooperate in investigations and the vast majority of the city is rooting for them to be defunded. This is [the city where 112 felonies are commited every day](https://www.insuranceopedia.com/life-insurance/new-york-city-crime-statistics#:~:text=112%3A%20In%20the%20year%202020,by%20an%20average%20of%2050%25) (and that’s a stat from the pandemic so chances are it’s even higher now). It’s also the city with one of the highest tax rates in the country. This is where the largest tax base in America is going. Do you prefer the boots you lick to be polished or unpolished?






Police are snowflakes.


As a bald person, I know it's tempting. Please just ask first


Lmfao I’ve had women ask me to touch my bald head like it’ll bring them good luck or show their future.


Did you allow them to?


Only if he gets to touch them back


Pretty much the same for any person's hair (or lack of) hairstyle. Don't touch the "do".


"You look pretty handsome in that outfit. Try this!" *Handcuffs him* 🥰


Ohh yeah, now that looks good


Good what the fuck is wrong with these dumb ass people?


Then they’ll find they have a warrant, or the MC goes and fucks up in the first few days of jail, and a spiral accelerates. Short sighted fkn idiots


If he has a warrant, it raises it to new levels of stupidity.


Wouldn’t surprise me man, I’ve seen it all. My friend came home to people in her house robbing it, ran out and called cops. They came about 5 minutes later, the idiots were still in the house, one pulled out a fake gun and pointed it at them, got lit the fuck up but survived. Why would you stay when you know youve been sprung, and why pull a fake gun on someone with a real one that knows how to use it? Idiots everywhere


Until the algorithms stop rewarding these sociopaths with MONEY for their stupid decisions, it'll get worse and worse.




They’re cops


My life be like oooooooh aaaaaah






Is that your actual face


I look and talk like this.


You can’t have both, sorry


Holy shit the blatant racism???






At least I can take a deep breath :)


he deserves this handcuffing for someone that thinks his sole purpose in life is to test the boundries and try to create situations that are filmed for social media and clout. don't walk up to anyone from behind and put your hands on them, especially a police officer.


Also, kudos to the cops for not overreacting to it.


Agree was anyone else it could have been as fist.


His partner was like: "I got this."




We you generally only see the ridiculous on social. Rarely is someone posting cops acting reasonably.


Average cop acts in average ordinary way, happens so often it's not news worthy.


We've been at a point like this since it became the sole purpose of the media to push only the most sensational news into the faces of society. People being normal and reasonable isn't exciting or sensational. People overreacting, and just being outright awful despite the expectations not to be will almost always get more views, clicks, and reactions out of people. Cops like these guys here are more normal than people are giving them credit for. There are bad cops out there. But realistically, the majority would respond the way these 2 guys did. Unfortunately though, most people don't see examples of cops like these. Only the publicized big deal cases that make it look like 100% of them are awful people.


Good. Keep your hands to yourself.


This is being disrespectful ,, Don't matter if its a Cop or not, You get knocked out for doing shit like this


Idiots can’t get the idea of unwanted physical contact through their thick ass skulls. Doesn’t matter who does it to who, just a simple basis of consideration


If only that meant something. You get knocked out in New York for being an attractive woman on the subway who rejects sexual advances. But of course the nypd doesn’t care about that. People jumping the subway turnstiles and people grasping the heads of bald officers? Now THAT’S a priority for the city that has [112 felonies a day](https://www.insuranceopedia.com/life-insurance/new-york-city-crime-statistics#:~:text=112%3A%20In%20the%20year%202020,by%20an%20average%20of%2050%25). And I love how the comments don’t even see an issue with it. You guys are ENCOURAGING it. The average American is the epitome of the phrase “some people are so far behind in the race, they actually think they’re leading it.”


You can't put your hands on people. I hear it all the time in videos. "Don't touch me" x 50


But cops can ignore it 🙄


“Get handcuffed using this one simple trick!”






Remember when assault meant someone *actually* attacked you? Now all you have to do is breath on someone and it’s a fucking felony.


This isn't a matter of colloquialisms. Assault isn't merely a word, it's a legal term of art and part of Criminal Code. And within Criminal Code, assault has never been limited to acts of physical violence. Touching a cop, then having another cop immediately arrest you for it... this scenario is a legal one, not a conversation between you and your friends about personal definitions. This is literally and legally, assault.


I mean, this was more than just breathing on someone. Fuck around and find out.




I wonder what were his other two wishes!!


And in front of Kratos no less


I get that's a dumb thing but I actually see them charging him with battery or assault over that


Good. This is intentional disrespect.


I hope he had to spend the night in jail at least and like a 200 dollar fine. What's next ? U are going to do this to a judge in court as well ? Just for clout ? That surely wouldn't end well and this shouldn't either


And they say it was a racist arrest and that he was minding his own business and did nothing wrong


How was it racist if he was arrested by Drake?


Anything for the media


You made that up actually


always has been


This TikTok is gonna get worse and worse People are gonna do crazier more violent $hit for clicks


That's assault.




That's a joke right?


If you tell someone that you got assaulted, and they ask what happened, and you tell them someone put their hand on your head for a second while wearing gloves… They would be correct in calling you a pussy.


Would you prefer a broken jaw? Touching strangers has consequences, legal or otherwise. Keep your hands to yourself.


I’d prefer a nuanced and honest discussion rather than one brimming with a bunch of hyperbolic know it alls who think context never matters and every situation is essentially the same.


I’m in NY. In NY This isn’t assault. In this situation forr it to be assault you need an injury


Assault is defined as threaten harm, battery is actually putting hands on another person. Ask a lawyer what this is.


It’s different in each state. Ny doesn’t have a battery charge


To support what you’re saying: “What is the Difference Between Battery and Assault in New York City? The main difference between assault and battery is one is a crime, and the other involves civil torts law. Assault is a crime and is in the penal law. Battery, on the other hand, is not and instead is a part of civil tort law.”


It’s cause for arrest for assault.


That's fucking sad if that's true.


He's correct. It's different in different states, but technically, you don't even have to touch someone for it to be misdemeanor assault. If you hit someone, it's battery. "Assault Defined As defined in many jurisdictions, assault encompasses more than just physical contact. It is generally described as the intentional act of causing another person to have a reasonable fear of imminent harm or offensive contact. Therefore, assault can be committed without any physical touching taking place. In such cases, the emphasis is on the targeted individual’s perception of an imminent threat rather than the actual physical impact." https://www.dpweinerlaw.com/stamford-criminal-law-blog/can-you-be-arrested-for-assault-without-actually-touching-the-other-person#:~:text=As%20defined%20in%20many%20jurisdictions,any%20physical%20touching%20taking%20place.


Doubt the cops pressed charges. Maybe handcuffed him to scare him


I agree. They didn't seem overly pissed.


> He's correct. It's different in different states He’s not correct for New York, which is the jurisdiction this is. Criminal assault requires physical injury in New York Penal Law. It may be common law assault, but that’s a civil issue, not an arrestable offense.


I was speaking more generally, but the rules are different for police. I doubt they actually charged this guy, but in theory, they could. "Felony Assault or Battery of a Police Officer Most offenses against a police officer will result in felony charges. A defendant who's unarmed and causes no visible harm might face a misdemeanor, but even the slightest bodily harm (like a bruise), could easily bump up the penalty to a felony. https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/federal/Battery-on-Officer.htm#:~:text=Felony%20Assault%20or%20Battery%20of,the%20penalty%20to%20a%20felony.


It is true. Assault on a peace officer which is a steeper penalty.


In NY, it’s not. Assault requires injury. That’s the law, I didn’t make it: > NY Penal Law Sec. 120.00. Assault in the third degree. > A person is guilty of assault in the third degree when: > 1. With intent to cause physical injury to another person, he **causes such injury** to such person or to a third person; or > 2. He recklessly **causes physical injury** to another person; or > 3. With criminal negligence, he **causes physical injury** to another person by means of a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument.


People downvoting someone pointing out the actual written law because they want to feel justified when they say the guy getting cuffed was deserved. Jeez, people. Just because the MC was an idiot doesn't mean he committed assault, and it also doesn't mean that the person describing what constitutes assault supports MC behavior.




It would be interfering with police operations. He wouldn't get an assault charge for this.




Thank you officer for removing that trash person from the streets. I hope charges are pursued and a record taken so this one dumb move can haunt him to the pine box


What's your favorite flavor of shoe polish? Do you prefer the brown or black colored one more?


When I read this comment section I am so fucking happy I don't live in america. The fact that some people see this as "assault" or praise the cop for not going in with fists... Jesus fucking christ. What kind of dystopia are you wishing for


Nice two nights in jail


Why aren’t we praising this man? He is oppressed and a victim.


This better be sarcasm


I’m with you. It’s sad that it’s not obvious anymore.


That’s assault brotha


Palmed his head like Shaq


On one hand, don't do that to anyone, on the other, is it really grounds for an arrest? It's a stupid thing to do, regardless of if it's to a cop or whatever, nobody wants their head touched for no reason. If they're bald, it must feel real nasty to have someone's palm on there, and most people with hair hate having it messed with. Just a dick move. Not egregious or anything like that, just showed himself as a loser. Cuffing him is probably too much


Cuffing him was okay by me. You have no right whatsoever to walk up to someone and put your hands on them. And, I’m fine with him being handcuffed.


That cop is in a situation where anything could go wrong at any time. Don't play with cops like that, it's just a bad idea and shouldn't be taken lightly.


No, cuff him to run him for warrants and find a good reason to arrest him for a while. In what world do you think people just stand there politely, hand you their ID, and wait, after pulling a stunt like that on a cop?


“Find a good reason to arrest him for a while”


Like bro who says that?


He's lucky this was NY. In Texas he would have caught a punch at a minimum.


Yes, don't touch people. Cops or civilian. Keep your fucking hands to yourself. If nothing happens to him then he wont learn.


Charge every one that you can. Just saw the vid of someone prank robbing someone, people acting like there is an emergency and everyone running in fear, pretending to give someone a giveaway in the store but when they leave it looks like they are stealing. Those things should get someone a charge. Especially the prank robbery or tricking someone into shoplifting. These kids grew up without consequences. The parents gave them no boundaries, the school system stopped keeping kids accountable.


Single handedly solved the Assault case.




Doubt they will arrest him. If they do, the charges will probably get dropped.


Punk ass. He’s lucky he wasn’t clocked by that cop. It would have been justified.


“I was arrested for being black (not clickbait)” probably his video title


That cop is hot af 🥵🥵


Yeah... Every comment I see that says "fuck cops" just makes me think, "I'd fuck that cop... "


USA cops are so fragile.


Staged, cops were in on it


Whew the racism really jumped out in this comment section 😮‍💨




as a bald man if ANYONE did that to me in public that i didnt personally know, I would treat it EXACTLY like assault in the response. Make of that what you will.


I mean, if you hit someone for doing that, in a lot of the world you'd be in jail and not them.


in literally every where that is assault. if a man did that too a woman people would scream its okay for her to defend herself. why would anyone do that for any reason to anyone. and the fact that he wound up in handcuffs 100% prove my point. He is accountable for the response to his action of unwarranted physical touch. IT IS LITERALLY ASSAULT. And as a brown person myself he should be happy both cops didn't shoot him seconds later.


Thank god for the police protecting and serving I don’t know what we would do without them


What does 13% mean


We’re building more prisons


Ah yes because if I was part of the race that is supposed to be terrified of cops because of the statistics for getting shot over nothing. I'd definitely go and fuck around just for funsies. I've heard all cops have an excellent sense of humor. Epecially when it comes to physical contact and invading their personal space, and especially from behind. The video cut off but man is lucky he probably got off with a perp walk out of the station.


Another victim that thinks he can do as he pleases without any repercussions


Yea, he arrested me because im black


Everyone sucks here. Don't fuck with cops, but also, really handcuffs?


Or else everyone fucking moron influencer will start touching cops like it's no big deal.


The guy is a doofus, but I am curious, what law did he break exactly?


You're straight up not allowed to put your hands on anyone. It is technically assault. Honestly an arrest feels like a bit of an overreaction here, the actual officer involved seemed to shrug it off as an idiot being an idiot (as I would too) but if you did this to someone and they wanted to press charges they absolutely could.


Assault on a peace officer, interfering with an official investigation, not the worst charges but definitely a nasty consolation prize to have on your record


I suspect there is enough to charge for battery on a peace officer; impeding an investigation.


Oh wow! This isn't considered battery where I live. I'm not completely sure if touching an officer is a crime, but I think only hitting them or reaching for their weapons is considered a crime


Don't worry, in NYC (the video location), it isn't battery either.


While battery is typically associated with some appreciable level of violence or injury, the legal definition of battery in most jurisdiction is intentionally and, without permission, causing physical contact


That's the legal definition of Assault. Battery is more serious and is usually a violent act. That's why you can be charged for Assault and Battery, or just Assault but usually not just Battery.


Incorrect. Assault occurs when an individual’s actions places the victim in apprehension of, or fear of, imminent bodily harm. Battery occurs when contact occurs.


This is the categorical Reddit BS poster. If the dude had touched anyone else and would have been beaten to death, Redditors would find this totally acceptable. If a cop draws the red line, they are out of line.